Our certificate and license are issued upon successful completion of acknowledged CETC TEIL courses. The course itself is a comprehensive combination of TESL TEFL TESOL training programs and having completed it teachers acquire professional skills needed for teaching English and classroom work on any level. most of the countries in need of qualified TEFL TEIL TESOL TESL teachers will reconsider their criteria of hiring teachers of English and the license will be the milestone for choosing the best. Currently such countries as Canada, USA, China, Japan, S. Korea, most of Middle East and European countries are gradually reshuffling their English teachers hiring policies to meet Internationally set standards. In addition, CETC has authority to grant "Certificate of Good Standing" to institutions allowing them to enter a database of recognized schools where English teaching quality matches International TESOL. Welcome to the English Teacher's World!

Messages In This Thread
- TESOL Certification (School News/Adverts) -- TESOL Training 22 April 2005
- hmmm.... (Questions About Schools) -- Henry 22 April 2005
- Unreasonable caution (to Henry) (Resources) -- Chris 26 August 2005
- hmmm.... (Questions About Schools) -- Henry 22 April 2005