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Motivation Tips

Self-Image Motivation -- Munyaradzi Chinongoza
It does not matter who you are. Anyone could be not-so-attractive or the most beautiful person on the planet; however everybody at one point or another, whether they decided to tell someone or not, ...

A Word Of Thanks And Appreciation Can Motivate And Influence A Man For Longer Than You Realise -- Sandy Shaw
There are certain qualities, characteristics, and basic good manners which have almost disappeared from society in these days. So many people appear to be in such a rush. Even when shopping there can ...

Shoulda Coulda Woulda - Don't Let Excuses Steal De -- Henrietta Elegunde
Make hay while the sun shines. Because for you to become successful in life, you don't only have to do the right things, but you have to learn to do the right things at the right time. Most of us ...

Might This Be The Brief Nudge You Need As We Launc -- Sandy Shaw
What are you aiming at as 2008 starts? What is your vision for 2008? Are you still looking for a goal? Might I be able to point you in the most positive direction? I have shared this with our dear ...

Change Means Action -- John Cyr
"Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator. And change has its enemies." - Robert Kennedy Change does have enemies and Robert Kennedy knew that truth and paid for it with his blood. Change ...

The Real Secret of Getting What You Want In Life -- Tony Hall
Have you ever heard the old saying, "If you don't ask, you don't get!"? It's well worth taking heed of because far too many of us are afraid to ask for the things we need in order to ...

Success Is Simple! -- Mohamed Tohami
Are you determined to become a mega success story? Then this article will show you the simplest formula for reaching heights of success you've only dreamed about. Remember that simplicity is not ...

People Are Our Greatest Wealth - 10 ways to make t -- Gina Gardiner
I believe that the work force of any organization represent their true wealth for without them the organization is going nowhere. If you are the owner or Managing Director of any organization you ...

Motivate Yourself to Success -- Dominic Tay
How does Oprah Winfrey get her guests to talk even their deepest secrets? How does Dale Carnegie get his students become A-list public speakers? Know why? Dale and Oprah have something in common: ...

Motivation - Only Two Sources Stop Procrastination -- Joe Crawford
The science of motivation says there are two sources of motivation to get from point A to point B. That's right, all change, growth and innovation is powered by one of only two motivational ...

Learn From Your Mistakes And Make Your Life A Mast -- Martin Mak
Setbacks are part and parcel of life. We cannot taste the sweetness of success unless we've tasted the bitterness of our failures and setbacks. The essential thing to remember is not how many ...

Seven Motivational Tips For Christmas or Similar Events -- John Watson
I woke up yesterday morning feeling low on energy and overwhelmed by all the tasks needing to be done before Christmas. Some of you might have had the same feeling! Are there solutions? Yes! First, ...

How to Boost your Self Motivation? -- Ray Andrew
We begin with our goal in mind and very confident that we are going to achieve it. However, as we go on, we encounter several problems and difficulties which make us loss motivation and doubt of ...

Understanding The Power Of Your Thoughts -- Shane V Purcell
Your dominant thoughts produce the conditions of your surroundings. What you are thinking and feeling most of the time will become what you experience. Your life will become what you affirm, through ...

Get On With It! Step 1 to Making Decisions -- Mark V Hansen
It is very simple. Time spent not making the important decision is time wasted. You have to make good decisions. Have you ever been driving down the road behind someone who is indecisive? It is ...

What Drives Us Forward? -- Adam Khoo
If taking action is the key to producing results, why doesn't everybody take action? Why doesn't everybody follow through on their plans? Why is it that so many people know what they should ...

Motivation - How to Get There -- Dawn Abraham
If anyone knows about motivation it would be me! I was born motivated, and I just kept going. It is one my natural gifts in life. It would be no surprise to you then if you knew I made an incredible ...

Do You Need Others For Success? -- James Heller
Is it possible to be a success all by yourself? Is it possible to be at the top the ladder in the world of business without anyone else? Or, be successful in any area of life? There are countless ...

Live And Learn Direct - Why It Is Fundamental To Keep Your Desire To Learn -- Deanna Mascle
Fundamental reasons to keep your desire to learn. Have you ever thought upon how key learning is to your life in terms of your ability to not only survive but also to thrive both professionally and ...

What Motivates People? -- Duncan Brodie
If you are a manager or leader in an organisation, you need to get results through people. Ask some people and they will tell you that it is money that motivates. Money without doubt is important ...

How To Beat Procrastination - If You Don't Know Your Enemy You'll Always Procrastinate -- Dan Goodwin
Procrastination is one of the biggest and most destructive creativity killers there is. The reason why it's most effective in its objective of preventing you from creating, is because much of the ...

Self Motivation Exercises -- Munyaradzi Chinongoza
If you are looking for an easy self motivation exercise that will help you get off your feet and achieve some goals in life then I got an exercise for you. These are just some ideas that can help you ...

Get Yourself In The Mood -- Lissa Bergin-Boles & Randy Boles
If you're stuck in a rut, it’s easy to feel as though mastering your iPhone was your last big life accomplishment. Here are four fun suggestions to help pry yourself away from all your ...

Does Attitude Affect Outcome? -- James Heller
History is filled with men and women who made some of the greatest achievements by excelling only slightly over the masses of others in their field. Often that slight edge is attitude. We must admit ...

Four Causes That Lead To Discouragement -- James Heller
There is no point in trying to tell ourselves that it isn’t going to happen. We are all prone to times of discouragement. So we might as well be prepared for those times. Preparation includes ...

What Is Real Happiness? -- Jordan Cheng
Yesterday I happened to spot “The Pursuit of Happynessâ€

3 Keys To Self Motivation -- Bridgette Boudreaux
Have you ever had a day when nothing goes as planned? You've missed deadlines, the car won't start, traffic is awful or you're late for a presentation. You are experiencing anxiety and ...

The Transformation Of Meaning -- Adam Khoo
Imagine that the company you have worked so hard for in the last 20 years decided that it was time to retrench you because they can replace you with someone at half your salary. How would you feel? ...

Self Motivation -- Claude Faucher
For any homeworker, it is the most important factor which will lead to success of failure. You wake up, the sun shining through your window. You have no boss except for the international internet ...

Self Improvement And Motivation Tips -- Ray Andrew
You might have gone through though times, you might have failed before, you might have lost a love and you might not have what you want, but that doesn't mean anything, if you have confidence in ...

Live And Learn Direct - Why It Is Essential To Keep Your Desire To Learn -- Deanna Mascle
Change is good. Yes, we often resist that idea because so often change is not comfortable. However moving outside our comfort zone can help us become better at all manner of things. We can become ...

Personal Development Lies -- Craig Harper
Have you ever bought something only to discover down the track that you didn't actually get what you thought you were buying... that you've been well and truly scammed? Of course you have. Me ...

Estranged Family Ties: 5 Ways To Remedy The Empty-ness Syndrome -- Amy Sherman
You’ve all heard about the Empty Nest Syndrome, when children go off to college to embark on their exciting adventure away from you. The empty, dismal feeling of having to fill your days with ...

Does Attitude Affect Outcome? -- James Heller
History is filled with men and women who made some of the greatest achievements by excelling only slightly over the masses of others in their field. Often that slight edge is attitude. We must admit ...

Motivational Tip On The Path To Your Dreams: Give Yourself The Loving Encouragement -- Fia Crandall
Self-criticism is a common pattern faced by those on the path of manifesting their dream. I guess it shouldn't be so surprising as we grow up going to school and having our performance judged and ...

Life Purpose - How to Get One! -- Dawn Abraham
So many people want to know, "How do I find my life Purpose?" Once I find it, then what?" These are questions I encounter on a regular basis. I remember when I didn't have one. Mine was actually ...

The Secret Forgot to Mention The Difference Between Dreaming and Wishing -- Dan Nichols
As a business coach I have to play real close attention to what my clients say during our meetings. One thing I rarely let slip is the use of the word "wishing". Occasionally people will ask me why ...

Commitment - Do You Have It? -- John Tebar
Having the best of intentions will not get you to the promise land. You have worked on your vision, purpose and goals and you are set up for the journey. You start off alright, you get going, and you ...

First Believe Then Achieve -- Michael Cheney
Nothing happens without momentum. When you have momentum you can become, own and achieve anything you want. But what happens when you can't it? Or when you manage to get momentum but it ...

Give Thanks -- Lorri Livengood
In the deepest of the nights, in the brightness of the light; GIVE THANKS!!! In the good times, in the hard times, STOP, and remember to GIVE THANKS. For the breath we breathe, the times we have ...

Discover Your Purpose - It's Easier Than You Think! -- Ada Porat
"Seems lately I am constantly being reminded of how far I am from living the life I want to live," said a friend over coffee. "I don't even know what it is I want or what I'm passionate ...

How To Stay Motivated - Continual Growth Through Goal Setting And Vision -- Rex Causey
Mmmm...mmmm...good. I like Life--the cereal that is! The only downside is that if you are a slow eater the cereal becomes soggy and mushy. Hold on a minute. Can that be compared to actual life? Do I ...

Stop Procrastination Now - Clean Up the Clutter -- Roger Moore
Procrastination is "The deferment or putting-off of an action which requires immediate attention, usually by focusing on some other distraction" as defined by Webster. Why put off tomorrow what you ...

Have You Discovered Your Main Purpose In Life? -- Sandy Shaw
Have your found out what your main and prime purpose is in life? The reason for your being here - what you are to do with your education - your gifts - your talents? It would be such a waste to go ...

Procrastination Help 4 Solid Tips to Help - Overcoming Procrastination -- Roger Moore
Procrastination, it made me realise that I needed some procrastination help. Identifying my problem and labeling it allowed me to be able to face it and get help for it. Doing this is by no means a ...

The Thief of Time -- Craig Harper
I wake up with a jolt. My eyes are still shut but I have an awareness of light in the room. An abundance of it. Brilliant, almost blinding light. For a moment I'm not sure where I am, what time ...

5 Lethal tips to Stopping Procrastination -- Roger Moore
Where does procrastination begin? A man once told me "If it is to be it begins with me". I never quite understood that until I began my quest to becoming a successful online businessman, and now ...

Motivate Yourself to Take Risks -- Timothy Frazier
Take Risks Many times we miss out on great things because we are afraid to task risks. We have developed an internal "Safety Zone" and dare ourselves to step outside that zone or even let anyone into ...

Staying in Neutral -- Natalia Alexandria
Sometimes, staying in neutral can be a great thing. In the midst of challenging life situations and everyday hurdles, we might want to consider that it may not always be the best time to "do" ...

Say No To Procrastination -- Quintus Rangasamy
Are you constantly putting off important things because of procrastination? Is it damaging your career, wasting your time and costing you your hard money? Is it holding you back in your personal life ...

Take Absolute Responsibility for Your Results! -- Adam Khoo
"He made me angry." "My divorce is really depressing me". "My kids are driving me crazy." "My unappreciative boss is driving me to a nervous breakdown". The statements above have one thing in common; ...

The Power Of Intention I -- TB Wright
The steps leading to the successful use of powerful processes are sequential, and often seem complex because there can be many of them. But just like taking the first step up a long staircase, each ...

Holding onto Your Dreams -- Lois Setoh
Each year, we will set goals and resolutions However, at the end of the year, do you find yourself repeating the same circle yet the initial goals that were set are still far from reach? Does this ...

Personal Development Lies -- Craig Harper
Have you ever bought something only to discover down the track that you didn't actually get what you thought you were buying... that you've been well and truly scammed? Of course you have. Me ...

Discouragement Can Defeat Us Or We Can Defeat It -- Sondra Whitt
There are many versions of an old fable about the Devil going out of business - here is my modern version: One day the Devil decided to go out of business and offered his tools on Ebay for auction. ...

Hot Buttons That Will Instantly Motivate You -- Adam Khoo
One of the key things that people always complain about is that motivation only lasts for a few days or a few weeks. They say that they get motivated for a while and then it stops. This includes ...

Are You Being The Best You? -- Mary Gardner
I recently spent some time reading a good friend, Simon T. Bailey's book, "Releasing Your Brilliance" last night and it got me thinking along that path. Although I am a coach and work with ...

Everlasting Motivation -- Ralph Jean-Paul
I'm sure you've been there. You have a goal in mind that you are excited about reaching. Maybe you finally decided to lose weight or you are inching towards the place you want to be in your ...

Re: When Life Gives You Waves, Learn to S.U.R.F. - Self Improvement -- Lance S
This is an excellent article. I appreciate the positive position the writer proposes in dealing with adversity. I will be sharing this article with my wife and children!

Live And Learn Direct - Why It Is Essential To Keep Your Desire To Learn -- Deanna Mascle
Change is good. Yes, we often resist that idea because so often change is not comfortable. However moving outside our comfort zone can help us become better at all manner of things. We can become ...

Forgive Everyone in Every Way -- Sam Oliver
Forgive everyone, everyday, and in every way. Each person is doing the best he or she can. No one, absolutely no one is perfect. Since no one is perfect, this means that we all need to share more ...

Can Laughter Benefit Your Health? -- Frankie Goh
RESEARCH shows that a prolonged laugh is relaxing and healthy for mind and body. It "can not only relieve stress, but may also increase the chances of surviving a serious illness," says Your Better ...

Grandest Desires - Achieve Them -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
What prevents you from achieving your grandest desires? What prevents you from forging ahead? Do you feel stuck? Have you done all the workshops, read a plethora of self-help books and it still seems ...

Flexibility-Create A Dynamic Experience -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Flexibility may be seen as both a set of capabilities (internal: "What can I do?") and a source of competitive advantage (external: "What do others see?"). You might want to make plans that take ...

Past Life - The Past Is Still Present -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Your past effects you everyday in many ways, from the degree of your health to the lack of health; to the amount of money you have; the debt you owe; the relationships that create indescribable joy ...

Receptive - Be Open To Receive What You Desire -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Unknowingly, many people go through life with defenses they developed early in life in order to protect themselves. These defenses were, no doubt, appropriate then, to feel safe, but now they serve ...

Overcoming Performance Anxiety -- Helene Rothschild
Do you find yourself stressed because you feel you have to keep proving to others (and yourself) that you are a good husband, wife, employee, boss, friend, parent, etc.? If you are, help is on the ...

Break Free From Self-Sabotaging Behavior -- De Yuan
In less than 60 days, will be a time where most people get excited. Where the gym will be crowded with so call "gym rat", time for new goals... and people start eating healthy, quitting bad habit and ...

Motivation Propels You Toward Success -- Ajoy Saah
Motivation combined with smart work, patience and persistence is the key to success. There is no other secret for success. It doesn't matter what your goals are - whether personal or career, ...

Fear of Change Will Have You Falling Asleep in the Easy Chair of Ignorance -- Rob Golden
Many of us recline, and even fall asleep in the easy chair of ignorance. When we are faced with new things, opportunities disguised as problems... we say things like, "I don't know how to do ...

9 Steps to be Decisive -- Tina Su
It is the moment of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Anthony Robbins Life can oftentimes feel overwhelming, especially when we face many options, pending decisions, and countless unknowns. ...

Learning by Your Own Experiences and Learning by Others' Experiences -- Jeanie Marshall
There is no question in my mind that learning directly from your own experience is the best, all 'round way to learn. In my view, the value of learning from others' experiences is overrated. ...

Don't Let Your Entertainment Entertain You all the Way to the Poor House! -- Rob Golden
We all have only 24 hours in a day. Just 24 hours. If we use eight of those for sleeping, two stuck in traffic, .5 in the restroom/ bathroom. Eight more hours working for "the man". That leaves us ...

How To Keep Yourself Motivated Through Life -- Lily Woods
In life, there tend to be ups and downs. When you are down, you have to keep yourself motivated and bring yourself up again. Negative thoughts, if excessive may sometimes affect a person's self ...

How To Be Lucky In Life -- Roice Krueger
Fate favors the bold, the strong, insistent, consistent, and persistent person. You may say, “Well, then, how does luck work?” Does it seem to you that there are people for whom everything just ...

Motivation Comes After Action Not Before -- Robert Pardon
Motivation, especially when it comes to recovery, is a hard to apply. Let me explain myself. A person who drinks and uses enough to consider themselves addicted require than a notion to change. Just ...

Prepare For Luck – Write Down Your Goals -- Roice Krueger
If you are prepared, when the opportunity presents itself, you get lucky. Consider this… Oprah Winfrey was making The Color Purple and she was sitting at lunch with Steven Spielberg, arguably the ...

Ambitious Dreams Bring Inspiration -- Shooting For The Moon -- Aislinn OConnor
Ambitious dreams bring inspiration. They're the only kind that have the power to make you happy. The world is full of people who're afraid of reaching for their dreams in case they're ...

Learn from Your Mistakes -- Mark V Hansen
Take mistakes as a learning experience. Yes, learn. If you can forget and let it go, fine; but learn from it in your forgetting process. The learning will prevent you from doing it again, and you ...

Do You Avoid Confrontation? -- Melisa Milonas
A lot of clients I work with avoid confronting people when something is bothering them about what they are doing. The most common reason they avoid doing it, is because they have a fear around ...

Are You A Victim in Life? -- Adam Khoo
'If only I had more time.' 'If only my husband could be more understanding.' 'If only my boss would die!' 'If only my son could be more motivated.' 'If only I ...

Change Is Good -- Lisa Kitter
When we embrace change and accept that change is inevitable, life becomes easier and a more enjoyable experience. How many times have you resisted change only to discover that everything changed even ...

You Become What You Think About Most Of The Time -- Helena Syptak
When the son of my friend finished the book "The power of positive thinking", written by Norman Vincent Peale, his dad asked him what did he learn? The son's response was: "You become what you ...

Don't Think of Them as Problems - Only Work -- Roice Krueger
I spent several years as the CEO of an organization that was going through tremendous change. We were acquired by a company in a foreign country; then we had a merger, our entire product line ...

Three Easy Steps To Help You Get What You Want -- Robert Greenshields
It's often said that the first step to getting what you want is knowing exactly what it is that you want. But, once you have a clear objective in mind (whether it's a new career path or a ...

The Truth About Where Success Begins -- Robert Greenshields
Contrary to what you may have been taught about success, it is largely a process that begins and ends in your own mind. While your actions and outer circumstances undoubtedly have an impact on your ...

10 Ways One Can Start Over -- Tamara Monell
1. Let go of the past. Until you do so, it will continue to haunt you & keep you from living the present & planning for the future. 2. Avoid negative thinking. If you are choosing to start over, I ...
Re: 10 Ways One Can Start Over -- Sara
Love these tips because they are really helpful.

The Power of a Smile -- Frankie Goh
ALTHOUGH it lasts only a moment, the memory may stay with you all your life. Its value is immense, but nobody is so poor that he cannot share it or so rich that he does not need it. What are we ...

Skepticism - Avoid Over Reaction -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Healthy skepticism keeps us from going in a direction that is in the end unhealthy or dangerous. Even though caution is healthy, it is important to trust your intuition to create a healthy work and ...

Butterflies In My Stomach Know Me Best... - Self Improvement -- Alejandro Diaz
The Butterflies told me so... Those butterflies that stir up the anxious feeling in your gut when something feels exciting and, at that moment, right. It could be the first date with someone who your ...

How to Motivate to Massive Action -- Tina Su
"It's the action behind the attraction that makes the wish come true" Powerful motivation comes in understanding that you can achieve anything you truly desire in your heart. It is the knowledge ...

How To Beat Procrastination - Why Procrastination Is More Addictive Than Chocolate -- Dan Goodwin
Out doing the grocery shopping while hungry (always a fatal mistake), you couldn't resist picking up a huge bar of your favourite chocolate. "I deserve it" you think to yourself, "I'll just ...

Focus On The Questions -- Dirk Zeller
I have always believed that the questions that I ask myself will shape my future. There is nothing more important to my business and individual success than the questions I ask. The questions I ask ...

What Is The Meaning Of Life -- Craig Harper
So I was debating whether to write an article on 'the meaning of life' or perhaps one on 'how to get a smaller ass and a six-pack'. Which would you prefer? You're all so shallow. ...

Living an Extraordinary Life -- Josh Liteky
When was the last time you listened to that feeling inside of you to break out of your current situation and fly free? We all have these feelings and often times when we start to move in this ...

Attitude - Is 80%, Skill And Effort Are 20%! -- Ellen Farquharson
A: Accountable: answerable, responsible, and dependable. The first thing you need to decide is your attitude about your own personal business. Are you going to except your director to do everything ...

Boost Your Confidence by Boosting Those Around You -- Mark V Hansen
Confidence is also developed through lifting people around you. One thing I tell people who are just starting out in careers is you can’t rise above your boss. If you put your boss down, what does ...

Separate Yourself From The Opinions Of Others -- Jaime Adriance
Miriam Webster's definition of an opinion is a "view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter." The first thing that we need to realize about an opinion is that it ...

How to Build Your Confidence Automatically -- Lila Jirel
Confidence to do a work generally means strong feeling from the inner part of your heart and mind that you can do that work easily. You do not even think of any failure or being unsuccessful while ...

How To Find Mountain Of Motivation Within Yourself - Unleash Your Inner Giant And Be Mind Blowing -- Pushpa Pal Singh
Every human being has something positive within him or herself but often due to circumstances or situations we tend to become more negative than positive. Sometimes people tend to live their lives ...

3 Literary Books to Motivate You -- Daniel Theyagu
Literary books can give a creative insight to the fine art of motivating yourself. Here are three literary classics that will give you a metaphorical guide to motivation. 1. Jonathan Livingston ...

Five Ways to Assert Yourself -- Michael Rayel
A nice lady who sat beside me on a plane narrated her life after learning that I’m a practicing psychiatrist. “I can’t say ‘no.’ That’s my problem for years. I‘m now 68 years old and I ...

Enthusiasm - If It Is So Great, Why Do So Few People Have It? -- Chris King
Henry Chester wrote, “Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power and influence.” Edward Appleton said, “I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill.” And Mary ...

Assumptions - What Do You Assume to Be the Truth? -- Chris King
Robert Ringer wrote, “Now, here's the sticky part. The reality is that most of your life is based on information and assumptions you have never verified. For you control freaks out there, you ...

A Little Help From Our Friends -- Hubert Crowell
I have very few good close friends, and I used to think that was a bad thing. I would think that there must be something wrong with me that I have so few friends. Then I would think about the friends ...

How Do You Know It's Time To Do Something Different? -- Sharon Langford
Wouldn't it be nice if life were signposted like a highway? How much easier it would seem if you were told when to exit; a job, a relationship, a group? Or you came across a 'road closed' ...

How to Beat Procrastination - The Powerful First Step You Can Take Today -- Dan Goodwin
Procrastination, and its deadly twin – Perfectionism – are two of the most fear-loaded words an artist can hear. When you procrastinate, you avoid doing what you love, you stop yourself from ...

