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Re huijia school
Turnoi Turjakuunnen
- 2016-07-26
In response to Re huijia school (Kathleen Carberry)
Sorry to disappoint you; you should look for a job elsewhere. I am an old China-hand, and I read many negative reviews from other teachers who worked for that "school". It's not directly a scam but highly disorganized, payment is often a problem, and you will neither have privacy nor real freedom of movement while living on their campus. Your life will be hell.
Look elsewhere, for your own sake!
Messages In This Thread
- huijia school -- leerydaughter -- 2013-02-05
- Re huijia school -- Kathleen Carberry -- 2016-07-25
- Re huijia school -- Turnoi Turjakuunnen -- 2016-07-26
- Re huijia school -- Kathleen Carberry -- 2016-07-25
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Re huijia school