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Motivation Tips

The Most Courageous People in the World -- Graham Harris
Who are the most courageous people in the world? Armed services? Coastguards? Astronauts? Firepersons? Explorers? Mountaineers? ……Sports? For us, the most courageous people in the world are those ...

The True Cost Of A Lack of Motivation -- Peter Murphy
And what a lack of motivation means.. As you read this article you will start to understand why a lack of motivation is costing you even more than you realize. As you read the story below notice how ...

Why Effort is Not Enough -- Paul Huff
“A man to carry on a successful business must have imagination. He must see things in a vision, a dream of the whole thing. “ – Charles M. Schwab (1862-1959)American capitalist Many of us have ...

Motivation and Personality - Which Type Are You? -- Peter Murphy
The level of motivation that a person has depends a lot on the personality of that person. If a person has the personality of a quiet, shy type of person, their motivation will come from living ...

Procrastination Breakthrough: If You Intend to Do It, Do It Now! -- Bill Marshall
If there is one quality that successful people have, it is a bias towards taking positive action. Once they reach a decision that they are going to do something, they take action. And they take it ...

Are You Worried? 4 Steps to Peace of Mind -- Judy Ringer
A friend has this quotation on his office wall: "I know worry works because nothing I worry about ever happens." I think I must believe that, because I worry a lot -- and about the most insignificant ...

No News Is Good News -- Jeffery Glaze
Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because ...

Should We Admit Failure? -- Jeffery Glaze
Failure is something that none of us ever plans for but it is a part of the human condition. As we go through our lives there are few if any who have never experienced this phenomenon. So as we ...

Broke? Fix It Yourself: BE Wealthy -- Carina MacInnes
If you’re reading this right now you probably have been broke, are broke, or know someone who is struggling with being broke. The pain and suffering of being in this state is truly awful. Being ...

Self-appreciation: The Key To Living A Life Of Joy -- Gwen Nyhus Stewart
How do you appreciate yourself? Or do you? Did you learn that being good to yourself was selfish? If you said 'No' were you bad? If you praised yourself or were praised, were people afraid ...

Time Management: A Non-Renewable Resource -- Gwen Nyhus Stewart
Benjamin Franklin wrote: "If you want to enjoy one of the greatest luxuries in life, the luxury of having enough time, time to rest, time to think things through, time to get things done and know you ...

Stress Management: 10 Practical Steps -- Gwen Nyhus Stewart
The World Health Organization calls stress "the health epidemic of the 21st century." Stress resulting in illness is the causative factor underlying more than 70% of all visits to the family doctor, ...

Forgiveness: A Path to Healing -- Gwen Nyhus Stewart
In our journey to inner peace and healing, both guilt and forgiveness of self and others have a profound effect on this process. Guilt is defined as a feeling of culpability especially for imagined ...

What Motivates You to Action? -- Rich Douglas
Motivation is an acquired skill. In order to build it within yourself, whether its for your business or personal growth, you first must discover what it is that actually motivates you. Ask yourself ...

Your 10 Most Dedicated Motivated & Promising Ways to Chopping Down the Roots within Your Problems -- J Mercado
Problems did you say? This article is entirely based upon metaphysics, logic, and self experience. What I’m going to share with you isn’t necessarily true or false, right or wrong. You can ...

Use These Six Steps to Motivate Yourself to Change -- Eve Delunas, Ph.D.
As the New Year approaches, are you looking to make a change? Are you ready to retire an old habit and replace it with a new, healthier way of living? Here are six tips for motivating yourself to ...

Words: Use Them To Motivate -- Jan Verhoeff
Everybody chatters and talks; we all use words. Pack a power punch and use them to your advantage. Impact your market, stoke your fires, and burn your bridges with action words that set your sales in ...

Let Romance Motivate Us -- CD Mohatta
What motivates a tiger to run after his prey? The desire to get his meal. What motivates the prey to run away from tiger? The desire to save his life. That is why, many times, the prey outruns the ...

Motivate Yourself: Treat Bad News As Good News & Good News As Temporary -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
It’s lonely at the top, and this applies to salespeople, especially. Selling isn’t a team sport. It is a task that resists collaboration, like writing. And those of us who sell for a major part ...

How To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated -- Matt Bacak
You cannot finish anything unless you start. The greatest ideas are useless unless they are carried out. Thinking about something will not get it done, you have to get up and get going. I know this ...

The Lazy Man's Steps to Becoming Self Motivated -- Don Wilson
I’m speaking from experience here. I used to consider myself to be a lazy person. It took great effort and careful planning for me to get off my duff and become a self-motivated person. To be ...

You Need One Special Kind of a Vision to Motivate -- Hans Bool
The expedition to setup up a vision is needed to motivate your organization. “I have a dream,” is often taken as an example when discussing the importance of a (business) vision. A vision should ...

Success Through Trying -- John Watson
Many people argue that trying is not good enough. You must succeed. But reality dictates that you may not succeed. You may not be as talented as someone else. A more talented tennis player may well ...

Conceive, Believe and Achieve - Mind Over Body, or Body Over Mind? -- Kurt Hurley
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that." Norman Vincent Peale As a fitness professional, I am always amazed at how little understanding exists regarding ...

The Personal Confidence Trick -- Alistair Nee
If there are times when your confidence deserts you, this simple trick or technique could make all the difference. Before I tell you how to do it let me give you the opportunity to quickly prove it ...

Five Powerful Lessons about Communication -- Steve Brunkhorst
Powerful communication involves timing, silence, listening, actions, and carefully chosen words and emotions. 1. First Things First Communication involves making internal choices. Timing can make all ...

The First Step To Success - Get Off The Couch! -- John Wagner
People complain about why they don’t make more money or why they’re not in better shape or why they don’t have a better relationship with their kids yet they sit, hour after hour, on the couch ...

The Keys to Building Self Confidence -- Robert Kokoska
Many of us know that we would benefit from increased self-confidence; after all, a lack of it is easy enough to identify! If you lack self-confidence, you are more likely to let people treat you ...

It's All Up To YOU -- Tim Knox
Well, folks, we've made it to the end of the year and what a ride it has been. 2005 was a great year for me personally and professionally. I saw my business grow almost as fast as my kids. Both ...

Self Confidence -- Chris Wesley
What is Self Confidence? Self confidence comes when you are comfortable with who you are in the world. You feel worthwhile, with a right to occupy your place in the world. You feel capable, ...

The 7 Secrets of Success -- Alex Cleanthous
Have you ever wondered why two people, who have started with all the same advantages and disadvantages, which seem similar in almost every way, can end up in different places? Have you ever wondered ...

Success Mindset -- Matthew Eigbe
Just a dream? You are lying on the beach with your favourite drink close to your hand, soaking up the warm rays. The ocean lazily rumbling just beyond your toes, palm trees swaying in the light ...

Success - The Psychic Component -- Zach Keyer
I'm sure you have noticed the difference between the successful and strong men in any walk of life, and the unsuccessful weak men around them. You are conscious of the widely differing ...

Unleashing Your Millionaire Mind -- Adam Sargant
How much do you earn? How much would you like to earn? Why the difference? And why was your answer to question 2 as low as it was? If, like more than 90% of the population, the answer to question 1 ...

Success Training Strategies- The Success Secrets of the Greatness Grower -- Doug Firebaugh
"The power inside of you would stagger you if you really knew what it could accomplish. It is a power that conquers, empowers, and Grows Greatness. But most of us have been conquered by Greatness ...

How to Overcome The Fear of Success -- Peter Dobler
Today I will talk about something that all of you are working hard for, but when it really happens, nobody knows what to do next. I’m talking about success. Day in and day out you are tweaking, ...

What if We're Not Getting It 'Our Way?' -- Gene Simmons
That’s it! I’ve had it! Here I am bustin’ my hump and all I get is busted in the chops! Enough awready! I’m sick and tired of trying to get anything to go my way. From now on, I’m just ...

Success Is Inside You -- David Henning
Explore the possibilities, unleash the dream within you. Success is not a destination that you arrive at, it’s a journey. Success is not money, wealth and power, it’s being all that you can be ...

Motivate Yourself -- Steve Gillman
Why do you want to motivate yourself? Actually, just answering that question fully can be one of the better ways to get your daily motivation. Below are seven more ways that have been provem to work ...

Stress Meditation -- Steve Gillman
Too much stress? You need a simple stress meditation. Of course, learning to meditate might intimidate you, and it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. A solution to both problems is a ...

The Top Ten Ways To Avoid Failing In Your Business -- Nancy Powers
1. Stop hiring yourself. First stop hiring yourself by continually working "in" your business. Don't be an employee of your company, reserve the choice to be the president of your company. ...

Combat Stress - 7 Practical Methods -- Rene Graeber
A stress-free lifestyle could very well do wonders in eliminating depression. Here are 7 practical methods to combat stress: 1. Express Amusement And Be Happy. Laugh hard and loud. If you don’t ...

20 Ways Of Training The Mind On Positive Thinking -- Rene Graeber
1. Start the day with cheers and smiles. Your whole day depends on how you greet the morning. Therefore, as long as you welcome it with energy and high spirits, everything will go okay. You don’t ...

Do You Use Your Time Wisely? -- Rene Graeber
When I was younger, I never considered the importance of time. I just laze around, watching TV, lie in bed, and play video games. As I grew older, I thought about the things that I have achieved. To ...

Goal Setting the SMART Way -- Hanif Khaki
Goal setting is a task that is often overlooked until the New Year, when people decide to set resolutions. However, these resolutions are nothing more than wishes and are far from what we would call ...

5 Quick Stress Busters -- Diane Baskind
How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? To a great extent, our personality determines how we deal with stress in our ...

10 Tips for Loving the Work You Do -- Jeff Herring
Law of Passion In terms of work, the happiest people I know are the ones who love what they do and have a strong passion for what they do. Their passion can get them up early in the morning and keep ...

How to Start a Conversation with 3 Super Body Language Tips -- Peter Murphy
Using body language to enhance how you start a conversation can lead to great conversation. You do not have to say much just a look or a movement can speak volumes for you. This is especially useful ...

How to Start a Conversation -- Mathew Greem
For the beginning start smiling With a good mood and nice smile the distrust with the people around you is fading, that’s the first step to the way of gain people’s favor. What do you need to ...

Where to Find Anger Management Courses -- Steve Hill
You may have a Hollywood image of anger management courses based on recent films that depict the encounters in humorous ways. But anger management is actually a serious approach to tackling a ...

Making (almost) Every Stranger into a Friend -- Mary Gardner
It is possible you know! It is definitely possible that every person that you come in contact with can immediately be your friend. Okay.. Okay! I know what you’re thinking! That friends take a long ...

