Motivation Tips
It is often seen that people working in different organizations complain about their colleagues. They talk more about the behaviour, attitude, mannerism, & so on. But are they true on their part? Before desiring good response from others, we must look within. Some of the problems are the products of our own repulsive attitude. It’s true that Rome was not built in a day yet we can hope to create a better orld by absorbing ourselves in routine work. There may be people around you who are less efficient & want to tarnish your image. They are definitely the part & parcel of grapevine communication. They try to put their nose in everyone’s affair. Alas! They are harmless creature! Poor fellows! Harmless, of course, as they can not do anything worth living of their own so they won’t be able to face adverse ircumstances. Now it’s up to you to show your mettle & importance. It does not mean that you start thinking yourself as a master key by which one can unfold any kind of locks. Spirit of team work can only lead you to achieve success. In a team everybody will feel proud to be an active member. All the members will try their level best to attain the desired goal. There is no individuality clash & personal interest occupies very little space.
Life on everyday does not remain the same so we should set our day’s planning accordingly. If we really need to show ourselves in good spirit, then, we must become more interactive & approachable rather keeping ourselves on an ivory tower. There are persons who want to play the role of leader or I should describe them ‘projectors’ as they want to project themselves as a Group leader. Before playing such a responsible & crucial role they must develop good & amicable interpersonal relationship. It is very vital to remove I attitude & give a way to WE attitude. What ever your personal identity or interest may be, but when you desire to play as a second fiddle, you are supposed to change a lot. How can it be possible or attained? So let us brainstorm following tips: -----
(1)Be generous & courteous.
(2) Be a good listener.
(3) Do not ignore other’s importance.
(4) Do not always try to play the ball in your court.
(5) Do not conduct curtain meeting to pull other’s legs.
(6) Do not try to tarnish other’s image as it will also hurt yours image.
(7) Become an effective communicator.
(8) Develop WE attitude & set examples for other to follow.
(9) Though you may be a senior in any respect but make your juniors (sub-ordinates) to feel their presence.
(10) Do not boast about past achievements, live & act in the present. Instead learn lessons from the past to make improvement in future.
(11) Do not play politics with your colleagues.
(12) Be aggressive but do not show anger.
(13) Show positive attitude & readiness to guide others.
(14) Do not pass advises when they are not required.
(15) Leave your qualification & experience apart while interacting with your colleagues.
(16) Do not feel envy & furious on the progress, promotion, & achievements of your colleague rather take inspiration from them.
(17) Come out with open heart to appraise your colleagues’ good performances.
(18) Understand the genuine problems of your colleagues & if required & asked, try to solve them.
(19) Make feel- family environment at your work place.
(20) Do not desire respect but pay respect & gain respect from others.
(21) Do not carry the family tensions & worries along with you, to avoid this better you take leave for few days & resume your duties after overcoming those problems.
(22) Go according to the guidelines given by the Top authority, do not draw different lines.
(23) You may be full of innovative ideas but be practical in executing them.
(24) As juniors do not take things for granted.
(25) As juniors have learning attitude & do not hesitate to obtain suggestions from your seniors to improve work efficiency.
(26) Do not irritate even if you get negative feedback. Instead work hard on your weaknesses & improve your task.
(27) Do not develop ‘throw away’ attitude i.e. when your top authority does not listen you properly & you get annoyed for having received less attention.
(28) Do not keep any thing within if you are hurt by some act of your colleague. It is much better you should directly communicate him & avoid misunderstanding.
(29) Be ethical & spiritual in working.
(30) Always keep the three great principles of Mahatma Gandhi with you as---Bura mat bolo, Bura mat suno & Bura mat dekho. (Speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil)It will certainly keep you far away from harangue.
(31) If opportunity is given to you to do some difficult task in such a case do not think that it is due to envy or management wants to test your talent. But take it positively & try to understand that the top management is fully aware about your caliber & has complete trust in you to handle such a critical situation.
(32) Do not take part in grapevine communication process.
(33) If your colleagues criticize & make fun & fuss about other colleagues, do not indulge yourself in such a filthy discussion.
(34) First try to win the confidence of your colleagues & assign them confidential works if need arises.
(35) Have live & let live attitude.
These tips may be look apparently ordinary ones but do you really practice any one of these at your work place? If, yes then you are on the right track & can serve longer & better your employee. If not, still do not worry too much & begin from today onwards. In case, if you will able to follow only some of these, even it will put you in a healthy environment of interpersonal communication.