I have often felt like quitting. As I considered my options I realized that quitting, in the long run would be more costly. I have always remembered the advise of my first sales manager over 45 years ...
Life's Little Pleasures -- Tim Connor
Life is all about gratitude for the little things, the things we often take for granted. Oh yes, there are big achievements, big plans, big toys, big stuff, big problems and big failures. But, these ...
Random Acts Of Kindness -- Tim Connor
Each of us interacts with any number of people in a given day. Friends, relatives, strangers, fellow employees, customers and service personnel. Each of these people is doing the best they can to ...
Seven Ways to Beat Procrastination -- Jim Estill
I am a student of Time Management and a big part of time management is beating procrastination. We all procrastinate, even those of us who pride ourselves in having good time management skills. From ...
Remote Viewing -- Barbara Garcia
Imagine the possibilities that await you by taping that incredible part of your psyche that allows you to perceive people, places, events, or even objects simply by directing your concentration to ...
Fear Is The Mind Killer -- Mark McGimpsey
Fear. In the words of a sci-fi film, "Fear is the mind killer. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself!" Anyone remember the film? It was "Dune". It has often been said the fear we feel when ...
Becoming Happily Discontented -- Devon D. Harris
I recently read a story about Fred - an average hardworking guy who made just enough to pay the bills. One summer the head of his company invited him and the other employees to a huge party at his ...
Finding Your Noble Purpose -- Devon D. Harris
You may have heard the story of the three bricklayers who were busy working the same construction site. A passerby approached the first one and asked what he was doing and he replied “I am laying ...
Celebrate - If You Just Believe! -- Carolyn Porter
Believe in what your heart is saying, Hear the melody that’s playing, There’s no time to waste, There’s so much to celebrate. Believe in what you feel inside, And give your dreams the wings to ...
Facing Fear Of Failure -- Glen D. Williams
We've all experienced some form of fear of failure while growing up or as an adult. It stops some of us from even trying, while others try half-heartedly, undermining their own success and ...
What is Your Choice? Depression or Joy? -- Ab Van Deemter
Looking at your life over the past year does not make you feel very happy. Actually your life does not look so great lately. At work you have this colleague, who seemed a real colleague at first, but ...
Learning from Your Mistakes -- Annelise Carter
I admit, it did take me a little while to figure this out, but I noticed it when I ended my last relationship, that some of the same things kept happening in relation to my partner that I recognised ...
Life is Too Short to Think Small -- John Mason
Know Your Limits, Then Ignore Them! Life is too short to think small. Most people could do more than they think they can, but usually do less than they think they can. You never know what you cannot ...
Do It And You Will Get The Momentum To Achieve It! -- SK WONG
Achieving your goal! Some one once told doubter never win, critic never act, winner never quit!? so are you a doubter who has doubt in anything you do except success, or the critic who criticize ...
How To Conquer Fear In 3 Minutes Or Less -- Joshua Zuchter
There are only 3 things you need to know about fear to conquer it... and when you read this, be sure that you take some time to absorb it, because it will blow you away... so get ready for these ...
Are You Happy To Lead A Mediocre Life Just Because Others Do -- Pat Campbell
When we read historical novels, we may laugh at the pointless lives that the gentry of that period led. The well to do who lived centuries ago spent their lives in idle pursuits totally oblivious (in ...
The Benefits Of A Positive Attitude -- Ab van Deemter
Two people look at a glass which is half filled with water. Are you the person who sees a glass that is half empty or do you see a glass that is half full? We have a lot of choices in life. We can ...
Using Self Motivation Techniques To Keep Your Goals In Focus -- Elaine Currie
No matter what goal you are aiming for, staying motivated is a challenge for everyone at times. Even though you have set those goals for yourself, it will be hard to stay focused at times. Using self ...
Golden Rules Of Motivation -- Jason De Boer
Why is motivation important? Whether you are trying to achieve something yourself or lead others towards an achievement, the ability to be self-motivated or to motivate is crucial. When we meet ...
Heaven or Hell?...It's All in Your Mind -- Susan Russo
The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not on our circumstances.” -Martha Washington Why is it that you can take two people and put them in the exact same situation and ...
Key To Success: Motivation -- Donovan Baldwin
Motivation is not a new concept to most of us. We have felt that first burst of enthusiasm. Perhaps it was an ad or news story on TV, an article in a magazine, a chance remark, or an embarrassing ...
