Bad language schools in Australia (General)
13 September 2009
13 September 2009
I would like to know how many teachers would be honest enough to share their problems with various language schools in Australia. Indeed any students who have had problems with language schools in Australia. We should create a site that names and shames bad schools. For too long the ESL industry has been saturated by bullies which include teachers, directors of studies, and those who are just nasty and mean spirited. I think this forum would be great for all of us who do not have a voice and feel we have been abused in this industry. It may be monetary, or being overworked, to wrongful allegations. It is fair to say, that there had been a lot in the media regarding the unscrupulous practices and double standards of these rogue schools. Surprisingly, if you talk to other ESL teachers or EFL they all invariably have one horror story. What we need here in this forum is to stop hiding away or shying away and thinking we have done something wrong or are somehow culpable. I believe most teachers are wanting to enjoy their teaching and make a difference, but for a myriad of perverse reasons that have to do with prejudice, money, corruption, collusion and nepotism, there are those who are making teachers afraid to teach. This in turn affects their self esteem and those of students. I ask you where is the collegiality, congeniality and professionalism that is sadly missing in this unregulated industry.