Motivation Tips
If You Don't ask then You are Already Rejected. Many Home Based Business People are afraid of Asking Because of fear of rejection. If you are afraid of rejection you need to change your Mind set. If you don't ask they already said No. If you don't ask you are Rejected by Default. The key is to ask.
Here are 7 Simple steps to help you overcome that fear of rejection.
1. Change Your Mind set
If You don't ask you are Already rejected. If you are already rejected then the worst that can happen is they confirm the Rejection. The Best that can happen to you and your Home Based Business is you get a Yes. Don't make 100 Calls and your Home Based Business have been rejected 100 Times.
What's the worse that can Happen if you Ask. You get a Non-Event. You Get a No. Each No is a Non Event.
Make 100 Calls and you may get 100 Yes's. You May only get 1 yes. Each new Yes is one less Rejection of your Home Based Business.
Don't approach 10 People and you have already been rejected 10 Times. Approach 10 People and you could get 1 or More Yeses. Each Yes is 1 less no. Each Yes is one more Positive outcome for your Home Based Business.
2. Dream Big
What do you want? A new house? A new luxury Car? Private school for your children? Large contributions to your church? Only you know your dreams. Dream big. The Bigger you dream the more you have to shoot for the less you fear that rejection will stand in your way.
3. Live Your Dream
Write your Dream on a piece of Paper. Make it as colorful and detailed orientated as possible. Don't write down I want an SUV.
Write down I want a Yellow Hummer H2 with leather Seats and Top of the Line sound system, Climate Control system, Fancy Rims, and ... The More details the better.
Visit a Hummer Deal learn all the options get a sales brochure. Keep a picture of that hummer in your wallet, on your desk at work, everywhere possible.
On your Mirror where you shave or put on your make up put a picture of your dream home. Put a picture of your luxury car or your vacation Paradise. Place a Mini Poster next to that picture with your goal. I will approach 10 people today. I will increase Earnings from my home based business by $500 every month. Every morning when you shaving or putting on your makeup look at that picture, Read your goal, Read your dream statement
At night when you are washing your face and brushing your teeth Read your goal. Read your dream statement. Take a good look at the picture.
4. Take Baby Steps
If your ultimate goal is to approach 10 People a day, Modify your goal to approach 7 People a week (1 a day) and increase it by 5 people a week until you are approaching 70 People a week (7 a day).
5. You are Not being Rejected
Don't take it personal.
They are rejecting the idea.
They are rejecting the Product.
They are rejecting the chance to improve their life.
They are rejecting progress.
They are rejecting change.
It doesn't matter what they are rejecting just remember they are not rejecting you. This is important they are not rejecting you. One more time they are not rejecting you.
6. Get a Yes Everytime
Build up your confidence. Ask them questions that you know they will say yes too. Even if you get a No at the end you can feel good because you did get them to say yes.
Wouldn't it be Nice if we didn't have to worry about those upcoming lay offs?
Wouldn't it be nice if your house was paid in Full?
Wouldn't it be nice to Replace that Clunker and just pay Cash for that new car?
Wouldn't it be great if you knew you had enough money to have comfortable retirement?
Don't you want to be able to send you child(ren) to any college they want and not worry about cost.?
Wouldn't it be great if your wife didn't have to work?
Would you be willing to take 15 Minutes and Explore ways to pay off that house or Have that comfortable retirement?
7. Make your Goals Challenging but not Impossible
You have your Dream, you know your Metrics now set your Goals. Aim high but no so high as you are guaranteed to fail. Make your goal a range rather then an Absolute. Instead of Saying I will increase my income by $1,000 this month say I will increase my income by $500 to $1500 this month. Aim for that $1500 but even if you only get $600 you are fine.
It really is true. If you are afraid of rejection then you have to ask. If you do not ask you are rejected. every time you ask and they say yes you have been rejected 1 less time. One Final thought, Some Do, Some Don't, So What
Mike Makler