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Charles Swallow - 2017-05-25

Just an update, I let them know that I wasn't comfortable with sending them money through Western Union, I also requested pictures of the school, pictures of the students, pictures of the teachers and contacts for some current teachers. They sent me one obviously stock school photo that they had found on google, with no school logo or students in the picture, it could have been anywhere in the world. They supplied me with an email for an apparent teacher at the school called Jones Phil (think they meant Phil Jones) which obviously also sounded very dodgy. So I replied to them and said I wouldn't be taking my application any further and I had made this post about the scam they were trying to run. They emailed me back saying they had reported me to the police, to remove the post within 24 hours or they would make my life very difficult because they have all of my information, not the kind of email you would expect to get from a international school with nothing to hide... It's a blatant scam and I won't be taking the post down.

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