Are You Always Looking For More, More, More? -- Kate Harper
"I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate." -Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) American author, "A Message to Garcia" I love going away from ...
Can Creativity Be Taught? -- Ricky Lim
Many people think that creativity is a trait that is only reserved for people who are born with the talent. That it is a child's natural talent, a gift if you would call it and like beauty, it is ...
Are My Choices Leading Me to Where I Want to Go -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
Consider these questions: Job/Career: • Does my job/career serve as a means of support, or am I a slave to it? • Does my job/career make demands that are ruining my health/peace of mind? • ...
Are You Building Your Own Prison -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
Have you ever been inside a prison? When I did my internship I conducted workshops on Assertive Communication and Decision Making—two very important and empowering tools—in the New York State ...
Lottery Winners Are Broke! -- Michael A. Verdicchio
Have you ever seen or heard news reports about lottery winners becoming broke? Can you imagine? They have no money left! Many lottery winners, especially those who take a lump sum are now poor. How ...
On Pursuing Joy & Happiness -- Margo Kirtikar
Have you wondered why happiness seems to evade those who spend their life chasing it? I’ve met so many people who seem constantly in search of joy and happiness and never find it. They hop around ...
It's Up to You -- Dinorah Blackman
Most mornings I drive by three young men selling newspapers on the street. One of them has a whole intersection all to himself and the other two share one of the city’s busiest avenues. Each one ...
Key To Success: Motivation -- Donovan Baldwin
Motivation is not a new concept to most of us. We have felt that first burst of enthusiasm. Perhaps it was an ad or news story on TV, an article in a magazine, a chance remark, or an embarrassing ...
Business And Life, Are You Satisfied? -- Ove Nordkvist
Do you have everything you wish for? Have you reached the destination of your dreams? If that's not the case, There is a reason for that. Now, the big question is, do you want to learn how to ...
The Gift of Good bye -- Avis Ward
There are four seasons and metaphorically, they apply to the seasons of our lifespan. When I lived in South Florida, however, I would say there were only two seasons, summer and hot! The falls and ...
Have You Chosen Gratitude? -- Kevin Sinclair
Everyone’s life is different and they prefer to live life differently than other people. However, life can be pretty unpredictable with obstacles and challenges arising in our paths all of the ...
The Positive Side Of Guilt -- Joe Love
There was once an order of monks who slept in coffins, the very coffins that they would eventually be buried in. What little food they ate was plain, and the robes they wore were made of coarse ...
Praise Always Outweighs Shame -- Maralene Strom
There was a young woman who had been facing the challenges of overcoming bulimia. She stood before a filled auditorium and shared her story. She ended her story with a self-deprecating assumption ...
Forgiveness—Benefits -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
A 2001 study revealed a correlation between reviewing hurtful memories and measures of the stress response (EMG, heart rate, blood pressure). When subjects were encouraged to think forgiving ...
What Did You Say? -- Nancy Heimstra
Haven’t you noticed that it seems like a miracle that there is any communication at all? I attended an event last weekend and the speaker was saying one thing and a member of the audience asked a ...
Five Ways to Get Un-Stuck! -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
Do you ever feel as if you’re just not getting anywhere? It’s like you’re moving through molasses while everyone else is just zipping along toward their objectives. You WANT to progress, to ...
How to Stay in a Good Mood -- Michael A. Verdicchio
Have you ever noticed how easy it is for people to be happy, excited, and positive when things go well? When there are no big problems, people feel good, and life is great! At those times, it is easy ...
Winners Transform Fear into Exhilaration -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
You’ve been asked to take on a special project by the boss and you’ve never done anything like it before. That familiar feeling of tension grips your stomach. You start imagining all kinds of ...
Letting Go and Forgiving -- Marleny Anicama
One way people ruin their chances for happiness is by holding on to resentments, anger, and rage. When you’ve been wronged, it’s natural to feel upset, and anger can be useful, at least for a ...
Your Attitude Determines Your Success - Self Improvement -- John Kunkle
Your attitude is the number one criteria to your success in wooing, winning, and wedding the woman of your dreams. I’m sure that you have heard that many times before. But it’s true. Attitude is ...
