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Motivation Tips

How To Get Rid Of Low Self Esteem? -- Sudath Priyantha
Are you lacking confidence in any area of your life? Do you not believe in your abilities and skills? Are you always seeking approval from others in whatever you do? If you answered YES to one of the ...

How To Build Confidence - Face Your Fears -- Prasant
"Self Confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." -Samuel Johnson Self Confidence is belief in yourself. It is your ability to trust your abilities. The reason for lack of self ...

Fear Of Failure: What Does Failure Mean To You? -- Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
What do you believe about failure? The ego wounded part of ourselves, the left-brain part of ourselves that has been programmed with many false beliefs, often believes that: "If I fail, I am a ...

Awards Trophies Are Excellent Motivational Tools -- Mike Selvon
Appreciation is one of the most important ingredients in the life of a happy person. As long as he or she feels they are appreciated, it does not matter the amount of work he or she puts in. On the ...

Motivational Speaker ~ What They Do And Why They Are Needed -- John Bell
It may be a cash flow problem that brings your company to the edge of the abyss but it will be an unmotivated work force that provides that final, painful push, launching your dreams into a black ...

Secrets To Success - 3 Ways To Turn Failure Into Success -- Omar Negron Jr
The reality that no one is perfect is hard for some people to understand and they even try to avoid talking about it. But the truth is if you really want to succeed you have to accept the fact that ...

Smile - Love Being You -- Lenore Miller
"It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever." Dale Carnegie, How to ...

A Short Lesson in Encouragement -- Scott McQuarrie
One of the great advertising slogans of all time is also a powerful reminder that action speaks louder than words. And it is a universal truth, too, effective in every area of life. "Just do it." ...

How to Overcome Fear -- Jon Simu
How can you overcome fear, to overcoming fear and become fearless? Well, let us begin by going through this simple exercise. Now, name me the most scariest ghost movie you have watched; the one that ...

Use Your Motivation to Your Advantage -- Anne Bachrach
The basic definition of motivation is "inspiration, stimulus or incentive." Motivation has also been called an internal need or desire that induces a person to take action. Interestingly, motivation ...

The Benefits of a Self Motivational Exercise -- Shawn B
If you want to change the path of your future, get rid of a bad habit or improve the way you work; you definitely can gain a lot by practicing self motivation exercises. Getting motivated is really ...

7 Quick & Easy Tips to Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals -- Jan Malloch
How many times have you set yourself goals, only to find that you simply aren't motivated enough to carry them through? Ideas and goals are totally ineffective if you don't take action, so ...

Daily Affirmations to Empower Yourself -- Carla Valencia
If you want to change your life in a positive way, you have to start by repenting -- by literally changing your mind, changing the way you think. And one of the best tried and true methods for doing ...

The Power of Eliminating Resistance -- Cindy Silbert
"What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." ~The Buddha~ Have you heard the saying, "What you resist persists"? Resistance is so powerful it can create an energetic ...

Conscious Resolutions - A More Effective Way to Make the Right Changes in Our Lives -- Clive A Wilson
It's a new year and like so many people, I've been thinking about resolutions. I've made a few and many of them are the same as last year: drink less, eat fewer sweets, exercise more and ...

Use Visualization To Conquer Stress -- Scott Wells
When you visualize something, you are looking at the big picture. You should look at how you are going to get yourself into a state of happiness. Figure out how you are going to relieve your stress ...

Stress Is Not Cool -- Scott Wells
Stress is when your peace of mind is interrupted and your emotions are worked up. You can feel stress in your home, work or your child can feel stress at school. If not handled properly, it can mess ...

Positive Motivation! -- Sandy Walden
We all need motivation. What does it for you? As a life coach some people firmly believe that I always feel positive, motivated and 'up'. While that's true to a large extent because I am ...

The Only New Year's Resolution You'll Ever Need -- Robert Gerzon
How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? Inspired by the sight of a new calendar, we vow to do better during the coming year. We resolve to break a bad habit (to stop overeating, to ...

Motivation Is The Core Of Self Improvement -- Helen Troyanovich
Pain, they say, is the cornerstone of all spiritual growth and may sometimes be the reason why people change for the better. Debts may inspire us to find ways to increase our income in creative ways. ...

