By/Re:Most likely no
14 September 2009
14 September 2009
In Response To: Australian Training Academy (Questions About Schools) (TESOL)
It seems absurd that institutions in a bid to profiteer from the industry would keep introducing these meaningless qualifications. Yu have more than enough qualifications. You have a masters in English and bachelor of education. What possible rationalisation could there be to have a cert 4. You are amply qualified, and you are just contemplating unecessary layers, a total duplication of effort. In terms of it being well known, what was it called again. My goodness, it is similiar to the cert four in work place training and assessment just another means of extracting money. It is the old ploy of create a need and people will think they need it. It amazes me too that someone can have a degree in education or tesol and are then told they need a CELTA. These CELTA courses are okay for those who have no formal education at a tertiary institution but they are no substitute for it. If you go overseas with a CELTA without a degree you will not get far, let alone mentioning some obscure certificate four. On the other hand if you mention your MA in English and Bachelor of education, you will have many doors open to you. At some stage we have to call these pseudo training courses for what they are: and that is a means of creating a niche market for those naive enough to be distracted by their claims to being invaluable.

Messages In This Thread
- Australian Training Academy (Questions About Schools) -- TESOL 29 August 2009
- CELTA -- Most likely no 14 September 2009