15 December 2009
I'm a non-native ESL teacher in Toronto. I was born and raised in the Middle East,but started learning English as a kid. Like you,I'm very fluent and have an excellent pronunciation. I've got a BA in English teaching from back home,(I was an EFL teacher there)and got my TESL degree here in Toronto at Seneca College. You definitely need to get a Canadian degree! Without that,chances of getting a decent teaching job will be so little for you. My TESL degree has helped me find really good jobs at private schools at first, and then in colleges. I'm teaching at Seneca and used to work for Geroge Brown college as well. Finding a full time job will be very difficult, but you'll always have so many part-time job opportunities. Most need experienced teachers. Start with volunteering if you're not experienced, and make your way up from there! Getting your master's could be your next step to become full-time.
Good Luck!
P.S. College TESL programs (specially Seneca's and GBC's)are valid and highly respected everywhere. Save your money by not going to universities for getting a TESL degree!

Messages In This Thread
- Non-native teachers in Canada/UT Cert TESOL VS CELTA (CELTA vs TESOL, Native_Speakers) -- Penny 11 December 2009
- Re: Non-native teachers in Canada/UT CertTESOL VS CELTA (CELTA vs TESOL, Native_Speakers) -- Golnaz 15 December 2009
- Re: Non-native teachers in Canada/UT CertTESOL VS CELTA (CELTA vs TESOL, Native_Speakers) -- Penny 27 February 2010
- Re: Non-native teachers in Canada/UT CertTESOL VS CELTA (CELTA vs TESOL, Native_Speakers) -- Golnaz 15 December 2009