Re: TESOL LinguaEdge-Online
In Response To: TESOL LinguaEdge-Online (Questions About Schools) (Blake)
First off, take a look here where courses have been reviewed by former students: http://www.teflcoursereview.com/courses/type/online-courses/
This type of course is for new teachers in entry-level jobs (as are most online courses). A CELTA is a high-end qualification which I'd only advise people to take if they've got a few years experience as its very intensive and demanding. Maybe after you've taught for a few years and learnt the basics you can go for a CELTA?

Messages In This Thread
- TESOL LinguaEdge-Online (Questions About Schools) -- Blake 3 December 2009
- Re: TESOL LinguaEdge-Online -- ICAL Pete 4 December 2009