True Confidence -- James Rick
It's time to get at the root of what confidence really is; what causes it and how can we cultivate it. Imagine you are a general. Standing on a small hill overlooking a field of enemy soldiers. ...

The 7 Step Guide to Having What You Want -- Alistair Nee
As the stroke of midnight heralds the end of another year, research suggests that along with the rest of us you will almost certainly resolve to do some things differently in the year ahead. Chances ...

Create a Better Future -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Where you plan to go in life is far more important and powerful than ‘where you’ve been.’ We are taught that the past controls us and most therapies focus just on the past, which is why it can ...

A Lesson in Letting Go -- Catherine Franz
Do you hear yourself saying? When I have enough money, I'll... When I go on vacation, I'll... As soon as I find the right partner, I'll... When the house is clean, I'll be able to... ...

When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful -- Catherine Franz
Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you, then be self-assured that you are sending out ...

Tackle Your Fears And Anxieties One Step At A Time -- Stan Popovich
Your fears, anxieties, and other problems have the best of you and you don’t know what to do. You try to manage your fears but are not able to do so. At this point, what you need to do is to be ...

Tips To Beating Depression -- Dr. Isaac Schumann
Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy. That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have ...

Beating Depression By Action -- Dr. Isaac Schumann
Depression can come on us at any time of the year. Sometimes, holidays are the worst times for those that feel this down-in-the-dumps fear and worry and things just seem to happen to make us feel ...

Just Say "No" To Depression! -- Dr. Isaac Schumann
Depression is believed by the medical profession to be the most prevalent disease of our time. The fear of developing heart problems or cancer alone is enough to cause tremendous stress and ...

5 Tips To Gain A Winning Advantage In Life -- Christopher Green
Do you wish you could live your dream life? Here’s 5 top tips to help turn your dream into reality… 1. Invest in your dream. This will mean investing time to develop the necessary skills and ...

Learn the Secret to Achieving Maximum Productivity -- Daniel Sitter
Many people struggle with trying to balance work, family and other obligations. Have you ever secretly wished that there could be more hours in the day! We all have the same twenty four hours. How is ...

How to Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True - Fifteen Principles to Realise Them -- Craig Lock
Fifteen Dynamic Principles to Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True "I'd rather attempt something great and fail... than try something easy + ordinary and succeed." - inspiring words from Norman ...

How Big Is Your Why? -- Garry Zancanaro
The first step to achieving success and happiness in our lives is to decide exactly what we want. If we are not totally clear about what we actually want it is impossible to make plans and take ...

Are You Doing What You Love? -- Kate Harper
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. --Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965) We are busier than we have ever been, ...

Taking Care Of Yourself -- Harry Henshaw
Living in our world today can be very stressful. While some of the stress that we experience is actually useful for motivating us, a point can be reached where it becomes very harmful, physically, ...

What are you waiting for? -- Jim Donovan
- By: jimdonovan, Do it now! Whatever it is you have been putting off, do it. This is your life, it is not a dress rehearsal. What is it you have always wanted to do but, for some unknown reason, ...

Focus On Ideas -- Vic Johnson
"No person can be confronted with a difficulty which he has not the strength to meet and subdue… Every difficulty can be overcome if rightly dealt with; anxiety is, therefore, unnecessary. The task ...

How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life -- Craig Lock
COMMUNICATION: How to be a good communicator and how to make the most of your relationships: * Be interested in other people - show that you are by asking questions (but don't be insincere or ...

Is Life Keeping You From Getting Anywhere? -- John Halderman
Are you too busy with what you are doing to change or get ahead? Are you so distracted with life that you have time to pay attention to what you want in life? Can you even remember what you want any ...

Is Social Anxiety Holding You Back? -- Ron Goodwsen
Another year, another New Years resolution ... if only this time it could be different? Do you feel overwhelmed by both your own and others expectations for the festive period? Does the forthcoming ...

5 Tips To Add More Spice To Your Life -- Christopher Green
You know the old saying “variety is the spice of life”, and although many such phrases are just soundbites, this one is anything but. Because let’s be honest, sometimes our lives can become ...

What Do Your Thoughts Add Up To? -- John Halderman
How do your thoughts add up? Do they point towards what you want or something else? Are they scattered or focused? Which thoughts are winning? What you are thinking all day long is guiding you into ...

Thank You Very Much – Turning Problems Into Gifts -- Judy Ringer
I am a martial artist and black belt in aikido, a practice that continues to teach me about life, both on and off the mat. For example, at the end of each aikido practice, I express gratitude to my ...

Don't Let Other Peoples Walls Fence You In -- Jim Donovan
"How's it going?" I asked the clerk in the new bookstore. "Well you know," she replied "it takes a long time to build a business." I caught myself just before I muttered in agreement and instead ...

Learning To Embrace Change -- Jim Donovan
The only constant is change. If theres one thing we can count on in our life it is that whatever is going on now, will change. We live in an ever-changing universe. Everything in our world, including ...

Embracing Adversity for Achievement -- Chris Widener
"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." -- Lou Holtz Success in life depends upon being strong people with clear goals and ...

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist? -- Chris Widener
Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist? I've been giving some thought lately to optimism and pessimism. Basically, these are attitudes. Attitudes that shape and formulate our entire existence. I ...

Learning From Einstein's Creativity -- Ron White
One of the most famous quotes of Einstein is when he said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein was putting value on creativity here. His theories and ideas were all about ...

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist? -- Chris Widener
Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist? I've been giving some thought lately to optimism and pessimism. Basically, these are attitudes. Attitudes that shape and formulate our entire existence. I ...

It's Your Life So Make the Most of It -- Nathaniel Branden
One of the most important ingredients in your personal development is taking real responsibility for your actions. This requires that you consciously become the cause of the results that you want. ...

4 Quick and EASY Tips On How-To Become The Person Of Your Dreams -- Cory Threlfall
Quick question... What would you like to be when you grow up? I bet you often heard this question asked many times when you were still young from your parents and relatives. But, have you really ...

Why We Must Learn To Forget! -- Garry Zancanaro
Having an outstanding memory is generally considered to be a great gift and a talent we should all work hard to develop. Brain researchers believe that we never actually forget anything, and that ...

7 Habits Of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People -- Rene Graeber
WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do. NUMBER 1 - They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things. Yes. They see problems in ...

Dare To Be Different -- Barbara White
There is a secondary school not far from our home, and I often see the students either walking to school or waiting at the bus stop. Over 1500 students attend this school, and yet when I see them ...

Achieve Your Goals For Success Step By Step -- Kathryn Thomas
You have a dream! Now, how do you make it happen? First, imagine that it is real. See every detail so clearly that you can reach out and touch it. You can feel the emotions of being there. For ...

Everything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thing leads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying over past heartaches, embarrassment and ...

Key to Success -- Eric Garner
Success… We all aspire to it, talk about it, envy those who achieve it, we think about it, fight for it. It is really worth it. Success comes with reaching our aims and it brings us incomparable ...

The Gratitude Attitude -- Eric Garner
Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe. It may not look as good as money, a big car, a palatial house, or the latest makeover – in fact, you can’t see it at all – but, as ...

Qualities of a winner -- CD Mohatta
Out of millions, comes one big winner and out of billions, comes a winner who overtakes every other winner in the world. Look at the history of the world, and you will always find few individuals ...

Plan Your Success -- Elinor Stutz
“Now, Work Your Plan” Early in my career, I was told, “Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they don’t work their plan.” The same may be said of New Year resolutions. How ...

How to Start a Conversation in Unusual Circumstances -- Peter Murphy
Starting a conversation can sometimes seem difficult. Certain circumstances can make this process even more difficult. Knowing how to start a conversation in a variety of tricky circumstances will ...

Reacting Vs. Responding -- Linda Salazar
There’s been a common theme lately in my coaching practice with my clients and I thought it would be worthwhile to share this with you. We’ve been having a great deal of discussion about reacting ...

Anger Management: How to Handle Frustration -- Jeff Herring
I've yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. It comes with the territory of being human. Like many negative emotions, it's not wrong or weak to feel frustrated. What is ...

Remaining Silent - The Top 10 Reasons for Doing So -- Martin Sawdon
1. When words are about to be spoken in anger and might be regretted. 2. When it has been said before and is not worth repeating. 3. To justify one's behaviour, of which one is not proud, by ...

How to be a Good Spokesman -- Tyler Benson
A battle is won when a leader is successful. We can find a large number of examples in World history. Today we can also see that the statement is quite true. There will never be a result if the lead ...

Positive Thinking - It's Not in the Self-Help Section -- Nancy Mure
Some people never consider where to obtain the most positive reading. It isn't in the self-help or psychology shelves of your favorite bookstore. It’s in the children’s section. Want to find ...

Lose Weight Fast For A Special Occasion -- Adam Waxler
If you have just a little weight to lose, and want to take it off fast (say, so you can fit into those great pants for your cousin's wedding), there are a number of diets that you can use. Most ...

The Power of Voice: Speaking from the Body -- Mary Desaulniers
We are all familiar with the power of intention and the energy of thought. Just as important, if not more so, is the power of voice—the momentum that emerges in our voice when thought is aligned ...

Luck is an Attitude -- Mary Desaulniers
A friend of mine who started playing the dollar-a-week lottery 4 years ago seems to have a knack for winning. He has won at least 5 times, each win ranging from $200 to $1000. I can’t help but feel ...

Dealing with Post-Holiday Blues -- Mary Desaulniers
After the usual pre-Christmas and post holiday celebrations, I found myself feeling a bit depressed and lethargic. The house has become too quiet; friends and family have returned home. It is not ...

Wealth and Material Things In Relation To Personal Happiness -- John Greuel
A common misconception is that money and material things can help buy you happiness. One of life’s truth is that many times having wealth and buying that new material item will only offer an empty ...

Let it Go...Meditation for Cutting Energy Cords -- Tamara Hawk
Do you often find yourself feeling drained or lacking in energy? Is there someone that you just can't seem to get over or stop thinking about no matter how much you try to let them go? Or how ...

Stress Management: New Age Solutions -- Chris Robertson
With the hectic pace of life today, most people experience stress on a daily basis. The debilitating effects of stress are such that corporations provide employees with free stress management ...

Making Better Decisions -- Ken Davis
Decisions Matter The execution of Australian "drug mule" Van Nguyen polarised opinion in Australia. On one hand the "pro-choice" lobby said he knew what he was doing, made a risky choice and paid the ...

Boundaries Support You and Your Relationships With Others -- Trish Pratt
Boundaries are the lines you establish between yourself and those around you, that support you in caring for yourself. When clear boundaries are not established and upheld, your personal needs can ...

