It seems there is another wave of black Africans pretending to be what they are not. I have in the last three weeks had three separate 'job offers' in the UK for private tutoring of two children and the wife. Fantastic salary around twice what a teacher can expect to be paid for such work in the UK. But in addition, he offers, transport, free accommodation, return air fares, annual holidays with pay, health insurance and such like.
He's a liar of course but makes himself sound plausible. Until you reply with a mouthful of invective and four letter words - and then he will send you back a threat to make you "Pay with your blood for insulting me"
What a loser! All who get offers from this crook and others making similar offers - steer clear of them no matter what they say they can do. For they only want your money -probably a reasonably small amount to cover the costs of immigration formalities. But if you are really hooked, then approach the British Embassy for advice on who can enter the UK for teaching or domestic 'nanny jobs. There are many teachers out of work in the UK right now and any one of them could easily satisfy these ridiculous bent offers. But even at good times only certain nationalities are acceptable for such work and you will need impeccable high-value British qualifications that are directly teaching-related. Of course you would only be considered if you were able to provde you had a confirmed offer from an educational institution accredited by the relevant authorities in the UK and that you are able to pay your way. He cannot provide any of that because he is a liar trying to part you from your money.
Do as I do, ruin their day by telling them in very plain language exactly what you think of them and then post your warning on here.
- Private Tutor in England (fake tutor job) -- DeePee -- 2010-02-21
- Re: Private Tutor in England -- Turnoi -- 2010-02-23