Re: is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class
In Response To: is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class (Questions About Schools) (Sierra)
The most common requirements are a degree plus a TEFL certificate. For entry level jobs there is not much difference between the different types of TEFL certs (i.e. online or in-house) provided they are from a reputable provider.
To see which providers are good, check out http://teflcoursereview.com which has indepdenent reviews from former students.

Messages In This Thread
- is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class (Questions About Schools) -- Sierra 22 October 2009
- Re: is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class -- Jenny 31 October 2009
- Re: is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class -- ICAL Pete 22 October 2009
- Re: is it better to take a shorter or longer tesol certificate class -- Jenny 31 October 2009