Attitude Matters - Self Improvement -- Pj Germain
It may be a truism that during times of crisis or adversity, it is especially hard to have a positive attitude. But that simply underscores the fact that a positive attitude is a cornerstone of ...
How to Achieve Your Goals with a Positive Mental Attitude - Self Improvement -- Kevin Sinclair
Happiness is something we all want. Good times with friends, and close relationships are the things that make us feel complete as people. But in these present times there are many distractions that ...
Using Self Motivation Techniques To Keep Your Goals In Focus - Self Improvement -- Elaine Currie
No matter what goal you are aiming for, staying motivated is a challenge for everyone at times. Even though you have set those goals for yourself, it will be hard to stay focused at times. Using self ...
Five Moronic Things We Learn in School - Self Improvement -- H. Bernard Wechsler
Five Moronic Things Teachers Do to Mess-Up Your Kid’s Reading Skills (Can you find them in the article?) The Publishing Industry reports the average college graduate read just one book in all of ...
How To Find Inner Peace - Self Improvement -- Kevin Sinclair
The path to inner peace is not simple or short. You cannot just wake up one day and decide you are going to have inner peace from that point forward. It is a process, a journey that needs to be ...
Judge Yourself - Self Improvement -- Rebecca Livermore
For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world (1 Corinthians 11:31, 32 NKJV). Who likes to ...
The End of Selfless - Self Improvement -- Roy Klienwachter
From a very young age we are taught to be selfless-we are not to consider our own interests over those of another. This ancient ideology does not work in an enlightened society. Being selfless has ...
Enthusiasm, Pure Divine Energy! - Self Improvement -- Ineke Van Lint
Enthusiasm is one of the most divine feelings we can experience. Enthusiasm is energy vibrating at the highest level, energy vibrating in tune with creation. When we are feeling enthusiasm, we are on ...
Conquering Fear: Step Away From The Panic Button - Self Improvement -- Gary Keehner
"All of us are born with a set of instinctive fears- of falling, of the dark, of lobsters, of falling on lobsters in the dark or speaking before the Rotary Club, and of the words "Some Assembly ...
Motivation: What Works? - Self Improvement -- William Frank Diedrich
Blame and criticism are highly overrated as motivators. You already know this. Think about it. When you spent a lot of time trying to correct someone--an employee, your spouse, your parent, your ...
Do It And You Will Get The Momentum To Achieve It! - Self Improvement -- jaunesk
Achieving your goal! Some one once told doubter never win, critic never act, winner never quit!? so are you a doubter who has doubt in anything you do except success, or the critic who criticize ...
Get Rich Quick With A Plan - Self Improvement -- Raymond Burton
You get 1440 minutes at the start of each day, what you do with them is up to you. The rich use them wisely. It is often said that the only difference between the rich and the poor is what they do in ...
Execute on Goals: Periodically Evaluate Where You Are - Self Improvement -- Shawn Doyle
If you were blindfolded and taken to a foreign country where you had never been and dropped off in the middle of a city you would at first have trouble finding your way around. You would ask for ...
Stay Motivated :Keep Growing and Achieving - Self Improvement -- Shawn Doyle
Have you or a friend ever been in a rut? You probably have known someone who was in a rut, living a life of routine, monotony and dullness, maybe even depressed. Do you have a friend or know someone ...
What Inspires Me - Self Improvement -- Bruno Baceli
Inspiration is a universal concept, yet particular to each of us. Simply put, what inspires you may not inspire me and the opposite is obviously true as well. What Inspires Me Inspiration is often ...
7 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills - Self Improvement -- Ricky Lim
Communications skill is an important skill that you need to master if you want to advance the corporate ladder. It is almost important in maintaining your personal relationship with your family, ...
Can You Decide To Be Happy - Self Improvement -- Ineke Van Lint
Many people are living a life of sadness, despair, fear and anger, as if they were living in a basement with a very low ceiling. A cold, damp ceiling of dense concrete, keeping them down. There are ...
Overcome the Laugter Shortage - Self Improvement -- Jim Gustafson
We have at the present time an incredible challenge facing us. There is a critical shortage of laughter. It is not at all clear when it began, but it is clear that it exists. You need only look ...
