Below are a series of emails sent to myself in what I believe was an attempt to get my personal information for the purpose of identity theft. This person has also attempted to impersonate a lawyer. This person also phoned me up several times pressuring me to send the contract (signed) back to him. When I demanded to know the address and name of his 'Lawyer - Jane Turner ESQ' the emails and phone calls stopped.
The PDF contract supposedly written by his laywer had spelling mistakes and a blurred legal stamp.
Some attempt by international police forces should be made to stop this person. He should then be tracked down and boiled in oil. lol.
Hallow English teacher
I send greeting to you and i think you are doing well were you is name is Mr.
Chan Ah Kee i am a Malaysian national but i now live in Coventry England and am the owner of medium fabric factory Chankee clothing.we engage in sale in material to use in cloth.i arrive England last year and since try to learn English but is had for me so me need you come teach me in coventry.
if you is want teach English in coventry write back me in email kings_n2000@yahoo.comwith your cv/resume.
i want basic English like business teacher
email now if ready to come by February first week
i pay is 3000GBP on months
Mr.Chan Ah Kee
Hi Russ
is good to hear from you .i want you to know that am willing to employ you if all is agreed ok.
I want you to know that am already enrolled in a public english class but later deceided to look for a private teacher that is why i contact you.
i saw your email at
send me your cv and certificates so that i can see them and deceide and i want you to know that i need you here by 5th February is all work out fine.
concerning aprtment i provide it ok.
call me at +447024070994 and give me your number too.
Chan kee
Hi Russ
Is good to hear from you again today.I have seen your cv and am going through it ok.I shall get back to you tomorrow if approved ok.
If employed you shall commence work on 5th February ok.I got a good and big house i bought new here so accommodation is not a problem at all ok.
Chan Kee
Hi Mr.Russ
Is good to write you today.I have decided to give you the job of teaching me.
I have attached a copy of the contract for you to sign and send back to me and to Miss Jane Turner she is an immigration agent and my company lawyer.i had to make her put her signature in the contract so that it will aid the Home office Uk Border Agency here to issue you visa in time.
She work with the Uk Visa agency here .her email is,send a copy of the contract to her and keep a copy to your self ok.
I also want you to know that i shall be taken care of your visa fees and round trip flight to England ok.
your accommodation is in place and i need you to corporate with Miss Jane Turner with other documents she will be needing from you because she will be the one to prepare your travel documents because i need you to come here at least on 5th February ok.
i hope to receive the signed contract from you immediately because we really do not have time here.
Chan Kee
I am Barr.Jane Turner immigration lawyer to ChanKee Clothing Company England and also a private immigration agent.Your employer Mr.Chan Ah Kee have advised me to help you in the process of getting the necessary travel document to enter and work in UK.
You need to get the work permit to work in the United Kingdom.
I would like you to know that Work permits are issued by Work Permits (UK), part of the Home Office's The UK Border Agency. A work permit relates to a specific person and a specific job. The work permit scheme lets UK employers recruit or transfer people from outside the European Economic Area (EEA).Work permits also allow overseas nationals to come to the UK for training or work experience.
To apply ,you have to scan and email to me the following documents and information to me immediately:
----- an international passport {scan it and email to me}
------Fill the attached application forms.{scan it and email to me}
-----Scanned copy of your certificate [Bachelor or above degree]
----- Signed contract agreement letter with employer
---- An address reachable by courier services for the shipment of your travel document.
The above mentioned documents and information are needed from you latest on Monday 26th January 2009 so that i can start filing your travel documents because i need to complete all travel preparation in time because your travel date should be on the 5th so as to allow you to commence your job.
I shall update you with other requirements so we move on.
Call +447024039957 for inquiry
Jane Turner(Esq)
- (Scam Alert) chankeeclothing[at] - 3000GBP (fake tutor job, England) -- monkey -- 2008-11-21
- Re: (Scam Alert) chankeeclothing[at] - 3000GBP England (fake teaching job) UK Border Agency -- RB -- 2009-01-26
- Re: (Scam Alert) chankeeclothing[at] - 3000GBP -- Turnoi -- 2009-01-27
- Re: (Scam Alert) chankeeclothing[at] - 3000GBP England (fake teaching job) UK Border Agency -- RB -- 2009-01-26