View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Jobs in Guangzhou/ Shenzhen - Fenny in Shenzhen - her phone number is 13148780328 Recruitment fee, China
Chinarabbit - 2009-04-28

They told me several times on the phone, all I had to do was go down to Shenzhen and sign a paper and the job was mine. That would give me the employer information after I signed my name. In fact, they required 505 of the salary, and wantd me to sign the contract giving them 50% of my salary before any information was given. I asked on the phone specifically 5 or 6 times, "I just go there, sign the paper, and I have the job, right? no strings attached, i get the companies phone number, and begin work, right? I am going to take a train from Guangzhou to Shenzhen, so i want you to be sure" ... "Yes, thats it!" the chinese lady on the other end of the phone replied.

her name was FennySZ or FennlySZ or something , her phone number is 13148780328

after i arrived, there was a black African man as the boss in this run-down, shady office space, and is little gal was his 'assistant', and they told me that in fact they needed me to sign a company contract giving them 50% of my first months salary. I eventually signed there paper, thinking i would then get company information, but they didnt give me any information at all, all they did was dig around for information on schools that I already knew about in Guangzhou. they said " we will send the compny contact information to you via email now.".. when i returned home, nothing was sent to me, and none of my emails were replied to since then, but they still seem to advertise recruitment

its my conclusion that this african cant get any jobs teaching english and is quite bitter about that and so he created this bogus company to steal money from real teachers. There is youur fair warning, i forgot the africans name, from the south states of america he said he was from... i didnt really believe him. they are still advertising.. so be ware of this scam..


Messages In This Thread
Jobs in Guangzhou/ Shenzhen - Fenny in Shenzhen - her phone number is 13148780328 Recruitment fee, China -- Chinarabbit -- 2009-04-28
Re: Jobs in Guangzhou/ Shenzhen - Fenny in Shenzhen - her phone number is 13148780328, Recruitment fee, China -- Perlandas and Fenny are Idiots -- 2009-04-28
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Jobs in Guangzhou/ Shenzhen - Fenny in Shenzhen - her phone number is 13148780328 Recruitment fee, China

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