Classical Music Reduces Stress - The Easy Way to Recharge Your Brain And Relax Your Mind - Self Improvement -- Tania French
The scientific evidence is growing by leaps and bounds: music helps physical changes which help heal the body. Find out how to relax and rejuvenate using the calming sounds of classical music. "The ...
Ten Important Stress Relieving Techniques - Self Improvement -- Kimberly Markison
There are some simple ways for the human’s being to return to stress free bliss….or at least normalcy! We considered categorizing them into three groups: physical, mental/emotional, spiritual. ...
Are You Taking Your Life Too Seriously? Learn to Have Fun and Control Stress - Self Improvement -- Sera Redmonds
When was the last time you enjoyed a fetch play with your dog? Or enjoyed a sunny day picnic with your family members? When was the last time you stayed at home and watched Will & Grace or FRIENDS? ...
13. 5 Methods To Get Rid Of Stress - Self Improvement -- Ab Van Deemter
Nowadays stress is, as we all know, public enemy number one. Everyone of us suffers from it and it takes a heavy toll on our body, mind and emotions. And since our society of today requires more and ...
The Importance of Self Care - Self Improvement -- Mary Gardner
Big week. Very big week. I had some larger than life meetings with some people who can actually help me make my ultimate career dreams come true. It’s exciting and can be overwhelming, but I’ve ...
What Causes Anxiety Attacks? - Self Improvement -- Paul Dylan
In understanding what causes anxiety attacks it is important to understand there are a variety of anxiety disorders and therefore a broad spectrum of causes that can result in anxiety attacks. ...
Reasons To Get More Sleep - Self Improvement -- Jennie Crawford
Sleeping is not as easy as it should be for many people. There are actually people who dread nighttime because of the difficulties they have with falling asleep. I have been one of those people. I ...
Stress - 5 Tips To Beat It & Be Happy - Self Improvement -- Sacha Tarkovsky
Stress, the big killer of our 20th century comes from the classic flight or flight reaction, is supposed to keep us alive and healthy. Today we usually neither flight nor fly, but keep all the stress ...
Maximum Motivation By Practicing Long Term Thinking - Self Improvement -- Shawn Doyle
One of the key characteristics of highly successful and motivated people is that they practice the fine art of long term thinking. Donald Trump always has had a five year plan. Many successful ...
The Secret to Motivation: Knowing What Gets You Motivated and Stimulated! - Self Improvement -- Shawn Doyle
If you owned an expensive racehorse (by the way if you do, congratulations!) you would make every effort to determine under what conditions your horse performed at its best. When it won a race, you ...
Drive Motivation by Understanding the Power of Reward Now! - Self Improvement -- Shawn Doyle
Webster’s defines reward as, “something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior” and I think that is a pretty solid definition. I would define reward as, giving yourself a dividend ...
What motivates you? - Self Improvement -- Phil Grisolia
Ever find yourself in kind of a funk, faced with having to do something you don’t want to do? A project at work? A chore on that Honey-Do list your spouse keeps adding to. It happens every day. To ...
Get Rich Quick With A Plan - Self Improvement -- Raymond Burton
You get 1440 minutes at the start of each day, what you do with them is up to you. The rich use them wisely. It is often said that the only difference between the rich and the poor is what they do in ...
Enthusiasm, Pure Divine Energy! - Self Improvement -- Ineke Van Lint
Enthusiasm is one of the most divine feelings we can experience. Enthusiasm is energy vibrating at the highest level, energy vibrating in tune with creation. When we are feeling enthusiasm, we are on ...
Motivation - Getting Out What You Put in Part 2 - Self Improvement -- Rich Lucas
We have previously spoken about how your physiological state can affect you motivation bearing in mind the principle "you get out what you put in” In this article, we can look at how you can feed ...
Motivation - Getting Out What You Put in Part 1 - Self Improvement -- Rich Lucas
Ever get those days where you just can't gee yourself up to do anything? You can't actually put your finger on what it is that makes you feel so uninspired, but this is how your feeling. We ...
Self-Motivation is the Best Motivation - Self Improvement -- Sanjeev Himachali
Introduction Today is 05th Nov. 2006 and people in this part of the world are celebrating “Guruparav”… ”Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev”. I am sitting here and thinking as what is the motive of ...
Change Your Routine To Keep Motivated - Self Improvement -- Matthew Roberts
Often the way we live day by day starts to become habit, and we do things almost without thinking. Wake up, get ready for work, go to work, come home, go to bed, wake up and repeat. Know it's no ...