Motivating Oneself For Sustained Peak Performance! -- Jeff Magee
"Nothing in this world is so good as usefulness. It binds your fellow creatures to you and you to them. It tends to the improvement of your own character and gives you a real importance in society ...

How Subliminal Suggestion Can Motivate Success -- Saleem Rana
A subliminal suggest is an affirmation seen or heard only by your subconscious mind. Consciously you are not even aware of it. A positive suggestion can transform your life. This is because the ...

How would i use motivation as a teacher -- answers.yahoo.com

Courage - Create It -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
How courageous are you? Are you a risk taker? Do you look for innovative ways to accomplish your tasks and duties? Do you look for ways to do something better, even though, it is acceptable to you or ...

Success Secrets -- Ty Boyd
Everyone seems to think that the best leaders, salespeople, athletes or performers in any business or endeavor utilize some mysterious formula or have secrets to which mere mortals are not privy. ...

Loneliness - Change It! -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Do thoughts of loneliness grip you? Thoughts of loneliness can convince you that you are alone in the world if you fail to dispel them. If you feel isolated or disconnected from your support network ...

Here's The One Thing That Will Guarantee You Success -- Robert Greenshields
There is one thing that can make or break your journey to success. As Samuel Johnson said: "Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance." Perseverance is the key to reaching your ...

Need To Realize Your Goals - Use Guided Meditation For Self Development -- Laurie Raphael
Stress is causing many messes today in society. Overwhelming pressure is instigating people to miss the full power of success, since they miss their goals. Stress is sound at times, but sometimes it ...

Motivation - i don't really seem to have motivation to do much of anything in my life -- answers.yahoo.com
... and i don't know why. i'll need to clean the house - i keep putting it off. i'll wait til the last minute to do lots of things. i wanna start working out, but i always say i'll do ...

Motivation - I need motivation -- answers.yahoo.com
School means nothing to me now and this year im doing a very important exam that will effect my future life. But i dont have the motivation to do well or actually try. I was a grade A student last ...

Motivation - I have no motivation these days -- answers.yahoo.com
I have an amazing BF who I live with. I have an amazing house. I have an amazing job. I have amazing family and friends. Anyone else in my situation would be so happy. I am happy but unmotivated. I ...

What are the 100 ways to feel amazing -- answers.yahoo.com
To feel amazing every moment of your life RSS2JAVA

What's A Mental Cleanse And Who Needs One? -- Rena Williams
Mind clutter keeps us from operating at our full potential. I'm sure that not many will agree that going about their daily lives can be thought of as mind clutter. But, that's exactly what it ...

The 5 Secret Steps To Motivation -- Shannon Graham
Have you ever heard of the quote that says " Knowledge is power."? I think most of us have. Yet when it comes to motivation this oldie but a goodie does not seem to cut it. No matter how much ...

Ignore The Small Things And Spend Time On Action -- Raymond Burton
Have you ever wanted to start to get in shape but found the task overwhelming? It happens to the best of us I can assure you. What fitness program should you start with? What foods do you need to ...

10 Tips to Boost Your Positive Energy -- Larina Kase
Wouldn’t it be great to pop out of bed in the morning, have flowing energy throughout your day without any caffeine or candy bars, accomplish everything you want, and feel great? For most people ...

The 50 Things I've Learned in 50 Years -- Deborah Chaddock Brown
Have you seen the new craze for list making? Eight ways to please a man, 10 steps to a better you, 5 things to do to create the perfect website. We live in a hurry-up world that likes advice in sound ...

Dream Big - Make Life Happen! -- Dianne Kneller
Impossible is Only a Word! Absolutely everyone, at some point of their life, has had big dreams, maybe of being somebody special, or somebody famous. Who hasn't fantasized about inventing ...

Do You Have A Positive Attitude? -- Adam White
A positive attitude can change all things for the better. The attitude in your mind can change your health, your happiness, and how you react to stress. Optimistic people seem to heal better after an ...

The Power of Intention, Is Saying I Can & I Will Succeed Enough to Succeed? -- James Napier
Years ago, as a teenager, I read a quote that said, "Energy is perserverence made habitual." Now I know a great deal is being written about the power of imagination, you've got to believe it ...

What Stops You From Advancing In Life? -- Hari Qumar
Everyone wants to advance further in life and ultimately reach their goal. You would certainly not like to be left behind in the race. Do you tend to get lazy in the process? Why is it so? There are ...

What's Your Motivation -- Alejandro Diaz
In our journey to achieve success and reach our goals it is easy to lose our fire and get discouraged. At times we hit road blocks that can put us down and make it feel that we are not going to ...

36 Ways To Change Your Mindset - This List Might Surprise You! -- Jennifer M Ryan
Daydream a moment... slip into your brightest, most cheerful swimsuit, grab hold of your best friend's hand, and make a mad dash through the water sprinkler in the yard of your cranky neighbor. ...

Are You Ready To Be More Confident? -- Robin Skeen
Do you realize that lack of confidence in yourself limits every aspect of your life? You have held yourself back in your job, in your relationships and even kept your inner power stamped down. ...

Positive Attitude Is The Key To True Happiness -- Madonna Jeffries
What is a positive attitude? Being assured and happy with your inner-self is the beginning of the process. A wholesome self-image radiates love and sureness and makes the people who are around you ...

Why Do Most People Run Away From Success and Choose To Be First Class Failures? -- Kevin T. Smith
Nobody wants to be a failure. Everybody wants to be a successful. The simple fact is that to work hard to become successful in life is the goal of everybody unless you are ready to throw in the towel ...

It Is The Start That Stops Most People -- Dirk Zeller
Lao-Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” John Maxwell said, “Success is a journey not a destination.” You combine the two and create, “The success journey ...

Banishing Fears - Move into Success, Health and Happiness -- Mary L. LaBay
Anxiety disorders have been diagnosed in 18 percent of the US adult population. And how many more of us live lives that are limited by fears of things that never happen? We spend a lifetime fearing ...

Courage Is -- Helene Rothschild
Do you envy others who seem to have more courage? Are you ready to be more courageous? What does that word mean to you? I believe that courage is doing something even though you are afraid. This ...

How to Give and Receive Compliments -- Andrew Cho
I love hearing compliments, yet I don’t think I give other people enough kudos. I notice many people do not know how to properly receive compliments so I’ve compiled some info on the etiquette of ...

Undermine Yourself -- Tim Brownson
When people come to me for life coaching they often have self-limiting beliefs about their own capabilities. Self-limiting beliefs are easy to spot if you know what you are looking for. They often ...

What About Aging? -- Margo Knox
The human mind has many fears, near the top and after death must be ageing and the ideas of health and ill health. The truth is that we as human beings age as a natural process of life on planet ...

Make Your Haters Your Motivators -- Brian McClellan
Diversity is important in all areas of life. A great financial portfolio has a diverse set of assets so it can profit in any financial environments. A great carpenter carries a diverse set of tools ...

Free Your Mind! -- Fendi Heri Yanto
Do you often hear some people says “I’m not able to do that” “I can’t” ”I’m poor, it’s impossible for me to go abroad” “I’m just an elementary graduated person, so be able to ...

No Point In Waiting Til The Eleventh Hour If You Only Live Til Half Past Ten -- Sandy Shaw
On returning home one evening, from a very pleasant social occasion, with people who were in high positions in the land, I said to my wife, “This would be such a lovely world if it were not for ...

Getting In Gear with the Use of Fear - Advise for the Procrastinator -- Harlan Hodge
Have you heard someone say, or maybe you have said it yourself, “I work best under pressure.” I do some of my best work under the gun and at the last minute. There is nothing like a deadline to ...

Learning to Ask the Correct Question - How Important is it? -- Ward Tipton
If you are in business, chances are you are there to make money. Still, it would behoove you to consider other factors as well. Morals and ethics are very important of course. However, communications ...

You Can't Get To The Fridge If You Don't Get Off The Couch -- Craig Harper
Momentum. We all need it to get us to our destination. To maximise our chances of achieving our goals. It's a crucial ingredient in the personal development process. Yet so many of us seem to be ...

Your Thoughts Create Your Life -- Dennis Harting
What is it that determines the quality of your life? How is it that some can have all the luxuries that society has to offer yet still be unhappy? Simultaneously, how can someone with seemingly ...

Unleashing Powers In Thriving On Stress -- Li Ming Wong
apprehension for this. However, you have to have energy to make it in the world. If your not moving you wont get no way but sick along with weak. Stress is something that if you can be free of or at ...

Working On Concentrated In Thriving On Pressure From Stress -- Li Ming Wong
For some of us pressure is rocky to appointment with so we have to try to do duplexes about the tension in our existence. Regardless of how fresh start with it, it has to be dealt with. Accordingly, ...

Working Toward Thriving On Stress -- Li Ming Wong
Learning to thrive on stress can be hard for some of us. Still it can be done if some one is willing to work at it. One does not want to have a lot of stress in there life. Stress causes too many ...

Writing In Thriving On Stress -- Li Ming Wong
Jot down what insults you. Review to see how you are able to make changes to overcome the behaviors that cause you stress. When writing your stressor on paper it helps you to take control, since you ...

Psyching Out Your PainPosted -- Howard Levy, M.D.
Whether or not you know the specific cause of your pain, research has shown that stress, anxiety, or depression contribute in some way to most cases of chronic pain. That’s actually good news, ...

Where Do Nightmares Come From? -- Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Question: Please can you tell me where nightmares come from? Is there any need to fear them? I have been having nightmares for some time I do not understand, as they are filled with violence and ...

Are You Living The Life Of Your Dreams? -- Rodney Ronquillo
Are you living the life that you wanted to happen, five years later? Or are you still in the same situation five years later? In the olden days, the people who had the most resources controlled the ...

Single Person - How to Rescue Yourself -- Jack Zavada
Ask any single woman if she's waiting for a prince on a white horse to come and rescue her, and she'll laugh in your face. But the truth is that millions of single women--and single men ...

True Key To Happiness In Life - Find The True Magic In Living And Attain A New Level -- Pushpa Pal Singh
What makes you happy? Different people have different definitions for happiness. Some feel joy with money, some with success others with staying around people. So the big question is what makes you ...

Is Winning Necessary To Happiness? -- Jovita Orais
Time is a fixed commodity. Which means you have limits as to what you can accomplish in a lifetime. It’s wise to decide which objectives are most important to your happiness and it is recommended ...

The Secret to Happiness -- Mollie Manuell
Feeling happy is all about your thoughts. You can’t have a feeling without first having a thought. Therefore, if you’re feeling happy, it’s because you’re thinking happy thoughts. Same is ...

Living a Passionate Life -- Mollie Manuell
We all want to be happy. Few actually achieve a life of happiness though. Why is this? Why is happiness so elusive? Why do some people seem so happy while others drudge through life, sour scowls ...

Discover What You Really Want - Ask This Question -- Bonnie McFarland
When I was a child, it was easy. I'd sit down with a cup of hot cocoa, some cookies, and a sheet of paper to write my letter to Santa. I'd tell him everything I wanted for Christmas. I had no ...

Living a Heart Centered Life -- Kirk Laman, D.O.
Life is challenging. It is filled with ups and downs. People are afflicted with illness. They suffer psychologically and emotionally. Job worries, relationship problems, family strife- rarely, does a ...

Happiness and Optimism -- Christina Sponias
It is easy to be an optimist when everything is fine, but at any given point of time, only a few people and only for a limited time, can feel that everything is really alright with them. If we ...

Feel Good! -- Char Cooper
What does it mean to feel good? Well, that's going to be different for everyone, but many people describe it as a contentment, joy, peace, or happiness. Most of us prefer to feel good than the ...

Give First -- Simon Meadowcroft
The law of attraction basically states that if you give something then you will receive this thing in life. For example if I want to be successful then I should help others to succeed, if I want to ...

Speak Your Truth -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
It is difficult for many people to clearly and concisely state their thoughts and feelings. When children first learn to talk, they are often admonished when they state the bare truth about something ...

Be A "Should Buster!" -- Helene Rothschild
Are you ‘shoulding' others and yourself? Do you realize how inappropriate and hurtful that usually is? That is because the word ‘should' implies that if you do, or do not act, think, ...

Turn Failure Into Success -- CD Mohatta
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Cute phrase, but life throws at us more serious problems than lemons, doesn’t it? What do we do when we lose a loved one, find ourselves in poverty or ...

Be Happier in a Month -- CD Mohatta
Sometimes very simple techniques are the most powerful. Each morning the minute you wake, write down three things in this day you have to look forward to. If you are having difficulty doing this, ...

The Secret to Motivating Others -- Harvey Robbins
This article is on motivation…from a psychological standpoint…taking it from scouts to adults to leaders. I would like some feedback from you and some examples that you may wish to share. All of ...

Mind and Body Interconnected -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
When you slow down to examine and experience your consciousness, you will discover that there are no hard, rigid or definable edges. Your consciousness is a vast, open space in which your thoughts ...

20 Ways To Learn From Your Nightmares -- Strephon Kaplan-Williams
Whether you have nightmares or not you can get over many of your fears by working with your dreams, including nightmares and healing dreams. We show you some of our chief dreamwork techniques here, ...

How Much Time Each Day Do You Spend On Personal Development? -- Joanne Ott
We really can have anything we want in life, but we have to be ready for it. That means having the right mindset and attitude. A person can't become wealthy with a positive mind set or to ...

Boost Creativity Using Our Five Senses -- Khoon Eng
Creative thinking can work wonders to human mind and activities. People have been looking out for various methods and measures to boost creativity. Experts believe that creative thinking is directly ...

How Do You View Your Failures? -- Kevin J Houston
How do you look at your failures? Do you allow them to stop you from reaching your goals and accomplishing your dreams? The answers to these questions really depend on what type of person you are. If ...

Can't We Just Be Motivated Today? -- Daniel Kolic
How many more times are we going to put off today what we can do tomorrow? Doesn't it seem like a never ending question? I will look for a job tomorrow. I will stop smoking on Monday. I will get ...

Don't Worry - You'll Take A Shot And Miss -The Fact Is You'll Miss Every Shot You Don't Take -- Bjorn Brands
Don't worry you'll take a shot and miss. The fact is you'll miss every shot you don't take. I read this phrase in a program calt The SGR program( the Science of Getting Rich ). I ...

Success with "Be Yourself" -- Mario Xiao Adi Saputra
You must ever hear this word : "Be Yourself!". If we hear at a glance, that word has no meaning. But actually if we want to experience to the full of that word, it can be a effective power to improve ...

Everybody “wants” – But How Many Really Have The Motivation To Get It? -- Keith A. Shaw
Every action you take, no matter how big or how small, defines everything that you achieve in life. And, with every action there is a motive - something that puts a person in motion. But, what is the ...

The Courage Course - Overcoming Fear -- Tom Heston MD
Many if not most of us have never been in a life or death situation that requires us to summon up great courage. We have been in situations that require great courage, but usually not life or death ...

How You Feel Affects How You Shop & How Much You Spend -- Gregory Thomas
Have you ever stopped to think about how your "mood" affects the way you shop, not to mention the amount you spend? Think about it. If you want to save a lot of money, avoid shopping whenever you are ...

How to Save Money - How I EASILY Save $1,000 Per Year and How You Can Too! -- Gary Simpson
Most people are interested in learning how to save money. It doesn't seem to matter how much or how little you earn, everybody seems to be interested in finding out how to save money. Well, here ...

4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation -- Matthew Roberts
It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't see any good results from ...

Who Else Has Fallen Into This Common Life Trap? -- Mohamed Tohami
Right now, you are about to discover the common life trap that most people fall into. You are going to realize why you have been distracted from your dreams and have stopped pursuing your destiny. ...

How Do I Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol? -- David Richards
If you are trying to prevent yourself from drinking too much alcohol at social gatherings or even in your daily life, there are certain things you should know about how to live a life that is ...

Gratitude Can Change Your Life -- Lynette Chartier
"Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude." Wallace Wattles Several times a day, I jot down what I am grateful for. This has allowed ...

Seven Types Of Questioning To Create An Effective Self-esteem Lesson Plan -- Haans Ahron
Self-esteem is defined by how an individual sees himself or herself. Someone who believes strongly in his or her own capabilities tend to succeed in almost any endeavor that he or she indulges in. ...

Improve Your Self Esteem With These 2 Self Esteem Building Activity -- Haans Ahron
If you happen to be among the unfortunate few who suffers from low self-esteem or know someone who does, you might be interested to try out these 2 self esteem building activities that can help to ...

Talk Positively To Your Self -- Kevin Sinclair
Did you know that there are many of us who suffer from low self-esteem as well as poor financial cycles and reaching to touch that dream which moves us, simply because we talk negatively to ...

12 Weight Loss Motivation Tips -- Karl Warren
The only way that you will ever lose weight is if you’re motivated to do so. The motivation can come from anywhere: to get into that new dress for your special event (party, ceremony, date), to ...

Are You Killing Your Own Sense of Self-Esteem? -- Darren Williger
If you have a low sense of self-esteem you may find it quite convenient to blame a whole lot of people for your troubles. People will often do anything from complaining about the way they were ...

Diets, Exercise And The Road To Better Self-Esteem -- Darren Williger
In everything in life that we do, self-esteem is crucial. Self-esteem makes people feel better about whom they are and provides these same people with the strength to do new things. With the right ...

How To Identify The Characteristics Of Low Self Esteem -- Darren Williger
Low self-esteem can occur at any point in a person's life. Some people who are especially susceptible to such feelings are usually teenagers who are influenced to a large extent by what other ...

How To Recognize Low Self-Esteem In Yourself And Others -- Darren Williger
Having a great sense of self-esteem is a critical factor and a necessary component of success and is important in being able to help us handle the daily rigors of modern day life. With a great sense ...

Low Self-Esteem and Work Related Problems -- Darren Williger
If you've taken the time to look at a couple of people who are successful, you usually tend to see that they are brimming with self-confidence in the way they think about themselves and what they ...

Raising Your Sense Of Self Esteem -- Darren Williger
You may not have realized it but you've seen them before. They're the types who always seem to be on top of the world and everything in it. These people are people with high self-esteem and ...

Some Tips that Help Raise Your Level of Self-Confidence -- Darren Williger
Low self-esteem can be something you suffer from on a daily basis and these surefire steps are ways of getting rid of your low self-esteem and getting a boost before you start the day’s work: ...

The Way Self-Esteem Can Affect Our Lives -- Darren Williger
Self-esteem has a lot of definitions but essentially what all these definitions seem to agree on is that a high sense of self-esteem imbues us with the confidence and knowledge that we are capable of ...

What You Need To Do To Better Your Sense Of Self-Esteem -- Darren Williger
Most of the times, regardless of what you try you often find it difficult to raise your level of self –esteem alone. Negative thoughts start to creep into your mind and tend to affect a lot of ...

Nine Quick Self Confidence Boosts -- Emmanuel Segui
Everyone has had a day where the world just did not seem to be on their side and that black cloud was persistently over their head. If you are simply having one of those days where your self ...

Master Success By Making Everyone A Winner -- Deanna Mascle
One key to helping yourself be a winner is to focus on a mindset that eliminates the element of competition. The problem with focusing on competition and making yourself a winner is that someone then ...

Pursuit Of Happiness - 6 Keys To Finding True Happiness -- Deanna Mascle
The pursuit of happiness is one of the basic elements of human existence. We want to be happy. So why are so many people unhappy then? Most likely people are not happy because they are missing one of ...

Pursuit Of Happiness - Having The IDEAL in Life...Just Imagine! -- Deanna Mascle
For most of us the finding true happiness means a search for an ideal life. Ideal. It lives in your imagination and seeks to express itself in your life. Nurture your ideal. Let it breathe in your ...

Pursuit Of Happiness - 3 things That Stand in The Way of Finding True Happiness -- Deanna Mascle
Most humans spend their entire life in pursuit of happiness, but many never stand a chance of finding true happiness. So what is the reason that so many people are not happy? What is the secret to ...

Seven Steps for Effective Self-Motivation -- Matthew Roberts
You can list down all your life goals… fulfilling your greatest desires, getting your perfect job, buying the car of your dreams. However, it will all be worthless if you do not push yourself to ...

Wait till Your Dream Comes True? -- Honman Chan
An English teacher called Brody was tidying up his old stuff at the attic when he came across a stack of old scripts. They were the ‘English composition’ of a class of children he taught 50 years ...

Easy Steps to Self-Esteem and Success -- Steve Tallamy
I truly believe that you cannot have an abundance of success without an abundance of self-esteem. Sure you can have a little of one without the other, but who on earth wants that? So if you need to ...

Understanding Shyness Social Phobia Better -- Peter Murphy
Social phobia is a severe form of shyness, a disorder also known as social anxiety. People with social phobia are often reluctant to admit that they have the symptoms because they fear being ...

Adversity-Manage It Well -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Yesterday, I came back from a weekend of fun and relaxation. I knew I would face a mountain of email, but I was feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. As I quickly sorted it, I noticed an ...

Routines - Create Efficiency -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Do you have a routine to accomplish the regular and additional tasks in your life? A disjointed routine can leave even the most robust person exhausted at the end of a busy day, not to mention for ...

The Shadow Self - The Accuser -- Laurie Brenner
Your Shadow-Self whom I refer to as the Accuser works against you when you are trying to make headway in being more positive and drawing to you those things you want in life. The Shadow-Self is ...

Feeling Feelings - Often Overlooked -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
You have no doubt heard or used the expression breaking down. Breaking down, means to show one's feelings, usually sadness. It is inexplicably ironic that a natural emotion is given a negative ...

How to Make A Good First Impression - The Art of Image Management -- Susan Lockhart
Image is about more than just the clothes we wear. Over half the impression we give other people comes from our overall visual appearance which includes body language, posture, facial expression and ...

Shielded From Zappers -- Barbara Garcia
Zappers are known to wipe out your energy, cause massive headaches and produce confusion and depression within minutes of their presence. Zappers are cacophonous live thought forms generated by those ...

Emotional Pain - Discover the Source -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Since the beginning of human existence, teachers/gurus have imparted great truths regarding the cause of the pain people experience in their lives. These truths point in the opposite direction than ...

Solving Problems on Your Own -- Richard Quek
As a human being, you will probably have been given a problem to solve. This does not mean you have to be in school – many problems come from our experiences in daily life. What you probably ...

Strike While The Iron Is Hot - 7 Proven Steps To Overcome Procrastination -- Annette Colby
I know what I need to do, but I am unable to get started. Who among us hasn't been stuck in this scenario before? Momentum is a powerful force but inertia can be more powerful. We know what to ...

That Is Not What You Are Here For -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
We are all here for a reason. We all have a purpose in life. Your purpose isn't to just get through life. You are here for a bigger reason, a bigger purpose. It is okay if you don't know why ...

