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D - 2010-06-20

Hello All,

Thank you so much for the very important information. I received an email for them and replied and signed the contract as well. However, after reading this blog I WILL NOT continue with the process. I've been scammed before and I will not be scammed again.

Thanks a lot!

Messages In This Thread
SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - (Western Union, fake job) -- Mr. Sam -- 2009-06-14
GIS Scam - Dr. Fred Walcott PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake jobs, England) -- CN -- 2011-03-30
Re GIS Scam - Dr. Jack Ford PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake job) -- Ross -- 2011-05-24
Re GIS Scam - Dr. Jack Ford PhD. Engineering Service Limited -- VH -- 2011-05-25
Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - (fake job) -- Victoria Edwards -- 2010-06-16
Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - (fake job) -- Turnoi -- 2010-06-16
Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - -- dev -- 2009-10-12
ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK Monday, October 5, 2009 (fake job, England) -- lin2 -- 2009-10-07
ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (fake job, England) -- b-ann -- 2009-10-05
Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (fake job, England) -- no clue -- 2009-10-06
Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (England, fake job, visa fee) -- October -- 2009-11-06
Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN ENGLAND (fake teaching job, visa) -- Jay -- 2009-10-15
Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - (fake job, England) -- Norm -- 2009-06-16
SCAM ALERT: Qualified English Teachers needed in England (fake job) -- Bessy -- 2010-02-18
Re: Qualified English Teachers needed in England -- D -- 2010-06-20
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