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Sanguine - 2010-09-22
In response to GMSC Recruiting (brile)

Nowadays I counsel people to go to Japan if they want to teach abroad. I certainly don't advise them to go to Korea, which is only second in the number of horror stories you read online in regards to ESL teaching, first being China. Take into account how huge China is compared to Korea, and you can see where you might wish to be concerned. In contrast you almost never hear any horror stories about Japan, and it's a pretty populous country with "lot's" of esl schools. I suggest going there, you'll make the same money, and you are a lot less likely to be used and abused. I counsel people to avoid Korea and China these days, you'd be wise to do so.

Messages In This Thread
GMSC Recruiting -- brile -- 2010-07-11
Re GMSC Recruiting -- Dr Shaun Hutchinson -- 2010-11-15
Re: GMSC Recruiting -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-22
Re: GMSC Recruiting -- Marty -- 2010-07-23
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