Almost Everything In Life Is Negotiable -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I can only think of two things that are not negotiable and they are death and taxes. Other than that everything else is up for grabs. The fact that everything is negotiable doesn't mean you will ...

Business Motivation - Helping You Become Successful In Business -- Darren Williger
Business motivation is one of the most crucial driving forces in any workplace. The difference between a motivated workforce and an unmotivated workforce is the same as between success and failure. ...

Procrastination - The Silent Killer -- Dennis Harting
In my studies of human development, I found that procrastination destroys more things than any other single element. If this habit gets out of control, it ruins marriages, careers, relationships, and ...

6 Signs of an Enslaved Job Mindset Revealed -- CF Jackson
The average life of a job today is 2.7 years. As the fluctuating economy dictates what takes place on the home front of the working class American, longevity with a company has become obsolete. Of ...

You Get What You Get! Make the Most of it! -- Glenna Sanford
It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend so much of their time complaining about what life has handed them. It amazes me how much time people spend complaining about what they "got" or ...

Are You Moving Ahead in Life? -- Fatimah Musa
One of the reasons why some people are not moving ahead in life is that they have not made firm decisions to take charge and leave their old lives behind. Fear of the unknown is the main reason. Not ...

Creating the Right Environment -- Sharon Subs
“No man is an island.” You have probably heard this saying at one time or another. It may be such a cliché but it is true. Every person, no matter how introverted, still reacts with others. The ...

Individuality - Your Key to Greatness -- Duane Huff
For the better part of my first 32 years on this planet, I struggled to find something that I could do that would make me successful. All I knew for most of that time was that I wanted to be rich, I ...

My Life - Five Years From Now -- Craig Harper
If you've come in search of hilarity, mirth and entertainment today, you best look elsewhere. Because today I'm sharing some old-school, self-help, get-yer-shit-together... love. Got a buddy ...

Finding Your Life Purpose -- Morgana S. Rae
"You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe." ~ Buckminster Fuller I've been finding myself in frequent conversations on the topic of life purpose, so it seems timely to address the ...

9 Strategies for Combating Procrastination to Improve your Fitness and Look Great! -- Marjorie Geiser
If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard someone say, “But I don’t have the time!” I’d be a multi-millionaire! There are a lot of strategies for getting things done, and tons of ...

Re: Bring Love Into Your Life - Self Improvement -- Jane
Thank you so much for this advice. Very wise. Very empowering.

Lack Of Motivation - How To Cure The Lack Of Motivation -- Israel Goldman
Lack is motivation is a common problem in our modern world, just look around your environment & it is real obvious that most people lack motivation. To solve a problem permanently, we don’t just ...

Discover How To Be A Winner -- Phoenix Lady
It is said that games of tennis, golf and so on are won or lost on an eleven inch playing field – i.e. the distance between the player’s ears! Now I am no sports person, although I always enjoy ...

Life is Full of Possibilities and Certainties -- David Light
Life is Full of Possibilities.... At first glance this quote doesn't hold much weight. Life is full of possibilities...of course it is, you may think. But what we often overlook is the meaning ...

How To Overcome a Lack of Motivation -- Annette Colby
It happens to all of us at some stage – you want to achieve change in your life, but just cannot motivate yourself to do it. You really want to reach success, lose weight, or eat differently, but ...

Do You Have The Sense God Gave A Bird? -- Joni Reynolds
Recently, I was watching a bird outside the office door. He seemed to be sniffing for food. He would sniff then peck and move on and repeat the process. Finally, he flew away because I believe he had ...

Enjoy Life More - Embrace Change -- Matthew Roberts
Do you feel that your life is starting to stagnate into a boring routine? Well before you get depressed, break away from that cycle! Do something to get the adrenalin pounding through your veins ...

You Decide How You Live! -- Honman Chan
When we are doing something we like, we hardly feel tired. Many people feel this way. For example, if you go fishing for a day, sitting by the lake for 10 hours, you won’t feel tired at all. Why? ...

Passion - More Than Dayime Television -- Ryan Porter
How often do you hear the word passion? What context is it usually in? Have the times become so dismal that the only time we hear the word ‘passion’ is on daytime television and bath products? ...

Overcoming Overwhelm -- Jennifer Sellers
Did you know... overwhelm is the number one drain on productivity in organizations? At Inspired Mastery, we have each fallen into the delusional thinking that says, "If I just do more, I will get it ...

Daily Motivation - Can Daily Motivation Really Work For You -- Israel Goldman
Does daily motivation really work? Can anyone be motivated every single day? Unfortunately, most people are not even motivated, let alone be motivated everyday! Here’s why, we’re all humans & our ...

Motivation Techniques - Why I Hate Most Motivation Techniques -- Israel Goldman
Most motivational techniques does not work! Period. Just ask yourself honestly. • How many motivational or self improvement books have you read over the past few years? • How many motivational or ...

Motivational Articles - Can Motivational Articles Really Help You? -- Israel Goldman
In today’s day & age, where everyone is so busy, having little time to even sit down & have a good read on a nice lengthy book, reading short but useful articles can be a much better alternative to ...

Lack Of Motivation - How To Cure The Lack Of Motivation -- Israel Goldman
Lack is motivation is a common problem in our modern world, just look around your environment & it is real obvious that most people lack motivation. To solve a problem permanently, we don’t just ...

Too Pooped To Keep Going? Energy Booster Shot Gets You Through The Day! -- Jim Knippenberg
Are you too pooped at the end of the day, or worse, half way through the day, to keep going? Has your get up and go got up and gone? You're not alone. If daily fatigue has got you down, ...

Change Your Mental Diet -- Sam S K Khan
To Grow Prosperity You Need A Good Diet... It's about how you maintain your diet, your mental diet. If we let it... we can be blasted by information that promotes negativity, limitation, and lack ...

There is No Way Out -- Mohamed Farouk
Can we Go there? An experiment was done by some researchers; they brought some yellow and red fish then placed them in a rectangular fish bowl. The fish bowl was divided into two parts by a vertical ...

Do You Have the Courage to Take a Stand For Your Life? -- Tim McKee
When was the last time you stopped for a moment and asked yourself: “Am I living a life of my own design, following my passions, or am I merely following the crowd, living someone else’s ...

Personal Development Tips - 7 Tips For Mixing With Positive People -- Kevin J. John
You want to change your life and be more successful but you’re living in a world where you are immersed in negativity. Your friends are negative about your desires to succeed and don’t support ...

What is the best way to deal with confrontational people, I work with one and am having problems.? -- answers.yahoo.com

Ten Tips to Increase Your Self-Confidence -- Emmanuel Segui
Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack ...

How To Distinguish Between Your Constructive And Destructive Inner Voices -- Mohamad Latiff
It is always there, saying something, either guiding you or misguiding you, either motivating you or putting you down. It's your inner voice. If you've seen cartoons before, you've most ...

No Compromise Necessary -- Mary Kay Buttery
When you hear the word negotiation, what enters your mind? A buyer or seller haggling over the price of a product? A hostage held at gunpoint? Two large organizations putting together a merger? ...

How To Simplify Your Life With The Help of 7 People -- Mohamad Latiff
"Everything should be made as simple as possible. But no simpler" That is one quote that has been attributed to Albert Einstein. From a mind so brilliant? So complex? So groundbreaking? No. In fact, ...

Abraham's Law of Attraction - Powerful Attraction Secrets to Manifest Your Desires -- Michael Lee
The basic principle of Abraham’s Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. Abraham, though, is not a particular person but represents any wise teacher with a powerful mind and who is in touch ...

How You Think Is Your Choice -- Kate Loving Shenk
The beauty of living lies in what you think about every day, every moment, every second. Shaking yourself out of the habit of negative thinking takes desire, persistence, faith, imagination, ...

Personal Mission Statements and Vision Statements - Empower Your Future -- Don Midgett
Whether you're a student, family member, employee, entrepreneur or business owner -- somewhere along the way you have or will be asked to focus your interests and goals to define the direction ...

Sensitivity of Perception versus Emotional Sensitivity -- G.B. Singh
What kind of stimulus can there be, of which the intensity has a therapeutic effect on the sensitivity of perception; and which can also be kept increasing at will, without falling prey to act upon ...

A to Z Tips With Focus on Letter X -- Alan Searing
Xtreme Mis-spelt I know but a common way these days to spell extreme And anyhow a word beginning with the letter X is no an easy word to find sayings about. X is the unknown quantity (R U an unknown ...

A to Z Tips With Focus On Letter Y -- Alan Searing
You The most important sound to anyone is the sound of thier name and the most important sound to you is hearing your name. When writing a sales piece always use the word you,when you can and not me ...

A to Z Tips With Focus on Letter Z -- Alan Searing
Zig Zig Ziglar well respected Author and Speaker his Company is committed to helping people more fully utilize their physical, mental and spiritual resources. Hundreds of Companies worldwide use his ...

Real Success Comes From Doing It Your Way -- Enoch Tan
If what works for somebody else is working against you, it doesn't matter how hard you try to duplicate somebody else's success their way. It's just not going to work for you. You need to ...

Is Honesty The Best Policy? -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Nearly everyone agrees, Honesty is the best policy. Yet, when push comes to shove, many people tell a little white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings, or facing oneself. This article ...

Say No to Guarantees -- Honman Chan
Jimmy received a world atlas from someone. He was extremely happy. He read the map day and night, forgetting about mealtimes. He came across the map of Egypt and began to think about all the ...

How to Create Your Daily To Do List -- Helena Malmsio
The most difficult thing about creating your To-Do list is simply remembering to make time to do it. In a world where everything is moving so quickly that we don’t have time to breathe, it is ...

Recharging Motivation -- Robin Skeen
Discouragement can block motivation because it's difficult to see a reason to put energy into a project or interest when you feel fairly hopeless. When it's gone, how do you get the drive ...

The Power of Visualization -- Robin Skeen
Everyone has had times when they wanted something really badly and have been unable to get it. It certainly happens to all of us at one time or another. It seems that even with great planning and ...

If You Have Love In Your Heart You Have Everything -- Charles Borjas
The Love chapter in the Bible, First Corinthians 13, says it so plainly. When I was a young disciple I was required to memorize and practice this chapter. The essence of the chapter is that if you ...

Predestination, Free Will, or Both? -- J Finnis
Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we really have the power to create our own destiny? That is the age-old question. The Scientific View In the 17th Century Isaac Newton formulated his laws of ...

I Don't Work Hard For My Money! -- David Allred
I really don’t follow the ‘old timer’ frame of mind: Work hard and by the sweat of your brow, you can make a decent living! Those times are gone for most people. I mean yeah, there are still ...

Do Something - Even If It's Wrong -- Jean Charles
Taking action is the only way to accomplish anything in life. Action is the bridge between plans and achievement. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction and ...

Self Esteem -- Maureen Shaw
A speaker once started off a seminar by asking a room full of 200 entry level marketers which one of them wanted a crisp $100 bill. Everywhere in the room, hands went up. He said, “I’m going to ...

Why Be Normal? -- Grace L. Judson
When you think about it, it's pretty funny, the things that we'll do to be what our society considers normal. Just look at any band of teenagers in a shopping mall or outside a high school, ...

Does Fear Hold You Back? -- Kristi Cox
Fear, such a small word but boy when it grips you it can paralyze you! It can prevent you from having the life that you deserve. What are you afraid of? What holds you back from achieving the success ...

Daily Motivation - An Ongoing Practice -- Shauna Arthurs
Whether you plan to climb Mount Everest, lose 10 pounds or break a new sales record, your journey to your next goal will contain moments - maybe days - where you lack motivation. Motivation is not ...

When Quitting Is Not An Option, You Can Finally Make Things Work! -- Sandi Krakowski
We get good at what we focus on... and when we focus on having doors open in life- to walk out on things, we'll always have one eye on that door. When someone has a door open in life that if ...

Actually Say It Is Not Possible! -- Sola A OgunseitanThey
How can it be when all I can see is possibility!" I was going to fall for their prediction you know! but something kept pointing to me it is possible, only if I belief. I stop believing in them and ...

Inaction Is The Greatest Risk Of All - Stop Thinking! Start Acting! Watch How Much You Accomplish! -- Sandi Krakowski
Have you ever sat at your desk and began to think about all that was on your task list, all that is on your to-do list, your to-not-do list and wondered where to begin? “What do I outsource, what ...

Achieving Your Goals- Keep Your Willpower Strong -- Ali Carsen
Is lack of willpower a sign of weakness, or is it your subconscious protecting you from being outside of your comfort zone? A strong willpower is needed to accomplish any challenging task in life. If ...

How to Motivate your Team -- William Carolan
Motivation: The act or instance of motivating. The state or condition of being motivated. If your in a place where you have to motivate your Team. I would say that isn't a very good place to be. ...

Motivation Is The Fuel Not The Destination -- Ray Adler
Motivation, motivation what is motivation! Many people think they know what motivation is, but do they? A little research will show you that the dictionary definition of motivation is “the ...

How To Create More Time and Get More Done -- Diana Long
Almost everyone I know has been on a diet in their life. Foods of all kinds, especially sweets and fast foods, abound sometimes making it tricky to eat simply and healthy. I venture to say that this ...

Are You Letting Your Relationships Slip? -- Diana Long
Relationship Check-Up Time! How are you doing in this department? Do you know that relationships are key to your personal and professional success? Here's an example of what I mean: A few days ...

Are You Making This Mistake? -- Diana Long
I have a confession to make...I am a recovering "Do-It-Your-Selfer". Yes, it's true, I used to try to be "Super Woman" and do everything myself. I had big dreams and lots of goals but the harder ...

Champions Never Quit, Never Surrender -- Daniel Sitter
What makes a champion? Is it an unrelenting attitude, belief in yourself, focus and determination? A champion is a strong competitor who never quits, never surrenders. A true champion would rather ...

Life Is What You Are Doing Right Now -- Michael Sean
Well, its time to get back to work here. Don't you hate it when life interferes with what you really want to do? OK, stupid question. Life is doing what you want and need to do. Sometimes, you ...

Life is a Journey -- Nicole Matoushek
Life is a journey: A journey filled with off road stumbles and on road bliss. This journey can feel like it is all uphill for those who are coping with a financial troubles, relationship woes, ...

Achieving Goals In 5 Disciplined Steps -- Sunil Bhatia
For many years people have been blaming their fate or destiny for their failures. Many people believe that success is derived out of your past life karma. I honestly don't know much about karma ...

The Power of Forgiveness -- Steve Bentham
Ask anyone what is the most costly commodity there is, and most people will answer that it’s something such as gold, diamonds or some rare metal. But what most people never realize is that these ...

Should We All Go From Rags to Riches -- Uma Charan
You may take this as casting call for riches and ask why we opted for earning more money when everything was going reasonably smooth – enough food in the house to feed the family, and cater to ...

Attitude Adjustment in Four Easy Steps -- Amy Dee-Kristensen
How to Cure a Bad Case of Whines Along with the start of my new job, I caught a bad case of the whines! Polished and pumped for my first day. I expected my co-workers to warmly greet and eagerly ...

What Really Motivates You? Find out in 5 Easy Steps! -- Michelle Rigg
As I noticed the look of utter shock on a really important contact's face, I thought to myself, " Oh my gosh! Why on earth did that come out of my mouth? " My comments were shocking, and just ...

Fear - The Thief Of Dreams -- Dr. Rita Louise
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear." H.P. Lovecraft Fear is defined as an emotional response to an unknown or impending danger or as an expectation of evil. Fear can create feelings ...

Facing The Problem Head On -- LA
There are times when problems arise or we find that we are in a less than ideal situation that we try to solve the problem or improve the situation by facing it with a bad attitude. This won’t work ...

Create Happiness-Wherever You Are -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
Happiness is a natural state of mind. Have you watched an infant or a young child? They seem quite ‘happy’ to just ‘BE’—no matter what they are doing—they are happy. They are in awe of ...

How To Be Clever Minded -- Pamela Arsena
Have you ever been at a party and noticed there is always on person with all the quick come backs to all the jokes being made. People really enjoy this person because they bring allot of fun to any ...

How to Have Positive Thoughts -- Pamela Arsena
I know we have all heard there is power in positive thinking and while some may be skeptical about this I firmly believe it’s true. Think about it people who typically think positive are much ...

The Truth About Failure -- Ada Porat
Every experience we term ‘failure' holds a core of liberating truth within. The next time you feel as if you have somehow failed, review these truths and you will see why you do not need to ...

Life is a Journey -- Nicole Matoushek
Life is a journey: A journey filled with off road stumbles and on road bliss. This journey can feel like it is all uphill for those who are coping with a financial troubles, relationship woes, ...

Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy -- Garry Zancanaro
As most of us lack energy or suffer from tiredness sometimes, if not regularly, it's good to know there are some simple things we can do that will help to give us more energy. Physical activity ...

What Would Happen If Today Was The Day That Changed Your Life? -- Katharine Giovanni
Recently I printed an article in our newsletter that was written by a great Australian motivational speaker named Craig Harper (www.craigharper.com) and it started me thinking. What indeed if today ...

The Law of Attraction Should be Renamed The Law of Distraction -- Craig Harper
Today I'm stepping out on to the cyber high-wire. I'm performing a high-risk blogging manoeuvre. No safety net. No cyber-harness. I'm going to write a brief opinion piece on the Law of ...

How do you get rid of jealousy? -- answers.yahoo.com
I'm a jealous person and I know there are a lot of you out there too. I just can't seem to shake this jealousy thing sometimes. I'll get these thoughts in my head that my girl can do ...

How To Get Motivated -- Jonathan T Chin
When we embark on our daily journey, we are faced with a series of events and activities that need to be accomplished on a regular basis. We clearly understand what things need to be done for our ...

What Motivates People to Change? -- Arlene Harder
Are you actively working to change some aspect of your personality — and absolutely can't understand how someone else (perhaps the "significant other" in your life) doesn't have a clue that ...

You Can Have More Energy! -- Garry Zancanaro
Lack of energy and being tired are facts of life for all too many of us. Most of us aren't now involved in much manual work, but we still need rest and relaxation to let us recharge our mental ...

The Positive Intention of Negative Behavior -- Ken Fields
All behavior has behind it some intention and some purpose. Behavior is creative and strives to meet a need or fulfill a want. However, the behavior may appear to be irrational and dysfunctional from ...

Personal Success - Dealing With the Dream Destroyers -- Andrew Grant
All of us have dreams and aspirations, but only a few of us are prepared to take action. As you are reading this, I assume you are one of the motivated minority. However, on the long and rocky road ...

Motivation at Work -- Dr. Mary E. Waters
Does this sound familiar to you when you hear it? “I hate my job, I hate getting up early and driving to work, I hate working, but I have got to pay my bills.” This is a cry for help. You lack ...

Life...By Your Own Design - Creating a Conscious Custom-Fit -- Anne Aleyes
"Life," said John Lennon, "is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." He should know. The claims of New Age gurus aside, you can't avoid life's potholes and pitfalls. ...

Detours and Distractions -- Alison Bolger
There will be times when certain circumstances may cause a detour in your life. It’s important to be aware of these distractions, but never let them take you off your chosen road. One way of ...

How To Get Motivated -- Amy Jones
Whoever it was that said the famous words "Nothing ventured, nothing gained", was the smartest person in the world. These four words convey a world of truth. Say them to yourself each and every ...

How To Stay Motivated -- Amy Jones
Getting the motivation to begin your journey was the beginning of your challenge; the rest of it is knowing how to stay motivated. After all, it was pretty pointless starting something you had no ...

How to Turn Around Life's Negative Outcomes -- Robert Cacciatore
Life is life When the negative happens to you (and you know it will) the best you can do is accept it, without regret, without fear, without doubt, without any negativity. More negative things, than ...

What makes a person beautiful in your eyes? -- answers.yahoo.com

If you really wanna win/influence a person you should: -- brt
Hope this will help you

How YOU Can Achieve The Impossible -- Jason Johns
Wilbur And Orville Wright had an impossible dream – they dreamt that man could fly. In 1961, President Kennedy had an impossible dream for his nation – that they would land on the moon before the ...

Reviving Your Motivation - 3 Ways To Keep You Going -- KunSong Yeo
Everyone will need a pat on the back from time to time. There are days when you get up on the wrong side of the bed and feel nothing will work out today. There will be times when you seem to have ...

Motivation For A Healthy Lifestyle, How To Get It And Keep It -- Debra Goldman
How many times have you said to yourself that now is the time you’ll start exercising and eating healthy only to be disappointed a short time later when you are back to your old habits? There is a ...

How To Practice Focus And Perform Like A Champion -- Tony Papajohn
Did you know you can practice focus like you practice a golf swing or a dance step? You may not have considered “focus” something you can practice or rehearse. Yet, I’ve discovered that focus ...

How To Stop Negative Self-talk In Its Tracks -- Tony Papajohn
Did you know that you can stop negative self-talk in its tracks with a simple gesture? In “The Matrix,” Keanu Reeves’ character Neo finally “gets it.” He realizes that the world he thought ...

How To Become A Champion In The Off-season -- Tony Papajohn
Here’s a secret every champion knows. Champions are made in the off-season. That’s where you will either mold yourself into a champion or lull yourself into a raging mediocrity. Here’s how I ...

The Motivation To End Pain -- Mark Ivar Myhre
Every human being has the right to be happy. Every person is born with that right. We can be - and are - as happy as we will allow. And yet when we look around us, we see so many people who claim no ...

Living The Winner's Way -- Susan K Minarik
It’s not the milestones of life that distinguish life’s winners, but the way they spend the moments in between. It’s not the wedding that graces a couple’s lives, but the marriage. It’s the ...

Motivation - A Simple List Might Work -- M Monk
I have struggled with motivation for years, what to use to motivate myself, esp. in the mornings and especially if I’m feeling bad. I’ve been asking myself lately, how to overcome my negative ...

Do Not Let Dreams Just Be Dreams -- Elizabeth Steger
When I was a little girl I asked myself and God how can I get there. I would go outside and look up the stars and the dreams were so far away that it seems just a dream in my little head. Oh those ...

What Are Your Motivations? -- Simon Vics
What makes you get really excited and motivates you? Finding out the answers to these questions will help you with your self-improvement and personal success. By understanding your own personal ...

Never Give Up -- Brad Carver
Do ever think that a higher power is controlling your life? That no matter what you do it’s going to turn out wrong? That new job didn’t come through, you didn’t get the loan you wanted; that ...

You Have The Ability To Choose -- Dr. Rick Goodman
I recently received an e-mail from a friend of mine regarding choices specifically a person's ability to choose their own attitude of mind and how one can look at any situation either positively ...

How To Squeeze Through Boomer Life -- Antonio Ruiz
While reading Newsweek Online recently, I came across an excerpt from a book by Sara Davidson, (insert who she is). In her book, 'LEAP! What Will We Do With the Rest of Our Lives?' published ...

