View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Wuhan Chinaexpat HR, is it a scam?
bullshitcutter - 2018-03-27
In response to Wuhan Chinaexpat HR, is it a scam? (Prudent)

Remember folks that teaching in China on a F or L visa is illegal. You will be put in a Chinese jail. Your embassy won't be able to help you. What this agency is doing is a scam! Protect yourself. Stay away! Tell others!

Messages In This Thread
Wuhan Chinaexpat HR, is it a scam? -- Prudent -- 2018-03-27
Re Wuhan Chinaexpat HR, is it a scam? -- bullshitcutter -- 2018-03-27
Re Wuhan Chinaexpat HR, is it a scam? -- Dan -- 2018-06-28
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