Dear Fellow Teachers and Hopeful Future Instructors,
CALLE - The Center for Applied Linguistics & Language Education is preparing to launch a new TEFL/TESOL certification program later this fall. We plan on the CALLE certification being the best, most in depth teacher training program available and are looking forward to offering it to you all soon.
As we finalize the curriculum and training modules, we would like to ask you all for input. Primarily we would like to hear from those looking for a certificate and from those whom have already taken a training course or whom are already teaching without a certificate. We want to know what things you would have liked to have seen in your training program or would like to see in a training program.
For instance, what sorts of things had you wished you had known or been trained in prior to beginning your teaching career?
Also, what particular grammar issues have been a challenge in either understanding or in figuring out how to effective explain to teach to your students?
Basically, any input you would like to provide is greatly appreciated. The more we hear from you the better we can make our program.
CALLE is a nonprofit charity whose mission is to improve the quality of and access to language and cultural education. Supporting teachers in the field is our mission and we always welcome any advice or opinions that can help us help you.
If you would like to let us know what you think, you may either reply to this thread, or email me directly: drew(dot)ward(at)CALLEteach(dot)org
(sorry for the odd typing, but it's to protect against spambots)
Thanks in advanced,
Drew Ward