Motivation Tips
Some people, after they reach their mid and upper adult years seem to go through their lives just existing. Oh! They work at their jobs as best as they can. Some may even pursue higher positions in their jobs but they still don't seem to stay satisfied with whatever position they have. They are usually the ones just waiting until it comes time for their retirement.
For those of you in that ho-hum category let me say this. Quit pretending - you have to live what's in you to succeed. If you think you are doing the best job you can. Think again. Whether you realize it or not you have within you more talents than you would ever believe.
Why not discover your newfound talents and use them to enhance your life and those close to you for everyone's benefit. In today's world you can never be sure of the security of your career or your health. All of us know that today we are not sure if we'll be victims of downsizing or experience a major health problem.
In my case when I retired I was not only looking for a second income but also a way I could become beneficial to others. I never realized I had some writing talents until someone who thought I had that ability encouraged me. He even believes everyone has the ability to be an author and he helps them develop that talent.
I never really enjoyed the subject of English when I was in school. And I surely didn't enjoy writing compositions either. But I did enjoy writing my Ebook "Absolutely Senior." I think the reason I enjoyed writing it was because I wanted to share my stories how I changed careers, how I overcame difficulties and how I became successful as a sales rep and sales trainer.
Now the purpose of my ebook was not to brag about my successes. No, it was written for the purpose of giving other people encouragement to strive for a more purposeful life. It reveals how I was able to become a more vibrant and successful person and how everyone else can do the same.
Why not give some serious thought about your own life right now. Could you discover some talents in your life that have become dormant over the years? Do you believe if you could restore some of them and make them active again you could create and stimulate more excitement in your own life and the lives of others too? I believe you could. Why not try it?
Not sure how to go about it? Well here's some ideas I used to help myself and my sales staff to accomplish more successes in our lives. These ideas helped me and them to discover hidden talents that we hadn't even thought about for a long long time.
Here's a step-by-step method that I used and taught to accomplish this.
(1) Find a time and a quiet place where you can relax and
think (my lounge chair was always the ideal spot for
me) The important thing to remember is to get as
relaxed as you can and in as quiet a place as you can
find. Also keep a note pad, pen and/or pencil nearby.
(2) Close your eyes and start reminiscing about the past.
Hopefully you will think about pleasant things. If
unpleasant things appear don't dwell on them for too
long. (However some of them might be beneficial if
they taught you're a valuable lesson)
(3) Now start zeroing in on the thoughts and moments in
your life that could be beneficial in developing a "New
You" (WOW! A "New You") How would you like that?
Let me tell you that you won't know how great that feels
until it happens to you.
(4) OK When you start getting some ideas that you feel are
beneficial or could inspire your life more write them
down on your note pad. Don't be too critical at this
time about the ideas that come to you, just write down
whatever ideas come to you first. Spent as much time
doing this step for as long as it keeps you interested.
(5) This is sorting out time now. So look at all the ideas
you've written down. Start checking off the ones that
seem to get you excited or inspired the most. (I suggest
you narrow it down to no more than six ideas).
(6) Alright now do this: Look at each of those six ideas
(or whatever number you came up with) and dwell on each
one to get the most vivid picture you can imagine. Also
think of ways to apply them. Now pick only one idea
you want and start working on it immediately while it's
still fresh in your mind. Put every effort into it to
make it a reality. Then don't ever let anyone or anything
destroy your dream to succeed.
By applying this simple 6-step formula you'll be able to see if you really are interested in creating a "New You." Why not start now and quit pretending that you are doing your best job of living a fulfilling lifestyle. You need to remember, "You have to live what's in you to succeed." And you want to know something? Whatever is in you may want to desperately get out in the open and start working!
Sonny Julius