English Tutor Needed (Austin)
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Date: 2009-06-11, 2:10PM CDT
Part time English tutor needed for my son. Please send your resume to for more information.
* Location: Austin
* Compensation: $40 per hour
* This is a part-time job.
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
In his email response to me he said:
I acknowledge receiving your application requiring your tutorial service. Please be informed that you have been given a provisional appointment to be the English tutor for my 9 years old son. I would like to make a tutoring arrangement between you and my son for the month of July 2009. My son’s name is John. He is a fast learner, active and confident. I want you to help him to improve in area of grammar and vocabulary.
I would like you to tutor him within the period of one month, on a schedule basis of 1hr daily and 5 times weekly, totaling 20 times for the month. I am willing to pay $40/hr. I would like to use these medium to inform you that my son does not live in US. He will be flying to the US from London , United Kingdom . I want you to teach him during his one month stay in the US and if there is need to extend your services, an amendment could be made to your salary and you will be notified accordingly. He would be dropped off and picked up by his nanny during the period of teaching at any location you want the tutoring to take place in your area. Your total payment will be $40 per hour multiply by 20 times he will be tutored for the month which amount to $800. I will also pay extra $100 to buy materials which are useful to improve his grammar and vocabulary.
I want to pay for your service and payment to buy materials in advance before his arrival to the US . I will send you one of my US cashier check of $3650 which I bought the last time I came to the US. I will write the check payable to your name so you could cash it at your bank. I am sending you that much money because of my dad's sickness which I spent lots of money to rescue his life because he is so precious to me. My dad got sick couple of weeks ago which made me spent lots of money taking care of his medical bills. The cashier check is for US which is cashable at your bank and it’s not cashable here in UK . The check will be for the cost of the tutorial service you are rendering, purchase of useful materials and the flight tickets of my son and his nanny to the US . Regarding this, I hope I can trust you with these payments. As soon as you receive the check, take it to the bank and cash it. Deduct $800 for your service and extra $100 to purchase the useful materials. Then send the balance of the money to my ticket agent in London so I can buy the fly ticket of my son and his nanny to fly there by July.
Email me your name, address and phone number so that I can write the check payable to your name and send to you as soon as possible.
Please accept my congratulations while I await for your response.
I've seen this kind of scam before. They send you a fake cashier's check and then when you cash it, the bank holds you liable.