TESOL SCAM? HELP (Questions About Schools)
I just got offered this great special to do a DipTESOL through the 'regent international univerity'(www.regentinternational.net) and they reckon that no experience or qualificaitons are nessassary to do this course. I am very skeptical and was curious when i saw that other courses do have requirements before you can do the course. Can you help me? Have you heard of this university?
Do you think this is a scam? I can't find much on the net about it or even where it is supposed to be located?

Messages In This Thread
- TESOL SCAM? HELP (Questions About Schools) -- Tameka 17 April 2006
- ESL at regentinternational.net (School News/Advert) -- Silvia 10 July 2006
- Re: ESL at regentinternational.net - Cambridge DELTA or Trinity TESOL -- Alex Case 26 September 2008
- ESL at regentinternational.net (School News/Advert) -- Silvia 10 July 2006