Want New Results? Find Your Passion -- Cheryl Janecky
A little board or things not working out? If you like a lot about your life now, and just want more money – you probably don't see many opportunities – so where do you look? A Quick Good ...

Why Giving Chance A Chance Means Taking Risks -- Priscilla F. Parham
On any given day each of us takes a risk. It can be something small but it can also be something that changes our lives. It can be as simple as deciding to take a different route to work or it could ...

How To Create The Self-motivation To Achieve Anything You Want -- Frank Mayes
The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity. The ...

Motivation Is The Force Which Can Propel You Towards Success -- Ajay Shah
Motivation is the force which can propel you towards success. Combined with Smart Work, Patience and Persistence becomes the the Key to Success. There is No other Secret for Success. It doesn't ...

If At First Ye Don’t Succeed Try, Try, Try Again -- Garry A Wynters
It is coming to that time of the year when we should be reflecting on our endeavours and appraising how things have transpired for ourselves over the past 12 months. It is after all coming to the end ...

How To Develop A Wellness Program In Your Life -- Constantine George
It's important for all of us to take responsibility for our health and overall wellness in life. If you want to improve how you feel, how you look, or any other component in your life, developing ...

Ten Tips Of How To Become More Creative -- Constantine George
Don't you love it when your creativity manifests itself? Creativity brings us benefits that go far beyond artistic expression. Being a creative person can help you to be a better (and higher ...

What Makes A Bad New Year's Resolution -- Constantine George
Why is it that many of us make the same resolutions every New Year's but seldom keep them? Could it be because we're setting unrealistic goals for ourselves that we can't possibly ...

Searching For The Excellence Within -- Constantine George
When you think of excellence, who's the first person that comes to mind? Is it you? If not, why not? Perhaps you need to change how you view yourself! We all should view ourselves as excellent ...

Problem Solving Meditation -- Constantine George
Certain mental states induced by meditation are common with those states specific to mental processes that get your undivided attention like studying something you find interesting or that involves ...

Discovering Your True Passion -- Constantine George
Many of us go through life with interests that we never truly nurture and enjoy because we are too concerned about what others think. Of course, that's no way to live! Finding your passion is an ...

How To Get Motivated, Quickly And Easily -- Constantine George
Getting the motivation to do something – whether it's a trip to the kitchen or to pursue your dream career – seems easy enough, but few can sustain the motivation to follow-through ...

How to Get Motivated -- Denise D. Ryan
Most of the articles I see that discuss motivation talk about sports. But we average Joes and Jills are not playing sports. We just have to get out of bed everyday, go to work, and try to live. We ...

How to Stay Positively Motivated -- Scott Wells
If you find that you are having a hard time being motivated to make it through the day or certain projects on a regular basis there are certain things you can do. Motivation includes a combination of ...

How to Increase Your Enthusiasm -- Kevin Sinclair
When was the last time you felt the strong excitement for something you are passionate about rise up within you? Do you wonder how to increase your enthusiasm? Are you concerned about some type of ...

Keeping Your Vibrations High and Positive - How to Cope With Negative People -- Kristy Nichols
We all have people with whom we interact that we find to be, well, difficult. Their sky is always falling, they incite gossip wars, tattle on others, are intolerant of everyone's weaknesses but ...

The Power Behind Positive Thinking -- Paul Sutherland
Loneliness and the accompanying depression are normal for everyone, at one time or another. However, it is considered a real problem when there is no relief after a few days or weeks. Then, it is ...

The Ultimate Security - Doing What You Love -- Tama J. Kieves
Here is my dearest hope for our changing times. I hope more of us will turn our eyes away from the crumbling wreckage of conditions we knew, and turn our eyes toward what is now available. Alfred ...

How You Stay Stuck in Life -- Ali Bierman
Your thoughts create your reality. Your very old thoughts created the deep core beliefs that run your life...completely out of your awareness. Your subconscious mind creates your results. In fact, ...

The Moment - That's All There Is -- Peter Vajda, Ph.D
"Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries." -Corita Kent I'm a great believer in living in the now. Being present. In the moment. And if you think about ...

Check Out Your Mirror -- Carol Stanley
It is time to take a serious look in a full length mirror. What do you see? What can you do to improve the reflection you see. Or perhaps you are satisfied totally with what you see. If that is the ...