Learn How To Appreciate Yourself and Others -- Bill Knell
I grew up in a home that was filled with guilt. As bizarre as it may seem, that guilt grew out of very generous behavior. My parents always thought of other people. In many cases, they were forced ...

New Year Goals -- Devlyn Steele
“Action Steps To Success” Life Coach Advice Think back to the beginning of 2005. Like most, you started the new year with many goals. What goals did you set? Maybe 2005 was the year you were ...

Why not realize your goals? -- Fatimah Musa
Have you forgotten what it is you want to become and have? Probably you have made a few attempts, found that your strategies didn’t work and lost yourself along the way. Why not give yourself ...

8 Rules of Rules of Success for Your 2006 -- Sheraun Britton-Parris
Do you ever wonder what the difference is between those people who DO accomplish their dreams and those that DON’T? Over the last several years I have taken quite an interest in understanding that ...

What Does it Mean to “Self Improve?” -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Self Improvement has become mainstream. In the last few years, since I have been writing articles and submitting them to article sites, I’ve noticed that the category of “Self Improvement” has ...

How To Relax Fast -- Steve Gillman
Why should you learn how to relax fast? Because stress is more than just unpleasant. It's also dangerous. Many diseases are now known to be caused by or made worse by stress, but you can do ...

Realistic Goals...How To Set Them and Why -- Sue and Chuck DeFiore
So many people want to start a business today and be rich tomorrow. Sorry, people it doesn't happen that way. If it did, everyone would do it. There is no free lunch...it takes hard work, ...

4 Tips Toward Making Resolutions That Matter! -- Matthew C. Keegan
Turning the calendar over is an excuse to make personal resolutions for the coming year. It is also a way to bring about certain frustration for you if the goals that you set for yourself are ...

You Achieving Your Goals? -- Roger Carr
Have you found yourself setting goals every year but eventually losing interest? Did you have every intention to make a difference by accomplishing your goals but then not following through? It is ...

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Wiping Out Obstacles To Goal Achievement -- www.hypnosis-mania.com
Life is nothing but an obstacle course, its all about getting through that obstacle course *successfully* to your desired goal that most people seem to have a problem with. And it's only normal ...

Are You Bored By What You Do? -- Adrian Savage
Is your working life in the doldrums? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Uncertain about the future? Depressed by what you can see ahead? Still looking for a job that will fully engage your interest? If so, ...

Success By Staying Enthusiastic -- John Watson
Failure can knock the confidence and enthusiasm out of people as quickly and as easily as a punch on the nose can make your eyes water. How can we recover and maintain the enthusiasm we have lost? ...

Focus to Succeed -- John Jacobs
If you have a lot of ideas for various products or ways of marketing your product, the way to success is to focus your efforts. You may be very creative and have many ideas for new products or ideas ...

Are You Asleep at the Wheel? -- Paula Gregorowicz
Imagine yourself in the driver's seat of your own life and career (which you are). You're in charge and get to make all the choices, turns, detours, and stops along the way. You are ...

Success Through Trying -- John Watson
Many people argue that trying is not good enough. You must succeed. But reality dictates that you may not succeed. You may not be as talented as someone else. A more talented tennis player may well ...

Forgive & Forget – It'll Keep You Sane -- Debbie Gisonni
Have you ever made a mistake? Of course you have. We all have! If you were the only one affected by the mistake, you might just consider yourself foolish. If it caused harm or inconvenience to ...

Managing Innovation - - Leaving Before the Party is Over -- Hans Bool
Innovation is constantly coming up with new ideas, implementing them, protect them once growing, and than comes the hardest part. Leaving them. “Partir, c’est mourir un peu” (help me, who said ...

Read the Necessary and go Back to Where the Action is -- Hans Bool
Internet is a nice source of information. There are free advices to find in nearly any area of expertise. Advices and information you can learn from. There is nothing wrong with reading it. Although. ...

Creativity & The Brainstorm Rule: What You Should Not Forget -- Hans Bool
One of the few rules in brainstorming is “every input is welcome.” How useless an idea might appear at first sight, it might be the opening for a new fruitful thought or a chain of next steps. Do ...

How to Improve Your Memory by Forgetting the Right Things -- Jon Weaver
Back in 1885, the German scientist Hermann Ebbinghaus made the first experimental studies in remembering and forgetting. What he discovered then still holds true today -- that using the common method ...

How to Improve Your Memory and Never Forget a Face -- Jon Weaver
You are still in the company of your new acquaintance. Having applied Rule One successfully, you are positive you heard his name pronounced correctly, and you are conscientiously observing Rule Two, ...

Why We Must Learn To Forget! -- Garry Zancanaro
Having an outstanding memory is generally considered to be a great gift and a talent we should all work hard to develop. Brain researchers believe that we never actually forget anything, and that ...

Let Go of Emotional, Physical and Financial Baggage -- Marie Roker
You don't want to start 2006 with old baggage do you? It's time to let go of the emotional, physical or financial baggage that is weighing you down. You deserve a great life, so shake your ...

Your Past: Baggage, History or Springboard? -- Jeff Herring
I usually don't get hooked on a TV show, but I must admit I am hooked on the ABC Wednesday night show "Lost." The show is about a group of people whose plane has crashed on a tropical island. ...

Emotional Baggage -- Bonnie Moss
We all have them. It has many faces. We carry them around us, We store them in the remotest part of our brain, in the deepest chambers of our hearts.We have them in our extensive database of ...

Opportunity's a Knockin -- Justin Herald
There’s that old saying that “opportunity knocks”. But for many, opportunity always seems to miss them. My theory: If opportunity isn’t knocking, build a door! By that I mean don’t wait for ...

Nothing Comes Easy -- Justin Herald
I am constantly approached by people when I am speaking at an event and asked the same two questions “How easy is it to become rich?” and, “How can I become rich really fast?” I am still ...

Overcoming Disappointment -- Justin Herald
There will come a time in everyone’s life when you will cross the bridge of disappointment. We are all aiming for those things or results that we think will make us happy. That is why they are ...

Master Your Beliefs, Master Your Emotions -- Steve Davis
Joe makes a comment and you suddenly feel a rush of energy. Your face flushes and your knuckles whiten as you begin squeezing the edge of the table for dear life. Some part of you knows that this ...

How To Give Up What You Have To Get What You Want -- Joan Clout-Kruse
I discovered that sometimes we have to give up what we have in order to get what we want. Change is painful. It causes stomach churning. The simple truth is that usually it is “fear of the ...

Use These Six Steps to Motivate Yourself to Change -- Eve Delunas, Ph.D.
As the New Year approaches, are you looking to make a change? Are you ready to retire an old habit and replace it with a new, healthier way of living? Here are six tips for motivating yourself to ...

Motivation: Do You Got Game? -- Jeff Herring
So what's the size of your game? For what in your life do you have a burning passion? What are you hungry for? How much passion do you bring to your life? Here are three categories, only one of ...

Why Be Normal? -- Grace Judson
When you think about it, it's pretty funny, the things that we'll do to be what our society considers normal. Just look at any band of teenagers in a shopping mall or outside a high school, ...

On the Verge of Success: Resistance is Not Futile, It's Likely! -- Bill White and Rasheed Ali
How many times have you started a project and, as you approached completion, found yourself losing momentum? How many near misses have you had with success? In my youth, I was a musician. I practiced ...

How to Overcome Boredom -- Fatimah Musa
Being bored is a state of mind when you are fed up and sick of what's going on or the lack of activity around you. Complacency also contributes to feeling bored. Boredom becomes a great concern ...

Respond or React? -- Justin Herald
Respond, don’t react. Have you ever had something bad happen to you when you least expect it? How do you handle that situation? Do you react or do you respond to that situation? These questions are ...

What to Do When Your Self-Confidence Declines -- Fatimah Musa
You lose the enthusiasm and excitement to take action. This could have resulted from experiencing repeated failures, encountering numerous challenges or missing opportunities. Here are steps to take ...

Work Smarter, Not Harder -- Katie Byrd
Although it’s true that most successful people spend more time working to achieve their goals than others, there are many people who work hard, but don’t accomplish the success they want. How ...

Why Attractive Women Are So Cold To Men-Are They? -- Patrick Huey
You're walking down the street somewhere, or shopping at a mall, or sitting at a restaurant or bar, and then you see her. That beautiful woman you've had your eye on since who knows when. You ...

Compliments are Compelling: How To Attract People -- Tonja Weimer
How do compliments play an important role in our relationships? Why are compliments important to the health and well-being of every individual within the vicinity of hearing them? Here is how a few ...

Take Back Your Personal Power, Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life! -- Lisa Whatley
Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it’s your fault? Then you actually believe them, so ...

Practicing Failure -- Randall Stafford
Most people today spend more money on needless junk than they do on living expenses. In that reality, people complain that they are always broke. What's worse is people eventually set themselves ...

True Confidence -- James Rick
It's time to get at the root of what confidence really is; what causes it and how can we cultivate it. Imagine you are a general. Standing on a small hill overlooking a field of enemy soldiers. ...

12 Techniques for Letting Go of Your Clutter -- Jessica Duquette
Remember, it’s not clutter if you really love it. Always keep in mind that it’s ok to keep the things you really appreciate, this is more about discovering what you love and separating those ...

Get More Sleep And Lose That Weight -- Gary Matthews
What if I told you that when you are tired your adrenal glands are stressed and your kidneys will retain fluid and you will appear puffy. It's true, but when the body is rested your organs will ...

The Key To Your Motivation and Success -- Deanna Mascle
What sets successful people apart from the pack? Is it luck, money, good lucks, and/or talent? No, it is one small simple fact -- motivation. People who are successful all share one trait -- they are ...

Harness the Power of Your Dreams -- Deanna Mascle
"If you can imagine it, You can achieve it. If you can dream it, You can become it." -William Arthur Ward William Arthur Ward's quote should be a powerful call to action. Dreams have tremendous ...

Learn to face difficulty -- Deanna Mascle
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." -- Seneca the Younger This is a great quote to both contemplate and to apply to ...

Learn how to motivate yourself -- Deanna Mascle
"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent." ~ Norman Augustine I truly believe Augustine's words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world ...

How Do You Define Success? -- Deanna Mascle
"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." ~Arnold H. Glasow This really is a great quote. Not only is it interesting but also inspiring. One of the truths ...

Persuasion Techniques -- Steve Gillman
Some of the best persuasion techniques have been developed from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) methods. For example, if you hear a person saying, "I see," a few times, they are probably ...

New Year-New Goals: Make Them Really Happen This Year! -- Kathryn Marion
It happens every year, doesn’t it? You think up some ‘resolutions’, maybe set a personal goal or two, but by the time Thanksgiving or Christmas rolls around again, you realize with a big sigh ...

