Cambridge ESOL is an affiliated business unit of Cambridge, but it's not academically connected to the university itself. It's more connected with their publishing division and is a for-profit company much like Trinity or ICAL. So don't give too much credence to the use of the word Cambridge as it's really only there so that you may get the impression of legitimacy much like that Canadian company calling itself Oxford Seminars (who actually have nothing at all to do with Oxford).
I think what he meant to convey regarding grammar is the fact that the vast majority of TEFL courses do not actually teach grammar. They give you a very quick and summarized run down of a bit of info about languages, a bit of classroom management, a bit about living in a foreign country, and some teaching techniques. But really they only give you just enough to get you started.
Neither CELTA, DELTA, Trinity or any of the ones advertised on this or any other site that are currently available actually teach enough grammar for you to be fully equipped for the classroom. The main reason is there is no time in these courses for it.
I'm working with a group right now to launch a new teacher training certificate program, and ours will have a substantial grammar section. BUT, ours also takes between 6-12 months to complete, so there is a trade off. Do you want sufficient training or do you want a piece of paper so you can go get a job. That's a decision the hopeful teacher has to make.
I know that's not a simple answer, but I hope it helps...
Drew Ward

Messages In This Thread
- CELTA TRAINING: Level of English grammar -- Yvonne 13 August 2009
- Re: CELTA (Resources) -- cunning linguist 1 September 2009
- Re: Yvonne -- CHI and Ontesol 20 August 2009
- Re: CELTA and English grammar -- ICAL Pete 17 August 2009
- Re: CELTA -- Yvonne 19 August 2009
- Re: CELTA -- ICAL_Pete 29 August 2009
- Re: Yvonne -- Richard 21 August 2009
- Re: Yvonne -- Drew Ward (CALLE) 20 August 2009
- Re: Yvonne -- Richard 21 August 2009
- Re: CELTA -- ICAL_Pete 29 August 2009
- Re: Yvonne -- CHI and Ontesol 20 August 2009
- Re: CELTA (Resources) -- cunning linguist 1 September 2009