10 Secrets to Self Motivation -- Paul Archer
Deal with decent people I am in a privileged position in being self employed since I'm able to deal with customers and clients who I want to deal with. Now I'm not so arrogant to turn ...

Ditch the New Year's Resolutions - Replace Them With Ideas That Really Work! -- Shona Partridge
Lots of people will have made New Year's Resolutions for 2009. If so, I wonder how many are the same as ones they made at the beginning of 2008? Often we decide on 1st January that we are going ...

The Rationale Behind Motivation -- Amy Twain
How do you define motivation--or how does it work? If you try to search or find it in the dictionary or any thesaurus, it may give definitions that describe the 'stir to action', or the ...

Give it a Try and See What Sticks -- Christopher L Elliott
Coming up with great ideas is not hard. Everyone you meet has great ideas for books to write, businesses to start, and ways to improve society. With all of these ideas floating around, it is a wonder ...

The Two Worst Words in the English Language -- Christopher L Elliott
Do you know the two worst words in the English language? No, they are not naughty words. They are two simple words that most people use everyday and they are holding you back. I guarantee you that if ...

Dare to Challenge Fear -- Anese Cavanaugh
What does failure have to do with action? I wrote an article on daring to celebrate failure. I spoke about the learning and growth and opportunities that we can find when we allow ourselves to really ...

How to Choose a Motivational Speaker -- M James
If you're looking for a Motivational Speaker to increase morale and productivity as well as to improve teamwork and communication skills within your company, then you might not know what skills ...

Three Keys to Identify Good Opportunities -- Lynn M. Scheurell
We don't need to create opportunities; rather, we need to decide which ones to pursue in each moment! But how do we know our best opportunities? Consider driving in highway traffic when you want ...

Revitalise Your Work - What to Do When You're Stuck -- Trevor Hill
We all have dreams - outcomes we would really like. But often the obstacles seem too great. So they stay dreams, never making it into reality. We feel stuck, so we try to get on with day-to-day tasks ...

Change and Growth -- Kenrick E. Cleveland
"You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change." --Les Brown It's not possible to avoid change. Sure, you can keep the same clothes, the same ...

Learn How To Boost Employee Motivation -- Lucile Taylor
There is no single solution to increase employee motivation simply because what motivates one person may not be the same for another. Hence, if you are a business manager or a human resource manager, ...

5 Easy Daily Habits To Supercharge Your Personal Success And Effectiveness -- Warren H Wojnowski
How would you like to discover 5 easy daily habits that supercharge your personal success and effectiveness? As a student of personal development and self improvement, you've no doubt come to the ...

How To Expand Your Comfort Zone To Achieve Your Goals -- Clint Cora
As a motivation keynote speaker, I often talk about comfort zones. In fact, along with achieving goals, comfort zones represent one of my favorite topics to speak about. When you hear or see the term ...

6 Tips to Get Motivated & Stay That Way -- Quang Van
I know staying motivated can be tough. But it is essential if you want to succeed in anything to stay motivated. Here's my top six ways to stay motivated: 1) Get a support group. That's ...

You Will Be Judged by Your Cover -- Michael Donell Brown
The First Impression is the Only Impression One of the key reasons I have been able to pull myself out of poverty and into a life filled with personal and professional success is that I have always ...

Create a Dream List to Increase Motivation -- Tara Martindale
When building an Internet business we all have our own motivation or reasons for doing so and wanting to succeed. We should all take the time to write down our motivations and read them every day. ...

How to Stay Positive and Self Motivated -- Nick Lancaster
We all have our down points at one time or another. A project turns out to be more difficult than you originally thought, you didn't get the job you interviewed for, or you aren't seeing any ...

Motivational Self Improvement As a Way to Realize Your Life's Desires -- Tirelo Besele
Most of us go through life believing that it will be a smooth ride. And when it's not we say it's fate - it has been decided that way! Then we secretly want to alter our 'fate' by ...

How to Stay Motivated on the Job -- Tony Jacowski
Any job can become a pain if you do not feel motivated enough to do it. When you are not motivated, it shows. You will soon find yourself passed over for raises and promotions. You will not be ...

Put Your Best Face Out There -- David Bohl
Whether you realize it or not, and whether you intend to or not, every action you take builds your reputation in the world. It is your form of personal branding, creating the words, characteristics, ...

