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Online Schools Looking For Tutors: $25-$30 per hour. Students are 3 to 9 years old Chinese kids
Ginny Liu
- 2018-03-29
An online education company are recruiting Part Time Online ESL teachers for 3 to 9 years old Chinese kids . The teachers will teach English at home by using online software and well-developed courses.
Teachers will be paid $24-$30 per hour, generally 3-5 hours per week, payment made monthly or weekly. Typical class time will be in the morning or the afternoon (Beijing Time) on weekdays.
We hope you are English native speaker from North America, Australia or Phillipines and have consistent passion and patience on teaching young kids.
If interested, please send your resume to

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Online Schools Looking For Tutors: $25-$30 per hour. Students are 3 to 9 years old Chinese kids