HI everybody,
This school offered me a 1 year contract, and everything looked so nice, but then Mr Luigi Andea who arranges everything gives you a contact for airplane tickets, the contacts name is Desi Eligio, its then that the scam comes out, Western Union transfers to pay for an airplane ticket ( are you craz) Then pay the airplane ticket to another name with a bankaccount not in Italy ( are you craz) so Don't work with this school, I offered to arrange my airplane ticket myself with invoice and so on, but no answer, this construction looks like a humantrafficing organistion trying to steel identities so they can import people into europe using the school's name. The person that contacted me was Luigi Andrea, nowhere to be found in the information about this school. Then another problem occurd, I live in Vietnam and the time difference with Italy is for the moment 5 hours, Why did the Mr Luigi Andrea always called me arround 21.30 Italian time, the school closes at 20.30 says their wesite, so proffesionalisme is not their strongest area, two days waiting for an answer in e-mail, that doesn't help and so on.