>Are you still studying English with an off-line teacher? That is just impractical in various ways. Please start studying English with me on skype right now, and you will be able to find how interesting and practical the skype English is.//아직도 귀하는 현장학습 선생님들과 영어공부를 하세요? 그것은 여러 가지 면에서 정말 비실용적입니다. 지금 바로 저와 화상영어를 시작해보세요, 그러면 귀하는 화상영어가 얼마나 재미있고, 실용적인가를 알게 되실 겁니다.
=Video clips for your confirming how good my pronunciation is.(다음 비디오를 통해 제 발음을 확인하세요)
-Self-introduction Youtube Video : https://youtu.be/BvHyaE0nMJ8
-Class Video : https://vimeo.com/54644755
=My picture below shows that I am teaching English on skype by using mobile. (아래 사진은 핸드폰을 이용해서 화상영어를 하는 장면임.)
=Name: Gladys
=Gender: Female
=Age: 26 years old
=Nationality: Philippines
=Current location: Uiwang city, Gyeonggido, Korea
=Pronunciation: Please confirm through my videos above
=Graduated from a reputable university in Philippines./Most outstanding graduate among 3,000 graduates
=Major subject: Mathematics//Minor subject: English
=Teaching experiences
-2009 to 2012: Taught Mathematics to American and Korean (elementary to high school students) who were living in Philippines.
-August 2012 to August 2013: Taught English to Korean elementary students at Hagwon in Anyang (Korea)
**September 2013(Skype English)~~~: I have taught English by skype since September 2013.(2013년 9월부터 화상으로 영어를 가리치고 있음)
I am now successfully teaching adult student from Korea and Middle East.(현재는 한국과 중동 지역의 성인 학생들을 가르치고 있습니다.)
@TRIAL(free): 40 -50 minutes free of charge//무료체험 학습 40 - 50분
You can study with me without paying any fee for 40 - 50 minutes.//시험학습(40 - 50분)을 무료로 하실 수 있습니다.
**Contact information**
=Tel: 82-10-7189-2071
=Email address: hivivacom@daum.net