Do You Know How To Make The Right Decision? -- Brian A Hunt
Making decisions is part of modern life, and each day we make hundreds of simple decisions, a handful of important decision, and occasionally, a massive decision. The problem is often in knowing the ...

What You Resist, Persists Because of YOU! -- Sukhbir Singh
In this week's Transformation Enabler, we are going to talk about RESISTANCE. The Law of Resistance states that "What You Resist Will Continue to Persist." We have probably heard this phrase used ...

What Will You Leave Behind? -- Gary Ryan Blair
We all begin life at GO, and all roads lead to a final rendezvous; the difference is what we do en route. Paths chosen, actions taken, and a host of decisions made lead ultimately to a unique legacy. ...

How Can I Trust Anyone Again? -- Kelly Jones
Gail Asked: I used to live on the streets and was taken advantage of in many ways. Now I am off the streets and doing much better. Trouble is, I don't trust people anymore. I always think they ...

Embrace Yourself -- Claudette Rowley
Lately, I've noticed a strange phenomenon: I spend large chunks of most days feeling great. After a few years of rough patches, setbacks and some mighty big speed bumps, this experience is truly ...

Accepting Yourself - Here's How To Start -- Mark I Myhre
Are you happy with yourself just the way you are? Do you accept yourself with all your shortcomings? Most people don't. For several reasons. For instance, society holds certain standards that by ...

How To Improve Your Health By Getting Rid Of These 3 Negative Mood Swings -- Gary T
If laughter is the best medicine, then negative mood swings are the worst poisons. Moods and attitudes play a crucial role in our health. A happy go lucky person tends to be a lot healthier than a ...

Good Luck - Accident or Action? -- Ana Blum
To have Good Luck is not an accidental element or something outside of our control. Good luck is an individual power. It is created by ourselves - born in our thoughts and projected in our actions. ...

Conquering Doubt -- Christina Mroz
Why does doubt so easily loom in our minds? Why don't we just believe that the best will occur in life? No matter a person’s age or circumstances, it seems that doubt freely dances in our ...

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude – 7 -- Kevin John
Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude Success through a positive mental attitude – 7 Habits For Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude Body A positive mental attitude is essential to ...

Feeing Better Right Now -- Mark Ivar Myhre
Feeling better involves taking a series of steps. But a common problem I've had - and I've seen in many others - is they just want the success (whatever it is) without having to take the ...

Meet New People And Make New Friends - How Best To Do It? -- Martin Tanner
Moving to a new location, or going through any change of circumstances that results in an upheaval of your friendship group, is always a challenging - and often a painful - experience. Some people ...

Finding The Happy You -- Gilles Hamann
Happiness requires a single change of focus. From wanting to control everything and everybody around you to focusing on how you think and feel. To want to control the world around you is selfish and ...

Ten Commandments For Happiness -- Dr. Mary E. Waters
Don’t worry, be happy. Even though your life may be fulled with negative images from wars, crimes and even personal tragedies, you should still make a conscious decision to be happy. Everyone ...

Happiness - Face Life And Not Fight It -- Jackson Tan
What does "LIFE" means to you? Having a purpose or getting the fullest out of everything? A lot of people that I know yearn to have a simple life. Yet, I have a question for them. "How simple can a ...

Alignment -- Dr. Laila Ahmed Charania
Your most important aim in life is to be happy, to be calm, confident and relaxed and to feel in complete control of every aspect of your life. Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less ...

Are You A Loser? What Do You Do That Winners Don't? -- David Allred
I think the more appropriate phrase should be along lines of, “Winners do what losers don’t.” Successful people are willing to do what the unsuccessful were unwilling to do. How many times have ...

Stuck Like Glue -- Katie Mattson
Standing still and watching the scenery is no way to get where you want to go. We’re reaching mid-year and a lot of people start to feel stuck around this time. Even the word feels sticky in your ...

Conquering Your Fear -- Adebola Oni
"Whosoever has conquered fear has conquered failure." Fear is a powerful word that has stopped a lot of people from living a meaningful life. So many dreams have been aborted just because of fear and ...

Never Fail to Dream -- Avis Ward
Why'd they stop dreaming, we wonder? What happened? Perhaps a better question is what didn't happen? We remember them when we were young, bright and filled with promise. They were ...

Nurture Yourself by Giving and Receiving -- Helene Rothschild
Did you ever resist a friend's offer to treat you for an event, movie, meal, etc.? I did. Many years ago, my girlfriend and I were sitting at the table and reading the menu of a fine restaurant. ...

How To Develop Self-Esteem -- Steve Coerper
Self-esteem is not bestowed, either by God or by others. Instead, it is rooted in two specific and controllable character traits. First, you need to develop and exercise humility in order to forgive ...

Feeling and Writing Your Way To A Power Purpose -- Zach Kong
Have you crafted your power purpose yet? If not, why not? Is it due to procrastination? Or laziness? Or you just don't believe in identifying and writing down your purpose can help you succeed in ...

Secret for Success -- dshashi

Are You Stuck? Gratitude Is The Key To Moving On -- Rachelle Stern
Is your life moving toward your vision, your goals, your dreams, or are you stuck, feeling that no matter what you do you can’t get out of that place you’re in and don’t want to be? On the ...

Success, Personal Growth – Do You Know How Your Past Controls Your Future? -- Kevin John
You have a vast collection of beliefs as a result of your past conditioning. They were formed from the moment you were born right up until today. You have literally thousands of beliefs about ...

Your Life : A Mistake Or A Miracle? -- Ineke Van Lint
As long you are not sure about your mission on earth, about the reason WHY you are here, about your main goal in life, you will feel like a ping-pong ball undergoing the commands of all your ...

What You Get When You Get Serious -- Garret W Belisle
Simple Rules of Motivation. 1. Set a major goal, but follow a specific path. The path may have several hills to climb but as you reach the top of each one you will learn success and this will drive ...

Be a Quitter Like Me -- Kyle Eastham
It used to bother me when someone called me a Quitter! In junior high school I quit the baseball team. Look, there goes Kyle. He's a Quitter! Then after high school I had the tremendous honor of ...

Thinking Positive Is A Choice -- Tom Richard
From an early age in my life, I have always enjoyed watching people. My mother called it “people watching”, and she enjoyed it, too. It is hard to tell whether or not I picked up this activity ...

How to Get up Early in the Morning -- R Pettinger
To get up early in the morning is a real boon. Nearly everybody would appreciate more time; after all, most things are more useful than sleeping. However, to get up early in the morning is not always ...

Appreciating Life Itself -- Judi Debus
"We want the spring to come and the winter to pass. We want whoever to call or not to call, a letter, a kiss, a raise – we want more and more and then more of it. but there are moments, walking, ...

Accentuate The Positive -- Deanna Mascle
How badly do you want your life to change and improve? How much have you studied up on self help, personal development and success? How many articles and publications have you read? While research, ...

No Jokes -- Karen Lynch
Your subconscious mind has no sense of humor. It’s true; your subconscious mind cannot take a joke. Not only can it not take a joke it takes everything you say and everything you think as the ...
Re: No Jokes - Self Improvement -- alan
Hi Karen. If thinking something really makes it a reality, then...I think you're nuts! Sorry. Thinking about something doesn't make it reality. That's called "wishful thinking" and ...

Personal Importance - Your Success Depends On It -- Andrew Cox
One thing I've noticed about all the successful people I've met - they all are convinced of the importance of what they do and of their own personal importance. I don't mean in an ...

How To Finally Take Charge Of Your Life And Achieve All You Desire! -- Fabian Tan
If you don't consider yourself an open-minded person, you may want to leave this page right now, because you're about to blow your top. The next time you are in a crowded shopping center, ...

Creating Something (Spectacular) From Nothing -- Craig Harper
In 1988 I had the idea of setting up a Personal Training centre in Melbourne. There were no commercial PT facilities in this country at the time. It would be Australia's first appointment-only ...

Getting Motivated - 3 Questions To Ask Yourself If You "Just Don't Feel Like It" -- Connie Ragen Green
I recently spoke with a business associate about why he had not shown up at a meeting he had said he would not attend. When he told me that he had not gone to the meeting because he "just didn’t ...

Do You Need Others' Approval? -- Margaret Paul
"At work, every time I have to speak at meetings, I get so stressed." "I’m taking a class and I'm always afraid to raise my hand and ask a question." "I'm fine one to one, but as soon as I ...

How To Motivate Other People -- Raul Bancod and John Urman
The difference between a motivated employee and an unmotivated one can result in the improvement of a task at hand hundred times or better! So theoretically, a highly motivated employee can out ...

Who's Driving Your Bus? -- Phil Evans
Who's Driving Your Bus?If we think about our own lives as being a journey on a bus, surrounded by a great variety of people, all with particular positions on our bus that relate to where they fit ...

My Body is Not Who I Am - It's Just Where I Live -- Craig Harper
It seems to me that many of us don't really know who we are. We have our very own personal identity crisis. We spend our very busy lives doing stuff, achieving stuff.... but still not really ...

Personal Development Tips – Revealed: How To Accelerate Your Personal Growth. -- Kevin John
Are you spending a lot of time and money on personal growth and development books, videos, courses and seminars? Do you find that despite everything you’ve done, nothing seems to take root inside ...

Five Basic Needs, Motivation And Visualization -- visualizationmeditation.com
Do you know what human being need so that we can be alive? What motivate us most? Why do we do a certain thing? What are the key elements that move us toward the things we want? We will understand ...

Are You Building Your Foundation Of Success: Six Secrets Of Motivating Yourself For Success -- Ed Sykes
Are you creating your foundation of success? Are you motivated to take on challenges that others are not willing to do? The following is a story of someone who did and achieved great success in his ...

Life Is A Lemon -- Vivek Ray
Squeeze a lemon, and it will produce a juice, too harsh to be palatable. But it forms the basis for lemonade, the world’s oldest refreshing drink. Like a lemon, life is full of sour things. It is ...

Are You Really The Only One... -- Linda Baccus
The word “embarrassed” has roots to the earliest times in our life. We learn to be embarrassed because we are less fortunate, our shoes and clothes are out of date, or worn and torn. We learn to ...

Focus On What You Really Truly Want -- Linda Berry
Do you fully appreciate the role of “focus” in your life? I invite you to examine a few aspects of your habits with your focus. You may be thinking to yourself, “I didn’t realize that I had ...
Re: Focus On What You Really Truly Want - Self Improvement -- Alicia Speaker
"Whatever you think about and focus your energy upon, is on its way to you" Kudos to you, Linda Berry Truer words were never said! \-|">

Happily Imperfect -- Craig Harper
Most of us live in a culture and society which is totally obsessed with perfection. An obsession which invariably leads to pain. Emotional, psychological, physical, social and financial pain. The ...

The "something Is Wrong" Syndrome -- Cristina Diaz
Happiness is attainable for each one of us. In fact, happiness is already inside us. Then, why do seem to be so unhappy at times? Most of us have the "something is wrong" syndrome, which means that ...

Six Pillar Of Self Esteem – Do You Know The Limits Of Your Self Esteem? -- Kevin John
Your level of self esteem has a big impact on your life. The higher you raise it, the more you will change your life to be confident and happy. However, you may be confused about self esteem – just ...

Peace, At Any Cost (or, How To Solve An Anger Problem) -- Stewart Robertson
Holding onto any emotion, is only harming you, and no-one else. We are very willing in this society to pay dearly and often for material goods and services. We will often sacrifice parts of ourselves ...

Maybe the Beatles Were Right -- Craig Harper
Ya gotta love love don'tcha? Maybe the Beatles were right. Isn't it great that so many people from so many places can come together (blogospherically) and connect and reach out to someone ...

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Warning - Don't Get Too Comfortable! -- Kevin J. John
When did you last step outside your comfort zone? If you can’t remember when then you have a problem. You may want to make any changes in your life, you want more success, better health, more ...

Self-Talk -- Karen Lynch
What do you say when you talk to yourself? There is an old saying that “you’re not crazy when you talk to yourself, it’s when you start answering yourself that you become crazy”. And what’s ...

Hardwork Is The Key To Success -- Arshad
A wise saying that “Hardwork is the key to success”, big achievement and success is only possible with handwork, courage, boldness and long lasting patience then one can get its goal in life ...

Six Pillar Of Self Esteem - Discover The Limits To Your Self Esteem -- Kevin J. John
Self esteem is one of the key requisites for personal growth. Without it you will not be able to function effectively as a person or form high quality relationships with other people. Yet so often we ...

Are Confidence and Self-Esteem The Same Thing? -- Lee Lam
When you look into building your confidence, there can be some confusion with terms - some books talk of confidence, others of self-esteem. Because they are used interchangeably, you can be unsure ...

Tony Robbins motivates you in 20 minutes: TEDTalks -- TEDtalksDirector

Everyday Bravery -- ysabellabravetalk

Making Mistakes -- Melina Dean
Making mistakes.... James Joyce quoted that: "Mistakes are the portal to discovery". Isn’t that a different way of looking at it? Fred Hoyle quoted: "It is the true nature of mankind to learn from ...

Building Confidence -- Roderick Low
Have you ever wonder why some 'beast' could have 'beauty' as their girlfriend and you are licking sores? The reason is because they know their strengths and they work on it, while you ...

Procrastination Cure - A Simple Tip To Cure Procrastination -- Matt Ryan
While many are looking for a simple and easy cure for procrastination these days, the honest truth is there is no simple secret, magic, or hypnosis to just instantly cure procrastination. But ...

Finding Motivation - Your A To Z Guide -- Atul N
Pain is a great motivator for change. If we are unable to produce an income, we go into debt just trying to survive. If we get failing grades, we know we need to study. When we suffer embarrassments ...

When Others Don't Believe in You, Believe In Yourself -- Carolyn McFann
Sometimes it seems that when you are doing well, people you care about the most may not be as enthusiastic about it as you are. It can be frustrating, to say the least. Don’t let those, who put ...

Power Affirmations - How to Write Your Own Power Affirmations -- Andrew Stone
If you look around on the internet, you will find hundreds and hundreds of power affirmations in many different categories. Searching through them can be a time consuming task, and most people find ...

Free Affirmations - 7 Great Tips on Using Your Free Affirmations -- Andrew Stone
Affirmations are a simple and effective way to influence your subconscious mind. It is quite easy for you to search the Internet to find tones of free affirmations in various categories. I have also ...

Without This - No Success -- Carole DeJarnatt
When people fail in their first initiative and rework the plan, they have this. New business, new year, and no money with no income in sight; if you reevaluate your efforts and keep on trying, you ...

Don't Wait For The Shark To Bite Your Leg Off. -- Craig Harper
Have you ever noticed how many people survive some type of horrendous near-death experience (drama, trauma, accident, illness) or some other significant personal tragedy (sudden loss of a loved-one ...

A Complete Life -- Cheng Cheng Tan
Success is not just about money and recognition. My life must be fulfilled in all aspects. These include my family, finance, friends and passion. A complete life is one in which you have the courage ...

Learn These Self Improvement Tips and Stop Killing Your Dreams -- Gregg Gillies
Self improvement is made up of many, many things. And getting a handle on them all can seem overwhelming to many people. That is why it's such a popular topic for books, audio programs, seminars ...

Challenge Yourself - How to Find Your Potential -- Lee Lam
Imagine a room with all your favourite things in it. The curtains are drawn over the windows and you can hear no noise from outside your room, but you don’t mind - you are busy looking at your ...

Use Mind Power – How To Focus Your Mind On Success -- Kevin John
If you use mind power to focus consistently on what you want, you will get it! It’s that simple. However many people fail to focus correctly and end up getting nowhere or even worse getting ...

Never Belittle The Power Of Visualization -- Dan T.
As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is especially true where visualization is concerned. People from all walks of life have practised visualization for centuries, at ...

Motivation One Way Or Another -- Carole DeJarnatt
What is your driving force? What keeps you going everyday? Is it your job, your family, or your livelihood? When I write about motivation I am writing about what the driving force is behind keeping ...

War Of The Mind. -- Craig Harper
If you're like many, then some days your mind is a war zone. Complete with the good guys (Mr glass-half-full) and the bad guys (Mr stay-in-bed-you-loser) fighting for your attention; your ...

Self-improvement motivation - Self Improvement *Picture* -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
Setbacks Are Part Of The Process When working toward your goals, a setback isn't a reason to quit. Setbacks are temporary, unless you choose to allow them to be permanent. When working toward a ...

Self-improvement motivation *Picture* -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
Leverage What You Don't Have Instead of focusing on what you don't have and making it a negative, leverage it. What you don't have, can be just as much of an asset as what you do have if ...

Self-improvement motivation - Self Improvement *Picture* -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
Failure Gives You A Great Story To Tell No one enjoys failure; however, there is one great thing that comes out of failure, and that is the ability to tell great stories. No one wants to hear about ...

Self-improvement motivation - Self Improvement *Picture* -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
Misery Well Spent No one likes to be miserable. Well, most people don't like it, anyway. Misery can make life unbearable. However, misery does serve a purpose. When you get through the misery and ...

Confidence and Courage – Your Key to Success -- Mark Shearon
The truth really can set you free. Once you are free, then what?! Think about this, if a movie was being made about your life, would you have the confidence to be the star in it or would you simply ...

Why Are You Still Living Where You Are? -- Jeffrey Hauser
It’s a simple question with a complex answer. I’ll go first. My parents moved to new Jersey when I was five. I eventually went to college in New York and finally moved away after my mother died. ...

Make Every Day A Masterpiece -- Dwayne Gilbert
We need to remember that we only have so many breathes to take in this life. So many heartbeats to use. So many seconds, and minutes, and days that are ours before everything becomes a memory in ...

Opportunity Awareness - Are you Aware of the Opportunities All Around You? -- Kiran Busi
A man hops out of bed. Today is the big day. There’s a job interview for a telegraph operator position in Massachusetts. Just imagine being the person working on the cutting edge of technology. To ...

The Ideal You -- Curt Fletcher
In our innermost unconscious thoughts, we view ourselves in an almost unattainable light. Our Self-ideal is basically the part of our self-image that holds are dreams, hopes, life vision, values, and ...

Release Your Subconscious Fears -- Melissa Kitto
Let's take a look at how to apply the Law of Attraction in your daily life. Simply stated the Law of Attraction means "My thoughts and feelings create my reality." Often, people become frustrated ...

Self Esteem ... How to Forgive and Move On -- Christain Cullen
Many times it's hard to let go of our anger or hurt from the past and we can see this seeping into our relationships, work situations, family life and dreams. Forgiveness is not always easy ...

Positive Thinking - Success Is Not A Secret -- Eric Chay
Whether a person will become successful actually starts with his state of mind. You are what you think. Positive thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our mind believes in what we tell it. When we ...

Security Is For Cadavers -- Tijani Fettal
People spend most of their lives ankle-chained to the familiar. They’re kind of locked inside a way of thinking and acting that makes it impossible for them to solve most of their problems and ...

Is Info-addiction Keeping You From Your Dream? 10 Steps To Breaking Free -- Susan K. Minarik
Steps To Breaking Free It’s an easy trap. You get an inspiration about something you would like to do and start exploring how to do it. Before you know it, months have passed and all you have to ...

It's About Time -- Pat Morgan
Ever find yourself wishing you had just a few more hours in the day to get it all done? Between work and family responsibilities alone, it can be challenging to juggle time for everything. Surely we ...

Make a "Not-To-Do" List -- Pat Morgan
Would you benefit from identifying some “not-to’dos” to propel you to success more quickly and with less energy and less effort? When we strategize for success, we typically focus on the things ...

How To Increase Your Motivation -- Chris Burrows
Motivation is something that we all have to have. We all need to find the right levels of motivation in our life so that we can do the things that we want and have fun doing them. There is nothing ...

Doctor Phil's Got Issues Too -- Craig Harper
To be honest... sometimes (not often... but occasionally) the captain of inspiration and motivation (and political in-correctness)... sits at the his keyboard with that stupid, vacant, ...

Harsh Motivation -- Tijani Fettal
I don’t want to sound harsh, but from my own experience I’ve learned that in some cases, the best way to get yourself motivated to move out of a rut is to slap yourself in the face and get a ...

Motivation To Do The Little Things -- Kim Collins
Motivation can be defined as “the desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards it”. I am constantly trying to find ways to help myself as well as my clients stay motivated ...

What is Your Frustration Telling You? -- Lee Ann Lambert
Dictionary.com defines frustration as a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. Frustration, like any emotion ...

Five Methods Of Finding Personal Happiness In Life -- James Argus
Happiness is not something that comes easy to all of us. It is something that we may have to work on. We have to find a way to learn to be happy regardless of anything that happens in our life. It is ...

The Big Secret of Happy People -- Lonnie Young
I want to share with you a secret that has helped me find happiness and contentment. This 'secret of happiness' is a principle understood by the greatest minds in history. Most people don’t ...

It's an Ideal Life -- Renita Kalhorn
When speaking with potential clients during exploratory sessions, I often ask them what their “ideal life” would look like. Without fail, they are taken aback: it seems they’ve never thought ...

Quick Sand Beware -- Byron Pulsifer
Thousands upon thousands of people can sink in quick sand without even knowing it. Each day, with normal stressors of life, we can all become mired in “poor me” thoughts that bring us to despair. ...

Selfishness - Is It Okay To Be Selfish? -- Lisa Fredette
When you hear the word selfishness what do you think? What kind of picture comes to mind of a person who is selfish? Does this word have negative connotations for you? Where do you think this ...

Happiness By Way Of Visualization -- Leon Edward
Most successful business plans start by visualizing the outcome, and using that visualization to work backwards through a plan of action. This same process can be used (sometimes called the Law of ...

You Think You Are Unhappy? Think Again -- Tony Yao
If you would spend some time to research into the life of the third world countries, you might start to shed some tears after a while. Their living conditions are just dreadful. Diseases are raging ...

Legend of the Prospectors Goal -- Lisa Van Allen
Loco Pete, Jackknife Willy and Montana Slim were three of the most grizzled prospectors in the Sierra Nevadas during the California Gold Rush days. One day the three men came across a treasure map. ...

Do You Feel Like the Absolute Biggest Loser? -- Joseph Plazo
Perhaps it's because you lack motivation! Motivation is a powerful tool for success. The degree to which you can remain motivated and continue to make forward progress determines whether you ...

Short Sleeves Insights-My True Truth! -- Hal Manogue
" Truth is ultimately communicated through an intangible, inaudible, indescribable experience of the interaction of mind with mind. For mind can be known only by mind." Henry Chadwick Is Regius ...

Most Would Agree And Say; That's A Shame - Wouldn't You? -- Theresa Twogood
What do YOU really want in life? Or, what do YOU want out of life? The one's that don't understand the difference are what some would refer to as losers in the 'game of life'. Most ...