The Secret to Getting Everything You Want - Just Ask! -- David Bohl
In their amazing book The Aladdin Factor, bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen claim that the secret to getting everything you want is to just ask. There are many reasons people ...

Professional Improvement Plan - Eliminate These Seven Deadly Habits -- Annette Estes
This may sound like a mix of the 7 deadly sins and Steven Covey’s 7 habits, and maybe it is. People are beginning to realize that what happens in their lives comes from inside rather than outside ...

How Strong Is Your Desire? -- Doug Hart
What does it take to keep you going in the direction of your dreams? If you have a truly powerful desire to become a new person, or to accomplish something really great in your life, is that enough ...

Mastering Your Mind Power: Affirm, Affirm, Affirm! -- Harold L. Lowe
Armed with a list of the things, conditions, circumstances, and people you truly want in your life, how do you now give the items on your list the best possibility of becoming your new consistent ...

The Secret to Instant and Lasting Motivation -- Justin Popovic
Do you have a list of goals and desires that have yet to be fulfilled? Do you find yourself generating exciting new ideas only to find that you lose the motivation to complete them shortly after you ...

Ten Ways to Re-motivate Yourself -- Doug Hart
Good Day, The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that ...

Motivation, The Biggest Step to Your Success is Motivation -- Carmn Paynter
We often hear that Motivation is the foundation of success. Should we believe it? Well we know that peoples dreams and ambitions are far more less likely to be squashed even before they have a chance ...

What Are You Motivated By - Pain Or Pleasure? -- David Bohl
People are motivated by pain than pleasure. In other words, they are more determined to move away from their pain, than they are to move toward pleasure. Think about that for yourself. What motivates ...

It Is Very Important To Keep Improving Yourself -- Lemy Yusento
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that someone ...

"a Better You" Your 7 Days Program To Self-improvement -- Lemy Yusento
I seem to lost count on how many times I've read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and right. Not that I care (and personally I don't), it seems strange that we often see ...

Wanna Starter Guide To Self Improvement? Build Your Self Esteem !! -- Lemy Yusento
So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement. Imagine yourself as a Dart Board. ...

How To Map Your Life As The Vision Of Success -- Lemy Yusento
Success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all the aspects of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: origin, ...

10 Powerful Inspirational Quotes Which Will Improve Your Self Within Seconds! -- Lemy Yusento
It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on when it comes to relaxing after a hard day's work. Well, yeah I'm guilty about ...

How to Find Your Motivation -- Maggie Pawelek
The key to success is having the motivation to follow through with your ideas and put them into action; to set goals and actively work towards achieving them. Well it's just about that time of ...

Free Motivational Games - Motivate Yourself With Games -- Wendy Pan
Many people need sources of inspiration in their lives, but often they do not know where to look to find that inspiration. There are free motivational games available to help motivate people who need ...

Stop Thinking And Get Into Action -- Beverly Nerden
Nobody ever reached their full potential just by thinking. Even the world's great thinkers and philosophers became teachers, writers or orators to give their ideas substance and their lives ...

Easy Steps to Happiness -- Mankani Senthil
True happiness stems from a quality within ourselves,from a way of thinking of life. Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life.The whole aim and end of human existence. Happines is what we all ...

How To Get The Lucky Charm -- Daniel Massicotte
Luck seems to only have meaning in computer games: If you wear this bracelet, you will have a 50% better chance of getting lucky when a monster drops magical items. Beyond computer games, most people ...

Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self Sabotage -- Kathy Andrews
A belief is assuming something to be true, to be a fact. But the truth is a belief is created by choice. A belief is not true. It is not a fact. But many of us assume a belief is a fact. Beliefs are ...

Motivating Adult Students - 3 Theories to Motivate Adult Students -- Wendy Pan
Many theories exist in today's educational world to help motivate adult students. Adult students cannot be taught, motivated, or assessed in the same ways that traditional students can be taught, ...

Six Daily Motivation Tips -- Steven Gillman
How do you achieve a more consistent level of daily motivation? Use the following powerful techniques, beginning at the start of your day. 1. Start The Day Motivated Have a morning motivation ...

The Essence of Self Motivation and Positivity in Life -- Amy Twain
Why We All Need Self Motivation... Each one of us goes through sad and happy times. When you're down and out, you absolutely need the help and support of your loved ones, family and pals. Count ...