Keeping New Year Resolutions -- Hilda Carroll
What is it about New Year’s resolutions that for so many people almost predict failure just by declaring them? The answer lies in the vacuum in which so many of us “resolve” to do better next ...

New Ideas For New Years Resolutions -- Steven Gillman
New years resolutions. You promise yourself you'll quit smoking, lose ten pounds, take that vacation or buy that dream car. Did you know that 93.5% of new years resolutions are never followed ...

Five Steps to Successful New Year Resolutions -- Douglas Woods
Do you ever make New Year resolutions only to see them broken in a few days or months? Have you stopped making resolutions because you never seem able to keep them? Here are five simple steps to help ...

Motivation and Goal Settings –The to Do List -- Lynne Dean
What is it that you need to do in order to be successful in your endeavor? One way to find out is to write a daily "To do list". This "To do list" will supplement your goal settings. It will simplify ...

Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard? -- Lynne Dean
We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one’s sense of self-worth and ...

Negative vs Positive: The Ever-existing Battle In Your Mind -- Lynne Dean
WE ARE ALL THINKING ALL OF THE TIME. Can you believe that our thoughts never leave us. Wow! Silly thoughts, hungry thoughts, angry thoughts, melancholy thoughts, happy thoughts; that’s a bunch of ...

C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M -- Lynne Dean
Yuk! One thing, I really have a problem with is criticism. Oh I can do the criticism. That I can do. It’s too easy (but that’s not today’s point!) Receiving it, well that’s another story. So, ...

Believe -- Debbie Gisonni
One of my all-time favorite movie lines comes from the 1947 version of Miracle on 34th Street. It was recited by both lead actors, John Payne and Maureen O’Hara—“Faith is believing in things ...

How To Achieve What You've Always Dreamed Of -- Graham Harris and Julie Harris
There are only two words that describe people who fulfill their dreams. PASSION and DETERMINATION If you have passion but no determination then you end up like a lot of people moaning about what ...

It Can Be Another Way -- Saleem Rana
I don’t think you came into this world to work day and night for small wages, to suffer ill health, and to be lonely. I don’t think you came here to lose, over and over again. I think you came ...

Confident Relationships -- Leslie Gail
At the end of the day, the quality of your life is largely due to the quality of relationships you have with others. This applies the most with our partners. No one has the magic formula for what ...

Is a Million Bucks Enough? -- Ken Lizotte
The success of Regis Philbin and "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" not to mention uncouth cousins like “Who Wants to MARRY a Millionaire?” and Survivor, with its million dollar final prize, and ...

Success - The Amazing Attraction Factor -- Kenneth Little
Your success is assured when you begin using The Amazing Attraction Factor. No other factor can generate wave upon wave of success for as long as you live. You are five easy steps from catching the ...

Just Say Yes -- Debbie Friedman
I was never a fan of the big purple dinosaur. As a matter of fact, I used to make fun of him. Then, my grandson Ben was born and I bought Barney’s Great Adventure video. Over the years Barney has ...

Aura is the Key to "Good Looks" -- Vittorio Norman
I hear this all the time, how only guys with good looks get the attractive women. It's an error in causality. This is the same sort of flawed thinking as the belief that guys need to be rich or ...

Become A Visionary – Tapping Into The Artist In You -- Karin Syren
Purpose is what you’re created for. Mission is what you’re meant to do about it. Visions are the evidence. We are all visionaries. Anyone who has ever dreamed of a better way or a bigger brighter ...

Money, Motivation, and Happiness -- Peter Vajda, Ph.D
The question of money as a motivator in the workplace is not new. Years of research, and countless books and articles on motivation include references to money. However, much of the focus on money ...

How To Put An End To Your Troubles -- Saleem Rana
Success often takes time. The more complex the task, the higher the success we desire, the longer it takes. This is not because it is the nature of life to be as frustrating as possible. Rather, it ...

Boundaries With Yourself: The Most Important Parameters -- Ken Donaldson
Boundaries with yourself? It does sound a bit odd, doesn’t it? Well, if you will bear with me for a few minutes here you can have a major break-through…really!! I received a phone call earlier ...

Boundaries: No Bull Allowed -- Ken Donaldson
Do you have unwanted bull in your life? You know what I’m talking about: Those annoying people who want to control, dominate, and manipulate you for their own best interests. Those people who love ...

Simplify Your Way to Success -- Bill White and Rasheed Ali
Throughout history it has been said repeatedly that the simple truths are the most profound. It is also said the truth is often overlooked because of its simplicity. When I was in my twenties, I was ...

Muscles Don't Push -- Rebbie Straubing
When I was in chiropractic school, I had a teacher who liked to impress one point on our fertile, young minds. He repeated it over and over and reminded us of this fact every time the subject matter ...

The Power Of The Edge -- Rebbie Straubing
Reality has no edge. In fact, that’s how we recognize it. If it has an edge, it’s not reality. A movie on a big screen draws you into its reality immediately. Once you lose your awareness of the ...

Loving Yourself -- Rebbie Straubing
I love Myself so much That I can love You so much, That You can love You so much, That You can start loving Me -Chant From The Sound of Agape Chant; Collection 1 Rickie Byars Loving yourself allows ...

Words Are Seeds -- Rebbie Straubing
The words you speak sow seeds in the minds of those who hear. The formed word is like the shell of the seed. It hides the potential for manifestation in its tiny, unassuming exterior. The word can ...

Good Luck -- Steven Gillman
Good luck, people called it, when a couple I know had a business handed to them for free. It was making a little money, but the owner didn't want to deal with it anymore. Other things were going ...

How to Use Movies to Get Out of A Rut -- Maria Grace
Does the routine of daily living feel recently more like a torture than a familiar ritual? Do you find yourself going through the motions day in and day out as you go to work, come home, have dinner ...

Ending Poverty Consciousness -- Jeanie Marshall
Definition number 1 of "poverty" in the American Heritage Dictionary is: "The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts." It is further defined as "deficiency in ...

Success and Money – 10 Creative Ways to Attract Wealth -- Tania French
Many creative people have a bad attitude about making money. When it comes to talking about wealth and prosperity, they look at you like you’re from Mars. Well, I’ll let you in on a little ...

See It Before You Seize It -- Devon D. Harris
Napoleon Hill said “Cherish your visions and dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” As human beings, you and I have a unique ability that ...

Take Charge of Your Life -- Stephanie Marston
The majority of us are exhausted from climbing the corporate ladder, dressing for success and trying to balance our work and family lives. We live as if we are careening down a freeway at warp speed. ...

Make Passion Your Middle Name -- Stephanie Marston
Have you ever had the experience where you were involved in an activity and times passed without your having noticed? Think back to the time before adolescence when you were between the ages of seven ...

Create Your Own Luck to Get Big Success -- Anandrahi JS
Even in this modern and scientific world most of the people (both educated and uneducated) run to religious places, saints, astrologers, palmists, numerologists or tantriks just to become more lucky ...

Long Distance Relationships: How To Keep The Love Alive -- Tonja Weimer
Is your long distance relationship thriving...or just surviving? Are you madly in love with someone but cannot find a way to live in the same city? How do you support your relationship when you have ...

Five Ways to Sharpen Your Sense of Humor and Improve Your Relationships -- Mike Moore
Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can be sure the relationship is a healthy one. When the ...

Coping with Difficult People -- Mike Moore
In my travels across North America speaking on motivation and human potential I hear the same question asked repeatedly, "How can I become more assertive?" There is no doubt about it, there are ...

The Art of Confident Conversation -- Mike Moore
When I first started speaking for a living I had great difficulty with one-on-one conversation with members of my audience. I could speak before 2500 people and enjoy every minute of it, but when I ...

Good Conversation Secrets that Work Every Time -- Peter Murphy
Once you have a conversation started keeping it going is sometimes the hardest part. Good conversation can sometimes be hard to come by. People have a way of turning a great start into a horrible ...

Motivation -- Devon D. Harris
I hope that over the last two issues you actually invested the time to identify the goals that would have the most significant impact on your life once achieved, determine the steps you need to take ...

Never Tolerate Excuses (At Least Not From Yourself!) -- Dave Navarro
I have a small plaque on my desk that has three words in tall bold black letters: NEVER TOLERATE EXCUSES. It's an angry looking sign, and it should be - because once you allow yourself to get in ...

Step Into Your Discomfort Zone -- Dave Navarro
No doubt you've heard the phrase "stepping out of your comfort zone." I never liked that much - because to me it sounded incomplete, even weak. The reason is because it's not really ...

Motivation is Needed -- Henrique Plöger-Abreu
What drives employees ? J.W. Atkinson: “achievement is 50% ability and 50% drive” To a certain degree each person has specific needs, drives and ambitions. Once satisfied basic needs according to ...

Why You Must Stay On Course -- Marquez Comelab
I believe that all of us want to express something: an idea, a theory, an opinion or a statement. I also believe that the majority of human beings would love to be creative in the expression of these ...

New Year's Resolutions: Turn Complaints Into Action Steps, Failures Into Money -- Jeremy Hoover
On a marketing forum I like to read there has recently been some complaining about a certain affiliate program. The complaining originates out of sincerity and genuineness: good folks are frustrated ...

Success Training Secrets- START! Just Start Where You Are! -- Doug Firebaugh
"Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are..." Theodore Roosevelt Start. Just start. Nike says it -- "Just Do It!(tm)" In WildFire Success, we say "Just Start!" Doesn't matter if ...

Persistence is the Key of Gaining Your Plan -- Mathew Greem
We all have some aspirations in life which we want to accomplish. Most often this seems so impossible and even when we think about it, we already give up. The American psychologists discovered that ...

Conformity Can Ruin Your Dreams -- Daegan Smith
We hope for things to be different, to be better. We hope to acquire new things and reach new heights. This desire for one’s betterment and success is basic to all. Why is it though that as we age, ...

Stress and Decision Making: Avoid Expensive Mistakes -- L. John Mason
Have you ever made a bad decision? Some people respond well in stressful situations and some people lose focus and can make costly mistakes. But why does stress cause many people to have impaired ...

Sleep Better Now! Stress Management Tip to Beat Insomnia -- L. John Mason
18% of American adults complain to their doctors that they are tired and can not get enough "quality" sleep. Over 50% of the population has occasional problems: getting to sleep, staying asleep, or ...

Get Back in Control: Goal Setting for Stress Management -- L. John Mason
Sometimes life's major stresses seem insurmountable! Would you like to be able to move beyond these obstacles? Many people feel the stress of life as if they were "painted into a corner." They ...