Become More Attractive by Balancing Strength with Emotion -- Michael Twomey
This article will help shed some light on some skills and qualities that you could develop or allow to come out more. Often times men will hide certain qualities because they think showing too much ...

Long Term Motivation Can Be Difficult But Why? -- Charles Williams
Motivation is defined as, why people do what they do. Long-term motivation can be difficult when you do not make yourself stick to your goals. Most people make goals, but those who are successful ...

Adversity: Your Seed Of Greatness (three Secrets To Using Adversity To Become Great) -- Ed Sykes
From our first day on earth until our last, we face different levels of adversity. Adversity may be sickness, a property loss, or the loss of a family member. It may be a lost career promotion or a ...

Appreciate To Motivate (five Keys To Successful Team Building) -- Ed Sykes
Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, once said, “There are two things people want more than sex and money…recognition and praise.” Time and time again the one motivating factor that ...

The Power Of Persistence -- James Delrojo
When you ask highly successful people to name the single most important quality required to become successful most of them will say it is persistence. If you also examine people who are habitual ...

Handling Disappointment -- James Delrojo
Everyone experiences disappointment from time to time in their life. You don't always get your goal by the desired date and things don't always work exactly as planned. How you handle that ...

Are Winners Born Or Made? -- Craig Harper
Aaah... the age-old debate. Are we born winners or do we become winners with hard work, discipline, dedication, determination... and all those other 'D' words? We all want to be winners. ...

7 Self Help Tips To Improve Your Mental health -- Rasheed Ali
"How are you feeling?" Many people will answer, "I'm fine." But inside they are really feeling confused, disappointed or frustrated. Many of these feelings are due to holding on to outdated ...

How Do You Develop Professional Presence? -- Helen Wilkie
If you want to advance in your career, you can borrow the idea of positioning from the marketing world. Positioning has a simple objective: to make a target group of people see a particular brand of ...

If Holding A Grudge Doesn't Let You Budge - Two Powerful Methods To Let Go Of Grudges -- Shevach Pepper
We all know that to hold a grudge is tremendously destructive. It robs you of your peace of mind, makes you sick, and prevents you from looking for a true solution to your problems. In spite of the ...

Challenges You Face in Life - Overcome These Challenges You'll Manifest Wealth & Inner Peace -- Don Price
What is the Greatest Challenge You Face in Life & Business? How would you answer that question? Before jumping to an answer you might consider that the greatest challenge you face in life and ...

Effects Of The Procrastination Habit -- Matt Ryan
Procrastination is often portrayed as a habit that takes place when somebody doesn't want to do something or doesn't feel the need to do it today. Many times, friends and family make small ...

This Is Your World! -- Brian A Hunt
This is your world; it is not mine, not his, nor hers. It is your world and yours alone. It was your world the moment you were born and it will remain yours until the moment you die, because nobody ...

Motivational Speakers - Why After Hearing Them We Remain Stuck On Our Couch -- Marcela Bennett
Why only one hour after hearing a motivational speaker we are not motivated any more? Does this happen to you? Does it happen every time? While motivational speakers are there, talking to us, ...

Do You Have Big Feet? Change Your Shoes, Change Your Life -- Alicia Isaacs
Are you trying to fit your big feet into small shoes? Have you ever observed a young child trying to put on a shoe she or he has outgrown? The child tries his best to force his foot into the shoe. ...

Finding Inspiration - You Don't Need to Wait For It -- Steve Bentham
There’s an old saying, which you have probably heard, which states that “The prettiest girl in the village is the prettiest girl in the world”. You could swap the word “girl” for “boy” ...

Stumbling Into The Future -- Craig Harper
When I walk into a room to do a presentation I regularly ask a few questions before we get under way: "Who wants to live an amazing life?" (every hand goes up) "Who wants to have an amazing career?" ...

The Truth About The Rich And The Successful -- achievesuccessonline.com
A recent survey conducted by Forbes magazine shows that majority of its readers would prefer becoming a billionaire rather than a Nobel prize winner, a renowned scientist or a famous athlete. It is a ...

You Can’t Get It Just By Dreaming Of It -- achievesuccessonline.com
Almost every single person both you and I know wants to have something more than what they have now. Some wanted more money; others wanted more time. There are also those who dreamt of bigger houses, ...

Learning To Be Proactive Not Reactive -- Craig Harper
One of the interesting things about my work is that I get the opportunity to see how people 'work'... how they're wired. Typical behaviours, thinking, attitudes, reactions. How they deal ...

Sail the Seven "C's" to Arrive At Positive Change -- Robert Bear
“Here a problem, there a problem, everywhere a problem, problem, oh McDonald had a problem, E, I, E, I, O, OH NO!” The world is full of problems, just ask any cynic. Perhaps, you’re reading ...

10 Steps To Feel Alive And Fulfilled! What's It Going To Take To Be Satisfied? -- Doris Pina
Even if you are a goal-oriented, driven achiever, you may realize that fulfilling oneself is not always that easy. Trying to find something new and exciting that life has to offer isn't always ...

Learn To Dream Again -- Louie Jones
Never stop dreaming. If for some reason you have...find out exactly where our dream got sidetracked. Which begs the question. What happens to a dream deferred? What happens to the hopes and desires ...

Change Your Life By Changing Your Mentality -- Peter Emu
WHEN I WAS POOR There are four categories that every one falls into. Everyone, everywhere on the face of the planet falls into this categories, no one is exempted, you belong to one of these groups, ...

Change -- Barbara Joan
Exploring my thoughts about why people stay in their so so, humdrum lives is the fear of change. And yet change is all there is according to teacher James Ray. I think people, myself included just ...

Ten Ways to be More Attractive -- Craig Harper
* I so wanted this to be a brief, quirky, interesting article... maybe four, five hundred words tops. A thousand words later... here it is. I can't help myself. I think I talk too much. I need ...

Reach Out -- Donna Higton
It is said that the true mark of a twenty-first century person is whether their address book is in their e-mail and all phone numbers are stored in their mobile. I can certainly hold my hand up and ...

Letting Go of Regrets -- Arlene Harder
Caught In Our Expectations We all have regrets. They are the things we wish we hadn't said or done and things we wish we had. We regret we weren't able to fulfill some of our dreams. When we ...

5 Strategies to Creating Happiness -- Amy Sherman
Because women can identify and verbalize how they feel easily, they naturally know when they are happy and when they aren’t. But they may not know what truly makes them happy. The secret to being ...

Finding Inner Peace -- Kathy Balland
Do you know someone who is living life in a way that is detrimental to their health? They may be dealing with their stress with drugs, alcohol, smoking, or through some other form of artificial ...

Self Confidence- How To Improve It For Making More Money? -- CD Mohatta
Self-confidence and making money go together. Have you ever met a person of very low self-confidence making lots of money? No, because unless some one is confident about themselves they cannot make ...

Sensitive People - 9 Things to Remember When Others Tell You That You are Being Too Sensitive -- Connie Ragen Green
9 Things to Remember When Your Feelings Get Hurt If you were a sensitive child chances are you are now a sensitive adult. Everyday events may affect you differently than someone who is less ...

Confidence is Not an "Illness" - It is a Side Effect -- Arkady Itkin
Few qualities of human and particularly male personality are praised higher than confidence. Confidence seems to be the foundation or at least an essential element of success in a professional world, ...

Have You Let Someone Else's Comments Control Your Life? -- Kay Drummond
Do you constantly doubt your own capability? There are many people who do, and the amazing thing is that your problem may be caused by a passing comment spoken years ago by a friend or family member. ...

5 Tips For Super Self Confidence -- James Beckett
What is it that gives some people a vast reservoir of self confidence, and others such a crushing lack of it? It is almost like there is only a finite amount and when one person increases their self ...

Who Are You Performing For? -- Donna L. Watkins
I turned 50 this year (2000). I never thought much about my age before, but 50 has always sounded rather old to me. Now those of you who are in your 60's and 70's will just giggle and say, ...

Opportinity Is Knocking... Are You Coming Out To Play -- Karen Senteio
When we were kids, it was the best thing in the world to have friends knock on our door and ask you to come out and play. You did not have to know what you were going to do that day. You were ...

What is Success Part 2 -- Sjef Van De Laak
The Cambridge dictionary translates success as; “The achieving of desired results”. which is a different way of looking at success. It is success without competition. Whether you passed your ...

What is Success? Part 1 -- Sjef Van De Laak
For one it is driving a big car, or earning a million dollars a year, or being respected by people, or be able to write a book, or be the M.D. of a multinational company. In our daily life we can be ...

Lessons in Pain -- Craig Harper
Some of our best lessons come out of painful experiences. Most of my significant life lessons have been painful and have often had something to do with people that I trusted, respected and (stupidly) ...

Keep Dreaming - The World Needs Dreamers -- Shauna Arthurs
Don't be so dreamy. You're dreaming your life away. Stop dreaming. Or - sarcastically - keep dreaming! We've all heard these admonitions. Have you ever noticed that even though many ...

Don't Eat All the Elephant All at Once -- Paul Tizzard
This coaching tip is around helping to move on. Sometimes people get stuck and as a coach, this can be quite frustrating. So, here are some thoughts. I was inspired by the superb Boots advertising ...

Finding Determination -- Byron Branfield
Determination is what gets us through life; it is what makes the difference between failure and success and how we make out in whatever we choose to do be it at work or in relationships. If you wish ...

Two Sides Of Self Motivation -- Tomas Labas
Self motivation can be divided into couple aspects. The first is oneself motivation whence of the activities that are involved in the behavior. And the another is when persons are motivated because ...

Do You Think It Cannot Be Done - Never Give Up -- Steve Seah
All of us at one time or another uttered this statement. “It can't be done.” Let us talk about a person who heard this statement all through his life but he always believed that one could do ...

7 Ways To Be More Productive Each Day And Increase Your Overall Income -- Britt Phillips
Being more productive is often a matter of simply making a few simple changes to your daily routine. These seven tips if consistently applied will help you get more done in less time. And while this ...

7 Ways to Ensure Greater Happiness -- Elaine Sihera
1. Being Yourself. The first guaranteed way of bringing real happiness into your life is to BE YOURSELF. Let no one take away the essence of you. Those who don't like you being yourself usually ...

Learning to Love Yourself With Self-Improvement -- Peter Fisher
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities overwhelm us, we come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not we think and believe that someone, or even most ...

The Importance Of Time - Life Death And Unconsciousness -- Christopher Walker
Death is as common to life as birth. Yet, we celebrate one, hate the other. Our knowledge of the ever-after is weak. Whatever we don’t understand, we fear. If we were warriors, running into battle, ...

High Hopes And Generosity Of Spirit -- Judy Ringer
"But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes … " -- High Hopes, Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn My friend, Suzanne, is an inspiration. One of her ...

From Overwhelm To A Clear Path To Freedom -- Marion Licchiello
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Overwhelming is not the word. FEAR. It was more like there was no way out. Let me tell you the story. I was home alone on a weekend that we had 15 inches of snow. All ...

The Fundamentals Of Motivation -- Megan Tough
Have you ever wondered why the people in your team don’t seem as motivated as you do? Or why some people do their jobs with enthusiasm and vigor, and others barely get through the day without ...

Helpful Motivational Posters -- Joseph Sicurella
Boosting confidence and self esteem, motivational posters inspire us to higher standards of achievement. Quotes on success, positive thoughts, dreams and beautiful places and scenery that remind us ...

You Choose Your Thoughts -- Mary Wozny
We are in control of our own thoughts and our thoughts lead to our actions. When you are discouraged, you could choose to fill your mind with negative, limiting thoughts that will deepen and ...

The Desperation Cycle And Failing Motivation -- Kurt Mortensen
Many think motivation is useless because it doesn’t ensure long-lasting results. This thought tendency can be seen in what I call the Desperation Cycle. The Desperation Cycle shows how human nature ...

Have You Let Someone Else's Comment Control Your Life? -- Kay Drummond
Do you constantly doubt your own capability? There are many people who do, and the amazing thing is that your problem may be caused by a passing comment spoken years ago by a friend or family member. ...

Attitudes and Their Effects on Aptitude -- Marco Angioni II
Aptitude is defined as "capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent." Another definition for aptitude is "readiness or quickness in learning; intelligence." Now that you ...

You Killed Your Motivation -- Tan Glenn
If you’re reading this, you should be keen to boost your motivation. Are you? Spot on, I’ll start of with one simple thing and that is motivation is not a one-time process. Its not something in ...

Personal Development - What Does That Really Mean? -- Bonnie Holscher
When we talk about Personal Development several things come to mind. For some this can mean many different things. For instances some: • To get a better job • Make improvements in a relationship ...

7 Ways to Raise the Voltage - Live with High-Energy Drive Successfully -- J.D. Verhoeff
Imagine a world where what you do is enjoy life and work is simply a part of your enjoyment? Can you see it yet? I woke up this morning to cloudy gray skies and drizzling rain, chilling the ...

Face the Future With Confidence -- Daniel Lakstins
Have you ever found yourself lacking the confidence needed to do your job successfully? You’re not alone! How can you develop more confidence not only in your career but in your life as well? First ...

Positive Attitude - Focusing On The Positive -- Zack Lim
In any moment, there are a lot of examples to prove that live is a bed of thorns or the bed of roses. How you feel upon your life depend on where you place your attention. In other words, what it ...

Allow Success - Change Your Mindset to Realise Your Vision -- Caroline Hylands
Imagine this scene: You are at sea. You are in a small boat. The water is calm and blue, the air is warm and you feel relaxed and at peace. In the distance you can see a beautiful island – green ...

5 Tips For Successful Solo Living -- Joanne Mallon
1. Living alone doesn’t have to mean living lonely. Building a community of people who care about you will help you stop feeling lonely or disconnected. Take time to see friends, join clubs or do ...

Self-Confidence - A Timeless Way To Increase Your Self Esteem -- Sacha Tarkovsky
Self-confidence is not the property of psychologists, and the subject is as old as we are as people. Even animals display a general sense of self-confidence by natural methods. So should you. In this ...

Negative Self Talk - Are we Born with a Negative Thinking Gene? -- Lisa Fredette
I recently had a discussion with my daughter about internal self talk. During our conversation I was reminded how easy it is to think negative thoughts about ourselves and how difficult it is to ...

Life Bumps Builds Self-Confidence -- Ward Willison
Have you ever hurt yourself? Did you end up with a scar? There are very few people in the world that have not had their fair share of bumps and bruises. Some of us have had much worse. The ...

Build Your Self Esteem, The First Step To A Better You -- Hazel Lim
So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may consider as a starter guide to self improvement. Imagine yourself as a Target. Everything ...

Yoga - A Tool for Self Empowerment -- DeZengo Moore
In the midst of what felt like the horrific (destruction) fallout from war, I found myself trying to manage the emotional devastation from the loss of love and betrayal as well as the comprehend and ...

Trust Yourself First -- Marlene Chism
"Self-love my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting." Ok, let me translate what Shakespeare meant: It's not sinful to love yourself, but it is sinful to neglect yourself. You can only ...

Power Thinking For Supercharged, Power Living! -- Pete Siegel
Reaching the top in any field demands you transcend what is "normal," and sustain super-human actions which prevail. This is as true of winning Olympic gold as it is of building a mega-successful ...

How's Your Passion These Days? -- Tim Connor
If there is a fire in your gut there are bound to be a few sparked flying out of your mouth. Passion is different than enthusiasm. Passion is the fuel that drives you toward the finish line. It is ...

What If All You Had To Do To Succeed Was Fail? -- Bill McBride
You may not think of it on first brush but consider this fact that failure and success are both steps in the same direction. When a person fails at something they may mistakenly believe they are ...

Maintaining Your Inspiration -- Dechen Lau
How can we preserve our inspiration In this planet you have to be taught to stimulate manually There are many things in the life that can grounds you to lose your inspiration It is our job to be ...

Unravelling The Mystery Of Life -- Neil M.
"Accident is the name of the greatest of all inventors.” Mark Twain I thought I understood. But then the veil of what I thought I understood was lifted and I came to know the profound truth. I knew ...

Friends - The Elixir of Life -- Shubhanyu Jain
The right friends can make a world of difference to you. And I have one friend who comes closest to be the quintessential friend.. I withold the name.. This person has for the past 61 days made my ...

A Letter from Young Me to Old Me -- Craig Harper
Dear Old Me, Hi. I hope this letter finds you (I mean me) well. I hope you're (I mean I'm) looking after my (our) body (okay, I'm seven and confused) and I bet you're (I'm) really ...

Flow Experience - A Key To Happiness -- Julia Barnard
What is flow experience? Flow experience is a concept defined by Csikszentmihalyi to describe those moments when you are completely and totally absorbed in an activity. As such, everything else is ...

Can You Forgive Yourself And Others? -- Tim Connor
One of the most difficult things for people to do is forgive others for their mistakes, transgressions or errors in judgment. Forgiveness is not about letting the other person off the hook for their ...

Get Enthusiastic About Something And Be Happy! -- Helen Smeaton
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Happiness is a ...

There Is Nothing Wrong With A Humble Beginning- Achieve YOUR Success With Honour & Integrity -- Tayo Solagbade
Succeeding With Honour And Integrity - The Underlying Philosophy What I share in this article is based on past and current achievements in which I have NEVER had to depend on any "Godfather", or ...

How To Silence The Chorus Of Naysayers In Your HEAD -- Nancy T. Mindes
Dear Audacious Ones, Okay. Here we are it's SPRING and all the promises you made to yourself to really ramp up your business, start a shape-up plan or begin that project you have been longing to ...

Ending Self Sabotage Today -- Nick Arrizza, M.D.
Self sabotaging behaviors occur in many areas of one's daily life. They include things like: 1. Over eating. 2. Excessive alcohol and drug use. 3. Dishonesty with one's partner, friends and ...

Be Positive! -- Shea Korte
Positive, For some its hard, for others its easy, being positive throughout your life while doing various activities is and can be a full time job in it’s self. Your attitude around your friends, ...

The Magic of Five Seconds of Silence -- Linda Miller
You have heard that "silence is golden," right? There are many teachers of the power of silence and you can buy books about the benefits of silence. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "See how nature - ...

Warning - Your Attitude Is Reflected In The Mirror Of Life -- Kevin J. John
Maybe this has happened to you: Take two identical days, just ordinary routine days, nothing special happening… On one of the days, you wake up in morning feeling great – it’s a beautiful sunny ...

Benefits of Patience -- Richard Pettinger
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will” - Benjamin Franklin They say Patience is a virtue seldom found in women never in men. This may or may not be true; but it fair to say that there ...

Attitude -- Mike Shanta
Has your life been filled with accomplishment after accomplishment? Have you always succeeded at everything you've set your mind to? Were you always one of the top picks for the baseball or ...

Garbage In Garbage Out -- Mike Shanta
For those of you who might not know, Garbage in Garbage out is a computer term. Basically it means, that if you put garbage into a computer, you will get garbage back out. Makes a lot of sense, ...

Build Your Thoughts And It Will Build Your Life -- Sylviane Nuccio
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust. Are you looking for solutions to your problems and issues? The answers you are looking ...

Being Positive Is Our Innate Nature -- Vijay Khare
Being positive is our innate nature. It emerges from within. We try to a achieve it the other ways. It is one of the most fundamental nature of us. If we are human, with human virtues we will be ...

Joys Of Age -- Hollis Polk
As I was thinking back over the last year, what was positive or fun, what I learned from, what succeeded, what failed, what the jury is still out on, what seems to want to expand in the coming year, ...

Danger - Pitfalls Of Positive Thinking And How To Avoid Them -- Stephen Ryan
Although I am a great believer in the power of positive thinking I also realise the dangers and pitfalls of this approach. If you have ever tried to kid yourself that everything will be fine and ...

Taking Charge -- Ola Olabimpe
We are in control to make our own decisions. But do you find yourself waiting on others to make a move, do people opinions hinder you? If yes, you should say a big NO! and take charge. “If you are ...

Growing Means- Knowing What To Change Or What Not To -- Ola Olabimpe
Tagging the culprit usually woould not; stop the hurt caused or changed the done deed or the fact that something has to change. We can blame our past on our parents or the society but, we can not ...

Fulfilling Your Special Purpose... - Self Improvement -- ola.olabimpe
Fulfilling Your Special Purpose... If it is true that everything happens for a purpose and you happened the day you were born. It is then safe to say: you have a purpose to fulfill or achieve. But ...

Can You Mentally Visualize? -- H. Bernard Wechsler
Testing two-thousand students, three had serious trouble creating mental-movies. We care because creative-imagery is an essential element in both the Einstein Peg and Link memory system. No pictures ...

What is True Education? -- Jason Sisneros
"Education Is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought." Bertrand A. Russell (1872-1970) English philosopher, mathematician, and writer. I would like to touch on the subject ...

How to Discover Your Life's Purpose from Today's Leading Experts -- Cari Vollmer
Do you know your life's purpose? Most people, at some point, wonder what theirs is. We search for meaning and hope that our lives carry special meaning. We sense, at a deep level, there is MORE ...

Emotion Anonymous - Are You Addicted To Negative Emotion? -- Thomas Digges
All of us suffer from bouts of negative emotions. Some of us more frequently and deeply than others. It's not a matter of yes or no, it's a matter of "when and how much?" The question to ask ...

Build Your Vision Slowly -- Ian Crossley
During my talks in New Zealand I had some thoughts that may help you, it is amazing how plane journeys focus your mind. I tend to go into hibernation mode and let the world go by. This of course is ...

Turn Ideas Into Action -- Brian Bartes
Does your brain bounce with ideas? So many ideas in fact, you feel overwhelmed? Maybe you have a unique idea for a book. Maybe you have lots of ideas stirring for a new marketing campaign. Or, maybe ...

The Secret Of Success -- Alex Goad
There are several definitions of the word determination. The two that I retain for this article are as follows. Determination: the quality of being determined to do or achieve something. And also ...

Create A Vision You Can Be Excited About- Setting the Structure to be Unlimited -- Beth Tabak
"A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind." Antoine de Saint-Exupery The expansion of an idea into a vision that inspires action adds up ...

Motivate Yourself To A Healthier You -- James Penn
You know you need to get moving. The benefits of exercise are well documented through research. Exercise can improve your overall health, increase your self-esteem and decrease your stress. The first ...

Ten Steps to Electrifying Enthusiasm -- Ineke Van Lint
Enthusiasm is the highest level of energy we can experience as human beings here on earth. Discovering your passion is the first step towards excitement and enthusiasm. I present to you ten steps to ...

How To Live Alone And Love It -- Tonja Weimer
Do you live alone? Would you like to know how to make your life happier, more fulfilled, and more purposeful? People who live alone are often challenged to develop a positive attitude and find those ...

