Hello everyone..
Ive been thinking about teaching overseas english for many years...and its finally time if Im ever going to do this...any advice would be greatly apprciated...After endless research I dont know who to trust anymore online...my situation is Id like yo do this but I have a recent misdemeanor conviction for simple battery..its was bs..I took it to avoid more legalities but nonetheless..I have a conviction at 39 years old..where could I trach if any? Would I be eligible? How much would this effect getting hired? I dont want to waste my time pursuing anything I cant get into..my positives are a teaching license (which is undersanctions because of the misdemenor )..Ive taught 7 years..ese..science..and world history..plus Im a coach all at the middle school level..Im also an honorable military vet...if you guys say its possible..where do I start..who do I go with? Job placement the whole shabang...please not just links but real info if anyone can spare the time..thanks so much in advance...I want to do this so bad!

Messages In This Thread
- Please advise on impact of misdemeanor conviction on teaching overseas -- John R. 29 December 2015