View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy, a real school that scammers are impersonating
englit2017 - 2018-03-27

Thanks for sharing Molly. I received the same offer and went through the same "interview" process with the individual Franceso Lotto. In my case, "the school" referred me to a "legal office" with details of an attorney to provide visa assistance. It was at this point that I received a request to send money for the visa application fee to a cashier by the name of Promise Moses. The email they listed for this legal office was although it appears as They are not just posing as the school, but as the Ministero dell'Interno as part of this scam.

Messages In This Thread
Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy -- Molly -- 2018-03-27
Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy -- clemieclu -- 2018-03-27
Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy, a real school that scammers are impersonating -- Molly -- 2018-03-27
Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy, a real school that scammers are impersonating -- englit2017 -- 2018-03-27
Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy, a real school that scammers are impersonating -- Akhilesh -- 2018-03-27
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Union Jack Schools in Napoli ( Naples ) Italy, a real school that scammers are impersonating

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