Expectations Often Mess Things Up -- L. John Mason
As I reflect on the end of the year, I confront some lessons that have been visited many times before. It does not take the end of a year to experience this lesson, but the timing is right for this ...

Connections - Support and Stress ... What Every Business Person Should Know -- L. John Mason
In past articles, I have discussed the importance of communication and the impact of poor communication on individual and organizational levels of stress. More basic than this is the need to connect ...

Achieving Your Financial Goals: A Secret to Success -- L. John Mason
Part I: Do you have a goal to your financial success? Do you have a plan for reaching this goal? If you are like most people, you desire financial security and higher levels of financial success. The ...

Become a Better Negotiator and Avoid Arguments -- David Neese
Ever noticed the outcome of an argument between two people or groups with contradicting views? Was there really a winner? It is important to come to some kind of understanding without burning bridges ...

What's Your Excuse for Not Being Successful in Life? -- David Neese
Excuses! Excuses! When we fail to do something we are expected to do, we almost always have an excuse for it. However, if we analyze it closely, an excuse is a self-destructive alibi for having ...

9 Keys to Business Success -- L. John Mason
1. Time management: What is Important….??? Urgent vs Important List all of your daily tasks. Label them as: U for Urgent: They must be done very soon N-U for Non-urgent: No pressing time problem, ...

Find Happiness By Giving Happiness -- Lance Beggs
Have you ever heard this quote? “There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind- are always attained by giving them ...

The Easiest Way To Achieve Happiness -- Song Chengxiang
People always think that what they want is money, relationship, material possessions, but what they truly want is happiness. Wealth, health and relationship are just the rewards of being happy. ...

Happy as You Want to Be -- Karin Mellart
Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby ...

Free Tips To Increase Self Confidence -- Stephen Hill
1. DRUNK! At the age of sixteen I was invited out for the evening on a Saturday night to celebrate a friend’s birthday. This for most people would be something to look forward to, for me it was ...

Simple Ways to Have Happy Experiences -- Michaela Scherr
Happiness is a ‘now you feel it, now you don’t’ emotion. I know this from personal experience and from hearing of the experiences of others. Sometimes I’m very happy, other times, sad, ...

7 Unique Ways To Make Someone Smile -- Roger Carr
Do you want to put a smile on someone's face? Maybe make their day a little bit brighter? It doesn't have to take much time or money on your part. In fact, many things can be done as a part ...

The Underlying Cause of Nervous Breakdowns -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
Life can offer us many challenges having to do with loss. When we are faced with relationship loss, financial loss, loss of health, loss of limb, loss of regard, or loss of love, we can feel ...

Self-Judgment Versus Self-Compassion -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
We hear a lot about how important it is to be compassionate toward others, and it is very important. The problem is that you may not be able to really feel compassion toward others until you are able ...

Getting Through The Day When Your Anxieties Are Out Of Control -- Stan Popovich
What do you do when your fears and anxieties overwhelms you as soon as you get up in the mornings? Well the first thing you need to do is to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who ...

From Anger to Peace of Mind -- Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
Anger is a serious problem for one in every five Americans. Road rage, workplace violence, domestic abuse and even addiction are just a few of its many expressions. The reason such a large umber of ...

How to Meditate in a Noisy Environment -- Mike Suzuki
The first thing any meditation text will tell you is to find a quiet place with little or no distractions. In a perfect world, these silent places would exist for everyone. But, in many people’s ...

10 Ways to Reduce Commuting Stress -- Rachelle Arlin Credo
Do you get out of your car with a queasy stomach, a headache and your blood pressure registering through the roof? If you do, that energy vulture called stress may have sent your pulse skyrocketing. ...

A stress- free lifestyle could very well do wonders in eliminating depression. Here are some practical methods to combat stress: 1. Express Amusement And Be Happy. Laugh hard and loud. If you don’t ...

Stress Relief Tips -- Ryan Fyfe
With how busy we keep ourselves on a day to day basis, it’s no wonder that so many of us suffer from stress. Stress is something that is almost impossible to avoid, because of the way that we are ...

How To Improve Sleep By Reducing Worry And Anxiety... -- George Lesco
Perhaps you're someone whose mind is always busy. Do you think about the events of your day as you wind down for the evening? Do you worry about your family, your job, your finances, and what ...

How To Combat Stress -- Leo John
Tips To Ease Tension We all know what it feels like to get emotionally mangled by the weight of day to day struggles. Our bosses yell at us, our spouses yell at us - it feels like an endless circle ...

The Daily Grind: Take Out The Stress, Discover The Joy -- Eric Garner
If you suffer stress from the tedium of boring, repetitive, and meaningless work, then it’s time you changed your attitude. Simply by seeing work as adventure, service, ritual, self-expression, and ...

How To Stay Calm When Life Isn't -- Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
No matter what is happening in the world around us, it is never necessary to become caught in depression, fear or other negativity. We are not the victims of the world we see, but have the ability to ...

Music has always been a very important part of our lives, from childhood to our being an adult. As a part of our experience, music can have both a physiological and psychological affect upon us as ...

Symptoms of Stress: How to Spot the Signs and Do You Have the Courage to Admit You're Not Coping? -- Stress Doctor
It’s never ending isn’t it? Every day the responsibilities, tasks, problems and work mounts up. Everyone needs it now! And all the high tech gadgets and tools don’t seem to help either. If ...

Little Known Stress Management Tips & Techniques: How To Relax More & Worry Less -- Stephen Rhodes
What is Stress? To understand the need for stress management, we must first understand stress. When a person is in danger, the body reacts, preparing to defend itself. The heart rate increases, blood ...

How To Reduce Anxiety -- Dave Lloyd
At some level, all of us experience at different stages of life. Quite often it's a circumstantial anxiety due to a feeling of being out of control, dissatisfied with life circumstances, worried ...

3 Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress -- Jerome Grazier
Often times stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able ...

Go Where Your Energy is Strong -- Judy Ringer
\"Keep your center and you’ll know which way you have to go.\" – Terry Dobson, aikidoist and author, Aikido In Everyday Life I had undertaken a project that I was beginning to feel was beyond my ...

Stress Less! -- Aurelia M. Williams
STRESS. "Yes, the S word'. Stress is the 'wear and tear' our bodies experience as we adjust to our constantly changing environment. Stress has both physical and emotional effects on us ...

Coping With Holiday Stress -- Regina Pickett
The holidays are upon us and instead of leisurely sipping eggnog around the fireplace, we find ourselves in a frenzy trying to get all too many things done in anticipation of that one perfect, albeit ...

Three Simple Ways to Dissolve Stress Using Only Paper and a Pen -- Kimberly Dawn Wells
Twenty-first century life can be defined using one word - stressful! The noise, the deadlines, money, expectations, and time restraints. Sleep deprivation and food cravings, where does it all end? As ...

Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions -- Rebecca Hanson
Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a ...

To Focus Or Not To Focus -- Rebecca Hanson
Often I receive emails from people who have been learning about and applying the Law of Attraction yet they feel stuck. They are clear about what they want. They stay focused on their desire and yet, ...

Feeling Hopeless -- Rebecca Hanson
Letter: "I don't know why I'm writing this - it's so unlike me to actually feel 'hopeless.' I am a single mom raising two teenaged boys. After my youngest was assaulted on the way ...

The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Understand 'Don't, Not or No' -- Rebecca Hanson
Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really didn't want in our lives? People often tell me, "I didn't ask for THAT!" In fact, some people think that the Law of ...

The Truth About Body Image -- Alan Fairweather
Have you ever considered how much your body image - your personal packaging, contributes to your business and personal success? The multi million pound cosmetics industry is acutely aware of the ...

Developing Intuition -- Steve Gillman
Developing intuition starts by realizing you have it already. If you've ever had a hunch about something, that was intuition. Intuition is just your mind using more than what you are consciously ...

Creativity - How To Have More -- Steve Gillman
To have more creativity, follow this two-step plan: 1. Encourage creativity. 2. Train your brain to be more creative. Start on both of these right now, and you can experience greater creativity ...

What is Creativity? -- Adam Eason
Here in England September represents the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn as well as the start of the new school year and the start of many new initiatives in business, life and lots more ...

How to be More Creative and Enhance Your Creativity -- Adam Eason
Before thinking about how to be more creative, let me begin point out some real barriers that some people seem to have when wanting to enhance creativity, have a think if any of these things are ...

Connect with Your Body -- Linda Dessau
When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its ...

Creativity and Rebellion: Why They Go Hand-in-Hand -- Tom Filsinger
Studies on creative people have consistently demonstrated that creativity is associated with openness to new ideas, risk-taking, and being inner-directed. Do these traits put creative people at odds ...

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life -- Stephen Hill
I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends, how much of a struggle my life seemed to be compared to others. I was caught up in a web of ...

The Power of Words: How the Right Language Can Make You Shine -- Allison Nazarian
It’s been said time and again that “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.” We may know this to be true, but ...

Is Psychology a Science? -- Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" All theories - scientific or not - start with a problem. They aim to solve it by proving that what appears to be "problematic" is not. They ...

3 Easy Steps to Low Stress Communication -- Peter Murphy
Life is all about choices. And so is the way you communicate. You can fill your days with frustrating high stress communication or you can have days of low stress effective communication with your ...

3 Clever Ways To Stop Procrastinating -- Peter Murphy
Stopping procrastination can be challenging, especially since you can't put it off until tomorrow! Most people who procrastinate did not do so overnight. Like any other bad habit, procrastination ...

2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination -- Peter Murphy
Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face ...

14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated -- Peter Murphy
Why should you bother to spend your valuable time to learn how to get motivated and stay motivated? Here´s why. Your quality of life will change dramatically when you take charge of how motivated ...

12 Reasons to Develop Exceptional People Skills -- Peter Murphy
Why should you bother to spend your valuable time learning how to develop exceptional people skills? Here's why... Look at the people who seem to have it all - a great job, an active social life ...

12 Powerful Motivational Tools That Guarantee Success -- Peter Murphy
No matter how many years you spend in a classroom or from what social class or lifestyle, motivation is the common factor among those who are high achievers. Finding the tools to put meaning and ...

10 Easy Ways To Stop Procrastinating -- Peter Murphy
It is counterproductive to concentrate on so many tasks that you cannot accomplish them and may cost you time and energy with no results. Many people seem to spend a lot of time and energy only to ...

Difficult Conversations and How to Turn Them Around -- Peter Murphy
Many of us have run into a difficult conversation. Some people even like difficult conversations. Arguments are necessary and are going to happen, but this difficulty shouldn’t stop you from ...

Conversation Starters for Successful Daters -- Peter Murphy
Dating can seem hard. It is hard to find someone that shares your same interests. It is hard to find someone you connect with. Looking for love is definitely a hard road to travel. Dating ...

