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Applicant - 2016-01-25
In response to SCAM ALERT! (Maithili)

I was contacted Mr. Syed Mahmood and offered a job as a private tutor In UK, Manchester. We had exchanged emails professionally until the contract signing then was asked to contact:

Tel: +447045707672
Fax: 447045758763

for visa which indicates not I will not be paying anything which had been agreed upon. However, I was asked the same thing which I need to have a BTA/SAT send and receive from my name? That made me having second thoughts.

Please help.

Right now, I am not processing anything as well as sending documents o him. I have checked IP addresses an emails and found out that this Bingham is from Nigeria, as for Mr. Mahmood from USA. This doesn't make sense informing me that Mr. Mahmood an industrialist in UK.

What are your thoughts about this?


Messages In This Thread
SCAM ALERT! -- Maithili -- 2015-06-09
Re SCAM ALERT! -- Applicant -- 2016-01-25
Re: Re SCAM ALERT! -- Been There -- 2016-01-25
Re: Re SCAM ALERT! -- Just saying -- 2016-01-25
Re SCAM ALERT! -- Kelly Road -- 2015-06-11
Re: Re SCAM ALERT! -- Admin -- 2015-06-11
Re: SCAM ALERT! -- Admin -- 2015-06-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re SCAM ALERT!

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