Ten Ways To Re-motivate Yourself -- Doug Hart
The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed ...

Motivation - Inspiration Or Desperation? -- Joey Bushnell
There are two forces which motivate us or cause us to act. Inspiration or desperation. Always act out of inspiration and you will experience more joy in your day to day living. Take a look at your ...

Success Begins With Self-Education -- Richard Posner
I fervently hate slick, long winded marketing hype that forces me to scroll down a lengthy litanies of half-truths and doubtful speculations before I can get to the bottom line about the "deal." ...

Getting Rid of Your Lack of Motivation For Good -- Victor Ghebre
Lack of motivation is like a vacuum it can suck the life and energy right out of you! If you are reading this, it is probably something that you struggle with. It is probably something that holds you ...

Why is it So Hard to Break a Bad Habit? -- Mark Yarrobino
Habitual activity is yet another item on the long list of constants among all people. This, of course, includes good habits as well as bad habits - such as smoking, drinking, overeating, nail biting, ...

The Dreaded Workload -- Stanley Lai
In the world we live today, we all have something we are dreading: Work, bills and the lack of time for oneself Many people are still dreaming of a wholesome life, with wealth, health and lots of ...

Common Errors That Kill Interest -- Stanley Lai
Bad Attitude You find that all the peers you have seem to discriminate, that person. And you feel uncomfortable; thinking that it might be you too. That is a constant fear that consumes you, and this ...

When All Else Fails, Give Something Away -- Pete Michaels
Anywhere you look on the Internet you will see it. Free money! Great work from home opportunity! Make six figures in a month while wearing your pajamas! Buy this program and you will become a ...

Harnessing Motivational Power For Maximum Achievement -- Bruck Shapiro
Motivation is such a powerful factor in goal attainment. Its presence virtually guarantees success and its absence certain failure in any pursuit whatsoever. Time an again we see ambitious plans, ...

Motivation For You When You Are Full-time Employee and a Part-time Student -- Chinweike Okwuduche
Sitting still is one of one the greatest enemy of human race. You immediately become 'obsolete' the moment you stop learning. Though learning can be done in any form (formal and informal), ...

Desire is the Fire For Achieving Success -- Ineke Van Lint
If you really want something, you will get it! It's true: desire is a powerful force that can't easily be stopped. Think about your goal, about what you want to achieve in life, and ask ...

Should You Attend a Motivation Workshop? -- Wendy Pan
Do you feel you lack motivation in your life? Do you feel lost and have no idea which way to turn? Do you have an idea of what you need to do or where you need to be in your life, but no idea how to ...

How Motivated Are You? -- Michael Rayel
While almost everyone has the motivation to pursue activities daily, some of us have to struggle. Somehow, some can't find that necessary inner zeal to be productive. Do you sometimes find ...

Motivation For Increased Productivity -- Larry Rivera
In all efforts toward success, motivation plays a crucial part. However, this is a very vague concept that it easily gets lost in the equation. So, what is motivation? According to scientific ...

5 Steps to Self-Esteem -- Ric Bai
Self-Esteem, we need to first get a definition for this: a confidence and satisfaction in oneself, .this is from Merriam-Webster definition. So where do we get this confidence, from other peoples ...

Quit Expecting Others to Make You Happy - Unleash the Power Within -- Joyce Lee
So often we mistakenly think that we will be happy when someone else behaves in a certain way... accomplishes a certain thing... does something for us... with us... to us. Codependent Thinking That ...

Get the Habit of Building Your Confidence -- John M Nolan
I think one of the most common requests I receive as a personal coach is to help people build up their confidence. If people feel more confident they do more things and consequently get more from ...

6 Great Ways to Overcome Inertia and Easily Get Moving -- Peter Murphy
When faced with a task to perform, many people often find getting started the hardest part of the entire job. But, as Benjamin Franklin said, "Well begun is half done". Getting properly organized, ...

10 Ways to Deal With Negative Thinking, Panic and Paralyzing Fears -- Peter Murphy
I recently heard from a friend who had been laid off at the newspaper she worked at because of the faltering economy. She didn't have many job leads and her motivation was at an all-time low. She ...

Definition of Motivation -- Wendy Pan
The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as ...