Good Conversation Secrets that Work Every Time -- Peter Murphy
Once you have a conversation started keeping it going is sometimes the hardest part. Good conversation can sometimes be hard to come by. People have a way of turning a great start into a horrible ...

Motivate your students to speak out! -- Teacher Joe
Teacher Joe's Principle 1: Positive Reinforcement As a teacher, you should focus on your students successful attempts to use English. At first, reward ANY success however small. If students speak ...

How To Gain Confidence Quickly And Effortlessly -- Rohan Cox
How To Gain Confidence Quickly And Effortlessly When You Feel the World is Against You. Have you ever felt the whole world was against you? No matter what you try, you just can't succeed, causing ...

Using "Self-Talk" to Fulfill New Years Resolutions -- Michael J. Russ
There is something truly special about the coming of a New Year. Another twelve months present the perfect opportunity to start over, transform or change your self in some way. Regardless of what you ...

Success Through The Way You Think About Yourself -- John Watson
If you think you are a loser, you train or work like a loser i.e. sloppily and half-heartedly. If you think you are a winner you train like one i.e. with maximum focus, great expectations, excitement ...

Don’t Let the Outtakes Take You Out -- Barbara White
One of my favourite things I like to watch is the bloopers and outtakes that are shown of mistakes made during the making of a movie. Most DVD’s have a section of outtakes to be viewed, and often ...

How Hypnosis Can Help You -- William Lee
Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of ...

Songwriter Confessions #2 -- Bill Dollar
Any real Beatle fan knows that Stu Sutcliffe was the original bass player,who died of a brain embolism before the Beatles became famous. But what if it hadn’t been Stu with the deadly weakness, but ...

Stop Needing Me! -- Michael Breckenridge
Sometimes it's possible to accomplish something important by doing nothing at all. Well, actually, I did do something. I resisted. I think that counts. Here's my story. Many of my friends ...

Songwriter Confessions -- Bill Dollar
Looking up this week from getting a reggae backing to sound like St Ann rather than St Felicity, I spotted the small dark mist in the usual corner behind the left monitor speaker. I have sometimes ...

Optimism - Explore The Possibility -- Mark Myhre
We can't help it; that's part of what makes us human. Our frontal lobes - the area of the brain right behind the forehead - constantly thinks about the future. Creating, reviewing, ...

Special Delivery! Tips for Improving Your Humor -- Tom Antion
Special Delivery! Tips for Improving Your Humor Delivering humorous speeches involves a lot more than simply having good material. Take some time to incorporate these tips into your presentations and ...

Accelerated Learning is Profitable -- Daniel Sitter
Accelerated learning is not only practical, it is profitable. Acquiring the ability to learn new skills faster is undoubtedly the most direct path and fastest means possible to enhance your earning ...

10 Sure-Fire Steps to take the Fear out of Public Speaking -- Alan Fairweather
Do you "feel the fear" when asked to do some Public Speaking? Public Speaking is still one of our greatest fears and it turns grown men and women into nervous wrecks. The mere thought of it turns our ...

A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking -- Stephen D. Boyd, Ph.d.
Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from ...

How to Stay Motivated Despite Negative People -- Peter Murphy
Getting motivated is sometimes easy enough to do. At least for short periods of time. But staying motivated can be a lot harder to do. And when you add into the mix the presence of negative people it ...

Marketing Conversations, And Conversation Stoppers -- Nina Ham
Where many marketing conversations get off-track are the ones you have with yourself, before you even pick up the phone or initiate the handshake. As independent professionals, usually at the helm of ...

Start Conversations as Easily as You Start a Car -- Arlen Busenitz
Starting a car is easy. Put the key in, turn it, and the car starts. Would it not be great if starting a conversation was this easy? It can be--if you know how! Unfortunately, many people don't ...

Gossip: Destructive Conversation -- Chris Hall
An occasional hour of gossip with the girls isn't so bad......or is it? The first thing to determine is the difference between gossip and healthy "girl" talk. Gossip involves repeating idle talk ...

Conversational Negative Self-talk -- Skye Thomas
Most people don't even know they're doing it. Throughout the course of normal conversation, they bombard themselves with negative self-talk. Even people who are aware of the power of their ...

How to Turn Around A Sinking Conversation - 7 Tips -- Peter Murphy
When a conversation is not working out there is the potential for massive frustration or a breakthrough depending on how you look at it. 1. Question your assumptions about the other person Perhaps ...

The First 3 Secrets to Boosting Your Creativity -- Inez Ng
I have professed to be the ultimate left-brained nerd. For years I saw myself as the analytical automaton, sorely lacking in creativity. And creativity is something that I really valued. Think about ...

Four Secrets of Learning Masterful Conversation -- Loren Ekroth
We all learn conversation through active oral practice beginning in early childhood. During those years we are learning through an apprenticeship of observation with our ears and eyes and our ...

You Can't Have An Intelligent Conversation With Everyone -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Intelligent conversation is one of life's pleasures. I love nothing better than to engage in conversation with someone who has ideas to share, different perspectives, and is interesting. An ...

Top Five Ways To Improve Conversation Immediately -- Loren Ekroth
"Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it you can rapidly improve the quality of this very part of your life." - ...

Why Write an eBook? -- Karen Martin
Why Write an eBook? By Karen Martin It's not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed. ...

The Danger Of Negative Thinking -- Kevin Quigley
The Danger Of Negative Thinking By Kevin Quigley. As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to change your life. You want more money - ...

The Psychology Of Success -- Kevin Quigley
The Psychology Of Success By Kevin Quigley. Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. ...

10 tips to kickstart your self esteem! -- Julie Plenty
If you're tired of feeling "less than", afraid of making and achieving your desires and goals, feel that no matter what you do it is never "good enough", then your self esteem could do with a ...

Top 10 Secrets for Being HAPPY! -- Philip E. Humbert
One of my favorite songs is Bobby McFerrin’s refrain, "Don’t Worry, Be Happy". I recently had the opportunity to observe people’s reactions when a highway was closed because of an accident ...

The Top 10 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire -- Philip E. Humbert
There is perhaps no more important decision than to take charge of your own financial future. We live in a world of opportunity, and yet most Americans are buried in credit card and other debt. We ...

The Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Goals -- Philip E. Humbert
Human beings are goal-seeking creatures. We are impatient and try, and fall, and try again until we learn to walk. We babble and coo and struggle until we learn to talk. Skinned knees mean nothing in ...

Relinquishing Your Dreams -- Ginny Dye
How many times have you abandoned an idea, project or dream because someone made a disparaging remark or rolled their eyes when you told them about it? Relinquishing your dreams All too frequently we ...

When Life Gives You Waves, Learn to S.U.R.F. -- Frank F. Lunn
Would you like to learn a skill set and technique so powerful that you could learn to recycle every failure, disappointment, setback and discouraging situation into a steppingstone for your success? ...

Information Overload -- Kathy Paauw
"One of the effects of living with electronic information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There's always more than you can cope with." -Marshall McLuhan Surveys ...

Depression -- StarHerb
Many of us feel depressed at one time or another, but for some, depression may be chronic and even debilitating. Emotions are a normal part of our life. We all experience anger, sadness, worry or ...

Dispell Anger in 2 Simple Steps -- Margrit Harris
"It really works!" "Well, I'll be…!" BJ like so many others in the workshop was astounded that a technique so simple could produce such an amazing result. You must try it. Next time your ...

How to turn Failures into Unstoppable Success -- Saravanan Sivagnanam
Failure, the moment we hear this word, we get the feeling of dejection and disappointment. Not many of us can take failure as a learning experience. If we want to live through failures and emerge ...

Optimism: The Tremendous Benefits of a Positive Attitude -- Anna White
How many times have you heard someone say, “Hey, cheer up!” or “Turn that frown upside-down!”? Unconsciously we all seem to know that optimism is a virtue and that a negative outlook is ...

Why You Must Learn to Forgive for the Sake of Your Own Happiness -- Sonia Devine
Your ability to forgive those who have hurt you in the past is a crucial stepping stone to your spiritual and emotional growth. Throughout the course of our lives, we collect emotional baggage. This ...

Our Beliefs Define Our Limits -- Saleem Rana
The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite ...

Instant Frequency Boosters: 10 Fast and Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration -- Julia Rogers Hamrick
When you're feeling "low," or out of the flow, it's a sign that you need to raise your frequency. There are infinite ways you can lift yourself up—pretty much anything that makes you feel ...

How to Get Rid of Frustration and Self-Pity -- Jeff Herring
I've yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. It comes with the territory of being human. Like many negative emotions, it's not wrong or weak to feel frustrated. What is ...

How Gratitude Can Be Your Partner in Life -- Sonia Devine
Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practise if you want to manifest unlimited wealth. One of the best ways to keep abundance and wealth flowing into your life is to give thanks for ...

Failure is Celebration Time -- R.G. Srinivasan
Failure is my favorite subject. For I have spent my life failing. My failures have not been once in a lifetime affaire. They have been too numerous even to begin listing them here. Let me brag a bit ...

Free Tips To Increase Self-Esteem -- Steve Hill
I have had many confidence issues in my life, all of which I have either dealt with or overcome. I have written about some of these issues below. 1. The Bald Patch 2. My height 3. My weight 4. The ...

Reading People: Body Language Briefing -- Chris Coffman
Body language is the meaning behind the words or the “unspoken” language. Surprisingly, studies show that only up to an estimated 10 percent of our communication is verbal. The majority of the ...

Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words -- Lydia Ramsey
Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages about your true thoughts and ...

Speaking Body Language -- Robert F. Abbott
I observed an almost surreal event when I was a business student. At the front of the classroom, an entrepreneur was practicing a pitch he would make later to venture capital firms. Specifically, he ...

7 Essential Body Language Tips -- Pete Grand
The secrets of our body language have been around forever yet people constantly fail to recognize the importance of using body language to their advantage. Did you know that people only pay attention ...

Listening is Harder Than You Think -- Andrew E. Schwartz
Researchers have discovered that most of the daily communicating we do is in the form of listening. It is mainly by listening that we receive the vital information needed to make decisions, perform ...

Do You Use Sarcasm? Don't! It's Deadly... and the User? He's an Adult Bully! -- Mary Gardner
“Ouch, those words hurt. I know you were joking, but what you said isn’t funny.” “WHAT are you saying? Would you please be quiet? You are embarrassing me in front of all of these ...

We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations -- Judy Ringer
Can you think of a conversation you’ve been putting off. Got it? Great. Then let’s go. There are dozens of books on the topic of difficult, crucial, challenging, important (you get the idea) ...