Against All Odds -- Devon D. Harris
“Stick to the sun, the sand and the beach The Olympics you could never reach Spare yourselves and take our advice Tropical boys don’t belong on ice And in case you don’t remember We’re now in ...

Why Does A Man Who Deserves Success Sometimes Fails -- Nicholas Dixon
Life can hold nothing but failure for the ill natured, unsociable, disgusting tramp who is known to be ignorant, lazy, shiftless, a spendthrift, a liar, and an all around crook. Such a worthless man ...

Siegfried & Roy - A Life Journey of Fulfilling Your Dreams -- Michael Snell
Those who dare to dream accomplish great things. Just ask internationally acclaimed illusionists Siegfried & Roy. I had the honor of working for them for about 7 years, right up until Roy’s tragic ...

The First Step to Improving Your Life - Knowing What is Possible -- Kerry-Ann Cox
If you want to make improvements in your life a great place to start is to open your eyes to what is actually possible. We are all basically wearing blinkers like a horse at a race track. If we live ...

You Cannot Fail -- Will Edwards
Napoleon Hill once said: "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits" And that is a wonderfully true statement! There have been many examples of people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable ...

Moving Into Your Future -- Tamara Hawk
I just had to write an article on moving forward. I've had so many people pass through my life recently, friends and clients, that are suffering financially and wondering if they are truly doing ...

So, Why Is It That Drop-Outs Are Rich And You Are Not? -- Gideon Van Schalkwyk
“Drop out. Start up.” - Larry Ellison There are literally millions of people who would like to make a success of their lives, but feel like they are stuck in an unyielding, oppressive system and ...

Beauty... and Then What? -- Craig Harper
Welcome to 2007; the time when more people than ever, with absolutely no medical conditions or sicknesses, are taking themselves off to the operating theatres of the world and paying rich surgeons a ...

How to Improve Your Personal Harmony - 5 Important Keys -- Christopher Walker
How comfortable are you? How harmonious are your relationships? Is there room for improvement? This article will explain how to fix any disharmony you may feel in those areas. To feel in harmony is ...

How To Never Feel Alone -- Jeanna Gabellini
Have you ever been at a crowded party and felt alone? Have there been times when you were by yourself and felt completely content? Maybe even joyful? Or in love with life? Feeling alone or lonely has ...

A Healthier, Happier and More Successful You -- James Penn
You can become a healthier, happier and more successful person by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will have to make changes to the overall you, not just change the amount of ...

Ignorance Can Be Bliss -- Jeanna Gabellini
The headlines read, “SHARK SPOTTED AT SAN FRANCISCO BEACH.” You were just there with your kids frolicking in the ocean the same day someone reported seeing a shark. Your blissful memories of the ...

What Are You Making Up About Yourself -- Jeanna Gabellini
We are all making up stories about what other people’s motives are, what will happen in the future, what the past means and what our own capabilities are. It’s natural to make things up in our ...

Living A Thoughtful Life -- Neel Raman
It's so easy isn't it, to get caught up in daily living, making a career for yourself and chasing achievement, and not pay too much attention to asking questions about how you live. In fact, ...

Being Focused In Life -- Neel Raman
What does it mean to be focused? "I'm pretty focused," you say. "I go to work and I concentrate on getting the job done well. Ha! I know about focused." That's great! You apply yourself so ...

Choices All Around Us -- Diane Helbig
Choices are all around us. I’m not sure we realize how often we are presented with them. Some we make automatically, without even thinking about them. Some we consciously consider before we choose. ...

Procrastination - Why We Do It, How To Get Past It -- Julia Barnard
"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." William James. This article provides some reflections on this quote and introduces the theme of procrastination -- what it ...

Vibrant Life -- Pullikattil Simon
Webster defines vibrant as "pulsating with life, vigour or activity". It can also mean scintillating, shining, or sparkling. When do we scintillate? When we are enthusiastic and what is enthusiasm? ...

The Keys to the Freedom of Life -- Sjef Van De Laak
A lot of people believe that real happiness is an utopia, or something that happens only for a short period of time. Many people still believe that life is a battle. However if we investigate our ...

Find and Maintain Your Motivation -- Stephanie Griffin
Are you ready to change your life? Maybe you want to begin a new career, or lose some excess pounds. If you want to make a change you need to be sure of your motivation to help you stay committed. ...

How To Achieve Success Through Accountability -- Lisa Van Allen
Run a Google search on “accountability” and you get nearly 50 million hits. Glancing at the sites you find references to government accountability, corporate accountability, and accountability ...

Ask for More -- Elizabeth Johnson
It’s a New Year. What do you want more of for yourself? For many of us, time and money are some things that come immediately to mind. Will you get it? The answer is more likely to be ‘yes’, if ...

Getting Inspired And Motivated The Easy Way -- Alex Yeo
Inspiration and motivation are the engines that make you drives towards your goals. Inspiration gets you going and fires you up in the first place while motivation is what you need a continual supply ...

How to Motivate Yourself -- Alan Searing
Willpower – this is an essential factor in achieving success. Discouragement and lack of motivation may hinder you from reaching your objectives. You alone can devise techniques that will help keep ...

7 Helpful Steps for Self-Motivation -- Alan Searing
You can list down as many dreams as you can! You may be dreaming of fulfilling your greatest desire, getting the best education that can be obtained by money, or buying the car of your dreams. ...

Motivational Secret Learned From Alexander Graham Bell -- Jason Osborn and Rebecca Osborn
In the process of your life there will be many times where things don’t go the way you have planned them. Most likely you have already experienced plenty of times like these. What’s important ...

Double Your Achievements By Lightening the Load -- Kate Harper
"The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have." - Leonard Nimoy, American actor, "Star Trek" How lucky am I? Over the last couple of weeks, I have been spending time with various groups ...

Too Much Talk Not Enough Action -- Craig Harper
One of my biggest challenges and frustrations (if not the biggest) of my work is not providing people with the appropriate information, education, inspiration, direction, advice, feedback or ...

Positive Attitude - The Key To Having Good Productivity -- Zack Lim
What does having positive attitude got to do with any good productivity? This is the question that some of you might be asking in your mind. The answer is positive attitude has got everything to do ...

Positive Attitude - How It Affects Relationship -- Zack Lim
You know that having a positive attitude is very important as it is like a magnet that will be able to attract all the things that you want to achieve. One of the things that you will be able to ...

Positive Attitude - Can It Make or Break Your Success -- Zack Lim
Does positive attitude make or break your success? This is the question that I believe that you will ask yourself. You have heard from many people that having a positive attitude will help you to ...

Make Your Living Doing What You Love -- James Delrojo
One of the sad facts about our economy is that most people hate their job. The dream of the average American is to be rich enough to quit work. Yet the people who are really rich tend to keep working ...

Where All Successful People Have Begun And What You Can Learn From It -- Jason Osborn
Do you have the desire to be successful in life? If you are reading this, then the answer is probably yes. Because you desire to be successful, I’m sure you have asked yourself how other successful ...

A Letter To All Blokes.... -- Craig Harper
Dear Men of the World, I have a confession to make: While I consider myself to be the ultimate motorbike-riding, gym-owning, shaved head, big-bicepped (made that word up) Alpha Male Warrior, I have, ...

Every Challenge Is Opportunity In Disguise -- James Delrojo
You will often hear average people complaining about the problems and challenges that they encounter from time to time in life. They wish that they didn't have these challenges and that life ...

The Case For Positive Energy -- Jon Gordon
Positive Energy….It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in classrooms, board rooms and locker rooms. After all, when business legend Jack Welch says that great leaders have loads ...

Turning 'Can't' Into 'Can' And 'Did' -- Robert Daniel
I completed the Landmark Forum in Perth, Western Australia in 2002. I had ‘stuff' going on like everyone else, but it wasn't major. There were people dealing with mind blowing life issues, ...

5 Top Tips for Staying Motivated -- Will Edwards
Today I have two tasks that I absolutely need to get done before the end of the day. They are both important. One of these is quite a mundane task; the other is something I will quite enjoy. Now if I ...

What Really Matters -- Craig Harper
I opened my first business in 1990. I was twenty-six, young, dumb and full of... enthusiasm and hope. My first employee was a young trainer named Matt. He was nineteen, good looking, built like ...

Love Yourself - Stop Self-Destruction -- Noraini Maskuri
One of the most powerful lessons in my life was the awareness that loving myself is very key to my happiness and emotional well-being. It is a fact that many people are not even aware that loving ...

Just Addicted -- Karen Foster
We live very much in a society where addiction is no longer about the will to resist temptation, but how much we ask of it in the process of finding true satisfaction. My question therefore, asks if ...

Discover Secrets Of Acquiring Self Confidence -- Bill Urell
Self-confidence is one attribute every person should have in order for him or her to assert himself or herself. Many kids and even adults suffer from lack of confidence. There are people who lack the ...

Immigrant Women and Their Struggles -- Rachel Acloque
I was born in the United States and raised in Haiti. I moved back to the United States at the age of eleven. Being a witness to the struggles faced by my mother, a single mother, made me more ...

Why Am I Working So Hard Without Proper Rewards? -- Elaine Sihera
Q. Elaine, how is it the more you try, the worse it gets? To be happy and carefree seems an impossible request. What say you, oh wise one? I'm just feeling down at the moment, nothing going my ...

How Do I Develop Self Love? 3 Essential Starters -- Elaine Sihera
Q. How do I develop self-love? Sometimes I really hate myself and can't see any way to change my feelings. (Rose) A. A very good question Rose. Not so glib to answer because it is difficult to ...

Does Age Affect Our Self Esteem? -- Ena Clewes
I was always considered a very well centered person in my younger days. In fact , I was voted in my class, the person most likely to succeed in life. I was blessed with good looks, an ability to make ...

Gratitude Affirmations - Self Improvement -- Antony Woods
Gratitude is a type of affirmation: One that says "I enjoy and value the good in my life and trust that more will come my way". http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Pembroke3.html

Would You Believe? -- Reggie Odom
Would you believe that what you believe is alive and well in every aspect of your life today? What do you have faith in? What do you believe to be true? If you let this question live in you for a ...

Live in Abundance -- Sjef Van De Laak
Abundance is possible for everybody, although most people don’t experience it this way. Especially when we are not doing very well economically, people experience quicker the pressure of the ...

Motivation and Discipline - How to Make Yourself Succeed -- Phil D'Agostino
One of the hardest things a person can do is make himself (or herself) do something he really doesn't want to do just because he knows it's good for him. Motivation is not only a good thing, ...

How Decisions Create Personal Grit -- T.D. McKenzie
Decisions are a funny thing, once you make them they seem to take on a life of their own. A great example of this is when I was around 17 when I finally decided that my part time position as a ...

One Simple Method To Become Inspired And Courageous -- Henrik Edberg
One of my favourite snippets of movie-dialogue is this one from the 1999 film “Three Kings”. In this scene Major Archie Gates (George Clooney) wants the small team to save a fellow soldier and ...

The Motivational Classic -- Jeff Wendland
When it comes to motivational or self help books, its is hard to find one that is any better then The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David Schwartz. This classic was written in 1959 and its principles ...

How To Keep Motivated From A To Z? -- Calvin Ho
A - Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." B - Believe in your self, and ...

Discover How To Chew Up Challenges And Spit Out Success -- James Delrojo
Life is full of problems and challenges for us to work our way through. It is working through these challenges that provides us with the means to develop our full potential as human beings. Here are ...

How To Motivate Yourself -- Steve Gillman
How do you motivate yourself? What can you do when you need to get busy doing something and you just don't feel like doing it? Of course there are dozens of motivation techniques. Some, like ...

Do You Have Any Regrets? -- James Delrojo
Do you ever think back over your past with regret about things you did that you wish you hadn’t done, or things you didn’t do that you wish you had done? Do you ever stop to think that today will ...

Words Can Paint a Thousand Pictures -- Karl Warren
Take a deep breath and relax... I want you to imagine you are an artist, sitting in a darkened attic with only a small window out of which you can see the occasional passing cloud. With nothing but ...

Secret Revealed - The Mastery Of Happiness -- Jason Osborn
Happiness seems to elude most people today. It’s the one thing that people truly want but can never seem to attain. You may feel the same way. You may feel that you are always searching to acquire ...

The Importance of Finding Yourself -- Donovan Baldwin
Two vignettes from sometime in the 60's. In the first, I am a teenager sitting in the living room with my father. We are watching television. Someone is being interviewed. I cannot remember who ...

Law Of Attraction: Key Principle Revealed -- Eric Blake
I’m sure you have heard about revealed secrets to applying the Laws of Attraction. Since Oprah announced that she applies these laws in her daily life, it seems as though the Law of Attraction is ...

The Real Secret -- E. Raymond Rock
When we become upset, our first inclination is to escape whatever it is that upsets us. Sometimes it’s easy, we simply move away from it. Other times it is not so easy. When a loved one dies, ...

Don't Let The Past Hurt Your Future! -- Derek Felton
Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it. - William Durant, founder of General Motors There was a period of about 5 years where it seemed ...

The Seven(teen) Habits Of Highly (in)effective People -- Craig Harper
It seems to me that there is always a certain percentage of the population who, for some strange reason, seem curiously desperate to fail and extremely determined to find a way and a reason to do it; ...

Good Is The Enemy Of Great -- Pat Morgan
Jim Collins, in his bestselling book, Good to Great, which is based on his reseach of companies that made the leap from good to great tells us, "the vast majority of companies never become great, ...

Leading To Win -- Pat Morgan
Leadership seems to be a hot topic these days. There are new articles and books coming out all the time. There are a variety of programs, courses, retreats and continuing education all aimed at ...

Leading With Gratitude -- Pat Morgan
I recently heard Lynne Twist, fundraiser extraordinaire and the author of The Soul of Money, speak at a conference I attended. Her thought-provoking presentation left me with a new awareness of the ...

Do Your Best -- Pat Morgan
My yoga instructor, JC, always begins class by reminding us that yoga is not about doing the perfect pose, but rather about doing the pose to the best of your ability. When I was new to yoga, I ...

Building Self Esteem -- Jovita Orais
For some it means the awareness of their own importance, their value to others and their place in the world. It also means having the character to take responsibility and be accountable for ourselves ...

How To Be Brilliant At What You Do -- articlesvariety.blogspot.com
Are you not in awe watching people who do their work so excellently? Don’t you feel goosebumps when you imagine Michael Jordan’s innovative style of playing basketball? How about Michael ...

5 Tips For Reaching A Goal -- Jennifer Thompson
I am currently trying to limit my sugar intake. From Halloween through Valentine's Day it seems as though there is a constant march of sugar into the house, and at some point, I have to say ...

Where Are You Going And How Are You Getting There? -- Corinna Bowers
Are you excited for 2007? Is your life headed in the right direction? Do you want to feel inspired, confident, energized, and ready to move forward with the life you want? Feeling fulfilled and ...

Success – How To Set Goals That Result In Success -- Jason Osborn
Setting goals is something that most people don’t do. The reason is very simple. If you set a goal and don’t achieve it, then it becomes a constant reminder of how you have failed. So, instead of ...

Do You Need Focus To Achieve Your Goals Faster? -- Kevin John
Let me ask you another question What is the shortest distance between two points? This isn’t a trick, the answers very simple yes it’s one that you were taught at school …A straight line !! So ...

How To Set A Goal In 6 Easy Steps -- Simon Lim
We’ve all set goals in our lives, some have been accomplished, and others have been broken. Although a number of variables plays a part in whether or not a goal is achieved, a sound goal setting ...

Achieving Your Goals - Keeping Things On Track -- Andrew Wood
Apparently when riding the underground people look up at the map and check their progress on average every 40 seconds. Most of these people know exactly where they are going and when they will get ...

Make Sure Your Goals Are S.m.a.r.t. -- Phillip Woodson
We all have goals in our lives and we all want our goals to become reality. There is a huge difference between the goals that become real and the goals that don’t. The difference is that the goals ...

If You Want To Be Successful Then You Have To Get Out Of The Way -- James Delrojo
Trying to force success can actually prevent it. Successful people learn the art of getting into the right river and then going with the flow. If you fight the natural laws of success then no matter ...

Be an Encourager -- Nancy Geiger
Paul was one of the great encouragers. In fact in 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22 he says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. But we beseech you, brethren, to ...

Everybody Was Created Equal -- Neel Raman
It's hard to see how anyone could think everyone on the planet is equal given the state of the world and the fighting going on every day. It's difficult to understand how as a global ...

Total Spiritual Makeover – Changing From The Inside Out -- Iris Shamble
There comes a time in our life when we need to check our self to see what needs correction and change. Our life should always be in a developmental stage. Being developed should be a continual ...

Believe It or Not -- Susan Russo
“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” -Frank Lloyd Wright Whatever you believe…..you’re right. Everything that happens in your life ...

Make More Money By Getting Fit! -- Chaszey Dejay
You are probably wondering what “getting fit” has to do with making more money. Very simply: feeling more fit and attractive not only gives you more energy and let’s you feel the beautiful Self ...

Does God Feel Sad When She Sees Us Struggling? -- Edward Mills
Last week, when I dropped Ella off at pre-school, there was a letter in her cubby from the Adapted Physical Education Teacher. She had done an assessment of Ella’s gross motor skills to track the ...

Tips For Increasing Self-Confidence -- Shane Magee
Lack of confidence is something which plagues us all at some time or another - it could happen when we are about to take a step in to the unknown, or it might haunt us as a result of a previous ...

How Do You Act Under Pressure? -- James Delrojo
How a person acts under pressure tells a lot about what that person is like. A valuable strategy is to observe yourself when the pressure is off and when the pressure is on, notice the differences ...

7 Ways To Motivate Yourself When Studying A Foreign Language -- Kris Lunde
Motivation is a tricky thing, isn't is? If you are one of the brave souls trying to learn a foreign language by yourself you'll be sure to run out of motivation some time. This is a ...

Different Creates Different -- Craig Harper
One of the many ironies of our existence here on the big blue ball is that, while most of us really want to experience 'different', we consistently do 'the same'. Unknowingly and ...

What Drives A Person's Behaviour? -- Neel Raman
Are we born to behave the way we do? Or do we learn it from family, environment, and life circumstances? Is it nature, or nurture? It's neither of these things. Much of our early upbringing is ...

Purpose Of Life – Which Direction Should You Take -- Jason Osborn
What’s the purpose of life and how to I get there? Those are two of the most asked questions on this planet. Have you ever asked yourself something similar to that? You have something very unique ...

The Art Of Completion -- Craig Harper
* Blunt, offensive, politically-incorrect Craig wanted to call this article.... "Get That Shit Done" but it doesn't sound nearly as mystical, sophisticated or clever as "The Art of Completion".. ...

How To Stay Out Of Jail -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I am amazed at the number of rich, famous and successful people who seemingly forget that the rules the rest of us live by also apply to them. I have a theory that, once a person gets to a certain ...

I Want It And I'll Have It -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
Want is the first step in achieving success. Creating a desire, a want, begins the wheels of success to turn. Sadly enough though "wanting" is not enough. In addition to wanting, you have to believe ...

Create Your Perfect Day -- Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
When you know exactly what you want it is very easy to create. It is impossible to create what you cannot clearly see. You create what you want by your thoughts. Thoughts are things. By getting very ...

Self Motivation - When You Really, Really Want To Do Something Why Is It Difficult? -- Kay Drummond
Do you find it difficult to get self motivated? Do you love the idea of being self motivated, but lack the drive to get started? It might help if you set yourself a goal to work towards. Want some ...

Building Self-esteem -- infinitepotential-la.com
BUILD YOUR SELF ESTEEM, A STARTER GUIDE TO SELF IMPROVEMENT So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter ...

Motivating Others -- Linda Finkle
Last time we saw how Jane and Bob work on communication, especially around problems, and that they are very clear when asking for what they need. Sometimes, they find that asking isn't enough; ...

What is My Purpose? -- Nadia Brown
Have you ever asked, “What is my purpose?” The Bible tells us in the passage in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for ...

Getting Ahead The Smart Way -- Yinka Aderibigbe
Life’s journey can be hard. That’s a simple fact that many have found too distasteful to handle. Yet, for those who know how to play the game, you could still have your roses even in the midst of ...

Know Your Why For Success -- Sam Udoh
Our readiness to succeed in achieving our desired goal can be predicated on our ability to answer to the question of "why" we want to reach the goal. The underlying reasons, beliefs and values are ...

Self Motivation - When You Really, Really Want To Do Something Why Is It Difficult? -- Kay Drummond
Do you find it difficult to get self motivated? Do you love the idea of being self motivated, but lack the drive to get started? It might help if you set yourself a goal to work towards. Want some ...

Lessons of Adversity -- Delton Doucet
What does not kill us makes us stronger. Just about everyone at one time or another has heard that saying. If not, you just have. Everyone in this world will face or has faced some type of adversity ...

Work Twice as Hard, Enjoy It More, Exhausted Less -- Christopher Walker
Work twice as hard, enjoy it more, exhausted less. True or false? • Long hours are the inevitable sacrifice of business people • The higher up the ladder, the harder the work • Lazy people earn ...

Improve Mental and Physical Well Being – 10 Tips -- Richard Pettinger
1. Be Happy. When we are happy we are not prone to physical and mental anxieties. Happiness is often the best medicine. Whatever our circumstances if we can smile and laugh, many of our problems will ...

Celebrating Your Victories Is Important -- Neel Raman
Joy is one of the most sensational things to experience. It fills you up with light and charges the air around you with such energy, that you can barely contain it. You can feel as though you could ...

Are You Willing? -- Paula Gregorowicz
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell If there is one question that defines whether we will have a full-filling ...

Don't Worry, Be Happy - Mostly -- Douglas Eby
The lyrics of Bobby McFerrin's song include: Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is In your life expect some trouble But when you worry You make it double Don't worry, be happy ...

Permission To Be Happy -- Anthony Butler
I have studied success, and self improvement for more than fifteen years and I learned that goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you can use to help you achieve your every desire. If you ...

How To Raise Self Esteem -- Joe Robinson
One of the most important parts of maintaining good health is having strong, positive self esteem. Remember, you're a really great person. Don't let others get you down. There are many things ...

Love Can Be a Table For One -- Frankie Picasso
Once again, that Cupid person is about to strut his stuff and like a miser with a 10 dollar bill, I bet you any amount of money, He will unerringly miss you and I! Does he ever fail to deliver.. I ...

The Definition of Confidence -- Elaine Sihera
Self-confidence is essentially an attitude which allows us to have a positive and realistic perception of ourselves and our abilities. It is characterised by personal attributes such as ...

Boost Your Confidence -- Leslie Gail
Are you fairly confident in your own shoes? When do you feel your best? When do you feel the most insecure? Even the most confident individuals go through periods of self doubt. I am pretty secure in ...