Confidence and Belief -- Aryan Gusain
Yesterday I wrote some poems and articles about Beijing Olympics. I will share them after a couple of weeks. So, we were on a success path. The theory continues... When you are about to start a new ...

9 Motivation Secrets That Make Dreams Come True -- Peter Murphy
Dreams do come true as long as we can stay motivated in the face of setbacks. That´s where most of us get discouraged. So often, reality doesn't measure up to expectations. We can have all these ...

Controlling Your Mind Power - Stop Allowing Adversity to Bully You -- Harold L Lowe
Each one of us at some point in our lives is faced with adversity. It might be an adversity that is so monumental and horrific as to defy description. It has been my experience that so-called small ...

Self Motivation - 10 Ways to Find Your Motivation and How to Use it to Drive You Towards Success -- Allan R James
Do you know your ' Why '? Maybe you're in business, maybe you want to the very best in a sport, or the best in any other form of endeavor. In your relationships maybe? Maybe you're ...

3 Tips For Building Self Esteem -- Cari Corbet-Owen
If marketers are to be believed, then building your self esteem is an outside job - but it's not and I[m going to tell you why, and give you 3 powerful tips to solve your confidence problems. So, ...

Sources of Motivation -- Laurus Nobilis
Did you ever ask yourself why is sometimes difficult to accomplish some task, even if the prize is good? On the other hand sometimes you are able to do something very hard and for a long time, even ...

"bump In The Road" Theory: Do You Give Up Too Easily? Six Steps To Take -- mylifepurposecoaching.com
It seems there are two main types of coaching clients: Those who are defeated by nothing and those who give up at the first "bump in the road". The operative word is "bump", not "hill", not ...

The Secret to Motivation -- Andrew Watton
It is not too over the top to suggest to you that motivation is quite simply the petrol in the engine of life. It is what makes us do just about everything in our lives. Money motivates us to work. ...

Misplaced Motivations -- Daniel Massicotte
Ever have one of those days where everything goes right? Motivation is more than a few reasons you want to get something done. Most people use money as their primary vehicle for motivation. I ...

Motivation is a Powerful Tool -- Jim Janowiak
Who doesn't need an occasional motivational pick me up? Motivation is the hot buzzword of the day. If you have it and can keep it up, you're on your way to succeeding in whatever endeavor you ...

Motivational Techniques -- Robert C. Fisher
When an individual sets any goal, it is important for him or her to find an appropriate motivation. Motivation can act as an incentive to help a person achieve a goal; this is especially true for ...

How to Get Rid of Worry -- Matt Platts
Worry is when your mind creates a scenario in your head that is painful or embarrassing to be in. Your brain accepts whatever images you think in your mind as being true, so it believes that scenario ...

How to Make People Like You -- Matt Platts
It is a nice feeling knowing that you are popular. Some of us become popular in school without really knowing why. They find that when they go into the work place, some become instantly popular ...

How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight -- Richard Adams
Mindset is possibly the most important factor when it comes to losing weight. To lose weight you need to put in a lot of effort, and as a result you must be 100% motivated to achieving your goal. Too ...

When is Failure Not Failure? -- Sheri Rosenthal
A common definition of failure would be: The condition or fact of not achieving ones desired end or ends. I think most of us would agree that one of the most potent fears that we possess in our minds ...

Stop Being Insecure - How to Always Be Self-Confident -- Christina Sponias
Are you too insecure and shy? Are you depressed because you don't have friends or any boyfriend or girlfriend? This situation must change! Are you an invalid? If you have your health and you are ...

How to Get Motivation to Achieve Your Goals? -- Larry Rivera
Finding motivation to achieve your goals could be the bridge that link towards its realization. Most of us have goals that we aspire to reach. It enables you to strive harder and do better in what ...

3 Powerful Tools For Inner Motivation -- Mark Siemens
You may think that enthusiasm and motivation go hand in hand, but that's not necessarily true. You can be incredibly enthusiastic about your goals, but not sufficiently motivated to take action ...

Improving Self Esteem With Inspirational Quotes -- Dominique Ardoin
Developing positive self esteem is essential to living a great life. Your self-esteem is basically how you feel about yourself and it has a direct impact on your daily life. It affects the people ...

