Hi everyone,
I need suggestions/advice from anyone who is a master's degree graduate on the followings. It's about education,leadership,learning and change. Do you think my responses address the research questions? Does anyone know where I can get a model essay on education, leadership, learning and change?
1. Title:
My response: Effective leadership and its impact on schooling and learning.
2. Professional challenge
My response
- Leading in a context in which language education is perceived wrongly by stakeholders
- Dealing with a performance orientated curriculum and parents unrealistic expectations
- Local staff professional training concerns
- focusing more on the business of teaching and learning rather than dealing with more with non educational issues.
- Ever changing curriculum due to different requirements from parents.
3. Research questions
A. In what ways can effective leadership bring about a positive change in in an educational setting and how can this improve organisational learning?
B. How can school leaders effect changes and in what ways can this improve learning in an educational setting?
4. Key themes
My response.
A.Meaning and purpose of leadership
B. Connection between leadership and learning
C. The impact of leadership on student outcomes
- leaders should focus more on the business of teaching and learning in order to help students succeed.
- link between leadership and student outcomes
-leaders leaders help teachers to have a direct impact on students
-strategies to identify types of leadership impacts
- Transformational leadership versus Instructional leadership
-Integrated form of leadership
- meta-analysis & advantages- impact of different types of leadership
- high perming vs low performing schools
C. Learning how to learn and assessment for learning
- Education system to prepare students for future by building intellectual and social capital
-how Learning how to learn principles can be promoted in the classroom
- Elements of assessments for learning
- The contribution of Assessment for Learning to Learning how to learn vis-a-vis learning perspectives
D. Learning about learning
-Leaders should understand learning styles
E. Organisational learning
-How can leaders help organsational learning? to what extent should leaders involve teachers,parents and other stakeholders in school policies?
F. Strategies for effecting educational change and its complexity
- explore different meanings of change.
Thank you all for your input.

Messages In This Thread
- Course work assistance needed -- Sammy 24 January 2015