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Evgeniya Kim - 2016-07-13

Hi everyone, here ia the letter that I've got:

Hello Dear.

I am Redmond Brogan. I live in the England, UK with my children.
We are looking for a reliable person who can teach English as second language to my children precisely, i have 2 kids who's struggling with english language since english is not there native language

I saw your profile on the web while searching for someone to teach my kids.
Applicants should be open-minded and flexible, as well as sincerely dedicated to the best interests of developing good education to my kids.
If you are employed, you will be teaching them English language and any other language will be great for them to learn.

Your working duties: you will be working 6 hours everyday Monday to Friday and you are free on the weekends.

Position requirement: you will be teaching them English at intermediate level, you will give them home work after your classes each day and you will be Strong ambition and high sense of responsibility are desirable, experience preferable but not essential.

You offer with me is 12 months contract which can be extended.
Candidate can come from any were must be up to 18 -70 years male or female.
Your salary every month is 2500 pounds
Accommodation provided with full free internet access.
Full medical insurance will be provided.

So if you are interested in relocating please send me your current resume, photo
I hope to get a response from you soon.

Best wishes.
Mr Redmond Brogan

Messages In This Thread
letter fron Redmond Brogan, is it a fake? -- Evgeniya Kim -- 2016-07-13
Re letter fron Redmond Brogan, is it a fake? -- Zhayrah Anapio -- 2016-11-30
Re: Re letter fron Redmond Brogan, is it a fake? -- Can't believe.... -- 2016-11-30
Re letter fron Redmond Brogan, is it a fake? -- Nice -- 2016-07-15
Re: letter fron Redmond Brogan, is it a fake? -- BeenThere -- 2016-07-13
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