5 Easy Ways to Drop Self-Doubt and the Fear of Making Mistakes -- Peter Murphy
Each of us is bombarded with many decision-making opportunities each and every day. Some of those decisions we can make quickly without much thought. However complex decisions are sometimes difficult ...

6 Simple Steps to Big Goal Achievement -- Peter Murphy
If you really want to achieve your biggest goals, you have to tart somewhere. Some goals can be long-term, complex goals which may take months or even years to achieve. That can be overwhelming. If ...

3 Ways to Stay Motivated Despite Movable Deadlines -- Peter Murphy
It is important to know how to find self motivation when you are dealing with unstructured timetables and deadlines that can change from one moment to the next. Unstructured time and changing ...

7 Ways to Feel Motivated -- Jesse Miller
Most of us need motivation to start an exercise program and maintain it. Motivation is very important part of a successful workout routine. To feel motivated is not very easy and usually the hardest ...

Without Humor, Life Sucks - Learn to Be Humorous -- Chinweike Okwuduche
Sickness, Stress, pain, poverty, suffering, hatred, wickedness etc all sucks a great deal of life out of us. But none of these is to be compared to the damages that lack of humor can cause in our ...

7 Great Ways to Stay Motivated and Focused Every Single Day -- Peter Murphy
You may not find it easy to achieve your goals, and you may not achieve them as quickly as you want, but if you still really want that goal, it's worth persevering over. That just means ...

Self Improvement - 3 Key Steps to Ending Your Fear of Failure -- Nick Arrizza, M.D.
The fear of failure often causes indecisiveness, kills one's motivation, undermines self confidence, creates self doubt and blocks one's ability to succeed. It can be felt like an intrusive ...

Eluding the Past -- Audrey Frederick
It is 3 o’clock in the morning and I am lying here in my bed wide awake, thinking about life in general and how happy I feel. The weekend that just passed was spent visiting friends that I had not ...

The Mystery of Mastering Motivation -- Jim Janowiak
Each of us, at one point or the other, could use an extra dose of motivation. Those of us building internet businesses are no exception. As you know, there is no easy "business in a box". The reasons ...

To Have an Amazing Life You Have to Take Amazing Risks -- Esther Bartkiw
Walt Disney's first company went bankrupt. Instead of giving up he headed to Hollywood with twenty dollars and a suitcase to start a new business. He believed in himself and his ideas. It turned ...

Stay Motivated by Completing the Achievement Cycle -- Sharon Teitelbaum
I'm bringing you an article on the achievement cycle because I find I need to re-learn these principles regularly, and I think you may need to as well. (Honestly, the most important things I am ...

Motivation - Pushing You Towards Your Goals -- Sturat Mitchel
Being successful in life is not as easy as some people think it is. Success comes from your efforts and what you grow to BECOME from the invisible force that is pushing you towards success. So what ...

Six Powerful Steps to High Levels of Motivation -- Robert N Taylor
It is a well established fact that success in life goes most frequently not to the most deserving, the best looking or even the most intelligent. Instead, it tends to go to the person with the ...

Be Careful For What You Ask For! -- Ingrid Cliff
How many of you have heard of the saying "Ask and you shall receive"? Ok - great concept, but how does it actually work? Many thinkers, religious, new age and scientific have been exploring this ...

Ending Procrastination - A New Look at the Old Demon -- Sharon Teitelbaum
Do you believe that the best way to deal with procrastination is to "get tough" with yourself and "just do it?" Many people take this approach. What is behind it is the sense that procrastination is ...

Motivation Matters - Why Staying Motivated Equals Greater Success -- Victor Ghebre
If goals are our pathways to personal success, then motivation is the fuel that keeps the car going! Just like fuel in a car, motivation may be high at the beginning of your journey, but as you move ...

Lack Motivation? How Can You Succeed When You've Failed So Often Before? -- Linda Schaumleffel
If you are a regular human being, one of the things that can drive you absolutely nuts is trying to figure out how you can succeed now, when you have lost your motivation and failed to achieve your ...

Workout Motivation You Need? It's More Than That -- Cecelia Yap
Workout motivation, anyone? Sure. But all of us know this - sticking to a workout program is hard! I'm sure you've been there. You start to workout, well for 3 months, then you fall off for 6 ...

How Do You Lift From Laziness? -- Angelo Campione
Firstly we need to get clear about what laziness is. We usually don’t think about it much and we generally just label it on anyone that sits around and doesn’t do much (or doesn’t do what we ...

