-I responded to a posting: English Teachers and Translators needed To: Dr. Martinez White PhD.
English Project Consultancy
24 Treeway Ave
SW2 T13, London
-First, they sent me somewhat intelligent questions:
What goals do you have in your career? Give us details of your present Employment Status.
8. How soon can you travel down to any Location posted you(LONDON)?
9. Give us your full details on the Following; Full Name, Permanent Mailing address,
Office/Work Mailing Address, Direct Contact Number(s), E-mail addresses (es).
10. What is your Country of Nationality? Is it different from your Present Location?
Note:You are Expected to Answer and send back to us.
White Martinez
- After I answered, "they" sent me a congratulation letter (very funny English!):
After reviewing your Answer , we have decided to employ you for online job. All you have to is do is to contact the company lawyer to help you sign all the contract letter and appointment letter on your behalf... Contact of the company lawyer: Barr Chris Walcot.
Email: barr.chrisjohnson@yahoo.com
Thanks and hope to receive signed contract letter from you. Your mail was well understood and the content therein.
- I contacted “Barr Chris Walcot”, and this is “his” original response (getting funnier!),
Subject: Re: Proceedure form Lawyer.
To: barr.chrisjohnson@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 5:58 AM
Good day,how is your family.hope all is well.
Concine the request you made by asking me to assist you in all documentation with English Project Consultancy as your employee.
Before we the Chambers of Barr Chris Walcot in involve in any issuse like this there is a proceed you will follow.
All you have to do is
1.Send in your full name and address2.phone number 3.you will make a payment of £320 pounds for consultant fee and file creation.
After which we can stand on your behalf to sign any contract letter with your employee.
Barr Chris Walcot.
- To entertain myself even more, I replied:
Good Day,
This is what YOU need to do before I start sending you legal fees:
1. Send me a copy of your record from lawyers.com with your name and the name of your firm
2. Send me your transcript from your national bar association
3. Send me a list of your past clients with their contact information for a reference check
4. Send me a copy of your law school diploma and your legal license
-I was surprised to receive from “him” (obviously pissed off, sorry Mr. Lawyer!) this message:
Am a Qualified Lawyer with LLM, MBA and have been the company lawyer in cases like. You are so much interested asking for my Qualification here, is the case reversed here as if you are the one employing me in a firm.. Please if you are not interested in my service please do not write me again because is insulting receiving this kind of mail with different questions.
Barr Chris Walcot.
- SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - info@englishprojectcenter.com (Western Union, fake job) -- Mr. Sam -- 2009-06-14
- GIS Scam - Dr. Fred Walcott PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake jobs, England) -- CN -- 2011-03-30
- Re GIS Scam - Dr. Jack Ford PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake job) -- Ross -- 2011-05-24
- Re GIS Scam - Dr. Jack Ford PhD. Engineering Service Limited -- VH -- 2011-05-25
- Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - info@englishprojectcenter.com (fake job) -- Victoria Edwards -- 2010-06-16
- Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - info@englishprojectcenter.com (fake job) -- Turnoi -- 2010-06-16
- Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - info@englishprojectcenter.com -- dev -- 2009-10-12
- ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK Monday, October 5, 2009 (fake job, England) -- lin2 -- 2009-10-07
- ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (fake job, England) -- b-ann -- 2009-10-05
- Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (fake job, England) -- no clue -- 2009-10-06
- Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (England, fake job, visa fee) -- October -- 2009-11-06
- Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN ENGLAND (fake teaching job, visa) -- Jay -- 2009-10-15
- Re: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED IN UK (England, fake job, visa fee) -- October -- 2009-11-06
- Re: SCAM: English Project Consultancy - "Dr. Herbert Richards PhD" - info@englishprojectcenter.com (fake job, England) -- Norm -- 2009-06-16
- SCAM ALERT: Qualified English Teachers needed in England (fake job) -- Bessy -- 2010-02-18
- Re: Qualified English Teachers needed in England -- D -- 2010-06-20
- Re GIS Scam - Dr. Jack Ford PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake job) -- Ross -- 2011-05-24
- GIS Scam - Dr. Fred Walcott PhD. Engineering Service Limited (fake jobs, England) -- CN -- 2011-03-30