Listening Attitude and Technique -- Andrew E. Schwartz
As the story goes, a New York columnist who had to attend many cocktail parties each season had come to believe a certain socialite was a less than perfect listener. It was said that this socialite ...

Conversation Starters -- Mary Gardner
In my many charisma courses that I teach, I am constantly amazed at the high quality of person that shows up to take the classes. The people are usually attractive, articulate and professional. ...

Powerful Communication:Language: The Key that Opens or Closes that Important Door -- Connie Butler
What prevents people from using their native language or secondary languages confidently comes down to seven traps that most people fall into. Language is one of the things that sets us apart as ...

The 31 Absolute Best Resources for Self Improvement -- David Riklan
Every week, I hear from people with the same Self Improvement questions: Where should I go for help? What should I do? Who should I listen to? This article is designed to help you explore all of the ...

If You Don't Ask You Are Rejected, 7 Steps to Overcome that Fear of Rejection -- Mike Makler
If You Don't ask then You are Already Rejected. Many Home Based Business People are afraid of Asking Because of fear of rejection. If you are afraid of rejection you need to change your Mind set. ...

Motivation: Tearing Down Your Own Limitations -- Jeff Herring
Q.: I've always been sort of cynical about all this motivational stuff. Lots of rah-rah but no how-to. Now I see all these commercials that talk about no limits, no boundaries, etc. But there are ...

Quit Pretending - You Have To Live What's In You To Succeed -- Sonny Julius
Some people, after they reach their mid and upper adult years seem to go through their lives just existing. Oh! They work at their jobs as best as they can. Some may even pursue higher positions in ...

Sometimes Being Unfocused is the Risk You Need to Take -- Mary Gardner
I was accused recently of being unfocused. This lady challenged me to decide whether I was a coach, a writer, or a TV personality. She couldn’t imagine that one person could do all of these well ...

A Lesson in Letting Go -- Catherine Franz
Do you hear yourself saying? When I have enough money, I'll... When I go on vacation, I'll... As soon as I find the right partner, I'll... When the house is clean, I'll be able to... ...

When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful -- Catherine Franz
Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you, then be self-assured that you are sending out ...

Your Best Defense Against Aging: Your Attitude To Life -- Priya Shah
In the international bestseller, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell explains how researchers who study mind-reading using body language and facial expressions found that the old clichéd advice to smile when ...

To Be A Champion, Become A Child -- Priya Shah
Have you ever wondered what successful people have that makes them successful? Ever wonder how those champion recruiters in your company manage, month after month, to get the most new recruits, the ...

Believe In Yourself And Become a Winner: Lessons from Hollywood -- Priya Shah
A while ago I made it a point to watch the movie "Legally Blonde." Not just for the bright, chirpy and eminently watchable Reese Witherspoon, but also because I loved the message it sent out. If you ...

The Psychology Of Success -- Kevin Quigley
Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. How we respond to this dream will decide ...

We need Creativity -- Simon Mitchell
Creativity is central to the management of our individual lives, but in modern times few people are able to access this as a resource. Alan Watts writes in The Wisdom of Insecurity: "We have allowed ...

Change Your Focus and Change Your Results -- Roger Seip
In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound observations of the 20th century. He said: “You become what you think about all day ...

Everyone's Favorite Subject -- Roger Seip
I believe that everyone reading this newsletter understands that no matter what business you are in- Real Estate, Financial Services, Teaching, Auto Sales any other profession, we are all in the ...

Average Sucks! -- Roger Seip
The very first "motivational speaker" I heard as an adult was a gentleman named Mort Utley. I experienced his speech in May of 1989 in Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of a week of Sales School with ...

Motivation: 3 Powerful Quotes from Golfer Tiger Woods -- Jeff Herring
I am not a golfer, unless you count an occasional game of putt-putt. I'm not even a fan of the game. But I am a fan of excellence, and so the following quotes by golfing great Tiger Woods ...

Five Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd -- Terry Mitchell
Some people are content to just to be another face in the crowd. By assuming this attitude, they are saying, in effect, to the rest of the world, I'm just average; there's nothing special ...

2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly -- Adrian Bryant
1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to ...

14 Tips to Make Moving Day Easier -- Carole Pagan
It’s that time of year again for a lot of us. Here are some tips to make your moving day less painful, both mentally and physically. 1. Lighten the load. Dispose of as much as possible before you ...

6 Saving Tips When Moving -- Kimberly Griffiths
Moving households, whether it is due to a job transfer or upgrading your home, and whether moving across country or across town, is an expensive proposition. Even when a new employer sponsors a ...

Letting Events Control Your Life ... Dropping The Negatives And Moving On! -- Edward Toupin
It's interesting to note how we sometimes become so inundated with events in our lives that we allow them to become our lives. Instead of enjoying and nurturing the life we have, we fall prey to ...

5 Surefire Ways To Eliminate Credit Card Debt -- Wesley Atkins
Do you have enormous credit card debt? You are certainly not alone. According to research, the average family in the United States has $7000 in credit card debt and pays about $1000 in interest each ...

7 Surefire Ways To Repair Bad Credit -- Wesley Atkins
Do you have a poor credit rating? If so, you are one of tens of thousands of Americans with the same problem. In fact, it seems that this has become a national ‘disease.’ And just what do people ...

Change Your Life, Release Fear, and Create What you Really Want -- Rosamunde Bott
Do you have a dream? Or do you just have a nagging feeling that life could better? Many of us have a life that we know is not what we really want, but perhaps we’ve become resigned to it, believing ...

Life Beyond The Internet -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
Am I letting the Internet take over my life? I sit here on my one day off this week and think about how I have spent the last three or four months of my life. Except for the time I put into my ...

I'm Not Fat, I'm Fluffy -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
A distorted body image is one of the symptoms that define anorexia and related eating disorders. Patients may be painfully thin but still see themselves as fat while they continue to cut calories, ...

Five Reasons NOT To Lose Weight -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
We are inundated by exhortations to lose weight - from the media, from our friends, from our family. As the richest, fattest, nation on earth, we idealize the impossibly thin supermodels who smile ...

Five Really Tough Dieting Tips -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
If you are losing, trying to lose, or think you need to lose, weight, you are probably as sick as I am of those "easy" and "quick" diet tips that NEVER work! The following tips are neither quick nor ...

Emotional Eating -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
Yesterday, out of the blue, without any foreboding gossip or rumor, the company I work for was taken over by a competitor. All afternoon we sat stunned and unnaturally quiet, trying to absorb what ...

Are Your Attitudes Making You Old? -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
A common complaint of the mature is that, in American society, there is far too much focus on youth. We collectively spend a fortune on attempting to look younger and fighting the natural results of ...

The Ripple Effect of Fear -- Virginia Bola, PsyD
Unemployment carries a lot of emotional baggage for most of us and fear is a major component. We fear the financial fallout of no longer receiving regular wages. We fear the impact of our lack of ...

Correct Your Mindset and Expel The Fear -- Mark Claridge
The main problem with many of us is we loose our direction in life. We have great aspirations upon leaving school or college but then just loose direction or do not know how to achieve our dreams. We ...

Ten Steps to Fearless Public Speaking -- Graham Jones
There is plenty of dubious material which suggests you can combat public speaking fear. Much of it includes fancy techniques such as 'visualisation' or 'breathing techniques'. Well, ...

Dream Bigger! -- Kevin Eikenberry
A number of years ago we created a graphic logo based on the phrase Dream Bigger! We produced buttons and t-shirts. I’ve signed letters and emails with this phrase. It is more than a short ...

Correct Your Mindset and Expel The Fear -- Mark Claridge
The main problem with many of us is we loose our direction in life. We have great aspirations upon leaving school or college but then just loose direction or do not know how to achieve our dreams. We ...

Positive Thought -- Mark Claridge
The power of positive thoughts to affect one's experience of life has long been recognized. Positive thinking has been credited with the success of many business people. More recently scientists ...

Self Esteem -- Mark Claridge
Self-esteem is very important. It is the way we view and feel about ourselves that has a profound effect on how we live our lives. These opinions are shaped by experiences within the family, at ...

How To Win Over Your Fears -- DeAnna Spencer
If you really want to do something you will always find a way. But if you don't want to do it, you will almost always find excuses. The easiest way to combat fear is by facing your fears. Look ...

Getting Past Fear -- Dale Kurow
Have you gotten tons of career advice, solicited and unsolicited? You nod when you hear it and think, "Yeah, I know this stuff." So, what else is new? But what have you done with the advice? Fess up. ...

The Top 10 Steps to DeStress -- Pam Woods
Do you feel tense and anxious at work? Do your co-workers and/or boss make you crazy? Is your personal life less than blissful? If so, you've got stress. If you're like most people you've ...

Feeling Lonely? Write An Imaginary Letter -- Mark Else
I know what its like to feel lonely, with no-one to turn to for help or advice, maybe you`ve just lost someone you loved and feel no-one else can help you but they can, you can also help yourself. In ...

What Is A Loan? -- John Mussi
A loan is money that you borrow and agree to pay back over a set period of time with interest. The amount of money you borrow is called principal, and interest is the cost for borrowing the money. ...

Useful Tips When Choosing Credit Cards -- John Mussi
Chances are you have received your share of "pre-approved" credit card offers in the mail, some with low introductory rates and other perks. Many of these solicitations urge you to accept "before the ...

A Few Brief Tips To Deal With Writing Rejection -- Laura Hickey
What to do when you get rejected. You've just finished your book, sent out query letters and was rejected. What's left to do? You could give up, but I wouldn't suggest this. Here's ...

4 Tips to Avoid Internet Scams -- John Lynch
If you are new to the internet you will come across numerous programs offering promises of riches. You may know about people who have become rich on the Net but you have also heard about the scams. ...

Five Hot Tips To Get Out Of Debt Forever -- Rhiannon Williamson
The financial and psychological burden of being in debt causes us and our families continuous emotional stress. That stress eats away at the quality of our lives and leaves us feeling powerless, ...

Stress Tips -- Bill Reddie
26 ways to minimize and manage the unhealthy effects of stress, anxiety and burnout. No doubt about it - we live in an increasingly competitive and stressful world. In many subtle and not so subtle ...

Conversation Tips -- Jesse Edwards
there. Looking for conversation tips, are you? Conversations can be hard work. First you have to break the ice, then you have to try to keep the conversation going, and then you have to try to make ...

How To Handle Audience Questions Effectively -- Paul Daniels
For some reason, the prospect of having to answer audience questions fills many presenters with dread and fear. Looking at it in a positive way however, it’s an ideal opportunity for you to satisfy ...

The Most Important Word in a Business Letter -- Rix Quinn
What do you think it is? Many experts insist it’s the word “you.” Why? When most of us read anything, we’re looking for something that interests us. What do we need at that moment? What will ...

