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Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy
Syed Aslam Hasan
- 2015-07-04
In response to Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy (Amelia)
Dear Amelia,
I got the same offer from Into English in Milan, and i have signed the contract. I had the same experience with Skype interview, no audio from school end. I typed everything and i got selected, everything is too good to be true and that is why i am also paranoid. I also tried to search information but there is only one that is their website. All the email i received was from, whereas the website contact id is
They have also advised me to contact an attorney for visa and work permit.
I don't know what to do, once they will ask for money it will be clear that it is a scam.
Messages In This Thread
- Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Amelia -- 2015-07-04
- Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Hilaria -- 2015-08-04
- Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Syed Aslam Hasan -- 2015-07-04
- Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Syed Aslam Hasan -- 2015-07-04
- Re: Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Admin -- 2015-07-05
- Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Syed Aslam Hasan -- 2015-07-04
- Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy -- Hilaria -- 2015-08-04
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Re Need Help!! Into English, Milan Italy