Have a Fearless Spirit -- Derek Felton
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. - Japanese proverb We've all felt fear before. It's natural. Fear over starting a new business venture. Fear of getting into a new relationship. Fear ...

Ten Steps to Self-Confidence -- Stacey Chillemi
Self-confidence-like being rich - it is something we think everyone else is but us. Yet feeling insecure about ourselves is perhaps the most common problems of humanity. The majority of people in ...

The True Meaning of Respect -- Elaine Sihera
As we begin a new year, whatever new resolutions we make, there is one thing we will seek every day without fail in our lives and that is RESPECT because it is tied up with our self-esteem and ...

Letting Go Of Your Ego -- Neel Raman
Sometimes our biggest challenges face us when we're at our most vulnerable, when we're forgetting to trust in ourselves and plug into the energy that buoys us up. That's when it's ...

Are You Tied To Your Circumstances? -- Neel Raman
What do you think has shaped the way you are and how you live? Do you believe you were conditioned by your upbringing, your environment and that you reflect the way you were brought up? That might ...

Are They Right: Am I As Stupid As They Think I Am? -- Paul Greenhill
Imagine you're driving in your car and realize that the low fuel light starts blinking on your dashboard. Before you make it to the next gas station, you run out of gas and your car comes to a ...

Practical Advice On How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others -- Henrik Edberg
“You shouldn´t compare yourself to others!”, people might tell you. Of course, without an explanation this is about as good advice as “Just be yourself!” or “Just be more confident!”. ...

Self-Esteem: 5 Recovery Tips That Can Change Your Life -- Kate Garvey
Self esteem is the way we see ourselves in the universe; how we think about ourselves, and what our internal voice tells us about ourselves. Without help, low self-esteem can spiral into a life of ...

Use Your Potential -- Jacob Friedman
One of the differences between humans and animals is that humans have the ability to evaluate, to measure and to grade their acts. Humans can also improve what they do, making things better. It ...

Change Your Life By Being Uncomfortable -- Delton Doucet
Many people talk about their dreams, the lives they wish to lead, the income they want to attain in their lifetime, yet 95% of the people either start and quit, not getting very far and not putting ...

Improving Self-esteem -- David Stuart
Hello and welcome to - How To Improve Your Self-Esteem Fast! I have written about what I feel self esteem is all about and how I improved mine. I am not a doctor nor am I an expert, but I have read a ...

Don't Let Low Self-Esteem Run Your Life: Choose To Love Yourself Today -- Yukio Phillips
You are worth the fight! What fight? Today is your day to fight for the things that you secretly long for. The things you think about when the lights are out and you sink under the covers. If even ...

Winning Image -- Delton Doucet
How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as a successful, healthy, happy, positive person that projects a winning image to everyone around you? Or do you see yourself as an unsuccessful, ...

Building Courage To Improve Your Personal Life -- James Argus
When you build courage, you start to improve your personal life. Building courage will help you take risks to a brighter future that you ordinarily would not take. When you build courage, you put ...

Asking the Right Questions? -- H. Bernard Wechsler
Are we Asking the Right Questions? Did you know that simple statements, narratives and declarations are driven by left brain dominance? Wait, but when you ask questions you switch dominance to your ...

The Decision -- Steven E
By the time I was nine, I was already overweight. I didn't feel like I was as good as the "thin" girls. By age 14, I had started the "dieting roller coaster." I tried diet after diet but was ...

Giving is Healthy for You -- Anne Harvester
There are many different strategies you can take to make sure you lead a long, healthy and happy life. Whatever strategy you choose, your approach must be holistic. You need to take all of the ...

Self-Abandonment -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
The Encarta® World English Dictionary defines “abandon” as: “to leave somebody or something behind for others to look after, especially somebody or something meant to be a personal ...

Bad Habits Hold Us Back -- Frank Gasiorowski
What is a habit? It is an action on a regular basis and something that becomes instinctive. What is a bad habit? A mistake, an oversight, a slight; usually apologetic, referring to one's own ...

Happiness Is An Inside Job -- Joe Love
Your happiness should be the number one goal in your life. Whether or not something makes you happy should be the primary organizing principle of everything you do. It should be the standard by which ...

Relationships: A Chance to Create Yourself -- Renita Kalhorn
Relationships – though it sometimes seems like we can’t live with ‘em, I doubt we’d want to live without ‘em. With their vast range of emotions, they provide the delicious texture and color ...

Create a Miracle -- Christine Harvey
“The present is where our miracles are made. Our only control is in today, not in the past.” Those are the words of leading mediator and businesswoman extraordinaire, Sue Dyer. “ We have to ...

A Balanced Mind -- Steve Thayer
I am writing this column the day after Thanksgiving. It was a special day of acknowledging who and what I am grateful for. A commentator on TV made the suggestion that it should be a day focused on ...

10 Sure Ways To Live A Healthier Life For Better Living -- Blue Turbit
1) Add Exercise to Your Life Getting exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Muscles require energy to move them and so the body focuses on using its energy to help the ...

Stop Making Excuses! -- Michael A. Verdicchio
Some explanations are regarded as "good excuses," while others are looked upon as "poor excuses." Either way, they both give explanations, or reasons why. "I forgot" is perhaps the most popular and ...

The Secret about Effective Communication That No One Ever Told You -- Phillip Woodson
Effective communication is one of the most essential skills that any person can possess. It’s been said for over 10 years that the quality of our lives is the quality of our communication and it is ...

Passion: The Energy of Life -- G.B. Singh
Passion stands for the intensity of energy that the mind works with. Since very early childhood, moral values are kept impinging on the psyche by the culture. It does so by continually going on ...

Set Goals To Give Direction to Your Life -- Bryan Miller
Goal setting is a technique that can be very powerful and can result in some great returns in all areas of your personal and professional life. At a very simple level, goal setting lets you determine ...

One key to getting along well with people is knowing when to say you're sorry. Sometimes little comments or actions can hurt or offend others. Heavy workloads and stress may keep us from seeing ...

3 Ways to Setting Yourself Up for Success Through Positive Attitude -- Zack Lim
Positive attitude is the key and the way to success in whatever things that we desire. Be it in business, relationship, family etc, positive attitude is the common habits that all different kinds of ...

The Power of Positive Attitude -- Zack Lim
Attitude can be defined as a state of mind or feeling regarding the situation. A positive attitude will mean that it is a helpful attitude that will help the person in a physical state or emotional ...

Relax Or You're Going To End Up Like All My Dead Friends -- Jan Tincher
Relax, and learn to laugh at yourself, or all the old people you know will laugh at you. They'll say, "Look at yourself. You're worrying about everything, and nothing is going right. When are ...
Re: Relax Or You're Going To End Up Like All My Dead Friends - Self Improvement -- KJ
Just out of curiosity, what are all your dead friends like? Hmmm. Wonder what my dead friends would say they're like. Maybe, "Uh, I'm like totaly dead dude, whadya think.?" Or how 'bout, ...

Becoming a Non-Toxic Person -- Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant
If you read the warning label on the back of any toxic substance, it probably looks something like this: “WARNING: Hazardous to humans. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Do not take internally. ...

Getting Rid of Negativity -- Rich MacKenzie
Negativity is something that can affect most people at some point in their lives, however there are some people that feel that they can never shake it off and that negativity is just a way of life ...

Conscious Positivity - Tools to help -- Christine Harvey
Napoleon Hill says in his book, ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ that most people go through life in poverty because they don’t exercise control over their thoughts… “The dominate thoughts which one ...

Y-series: How To Think Positive – Optimism – Part II -- Adil Mahmood Malik
Contd. Methods developing the trait of optimism in ones personality - Wear the dress of Confidence; remove the filtering goggles which give you only a partial filtered view - As a very constructive ...

Y-series: How To Think Positive – Optimism – Part I -- Adil Mahmood Malik
Introduction and scenario Since the dawn of the time human being has been trying to adopt the measures for his self-safety. He started realizing and finding an optimized suitable shelter while living ...

The Trouble With Dreamers… The Trouble With Doers -- Julie Archibold
It is fun to dream; it is actually good to dream. All of the great inventions we have today are the result of someone’s imagination, born in a dreamer’s factory. Dreamers are an essential part of ...

Who Can An Inventor Trust? -- George Davison
When you turn to someone for invention advice or help, you need only ask one question: Where can I buy your or your client's products? The response you want should be a list of stores that sell ...

The Most Important Conversation You'll Ever Have -- Derek Felton
Relentless, repetitive self-talk is what changes our self-image - Denis Waitley When I played baseball I could always tell when I was going to have a good game. Good games were always preceded by me ...

Achieve Your Goals Through Positive Thoughts and Habits -- John Watson
Stick your right arm out to the side. Start thinking cheerful, positive thoughts. Ask someone to use one finger to push your arm down while you resist. You will find it easy to resist. Your arm will ...

How to Stay Positive When Every Damn Thing Seems to Be Going Against You -- Gary Simpson
Recently on a very large Internet Marketing forum the following question was asked: "How do you say positive? From where do you pull the energy to continue?" I thought about this for a while then ...

Spend Time With People Who Recharge Your Spirit -- James Delrojo
Have you ever met someone who recharges your energy just by being there? Perhaps it is the things they say or how they say them, or the way they respect and value your goals and ideas, or the example ...

Never, Ever Give Up! -- Caroline Jalango
There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream. ~Author Unknown~ Are you on the verge of giving up on your dream? Are you just about to let all your hopes and dreams ...

Miss Perception Meets Mr Delusion -- Jay Pierce
Why is it that what a person see's is rarely an accurate reflection of the Truth? Women seem to suffer greatly with this self induced sense of perception, when it comes to the subject of weight, ...

Talent Is Over-rated! You Don't Need Natural Talent In Order To Become Great -- James Delrojo
Some years ago I had an opportunity to chat with one of the greats of the jazz guitar. I asked him if he always had a talent for music. He laughed and told me that in fact the exact opposite was ...

You Can Learn to Enjoy Every Day -- Gary Simpson
At some day, some time in the future there will come a point where you will draw your last breath. Yes. You will pass on, die, expire, pass away. That is inevitable. It WILL happen and there is not a ...

Get Your Life Right - That's Right Here, Right Now -- Jan Scott
There is a great need for us, as individuals, to create a context within our lives which allows us to make the best choices as we move forward. Right here and now we can feel fantastic about ...

Happiness Depends On You -- Kathy Gates
If you’re stuck in the belief that happiness depends on what happens outside of yourself, you’re in for a very long wait. If you’re stuck in the belief that a happy relationship depends on ...

Want To Be Happy? Simple. Connect! Ask For Their Story! -- Robb Lucy
So, you wanna be happy, huh? (Well, start asking for THEIR stories!) Ever been unhappy? Cut to the core of it and I'll bet you felt 'un-connected'. No one in your life at that point who ...

5 Decision Making Mistakes to Avoid -- David McDermott
Everyone has a different way of thinking and when you’re in charge of making decisions, it’s safe to say that there will always be someone that does not agree with you or your decision. Most of ...

Why Some Succeed, and Some Don't -- Jonathan Bowler
Why Some Succeed, And Some Don't Is it luck...or perhaps education? Intelligence perhaps? Well, maybe we should define "successful" first. Money is the first thing that comes to mind. We all have ...

The 3 Most Prominent Personal Growth Barriers -- Deon Du Plessis
What’s the deal with all this personal growth and self development business? Why bother in the first place? Charles Atlas who earned himself the title as the ‘the world's most perfectly ...

How is Your Engine Room -- Ian Crossley
All the theory in the world will not make the slightest difference to your life, the only thing that can kickstart the new you, is ACTION. You must do all you can to assist things to happen. Leave ...

Over 40? Make Your Passions Work For You! -- Craig Nathanson
Why is this important? Making your passions WORK for you is important because your happiness MATTERS and makes a difference in your life. Waking up to a day you really look forward to can make all ...

The Theories Behind Human Motivation -- Roger Gonzales
There are several theories to motivation that have helped lots of people to actually get themselves motivated and figure out what they need to do with their lives. One of the basic theories is called ...

The Dead End of Resistance -- Margaret Paul
Jimmy had spent many years in various kinds therapy, yet still felt numb and empty inside most of the time. He consulted with me because he hoped that the Inner Bonding process we teach would move ...

Are You Satisfied? -- Garry Zancanaro
You may well have heard the old story about a peasant farmer who's only real possessions were a small plot of land and his old horse that worked the land. One day the horse disappeared and all ...

Chasing Our Tails -- Craig Harper
Ever feel like you're doing a whole lot of nothing in particular? Very busy achieving not much at all? Going around in circles (professionally, emotionally, socially, financially, physically)? ...

Teacher Motivation-Who Teachers The Teachers? -- Charlie Cory
In these days of budget cuts, classroom overcrowding, and compulsory high-stakes testing, teacher motivation is more and more difficult to sustain. Many teachers decry the lack of control they have ...

Short Sleeves Insights - Am I Having Fun Yet? -- Hal Manogue
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind". Emerson said a lot in that short sentence. It seems I have overlooked the power I have within my reach. My thoughts create my ...

Donations--to Give Or Not To Give -- Roy E. Klienwachter
"Giving" is the greatest opportunity for you to express who you are and how you see yourself in relationship to others and your environment in the moment. When you walk by a beggar and ignore his ...

Opportunity Knocks More Than Once -- Roy E. Klienwachter
Everyday and dozens of times an hour you will have an opportunity to change your life. We often talk about changing the way we live or changing how we do things, yet we miss countless opportunities ...

How To Set Goals-Do Whatever Makes You Happy! -- Steven French
When considering how to set goals we should consider one old saying: “life is short and we should make the most out of it”. This is the reason why we strive to live each day as if it is our last. ...

Breaking Up Without Breaking Down -- Susan Dunn
Women who have lost partners to both death and divorce say divorce is harder. It is devastating to lose someone you love, but with death, you know it is permanent. There is no hope of getting the ...

Explore The Benefits Of Meditation -- Morgan Hamilton
If you practice meditation regularly, then you are probably aware of its benefits to your spiritual well-being. Mediation can help people stay calm, focused and relaxed. Relaxation is one of the most ...

7 Ways To Stay Motivated -- Diane Corriette
You know what it’s like. You set yourself a goal, something you want to achieve. You are excited and ready to take on the world, and then a few months later you can’t even be bothered to spend 10 ...

Nine Ways To Knock Out Negative Thoughts -- Alwyn Beikoff
No one enjoys hearing negative comments from others, especially if there is no constructive value to them. So why put up with these comments when they come from yourself. Negative thinking makes you ...

A Look At Intrinsic Motivation -- Charles Williams
Intrinsic motivation is when an individual is motivated by internal factors, as opposed to external factors. Examples of intrinsic motivation would be doing something because you feel it is the moral ...

The Person Who Says It Can't Be Done Should Never Interrupt The Person Who Is Doing It -- James Delrojo
Dale Carnegie once said that any fool can complain and criticize, and most fools do. Whenever you announce that you have set an ambitious goal all the nay-sayers will come out of the woodwork. This ...

If You Are Still Getting Ready To Start Then You Are Probably Going To Fail -- James Delrojo
One of the biggest differences between winners and losers in life is that winners start immediately whether they are ready to or not, but losers want to learn everything they think they need to know ...

Applause – A Motivation -- Anshu Goyal
“A little sound of applause makes a magical difference then a thousand rupee note”. Motivation is a kind positive push, to a person to proceed further to achieve his wants and desire. In early ...

The Price of Success -- Craig Harper
* Warning: Okay, so I've taken a blunt pill. A big one. If you're feeling a little emotionally fragile, you may want to read this one later. Or never. Don't say you weren't warned. As ...

Winning is Freedom -- Brian McClellan
Those who win consistently can exert their will on their environment. If you pay close attention, you will see winners shaping their destiny every day. For example, winning leaders have the freedom ...

Think You're Suffering Through a Midlife Crisis? View These Guidelines to Creatively Gain Control -- Marilyn Gordon
If it hasn’t happened already, if you are in your late 40’s or early 50’s, most likely you will find yourself in a midlife crisis. You find yourself in an almost impossible situation with ...
Re: Think You're Suffering Through a Midlife Crisis? View These Guidelines to Creatively Gain Contro - Self Improvement -- Linda
Thank you. I never considered creative options to solve my recent crisis. All I could think of was how old I was getting. I appreciate what you are saying and I am going to the Y this weekend.

Words Can Paint a Thousand Pictures -- Karl Warren
Take a deep breath and relax... I want you to imagine you are an artist, sitting in a darkened attic with only a small window out of which you can see the occasional passing cloud. With nothing but ...

If I was the Boss of the World -- Craig Harper
The other day at work I was walking past a couple of young kids who were sitting on a couch and chatting. The first sentence I heard come from a little boys lips was: "If I was the boss of the world, ...

If You Need To Take More Action: The "Salt Test" -- Alan Allard
When it comes to taking action, many people just don't... Because they are guided by less than useful assumptions. Here are some examples of less than useful assumptions: "Why go to the ...

Are You 100%? -- Betty Mahalik
I had a conversation recently with an old friend I hadn't seen in more than a dozen years. During the course of our chat he revealed that he had given up a deeply entrenched habit (read: ...

Learn How to Maximize Your Success Through Expert Timing -- David Speake
Human nature wants us to fail. We all know that if we do not take action we will never experience true success. The first step to success is taking action. If we never take action we can never fail, ...

How to Communicate with Confidence -- Edward Rybakov
The latest researching has shown that people are afraid of communicating. The reason why people are so afraid to communicate is because they are afraid to let someone in their inner world. They ...

You Deserve Abundance: 5 Easy Steps to Get Where You Want to Go -- Jan Verhoeff
Ever wonder why you don’t have what you want, when the guy next door gets everything he wants? The answer is pretty simple, you reject it. I know that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but it’s ...

Achieving Peak Performance Takes Strong Commitment -- Paul Vann
In order to achieve peak performance you must know that you know that you know, what you want to achieve. Whether you want to achieve personal or professional success, the bottom line is you will ...

Motivational Keynote Speaker -- Tamil Selvi
Getting a motivational keynote speaker would be the easiest part of planning your program. But before you start your search, ask yourself a few questions. First, before you start the search for ...

How To Get Everything You Ever Wanted To In Life -- Mark Dotson
Wow! With that title you probably expect that there will be all the answers for the challenges you face in life, right? Well...I don't have all the answers, but I do have one of the most ...

Motivation, the Beginning of Self Improvement -- James Bowie
Pain whether it is physical or emotional may at times be reasons to make people change. Poor grades at school remind us that we need to study. Finding ourselves in debt reminds us of the difficulties ...

Please Go Motivate Yourself -- H. Bernard Wechsler
Ever notice how quickly you stop listening, get bored and think random thoughts (Bloomingdale, partying or vacationing) when the conversation turns and does not directly connect to your interests? ...

Work Motivation -- Kava Leaf
It’s so easy to get buried in a humdrum routine at work. Often it’s easy to believe you’re being a good employee when you report for work and do all that’s required from you, even if the work ...

Make Yours A Millionaire Mindset -- Steve Cowan
When you have been in business for any length of time - doesn't really matter what kind of business really, as I think that the principle applies in every area of life - there is one very strange ...

Fighting Frustration -- J. Ramiro Sejas M.
A WAY YOU CAN OVERCOME FRUSTRATIONS I don't know you. But I have been frustrated many times. My heart was broken many times. I divorced. I have been unemployed. I have been in the street. I have ...

Who Am I Being ? -- William Frank Diedrich
Who am I being right now? Who was I being in that situation? These are questions I ask myself every day? I want to know. If I am interacting and the interaction feels uncomfortable--who am I being ...

Max out your Cosmic Credit Card -- Zoe Routh
Have you ever wondered why some have so much and others have so little? Not everyone knows they have a Cosmic Credit Card that entitles them to free access and use of the playground complete with ...

Great Success Tip: A U-niversal And U-seful Truth For U To Keep In Mind -- Daniel St-Jean
“Born an original” is one of the topics I’m more passionate about. That’s because I’m afraid people don’t really appreciate that fact. They “know it” at the intellectual level, but ...

Great Success Tip: Don’t Do What The Pizza Man Did -- Daniel St-Jean
I’ve got some bad news for you; you won’t get the opportunity to read this incredible book entitled The Stevedore in the White Fedora. This novel, filled to the brim with stirring passages, was ...

Happiness: The Quest -- Lambert Klein
Happiness is something many of us strive for. Why is it so hard to achieve, especially at times when you need it the most? How do we change a gloomy mood into a lighter or happier one? There are some ...

Life Is A Test? -- John Perry
I rarely ever remember a dream. Even when I can remember what I was dreaming about when I have to get up for a drink or bathroom break in the middle of the night, I have forgotten all about it by ...

12 Steps To Turbo-charge Your Visualisation -- Colin Joss
1. Every night, half an hour before retiring, go to your room, where you can be entirely alone and as remote as possible from noise and distraction. 2. Seat yourself in a wide and comfortable chair, ...

Battling the Bet-Nots: How to Overcome the Negative Noise of Naysaysers -- Niquenya D. Fulbright
How many times have you made up your mind to do something you really desired to accomplish but came up against much discouragement from friends and family? You decide to quit your high-paying job ...

Finding Ways To Save Time And Accomplish More Toward Goals -- Connie Limon
A definition of time management might be a process of gaining flexibility and cutting back time. The advantage to having a time management plan is that we are loosing something that brings us reward ...

How Can I Trust Anyone Again? -- Kelly Jones
Gail Asked: I used to live on the streets and was taken advantage of in many ways. Now I am off the streets and doing much better. Trouble is, I don't trust people anymore. I always think they ...

Pursue Your Curiousity -- Amy Coughlin
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of ...

Living A Compassionate Life -- Neel Raman
It is truly a privilege to be alive. You have the chance to spend a lifetime on this beautiful planet and to experience the most amazing, the most incredible, the most moving experience possible. You ...

Everything Is Energy -- Neel Raman
Don't you often marvel at how diverse and beautiful this planet is, and how extraordinary it is that we're a tiny speck hurtling through space at thousands of miles an hour? Think of the huge ...

What Does It Mean To Be A Hero? -- Neel Raman
When you were a child, were you inspired by stories of knights, supermen and courageous men and women who did wonderful things and changed the world around them? They were your heroes. You looked up ...

Give Your Gift To The World! -- Josh Bickford
Those desires that you have inside of your are not only intended for you, and your enjoyment alone, those desires that you have are the gifts that you are supposed to be giving to everyone. Are you ...

Attitude - It Can Be Your Key To Success! -- Mike Hayes
Most guitar students sincerely desire to learn their instrument. Countless persons, however, inhibit their own progress with useless fears and thought patterns which manifest themselves in a quick ...

Resistance is Futile: What You Resist, You Empower -- Shelia Norling
What you resist will persist. This is not just a cliché. Quantum physics is demonstrating quite clearly that what we put our attention on becomes more real and you cannot resist something without ...