How to Speak So Your Audience Will Listen -- Rix Quinn
Did you hear about the executive who was asked to give a speech? He talked about his company, himself, and his plans for the future. You haven’t heard this story because the audience fell asleep, ...

Effective Communication: Hear the Unspoken, Speak Well, and Say What You Mean! -- Bethany Rule
Are you a good communicator? Do people understand you easily? I've had several experiences lately that made me realize once again the tremendous importance of EFFECTIVE communication. I tend to ...

What Is My Life Purpose? -- Jo Ball
Why am I here? If you haven’t already asked this question, I’m sure you will. Sooner or later most of us do. It’s not an easy question to answer. It’s broad in terms of possibility. Right now ...

Online Dating - 8 Sizzling Tips To Make Your Profile Standout! -- Amanda Lee
We know one of the hardest part of creating your profile is describing yourself to others. Dating pearl.com gives you the freedom to define & express yourself so you can put your best foot forward. ...

Is Your Focus, Life Sucks? -- Maria Boomhower
I have heard many people state something like, my life sucks, how are you getting your life to go so well? Well, their question answered itself. For what we communicate with ourselves, we attract. ...

Yahoo Personals Offers a Great Way to Meet and Date New People -- William Lezubski
With more people turning to online dating every year, it's only fair to say that Yahoo personals is rising to be one of the most successful dating services on the Internet today! Why are they ...

Dating On The Internet Is Growing! See How Online Dating Can Help You Find Available Singles Today -- William Lezubski
Dating on the Internet is growing rapidly year after year, because it has become very difficult for most people to meet quality singles in their local communities and find compatible matches! When it ...

5 Steps To Better Sleep -- Donald Saunders
If you've ever found yourself counting sheep into the wee hours, then you can take some small comfort from the fact that you’re not alone. Insomnia is plaguing more and more people each year ...

Tony Robbins - 10 Lessons I Learned From Anthony Robbins -- Chris Knight
Tony Robbins has been an inspiration for millions. Love him and his philosophy or not, it is undeniable that he has had a positive impact on millions of people. He has sold over 30-million ...

Tracing your Family History - A primer on resources, research methods, problems and solutions -- Joseph Yakel
People who decide to trace their family histories seem to fall into of two groups: A) they know next to nothing about their family, and need to begin researching from scratch, or B) they already have ...

Get Negativity Out Of Your Life! -- Doug Harvey
They say that the way to have a positive attitude and a positive life is to surround yourself only with positive things and positive people. What do you do then, when the negative influence in your ...

Are You a Winner or Whiner? -- Doug Smart
I've found that winners say “I choose to.” Whiners, on the other hand, say “I have to.” Let me explain. On a plane, I mentioned to the executive next to me that I’m a professional ...

Follow Your Vocational Passion -- Craig Nathanson
It is amazing to me how so many people just accept that they will not be able to do what they really love until they retire. I ask them whether they had considered doing what they love now and then ...

10 School Lessons We Should Never Forget -- Rix Quinn
I went to school in the dark ages, B.C. (before computer). But lessons learned back then still stick to me like paste. Mostly we learned this stuff on the playground, in the lunchroom, or at events ...

Wisdom of the World's Proverbs -- Rodney Ohebsion
You don't have to excavate diamond mines or oil fields to find one of the world's greatest treasures. All you need to do is look at the world's proverbs--the "people's wisdom." ...

The Arrogant Writer -- Jill Nagle
The Arrogant Writer: Five Ways to Nurture and Defend your Muse -- Arrogance has a bad rap. We think of arrogant people as unpleasant to be around, full of themselves, and incapable of taking an ...

Eliminate Troubling Back Pain and Eye Strain Associated With Heavy Computer Use -- Roger Williams
Do you remember the old saw about how computers would change our lives for the better? We'd have more time to ourselves and lead healthier, happier lives. The truth is computers do make ...

Make Your Life Easier -- David Wood
'Have you read the Art of War?' someone asked me once. Fighting someone to get your way is definitely a valid strategy. But you don't need me to tell you about that one - we've all ...

Breaking Through Uncertainty - Welcoming Adversity -- Jim McCormick
We all question our ability at times. Uncertainty plagues us. It is even more intense if the ability we are questioning relates to something we have never tried or not succeeded at in the past. Set ...

There Are Always More Nos Than Yeses -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Although it may not seem true, if we think about it, we will come to realize that there are always more nos than yeses. We will be turned down more often than not. The good news is that the more nos ...

If You Are Not Ready, Don't Start -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
There are times when we feel we should take action, but feel stuck or unsure. Action does assist with moving forward, but the first question to ask is "Am I ready?". We might be willing and able, but ...

If You are in a Hole, Stop Digging -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
If you find yourself in a difficult situation, don't continue doing what you are doing. Although, it might seem like simple advice that should be common sense, remember common sense isn't. It ...

Don't Settle -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Settling is about not embracing what is best for you, and accepting what you really don't want. When you settle, you accept less than you deserve. Settling becomes a habit and a way of life, but ...

Overcoming Burn Out -- Valerie Garner
Burn out, it can happen to anyone. Some of the common signs of burn out can be (although not an all inclusive list) depression, mental, emotional and spiritual fatigue, overreacting to little things, ...

Combat Stress by Creating Your Own Oasis -- Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc.
Help your body and mind relax, and increase your sense of well-being, by creating a personalized comfort zone. Whether at home, work or when traveling, you can create your own oasis with these eight ...

No Regrets -- Laurie Hayes
It's never too late to pursue a dream and in the words of one of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, "Don't die with your music still in you." If you have a dream, pursue it, and don’t let ...

Are you a Sleep Walking Zombie? -- Royane Real
Do you get enough sleep? Chances are you don’t. Many people living in modern industrial societies suffer from a chronic, and worsening sleep deficit. Until a few decades ago, most people lived ...

Body Language Secrets You Need to Know -- Royane Real
Some body language experts claim that only about 7% of our messages to other people are communicated through the words we speak. The rest of our messages are conveyed through our body language, tone ...

Negative Self-talk is Too Expensive -- Alan Fairweather
I'm always fascinated by the people who lift huge weights, particularly in competitions like the Olympic Games. There are events for men and women and they get up on stage to lift a bar with huge ...

Stop Sickies and Make People Happy At Work -- Alan Fairweather
If you're an employer or a manager then work place absence is costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting your customers. And as we all know, not all days taken off work are due to genuine ...

Resistance - How to Handle It -- Alan Fairweather
Do you ever meet with resistance from other people - I bet you do! It might be a customer, a colleague, a member of your team or even someone in your personal life. Dealing with resistance or ...

Think - Don't React -- Alan Fairweather
How you think, your relationship with yourself is what decides how well you communicate with your customers and relate to your team. The most important relationship you'll ever have is the one ...

Five Steps to Meeting New People -- Sadie Peterson
Whether you’re moving to a new city, a new job, or just want to expand your social circle, these five tips can help you meet new people wherever you go. 1. Talk to Everyone – after years of ...

How To Be Interesting -- Steve Gillman
How Do You Learn Something New? If you could learn fast and effectively, you might become the person with something interesting to say on any topic. It also can help you in your carreer or business. ...

Secrets To Solving Problems -- Steve Gillman
Learning a few good problem solving techniques can improve your bottom line and your life. Do you ever run out of good ideas, or go around in circles trying to come up with a solution for a ...

Stopping Stress -- Steve Gillman
How To Defend Yourself Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you just have too much to think about? Does it make you tired, irritable, or even depressed? What can ...

Combat Worrying -- Frhazda Munir
'We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world' Helen Keller We worry about problems, but worry is itself a problem. It inhibits clear thinking, it drains ...

Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"? -- Charlotte Burton
Let’s be realistic here - hands up all of you who bounce out of bed every single morning, raring to get to work and enjoying yourself every minute of the day? If you didn’t put your hand up (even ...

Confidence And Its Origin -- Anmol Rana
Confidence and its Origin Don’t you have the confidence to do this work …… Come on, you can do it……. Have confidence…… What does all this mean? Why do we say all these words when we are ...

The Power of Courtesy and Kindness -- Bill Marshall
I'm currently listening to The Secrets of the Power of Intention audio program by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I highly recommend the program. In the program, he speaks a lot about the importance of kindness. ...

Getting Unstuck -- Natasha J. Rosewood
“What kind of people come to see you?” skeptics sometimes ask, the tone of voice implying that I only consult with lunatics. “People from all walks of life, “I respond oh-so-patiently, ...

5 Tips to Make the Right Decisions in the Midst of Chaos -- Beth Tabak
"In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing."--Theodore Roosevelt As I wandered a parking lot looking for my car I realized the ...

5 Tips to Eliminate Overwhelm & Accelerate Action -- Beth Tabak
The more you get up to bat the more you develop skills. Each time at the plate is another opportunity coming your way. The more you take action the more you will advance. Whether the game is your ...

Ratin' Fast Food -- Ed Williams
Sometimes I get the strangest emails. A couple of days ago, I had a woman write and ask me if I’d consider writing some restaurant reviews. She said she felt that most restaurant critics are ...

Eat Well On a Budget -- Barb Keck
Shopping on a Shoestring -- Eating properly for health on a limited budget is always a challenge. One of the biggest money gobbling culprits is ready made processed and packaged foods and too many ...

Being An Effective Public Speaker -- Colin Ong TS
Many people find it hard to speak in public. There are many reasons, namely the fear of being rejected or forgetting one’s train of thought. This will lead to stage-fright. Even with the emergence ...

Don't You Quit! -- A.Z. Alfred
“A man who has nothing to die for is not fit to live.” —Martin Luther You sat in that secret corner of your room. You felt the bubbles of excitement in your pumping machine (your heart) because ...

Human Weaknesses and Strengths -- Stephen K. Ainsah-Mensah
The meanness of humanity does not loosen up with a sporadic show of love and works of charity. These activities merely reinforce the point that humanity has failed badly in its drive to spread ...

How to develop a healthy interpersonal communication skill? -- DR. NAVEEN K. MEHTA
It is often seen that people working in different organizations complain about their colleagues. They talk more about the behaviour, attitude, mannerism, & so on. But are they true on their part? ...

Empowering Yourself to Succeed -- Berg
All people need to provide some means to pay their bills and maintain the lifestyle they have created. Therefore, most all of us must go to work. The question is: do we work to live or live to work? ...

A 21-step Path to Discover and Do What You Love with Your Life’s Work -- Craig Nathanson
In mid-life, many of us are unfulfilled in our lives and careers. We have a deep longing for change. We often feel that we’ve waited too long to pursue our dreams, and believe that we have no ...
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