NIU (General)
I need to interview an ESL teacher about some topics of their program. Would anybody answer me some questions about their ESL program?
1. Briefly describe the curriculum you use to teach your ESL students. What text(s) do you use? Supplemental materials? What assessments are used?
2. What do you believe are the positive and negative aspects of using this curriculum?
3. What is the level of coordination with the mainstream curriculum?
4. Describe the social Integration and/or stigmatization your students face.
5. What are the Scheduling Issues that you face?
6. Describe your Teaching Facilities & (access to) Resources. Are they comparable to the genera!
education program?
7. What accommodations do the mainstream teachers offer the ELLs in your school?
I feel like I am asking to much, but this is going to be a great help.
please submit your collaborations to ecarpioxp@hotmail.com