Re: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (Resources)
In Response To: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (General) (Walt Puciata)
Hi Walt,
You might like to have a look at the website of the Christian English Language Educators Association (formerly CETC). This is a U.S. based organisation.
Also, check out our own website: www.itnuk.com We're an organisation specialising in giving professional TESOL teacher training to Christians. We run 5-week and 1-week courses in Bournemouth, U.K. as well as online courses.
Best wishes,

Messages In This Thread
- Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (General) -- Walt Puciata 21 August 2008
- Re: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (Resources) -- International Training Network 12 June 2009
- Re: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (Resources) -- Eric Roth 20 September 2008
- www.englishinaction.we.bs (Resources) -- verne wortman 4 September 2008
- Re: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (Resources) -- Eric Roth 20 September 2008
- Re: Can someone please direct me to a forum for Christian ESL schools or teachers? (Resources) -- International Training Network 12 June 2009