Motivation Tips
In mid-life, many of us are unfulfilled in our lives and careers. We have a deep longing for change. We often feel that we’ve waited too long to pursue our dreams, and believe that we have no choice but to settle for our current lot in life. Choosing how to fill such a deep void is no small task. There is no shortage of expert advice from professionals, family, and friends about what to do about the work dilemma. Sometimes, the advice is good. But too much of it is based on the needs of the person giving the advice, and not what is best for you.
A Roadmap to Vocational Passion
I developed the following 21-step path to discovering and doing what you love. Start with a few small steps and you will find that the process will soon take hold. Then, you will never turn back!
1. Evaluate what you want
2. Envision your future
3. Tune out negative feedback
4. Shore up your support network
5. Assess your risk
6. Figure out what’s the worst thing that can happen
7. Write down your abilities and interests
8. Match your abilities and interests
9. Talk to others who do what you want to do
10. Get a sense of what your passion will pay
11. Change financial expectations in the short term
12. Borrow or cash-in now to fund your move
13. Expect the first two years to be tough gathering support
14. Prepare to downsize your life where possible
15. Explain to your loved ones why these changes are important
16. Become an expert in what you love
17. Start believing that your new future is possible
18. Take small steps while measuring and rewarding yourself
19. Don’t ever look back
20. Give yourself permission to do what you love
21. Practice what you love daily
Make no mistake: Following your vocational passion will be the toughest work you’ll ever do. It will also be the most rewarding. Start at the beginning, develop a plan, and keep moving ahead one step at a time. Then pack your bags and enjoy the ride.
Craig Nathanson, The Vocational Coach, is the author of “P is for Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day,” by Book Coach Press. He publishes the free monthly e-zine, “Vocational Passion in Mid-life.” Craig believes the world works a little better when we do the work we love. He helps those in mid-life carry this out. Visit his online community at where you can sign up for his free monthly tele-class, “How to make money and meaning in mid-life,” join an action group, or get private coaching.