Motivation: What Works? - Self Improvement -- William Frank Diedrich
Blame and criticism are highly overrated as motivators. You already know this. Think about it. When you spent a lot of time trying to correct someone--an employee, your spouse, your parent, your ...
Lift Your Spirit & Reduce Stress Now! - Self Improvement -- Sacha Tarkovsky
In this article we are going to look at adopting a positive attitude and de-stressing your schedule so you have a better attitude of mind and get more done. These are simple tips but they will lift ...
Gratitude Attitude - Self Improvement -- Zoe Herbert
The supposed festive season fills many with excitement, and many more with dread and apprehension. It is not a happy time for all. Conflicts and past grievances with family, friends, and former ...
Creative Authenticity: What's Your Biggest "Project in the Closet"? - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
As actively creative people, we can have any number of creative projects in progress at any one time. These can be of different types and styles, and vary in size, complexity, depth and ambition. We ...
Increase Creativity: The Invisible Threads That Hold Together A Creative Life - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
For most creative mediums and forms of expression, there is some tangible way of measuring how much we create. The value and quality of this output we often see as a secondary measure, believing ...
Overcome Creative Block: When The Best Creative Work Is Not Just In The Words - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
Imagine this scenario: You’re a prolific writer, a veteran of a dozen critically acclaimed and best selling novels, and currently deep into the juicy heart of your latest work. The words are ...
Increase Creativity: New Creative Wardrobe - Where Would YOU Start? - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
Imagine that you lost all of your clothes in a domestic disaster like a fire. In some ways you’d probably be very upset at losing some of the garments that you love, make you feel good about ...
Creativity Secrets Revealed: The Best Place to Start Your Next Creative Project - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
Under the banner of creativity there are a huge number of different disciplines and media that can be considered as creative, and expressions of our creativity. There are those best known ...
Increase Creative Self-Belief: Overcoming The Danger Of Negative "Snap-Back" - Self Improvement -- Dan Goodwin
Isn’t technology wonderful when it actually improves our daily lives? An example is a product that’s used for the frames of many modern pairs of glasses. Flexon is a laws-of-nature defying ...
Cool Sayings That Make Me Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning -- Pamela Beers
Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands-a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance ...
Cheer Yourself Up: 25 Instant Mood Lifters - Self Improvement -- Jamie Jefferson
The blues overtake all of us from time to time. Here are 25 quick ways to pick up your spirits. 1. Keep a running list of inspiring quotes and uplifting jokes. Refer to them when you need to. 2. Call ...
Bittersweet: When Bad Comes Along With the Good - Self Improvement -- Wendy Betterini
In life, there are cycles of good and bad. Times when our lives seem joyful and easy, and times when we're struggling through what seem like endless difficulties. Then there are times when the ...
Nothing Should Offend You - Self Improvement -- LaRene Ellis
Our society has changed over the years. One area that bothers me is what people refer to as the term ‘politically correct.’ In the past, no one thought about saying, “That offends me.” so you ...
Happiness Is About Freedom - Are You Free? - Self Improvement -- Piercarla Garusi
The Dalai Lama, in his book The Art of Happiness, says that the very purpose of life is happiness, and I am sure you agree with that. And what is happiness? Happiness is about freedom and it begins ...
How to Say You're Sorry! - Self Improvement -- Lee Kiley
It might seem like the simplest thing in the world, but saying sorry and meaning it is much more than the uttering of a single word. We seem to live in a world where folks are more self centred, ...
7 Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset - Self Improvement -- Zoe Routh
Ask anyone, "do you want more money?" and the answer is usually "yes!" More money can mean many things: freedom, fun, adventure, escape from bills, no more worries, a brand new BMW. Whatever it is we ...
How To Be Lucky - Self Improvement -- Louise Dop
For those of you whose flea-riddled rabbit’s foot and graying pair of lucky Y-fronts are failing to deliver, help may be at hand. According to those thoughtful types who ponder life’s mysteries, ...
99% of Success Boils Down To a Matter of FAITH - Self Improvement -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
You’ve heard the expression that says “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” It makes sense, especially when you consider that we can have all of the best intentions but sooner or ...
