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Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited]
Upset trainer
- 2011-01-21
I have been looking over the Internet to see if this man has been mentioned, M[edited] K[edited].
As of yet, no one as actually realized that this man is fake. In South Africa the TEFL/TESOL market is overrun by people that are unqualified.
This man specifically says that he has Masters Degrees and taught all over the world. THIS IS UTTER RUBBISH!!!
If you ask him to produce his degrees, all he can show you is his CELTA certificate and a TEFL certificate. Also for references from other schools (that are reputable) are not given.
Prospective students should be wary of who they go to to get their qualifications!
His website is
Please spread the message!
Messages In This Thread
- Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited] -- Upset trainer -- 2011-01-21
- Re Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited] -- M[edited] K[edited] -- 2015-08-26
- Re Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited] -- Dr. Turnoi Turjakuunnen -- 2015-08-27
- Re Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited] -- M[edited] K[edited] -- 2015-08-26
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Fake TEFL and TESOL courses offered in South Africa - M[edited] K[edited]