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Travel Tips

Live Abroad Or Stay Here?
By:Jason Shane

Shall I live abroad or should I stay here? That's the question asked by many people every year. Many people have the dream of moving to an exotic country to either build their careers, settle down, or just live a different lifestyle. Some people end up carrying out this dream, others for whatever reason don't. Whether it's changing dreams, lack of income or lack of opportunity, things don't always go as we plan. But for those that do manage to move to their area of interest, is life really greener on the other side?

Well, it depends on the person. And the location. Some people will end up having the time of their lives, others will be back home in a few months time not really wanting the change anymore.

There are many factors to consider when deciding to up and leave, such as the things you leave behind. Loved ones such as family will obviously be missed, but friends maybe even more so. Friends are the ones that are there for us when we're down, and the ones we share the finer moments in life with. You could always make new friends abroad, but in reality, life long friends aren't that easy to come by.

And what about loved ones? You may be planning to move abroad for a while then a partner comes into your life. Is it worth leaving this person behind?

There's also the issue of work, how would you survive out there? Many people choose to take their chances, saving up so they've a few months to survive on without work, and hope to find work in that period. For some it works, for others it doesn't. If you can get a job before you move abroad this is ideal, but of course, not always possible.

Moving abroad really depends on the individual. It takes a strong character to move abroad by themselves, starting from scratch. For that reason I admire those that decide to do this, but wouldn't think about moving abroad myself. There's too many things I'd miss about home, my family and friends are here, and I like the culture my country brings. If I ever decided it was too noisy, I'd probably move to a more quiet part of the country... But that's just me.

If you decide to move abroad, make sure you've thought it through and be sure you'd be able to handle the hard times till you settle in. But as I've been told, those hard times can seriously end up being worth it.

Jason Shane writes on many subjects, from travel destinations to swimming resources, and lots more. He has many websites, his latest being Mens Swimming Trunks, a website showing you what to look for in a pair of Mens Swimming Trunks - http://www.mensswimmingtrunks.net/about-mens-swimming-trunks.html.

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