Cultivate Feelings of Quiet Accomplishment - Self Improvement -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
Like you, I have major responsibilities. But if I think about them all the time, I’ll go nuts, feeling overwhelmed. It’s far better, I’ve found, to simply do what is before me to do, whether it ...
Do You Want To Be A Success - Self Improvement -- Kevin Sinclair
Setting goals for what you want to achieve in life is an extremely good way to go. It could be that you are bored with your life, so you set goals to make your life more exciting. Or you set a goal ...
Social and Business Event Confidence - Self Improvement -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable at social/business events? You are not alone. While social/business events can be enjoyable, especially when you are surrounded by people whom you enjoy, there ...
Universal Law—Don't Quit - Self Improvement -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
As a motivational speaker and inspirational leader people frequently ask me—"What do you do when you are discouraged or overwhelmed?” The answer is: I am too busy creating solutions to be ...
Denial Doesn't Make It So - Self Improvement -- Susan Russo
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” -Aldous Huxley 1894-1963 There are times when we will rationalize anything to make things seem to be right. But, by not facing the truth; ...
When Your Life Hasn’t Turned Out the Way You Wanted - Self Improvement -- Susan Russo
“Things do not change; we change.” -Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862 What do you do when you wake up and realize that your life would be so much better if you had only made different decisions? How ...
Replace Your Fears With Courage - Self Improvement -- Susan Russo
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear.” -Ambrose Redmoon How do you define the intangible feelings of fear? Some people are so ...
Motivation By Shocking The Bullies And Critics - Self Improvement -- John Watson
The thought of shocking the people who have mocked or underestimated you is a powerful motivator. It has been used to motivate people to buy a solution by advertisers for generations. The older ...
Ways To Help People To Gain Confidence - Self Improvement -- Steve Hill
Would you like to be a far more confident person than you are at present? Do you feel that you have a low self-esteem? Are you jealous of other people, people such as members of your family or ...
Boost your Self-Confidence: 9 Easy Hints - Self Improvement -- Shannon Columbo
Whether you are looking for a new job or going on a first date, one of the most important characteristics that will stand you in good stead is your self-confidence. Increase your self-confidence with ...
Don't Underestimate The Usefulness Of Dreams - Self Improvement -- Shen Gerald
Dream in all its apparent illogicality, is actually quite a useful tool for understanding oneself. There are different types of dreams, but almost all dreams tell us something that we need to know. ...
Seizing the Moment: Selflessness - Self Improvement -- Dr Leo Kady
Our continuation in the series on Seizing the Moment, brings us to the final aspect, selflessness. To truly engage the moment, one must be able to administer selflessness so they can further ...
Finding Freedom in Your Finances - Self Improvement -- Sabrina Coffin
Perhaps you are one of many American's today who struggles with owing more on your credit cards than you care to speak about. Let me begin with a series of questions: 1. Do your finance charges ...
Increasing Self-Confidence and Problem Solving - Self Improvement -- Don L. Price
Oddly enough, for many, there is rarely a day that goes by where we procrastinate making a decision because we experience a lack of self-confidence or feelings of self-doubt. The standards set, while ...
Speaking Positive Words Into Your Life - Self Improvement -- Chad Hardy
I recently heard an amazingly insightful sermon regarding words, but more precisely concerning who spoke those words. The topic was based around The Garden of Eden and when Adam and Eve eat the ...
3 Keys to Making Your Dreams Happen - Self Improvement -- Barb Elyett
Are you a dreamer? Do you have a desire to do something great with your life? Do you have unique talents and gifts that you long to share with others? If so, then take your hand right now, tap ...
The 7 Steps To Intuition - Self Improvement -- Ab van Deemter
Have you ever had this strong feeling that something was going to happen and that very much to your surprise this hunch became reality somewhat later? That’s what we call intuition. Intuition is to ...
The Power of Positive Thinking - Self Improvement -- Robert Palmer
I believe that anything is possible. I believe that I can make a living on the internet. I believe that I can lose those last 10 pounds. These are all examples of affirmations. Positive affirmations. ...
Life Is Like A Streetcar: You Need To Be Right On Track To Get The Power! - Self Improvement -- Ineke Van Lint
Engineers know it. Streetcars know it. I know it, and in fact, you know it too. If you’re not right on track, then you won’t be getting any power. You won’t feel the energy surge, and you ...
