I am a native speaker of English and an experienced American Online English teacher (via SKYPE with Chinese, Korean, Italian, Chilean, Emirate and Russian students. I hold an undergraduate degree in English/Economics (B.A. Louisiana State University, 1966), a Masters in Teaching (M.A.T., Northwestern University, 1974) and I completed all requirements for the Ph.D. (save the Dissertation) in Special Education and Instructional Design (University of Oregon, 1980).
I can teach EAP, Conversational English, Business English, IELTS, TOEFL and SAT Language Preparation, Business Writing and related skills.
I also coach students in their efforts to be admitted to top American universities by coaching them to: 1) develop an overall admission strategy and monitoring their timeline for progress, 2) research internships and service opportunities stateside, 3) consult with admission offices of preferred universities and d) arrange campus visitations. I also provide detailed and pertinent coaching on admission essays and "holistic interviewing" strategies.
Regarding my online English classes, my students love them because I teach English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in a conversational context with instruction geared to a student's proficiency level. My classes are demanding but fun. My homework assignments, tailored to each student, prove pertinent and helpful.
INSTRUCTION: I tailor my instruction to your specific goals for learning English. I use a lexical approach in my vocabulary teaching in a conversation format and I invite listening, speaking, writing and pronunciation practice as needed. I can build or locate a glossary of vocabulary words for intensive instruction with you--words that have a high frequency of use in your profession. I also have wide access to instructional materials that I can share with you at no expense to you. I take a personal interest in my students and frequently I assign homework which I edit/grade for my students and/or I send articles/websites I know will be of interest to students.