18 September 2014
I agree about the racism.
During my last 6 months at EFDL, they hired a British girl.of Sri Lankan descent. She was qualified, loved teaching and wanted to teach for a year in China before moving to Sri Lanka to teach there.
We all had our pictures up on the teacher board in the main.foyer. When they added hers, she had been photoshopped to appear much lighter skinned than she was. She was mortified and I went directly to the CM to demand the original was used. They conceded, although insisted it 'must have been a problem.with the flash' !!!
White does not automatically equal better teacher... Unfortunately Chinese people have spent years being told what is acceptable and most don't question it any more.

Messages In This Thread
- Re: Foreign misfits in ESL -- Concerned Teacher 18 September 2014
- Re: Foreign misfits in ESL -- Beth 18 September 2014
- Re: Foreign misfits in ESL -- Beth 18 September 2014