Student Motivation: Inspiring The Future - Self Improvement -- Matthew Hick
One of the most important aspects of a teacher's job is to motivate students. In order for a student to be motivated, he or she must possess a desire to learn and be willing to aim this desire ...
Motivation – The Energy Behind Action - Self Improvement -- Sacha Tarkovsky
Many people think motivation is just an emotion, or a thought. Its not! Motivation is the energy behind action. No motivation and your actions are empty; without substance. However, if you add ...
Nothing Is Impossible - Self Improvement -- Ab van Deemter
All of us, at some point in our lives, have had dreams of being somebody special, someone who achieved great things. We all had dreams of being rich and famous, successful and happy. Unfortunately ...
Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivations - Self Improvement -- Matthew Hick
Have you ever had a problem getting motivated to complete a task that you absolutely had to do? Did you ever just want to throw in the towel and accept that you failed? If so, understand that there ...
Stop the Negative Fantasy - Self Improvement -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Worry is one of those things that will pull you down and stop you in your tracks quicker than most anything else. Most things you worry about don't happen, but that doesn't seem to stop ...
You Can't Change Your Life Today - Self Improvement -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I find it amusing how many people, programs, and books are out there today that promise to change your life in a second, a minute or as long as a day. Although intriguing as it may sound, changing ...
Be Responsible To - But Not For - Self Improvement -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Many people are confused with the concept of responsibility. Many of us have confused the concept and believe we can be responsible for the actions, behaviors and thoughts of others. Not possible! ...
Positive Attitude – Energize Your Life - Self Improvement -- Sacha Tarkovsky
Can having a positive attitude energize your life? It can and does, daily. Just as the opposite is true. Having a negative outlook enervates your life and you. Why? What is a Positive Attitude? A ...
Accomplishing Anything Through Goal Setting - Self Improvement -- Scruffy Scribe
Often in life we are faced with projects or tasks that simply appear to be insurmountable. When we are given a project of this magnitude it is important that we know how to go about dealing with it. ...
How To Turn Shoulds Into Want Tos - Self Improvement -- Liz Sumner
I hate Shoulds. They're evil. They scream at me and shake their fingers. Ought to Have to and Must are just as bad. They make me the opposite of motivated. You SHOULD write another newsletter. ...
12. 10 Ways To Make You Feel Happy - Self Improvement -- Ab van Deemter
It is a known fact that our health is being effected by the degree of happiness we feel inside of us. We know that the happier we are, the healthier we become. The more we can avoid a stressful life ...
How to Adopt the Winner’s Mindset - Self Improvement -- Calvin Woon
‘Everybody here has the ability to do absolutely anything I do and much more beyond. Some of you will and some of you won’t. For the ones who won’t, it will be because you get in your own way, ...
A Few More Advises On How To Improve Your Memory - Self Improvement -- Willie Krut
It is a well known fact that when a person grows older, his memory gets weaker. There are a lot of people that have a tough time remembering names, numbers, and pictures. If you feel that we are ...
Useful Life Skills for the 21st Century - Self Improvement -- Keith Perrett
There are a multitude of useful life skills that one could think of, but the ones I want you to think about here are the ones just about anyone can master to some degree - the mental attitudes and ...
Sleep On It - Self Improvement -- Michael A. Verdicchio
What do you think about before you go to sleep? Does it really matter? What you think about could be very beneficial and profitable to your life. While your conscious mind takes a break as you sleep, ...
Mental Telepathy - Is It Real? - Self Improvement -- Steven Gillman
What is mental telepathy? Telepathy is defined as "communication through means other than the senses." Add the "mental," and you have the concept of minds sending and receiving information without ...
Have You Abandoned Yourself? - Self Improvement -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Kathy walked into my 5-Day Intensive workshop looking like a lost little girl. 42 years old, her large green eyes had the frightened look of a deer in the headlights. Kathy had decided to attend the ...
How Important Is Building Self Esteem - Self Improvement -- Ken Austin
Self-esteem is one of the most important elements any of us can have, and building self esteem is an important aspect of that element. Far too many of us lack self esteem because your parents or ...
What Are You Waiting For? - Self Improvement -- Daniel Sitter
What are you waiting for? Statistically, we have an average life expectancy of just 75-80 years. Depending upon your current age and perspective, those figures may either seem like forever or the end ...