Lifting Your Spirit: 7 Days to a Healthier and Balanced Life -- Melani Ward
Caring for Your Spirit When we care for ourselves, we improve the quality of our lives and the lives of all those with whom we interact. If you follow these 7 steps, you will achieve a healthier and ...

Learning to Enjoy Life and Be a Happier Person after Difficult Times -- Carolyn McFann
First of all, I'm not a health professional. This is simply practical advice from someone who has spent many years studying, going to therapy and learning what worked for me. Everyone is ...

Are You Creating The Life Of Your Dreams? -- Josh Bickford
When you arrived here as a baby your programming was very limited. You understood crying, sleeping, eating and the other natural effects of those actions. You didn’t know anything of what you know ...

21-The Importance Of Being Able To Say "No" -- Ab Van Deemter
Do you easily manage to say “No” to someone who wants a favour from you, while deep inside you feel you want to refuse? Or do you, like I used to do for quite some time, roll across your feeling ...

You Are a Winner -- Paul Vann
If you believe you were conceive and born to live a life of mediocrity, think again. Why would an all powerful creator bring you to this world to be average? The fact of the matter is you are in this ...

How To Stay Motivated To Live The Life You Want -- Thomas Straub
Distractions, excuses, reasons to quit... with so much working against us everyday, how do we stay motivated to achieve our goals, to get what we want out of life? If our goal is to improve ...

Achieve Satsifaction by Being Corageous! -- Avish Parashar
Everyone is looking for satisfaction and fulfillment. While everyone would love to have a lot of money, most people would prefer to have enough money to be comfortable while being satisfied to having ...

New Beginnings: The Gift of Starting Over -- Wendy Betterini
I recently had the pleasure of seeing the movie, "50 First Dates" starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. (Note: this article contains spoilers for the movie. If you haven't seen it yet and ...

Happiness Is Meaningful Work -- Kathy Gates
Like everyone, at one time or another, I’ve had jobs I wasn’t very happy with. Whenever someone would come into my office and say “How’s it going?’, I’d always answer “I’d rather be ...

You Are Tougher Than You Think -- Caroline Jalango
Do you remember when you lost your job and thought that you would not survive? But you did. Do you remember when you were struggling with your dream or goal and everyone including yourself doubted ...

Achievement Motivation -- Richard Romando
Over the years, behavioral scientists have noticed that some people have an intense desire to achieve something, while others may not seem that concerned about their achievements. This phenomenon has ...

How We Respond To Stress – The Three Basic Responses -- Salihu Ibrahim
Basically, there are three main forms of response to stress. The first is the “flight or fight” response as a result of which is another form of response to stress as a result of chronic stress, ...

Where Thoughts Come From and What You Can Do With Them -- Kenneth Wallace
Who we are and who we become are dependent upon the thoughts we persistently think. Since they are so important and influential in the development – or stunting – of our lives it begs the ...

Team Motivation -- Richard Romando
Motivation is a force, which drives and encourages a person to overcome conflicts and hurdles. It also refers to a set of forces that leads people to behave in a certain way. It is having the ...

Achieving Peak Performance: Education Without Motivation Serves No Useful Purpose -- Alan Zimmerman
Motivation is not enough. If you motivate an idiot, all you have is a motivated idiot. Education alone is not enough either. Many "educated" individuals achieve very little on or off the job. They ...

How to Keep Yourself "On Track" -- Susan Harrington
Do you set goals, decide to achieve something, make plans and start out great but over time find yourself discouraged because somewhere along the way you got “off track” and didn’t end up where ...

Following Your Dreams -- Neel Raman
Do you sometimes get the feeling that life is passing you by in the fast lane and you're just chugging along trying to keep the car on the road let alone get up to any kind of speed? When what ...

Can You Achieve Your Goals Through Belief Alone? -- John Watson
Performers in any kind of competition speak of the importance of belief and confidence. The stars who win gold medals often describe how they believed, and even knew, that they would win the event ...

Triple Approach to Making Goals -- Evelyn Cole
At the beginning of every year you see far too many articles on how to keep resolutions and set goals you can make. Oh, such good advice! One article shows you how to set one big goal for the year ...

Setting Goals That You Can Achieve! -- Paul Duxbury
We often hear the old saying that Failing to Plan is planning to Fail. Planning is indeed critical if we are to achieve what we truly want in our lives. For me there are a number of stages to ...

Be Confident Even In The Face Of Confidence Killers -- Peter Murphy
You can be confident! All you have to do is rid yourself of confidence killers. Confidence killers are self-defeating thought patterns. Many of us walk through life with these harmful assumptions. ...

Confidence Building Secrets Of True Winners -- Peter Murphy
We all need some confidence building from time to time. Part of feeling confident has a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves. Feeling like we can accomplish things we set out to do is important ...

How To Improve Communication Skills And Your Personal Style -- Peter Murphy
Personal Style Here are six tips for improving your communication style: 1. Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style. Each ...

Go For It -- Michael Brickey
The research is clear that vital centenarians are a self-reliant independent lot. They do what they think is right and what fits with their dreams. Few have had any ulcers. They remind me of Maria in ...

The Should Trap -- Annette Colby
“I should be eating healthy.” “ I should not eat that.” “I should have lost more weight by now.” “I should start exercising.” You might not see anything out of place with these ...

10 Powers that Define Your Successes -- Kevin Hinton
As we move through life we look for guidelines - pathways with support systems in place that allow us to move with a high degree of freedom and confidence while providing a safety net in cases of ...

Feeling Tired? Here are the Top Three Things to Do to Jump Start Your New Life -- Christopher Walker
Feeling tired? Exhausted? Bored? Burned out? Sad allot? Frustrated? Emotional? Edgy? Here are the top three things to do to jump start your new life 1/ Label tiredness as depression. Tired means ...

20 Lessons That Will Turn Your Life Around -- Robert Hunt
This list is not all inclusive. One or many may have applied to all of us at one point in time, but by recognizing these 20 characteristics, you can do something about pointing your life in the ...

Doing What You Think You Cannot Do -- Rich Rusdorf
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." Doing ...

A Successful Failure -- Craig Harper
*Before we get started..... I was hesitant to write this article the way I have because I know that some people may mis-interpret my intentions ... so I will clarify them before we begin so there is ...

Does Your Self Help Need A Nudge In The Right Direction? -- Kay Drummond
Are you in need of self help? Do you doubt your capability? If you do, you are not alone! It is no surprise that so many people feel they cannot help themselves. It can be something as simple as a ...

Beliefs -- Craig Harper
A few brief stories about beliefs. *These are not 'illustrations'; they are true stories. Story One. When I was a fat fourteen year-old I believed I could never be an athlete. I believed ...

Life: The Ultimate Improvisation -- Avish Parashar
What’s amazing about the fear of improv is that everyone does it already anyway. Life, after all, is the ultimate improvisation. We have no script, no outline, no plot, no anything. We just live, ...

The Power of Focus! -- Avish Parashar
Our focus on a moment to moment basis has a huge impact on the quality of our work, relationship, and lives. Depending on what we choose to focus on, the exact same situation can have many meanings. ...

Anyone Can Do Anything -- Avish Parashar
As an improv comedy performer, one of the most common phrases I would hear after a show was, ‘I could never do that.’ People were terrified by the thought of getting up on stage in front of a ...

Ask Better Questions to Control Your Focus -- Avish Parashar
Motivational speaker Tony Robbins has a great saying: ‘If you want a better quality of life, ask better questions.’ What you focus on is determined by the questions you ask yourself. The very ...

Control Your Focus to Maximize Your Energy -- Avish Parashar
Imagine that you are a big ball of energy. (Actually, since physics has shown us that matter and energy are the same thing, calling you a big ball of energy is neither incorrect nor insulting). The ...

Sticky Note Success: 9 Self-Motivators for the Self-Employed -- Scott Ginsberg
There’s no such thing as a motivational speaker. Not even Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Norman Vincent Peale or Napoleon Hill were motivational speakers. Sure, those were five highly ...

What Is Law of Attraction -- Judith Wentzel
More and more people have viewed “The Secret” and want to know more about Law of Attraction. Many want to learn how to improve or change their life. Others have heard about Law of Attraction but ...

Are You Stuck in Your Life? -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Are you constantly reading self-help and motivational books yet nothing changes? Have you tried many different forms of therapy yet still feel unhappy, anxious, depressed and alone? Do you often have ...

Visualize Your Success -- Angela Stringfellow
Our minds are powerful and can help us to create what we really want in our lives, if we know how to use the proper techniques. You can learn to visualize your way to success in any area of your ...

Metaphors Gone Wild -- Steve Gillman
Playing with metaphors can lead to new insights, perspectives, and more brainpower. Playing with metaphors expands the range of your thoughts, and increases your brainpower.Is a belief a "truth" or a ...

Learn How to Say No -- Alan Kintel
Generally speaking, people can’t say no to someone asking them for something because they are so worried about upsetting the person or lack the courage to turn down the request. People often ...

Amazing Laws To Boost Your Business and Your Life -- LaVera Gaston
There are powerful Laws that most successful entrepreneurs and small business owners never talk about. They use them every day and have created fortunes and fabulous lifestyles as a result. I’m ...

Weight Loss Motivation -- Richard Romando
Motivation is the driving force that gives you the willpower to accomplish a particular task and finally become successful in the endeavor you undertake. The level of motivation may change each day ...

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Persistence -- Kate Harper
"Studies indicate that the one quality all successful people have is persistence. They're willing to spend more time accomplishing a task and to persevere in the face of many difficult odds. ...

Just Because Like "Sucks" Does Not Mean We Have To -- Harold Cameron
Life is hard at times. Life is unfair, unkind; life is downright cruel at times as well, however, it does not mean that our attitude has to “suck,” and that we have to be unfair, unkind, or cruel ...

Transformation - Shattered, Broken and Bleeding -- Maurice Turmel
When I feel emotionally crushed, I feel squashed all over. Every part of me feels shattered, broken and bleeding in every sense except the physical. My body remains intact, but the psychological ...

Stop Making Resolutions-Start Setting Goals -- Devon Harris
Here we are again! It’s the beginning of the New Year and many of us have a laundry list of things we would like to have or change about ourselves. The old year has left us with situations that we ...

Fear Can Equal Failure -- Susan Burgess
"If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery." - John Paul Jones. Jones is a well-remembered naval hero of the American Revolutionary War. Fear can ...

Positive Habits Can Transform Your Life -- Raymond Gerson
Your day-to-day habits have a cumulative effect over time. Positive habits bring positive results and negative habits yield negative consequences. Small positive habits done on a consistent basis can ...

Hope for Discouraged Students -- Raymond Gerson
Are you a discouraged student? Do you think that teachers or other students perceive you as dumb and a failure? What others say or think about you is not as important as how you feel about yourself. ...

Too Old, Too Fat, Too Dumb -- Craig Harper
Have you ever noticed how some people have an amazing ability to find reasons for not actually doing anything; taking risks, getting uncomfortable, making tough decisions, being pro-active, being ...

Motivation Toolbox -- Alan Kintel
We all need motivation from time to time. It could be for work, family life, parenting, cleaning, health, exercise and nearly anything we have to do in our day-to-day lives. Sometimes we just need a ...

The Sky is Your Limit -- Alan Kintel
You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, the sky really is your limit, and providing you follow a few simple steps, you are able to accomplish anything in life. The key to success is, being ...

Now is the Time -- Raymond Gerson
We do not know how much time is left for us or for others. It is important to express to others now what we wish to say, before it is too late. If a loved one dies with unresolved issues between us ...

Alone on Valentine's Day - 7 Ways to Cope -- Zachary Scott
I've went through Valentine's day alone more than once! It is so depressing. You feel like it's a holiday that was invented to make people that are alone realise they are alone. Well, ...

How To Overcome Fear Using Power Of Love -- Richard Pettinger
To a large extent we all experience fear at some times. It appears within modern society there are many things to fear. Often our fears are exaggerated or not even true. However our thoughts are very ...

Motivation Theory -- Richard Romando
The word motivation is coined from the Latin word "movere", which means to move. Motivation is defined as an internal drive that activates behavior and gives it direction. The term motivation theory ...

Finding Inspiration in Your 2006 Experiences -- Bruno Baceli
As 2006 comes to a close, it is time to take a moment and reflect on the things you experienced during the year. In this rush, rush life, many people fail to do take this important step. Finding ...

The Inspiring Life of Mother Teresa -- Bruno Baceli
When considering inspiring people, one often focuses on people who have overcome great obstacles. In the case of Mother Teresa, the focus should be on her sacrifices. Although known by the world as ...

The Can Do Dad – An Incredibly Inspiring Story -- Bruno Baceli
Often it seems the basic fundamental of society are breaking down around us. In contrast to this, however, one can find inspiring stories if you just take the time to look. Dick Hoyt is undoubtedly ...

Overcoming Your Problems By Gaining Perspective -- Bruno Baceli
We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. This is an old adage, but an accurate one. Yet, it is difficult to apply it to our lives in many situations. This has become so much so that we now live in a ...

Overcoming the Fear of Embarrassment -- Bruno Baceli
All of us are social creatures, but some are outgoing while others are shier. Universal to all of us, however, is the fear of being embarrassed in front of others. Overcoming the Fear of ...

Inspiration Is In Front of You -- Bruno Baceli
Many people complain of being in a rut when it comes to their lives. They just see things going nowhere and quickly can lose their zest for life. This does not have to be. Inspiration Is In Front of ...

Changing Negative To Positive Thoughts -- Matt
Positive thoughts equal positive results. It's been proven time and again throughout the ages by some of the most successful people we have come to know. From as far back as time records people ...

The Three R’s Of Success -- William Frank Diedrich
We can create what we want, and this is evidenced by the unprecidented number of people who are starting their own businesses. How do these people do it? How are so many people finding success today? ...

Discovering Internal Motivation -- Kurt Mortensen
You can’t change a habit unless you replace it with another one. The same is true of motivation. You can’t change how someone is motivated unless you replace the undesirable motivation with a ...

Just Believe -- David Neagle
In midwinter of 2000 I was conducting a seminar at a beautiful resort in southern Florida. The focus of the seminar was to break limiting beliefs and create new ones to bring prosperity and abundance ...

The Power of Appreciation -- Dr. Noelle Nelson
You hate your supervisor. There-you finally said it. You've been pussyfooting around it (and her) for long enough now. That's it, you've had it! Let the truth be told you hate your boss. ...

When Inspiration Walks In -- Craig Harper
I do lots of writing, not just for my blog but also for books, magazines and preparing for my seminars and workshops. The truth is sometimes it's hard to be creative, inspirational, insightful ...

Did you Know How Simple it Is to Surrender -- Bhaskar Banerjee
A bank manager used to take all the cash to his home everyday and bring it back with him the next morning. He did this for a month and could not do it any more. He found himself trembling while ...

A Fresh Start -- Diana Long
2007..A Brand Spanking New Year is upon us. What will you choose to do with it? Your decisions and mind set today about the year ahead will make all the difference in how this year shows up for you. ...

Are You Flying By The Seat Of Your Pants? -- Diana Long
Are you flying by the seat of your pants? In other words, are you constantly "winging" it and putting out fires as they occur? Do you wake up every day and gird yourself for the onslaught of what ...

Awaken Your Potential! -- Diana Long
Wake up call! You've probably heard the statistic that says we humans on average only access approximately 10% of our brain's potential. And that is on a good day! It makes one wonder what ...

Get Enthusiastic, Live Your Life On Purpose. Nine Characteristics -- Ineke Van Lint
Enthusiasm is passion. Enthusiasm is living your dream. Enthusiasm is a divine energy you will feel as a reward for pursuing your dreams and staying on your own path. Someone who is earnestly looking ...

Dreams Cost Money! -- Diana Long
What makes the world go around? Is it… love or money? Without a doubt, love is the ultimate, dynamic force that gives our lives meaning and fulfillment. However, without money flowing into our ...

New Year…new Life? The Recipe For True Motivation -- Piercarla Garusi
The approach of the New Year is for many of us a reason for a resolution to change something in our lives. If you look in a women’s or health magazine, or in the adverts in the media or on the web, ...

Money Can Buy Happiness - or Can It? -- Michael J. Kaye
In a recent article by Malcolm Ritter, an Associated Press science writer (Sunday, Nov. 26, 12:59 p.m. EST), psychologist Ed Diener of the University of Illinois says it’s a myth that there is no ...

In the Pursuit of True Happiness - FamilyVision Column -- Daryl Green
Melda was a top executive in her company. She possessed power, prestige, and wealth. She was the center of attention. However, she hated her job; it was a struggle just to get up in the morning. In ...

Meaningful Resolutions For Life -- Michael Conrad Kelley
I began 2006 by writing my first article ever. I wrote about embracing changes in my life in pursuit of happiness. In retrospect, I believe now that I was giving myself a bit of a pep talk. To say I ...

How to Be Sincerely Happy -- Richard Pettinger
In life there are many things that we want, but ultimately it is the desire to be sincerely happy that most people want either consciously or unconsciously. To bring more lasting happiness into our ...

8 Ways to Become Less Needy and More Loving -- Michelle L. Casto
Leigh Sanders said, “Listen for your song, and join in the dance. Live in the center of your truth and find the bliss of always being enough.” Remember that you are a one of kind work of art, ...

How Positive Motivation Can Affect Your Online Business -- Carl Hoffman
If you have an online business, you know that there can be times when it is frustrating to keep the business going. Online business can often have their ups and downs. Sometimes it may be hard to ...

The Science of Success -- Craig Harper
Warning: Okay, so this is another high-risk article. Some of you will connect with it and have a moment, some of you will think I'm an opinionated, insensitive pig and some of you will already be ...

How To Radically Change Your Life - Really Fast -- Thomas Digges
Several years ago, I made a major commitment to radically change my life. I was tired of feeling tired, falling into confusion, lacking enough focus to achieve my dreams, losing hope, failing. I did ...

We All Have Greatness on the Inside of Us -- Paul Vann
Has anyone ever told you that you couldn't do something? Chances are someone has. At times negative people can deliver esteem deflating comments that connect with the hearts and minds of others ...

3 Reasons Why You Have A Right To Be Rich -- Lucinda Reynolds
Every one of us has a right to be rich. There are many different schools of thought out there about being rich. At lot of us are taught that money can not buy happiness, the rich are just arrogant ...

Change With Resolve -- Renita Kalhorn
Last year, I attended a seminar on how to change your life in four days, presented by Martha Beck, a Harvard-trained sociologist and well-known life coach, to a packed house. Many people, it seems, ...

Finding Inspiration In The Holidays -- Bruno Baceli
As we approach the end of the year, the holidays are upon us. If you are in a rut or looking for motivation, you need to find inspiration and the holidays are a good place to look. Finding ...

Wishes Do Come True And You Hold The Magic Wand -- Doran Roggio
There is a great deal of revelation about the law of attraction in this era of time. I, for one, do adhere to the belief that you can control your destiny through your thoughts and emotions. What you ...

Character Traits - 3 Key Ones To Achieve Your Dreams -- Sacha Tarkovsky
If you want to achieve your dreams and goals and live a happier life then you need 3 key character traits that we are going to examine in this article. If you can get the right mindset and use them, ...

Thanks For Your Persistence! -- Dr. Gary S. Goodman
Usually, customers don’t bother to thank us for selling them something. They believe we’ll receive our rewards in the form of commissions and bonuses and occasional pats on the back from sales ...

Persistence Could Be The Magic Key To Success -- Trevor Kugler
Persistence is as important to a small business owner, whether that business be run out of a home or office, as any one trait. The dictionary describes persistence as: the act of persisting; the ...

Personality Study Made Simple: Which Color Are You? -- Rena Williams
There are only four different personality types. Although they are called by a variety of names, it still remains only four categories. I'm sure you've heard the names like Phegmatic, ...

How Phobias Start -- Jim Brackin
Any persistent or irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity that you feel compelled to avoid could be classed as a phobia. We know that phobias can interfere with our ability to function, ...

When Will You Know If You Are Successful? -- Tim Connor
Even more importantly, when will you know you have achieved it? These are two critical questions that we must have reasonable insight into as we move toward our destiny in life. As I have traveled ...

More And More Stuff -- Tim Connor
Stuff, toys and trappings of success. More is better. Bigger is better. Are you measuring your success with all of the tangible possessions that are a testimony to your worth and value? Don’t get ...

Knowledge And Success -- Tim Connor
The book you don’t read can’t help you. The seminar you miss cannot contribute to your success. The tapes you don’t listen to cannot give you ideas that can improve your lifestyle. Increased ...

Simplify Simplify Your Life -- Tim Connor
Are you feeling stressed, out of balance, or missing some of the joy in life you feel you deserve or want? Life can be a very complicated process. It is full of obligations, plans, goals, needs, ...

What Are You Searching For? -- Tim Connor
Everyone in life wants to be successful and to be happy. But, these mean different things to each of us. Some people want successful relationships. Others want financial freedom. Some people want ...

Everywhere You Go There You Are -- Tim Connor
In an age of increased stress, unending stimuli, hundreds of options in everything, the desire to have more, do more and see more, the increased pace of life and the relentless changes that bombard ...

The Rapids Of Change -- Tim Connor
I have recently taken up white water rafting as a new hobby. This is my third year experiencing the thrill, as well as the self-discovery, this activity can provide. A few weeks ago, I spent the day ...

New Year Resolutions Don't Work So How Can 2007 Be Successful For You -- Robin Pratt
This is the time for New Year resolutions. It is the time when gyms, weight loss programmes and self improvement gurus really promote themselves. It is the perfect time for us all to look at good ...

The Key To Your Fears And Beating Them -- Robert Hunt
We are the architects of our lives and our destiny. Our lives do not hold joy that was not first born in our minds and imagination. Our circumstances are then outwardly crystallized through the power ...

New Year's Resolutions - How to Accomplish Them and Beat the Odds -- Debra Thompson
Does it surprise you to know that 9 out of 10 people don't keep their New Year's resolutions? If you are in that 90% category, don't fret. Success all comes down to doing the basics, and ...

A Simple Recipe For Success – Never Accept Limitation -- Oluwafisayo Akinlolu
Beethoven composed some of the world’s best music. His handicap? He was deaf. One of the world’s greatest leaders was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. His handicap? He served from a ...

What's Love Got to Do With It? -- Reggie Odom
What’s love got to do with it? Got to do with what you might ask? With everything, or anything! In the heart of who we are, we all know that love has everything to do with everything. Love is one ...

Discovering Your Life Purpose-Unveiled Keys For Success And Greatness -- Stanley Kudolo
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Do you have a purpose that you are living for? I mean living to the full. Life purpose is your passion for something. It is something you love to do so much ...
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