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Re Asia Recruiting Agency
- 2011-01-22
In response to Re Asia Recruiting Agency (wess)
The offices DO NOT EXIST. IT IS A SCAM 100%.
No wonder that this "business" does not exist in reality.
Dear "Chris" or whatever his real name is appears as a nasty croc hiding in the mud to give you a bug bite if you happen to pass by.
Messages In This Thread
- Asia Recruiting Agency (Recruitment fee) -- saraq -- 2010-10-23
- Re Asia Recruiting Agency -- wess -- 2011-01-22
- Re Asia Recruiting Agency -- Turnoi -- 2011-01-22
- Teacher in Thailand (Recruitment Fee) -- Mia -- 2010-11-29
- Re Teacher in Thailand (Recruitment Fee) -- Chris -- 2010-12-01
- Re Teacher in Thailand -- Turnoi -- 2010-12-01
- Re: Asia Recruiting Agency (Recruitment fee) -- Turnoi -- 2010-10-23
- Re Asia Recruiting Agency -- wess -- 2011-01-22
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Re Asia Recruiting Agency