I appreciate you took the time to forward your views. I want to apologize for not being clear in my post, you seem to have the wrong idea.
The entire website will be created by people in TEFL for people in TEFL. If were are lucky enough to be popular enough that we can sell advertising space, which is way in the future, then I would be profiting on my 1% of the profits because I will be sharing the profits with any member of the TEFL community who contributes. i hope that to be 100 or more so it would really pay me pocket money at best.
Otherwise information will be free of charge to users. This is a free service. You'll find that nearly every other information service website sells advertising space as a means to monetize their size. Dave's ESL cafe, TEFL.com TEFL.net, even on this site their is a advert on the home page. I wouldn't say it's profiteering on ESL.
I have had contact from people with experience of Teaching Young Learners, of running FCE exams. Imagine if these kind of people, who were actually working out in TEFL doing these kinds of jobs contributed to pages of a website related to their subjects of expertise. Wouldn't that be of great value to the TEFL/ESL community? What if they were to share their lesson plans with the community?
You are entitled to your opinion my friend, but if we any profit from this venture, it will be a small profit shared out between all the contributors. I can't see how you have come to your conclusions.

Messages In This Thread
- Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Roy 20 December 2014
- Advert: TEFL in Madrid -- TtMadrid 25 March 2015
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Silverboy 21 December 2014
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Roy 21 December 2014
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Beth 21 December 2014
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Beth 21 December 2014
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Beth 20 December 2014
- Re: Creating a TEFL community - help needed -- Silverboy 21 December 2014
- Advert: TEFL in Madrid -- TtMadrid 25 March 2015