No, your ad Hominem (personal attack) nonsense will not work on us Westerners. Peter, real name or not, is exposing you as a sham recruiter. He is not trying to destroy your name, you have destroyed your own name. Exposing you here is certainly not illegal; as I said, personal attacks don't cut it with us Westerners.
Thank you Peter for informing us all. You are certainly complying with the law.
Why doesn't Peter take you to court? We know that it wouldn't be worth it. The Chinese court system is unbelievably corrupt and useless, plus we don't want to waste our time dealing with little cheaters!
Is Peter scared of you taking him to court? What a laugh! You have no case, and certainly would get yourself in more trouble! This is obvious. Petty insults and threats do not impress westerners. Substance and wisdom does, though.
- Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Peter -- 2009-05-07
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment Fee, China -- Holly -- 2009-05-15
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- joker -- 2009-06-04
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Max -- 2009-06-04
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Turnoi -- 2009-06-04
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Rattle Snake -- 2009-05-30
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Jimmy -- 2009-05-18
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment free, China -- Holly -- 2009-05-18
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Jimmy -- 2009-05-19
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment Fee, China -- Holly -- 2009-05-20
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Jimmy -- 2009-05-19
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- Max -- 2009-06-04
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn, Recruitment fee, China -- jimmy -- 2009-05-09
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn, Recruitment fee, China -- robert gordon -- 2009-05-08
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment fee, China -- joker -- 2009-06-04
- Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn Recruitment Fee, China -- Holly -- 2009-05-15