Self-motivation - You Are What You Say! -- Paul J. Meyer
We all do it even if we are embarrassed to admit it; we all talk to ourselves. But what you might not know is that what you say is literally sealing your fate. I always cringe when I hear someone ...

You May Have Fallen, But Get Up -- Kevin J Houston
We all have fallen or will fall at some point in time in our life. There are many circumstances and situations that can and will cause a person to fall, lose their status, dignity or character in ...

A Motivation Plan For Turning Your Intentions Into Reality -- Kenneth Wallace
Intentionality, defined as interior motives to take action, is subject to "emotional drag" and "physical resistance." Emotional drag results from keeping our intentions to ourselves believing that we ...

The Power Of Self-Motivation In Attaining Greatness -- Michael Essien
1. UNDERSTANDING GREATNESS Greatness is more than success; whereas success is limited to a particular area, at a particular time of one's life, greatness is a wholesome phenomenon. Greatness is a ...

Power of Your Words -- Katheryn Hoban
Your words have great impact so chose them wisely. Too many times people use the words that they heard someone repeat and they believe that everyone says it, but it is not true. Also some words have ...

I'd Like a Second Opinion -- Nancy Nylen
Opinions, they say, are like ---holes...everyone has one. Or in some cases, lots of them! Let's face it, if you poll 100 different people on some issues, you're likely to get as many ...

The Grocery LIST For Life! -- Stan Billue
FOREWORD: I've chosen the title simply because just as many people find a Grocery List helpful to get exactly what they want in the least amount of time in a Grocery Store, there are certain ...

How to Get Through a Bad Day -- Sonya Triggs-Wharton
No matter how hard you try to make them otherwise, some days are just awful. They start off bad, they never get any better, and they end on a low and sometimes even gloomier note. These days befuddle ...

Finish What You Started -- Katheryn Hoban
This is an important lesson in your journey. It will set you apart from many others with similar ideas and passion. It will offer you breakthroughs and give you a profound sense of accomplishment. ...

Let's Get Motivated! -- Kevin J Houston
What's your motivation? What's keeps you going when you sometimes do not feeling like continuing on? Do you have a goal you want to accomplish? Are you trying to impress a love one? Are you ...

Empowering Ourselves - We Can Do It! -- Maree Harris
Many people - if not most - have the capacity to empower themselves. What do we need to do? Get to Know Ourselves. We need to frequently spend time in quiet reflection by ourselves or with someone we ...

I Don't WANNA! Dealing With Loss of Motivation -- Tory Klementsen
So I was emailing with one of my friends on email the other day. I hate to say "mentees" because once I get to know someone, I consider them a friend. She emailed me asking for support as she loses ...

Motivation - Get It, Keep It, Live It -- Anthony Docherty
Motivation is a funny thing, some days we seem to have it, others we don't. Why is this? And what can you do to increase it when it fails you? It's easier to find if you're doing ...

Become the Unstoppable Person You Are -- Sharon Capehart
Being an unstoppable human being means that you hold no bars nor do you take any punches. You are no nonsense individual. You know what you want and you are a go getter. You know how to be patient ...

Motivation - Can it Be Found in a Noisy Place? -- Chinweike Okwuduche
Heard melodies are sweet, but unheard melodies are sweeter. Laughter has healing power, but gentle smile has more healing power. Beautiful sights soothe the eyes, but it cannot be compared to that ...

Wake-Up Call - It's Time to Change -- Joyce M Dillon
Have you had a wake-up call recently, such as an unexpected health crisis, a separation or divorce, or the loss of your job? Perhaps you just feel stuck or restless? Are you yearning for change? ...

How Do You Lift From Laziness? -- Angelo Campione
Firstly we need to get clear about what laziness is. We usually don't think about it much and we generally just label it on anyone that sits around and doesn't do much (or doesn't do what ...

Be a Verb - Take Action -- Donna Orr
Be a verb. Live your life in action, not in thought. Picasso said it best "Action is the foundational key to success". Now do not get me wrong, the mind is a beautiful thing, and we all know what ...

Motivational Stories -- Ben Chhay
I would like to share a motivational story from Jamie Valvano Howard who talks about never giving up!! At the age of 17, Jim Valvano(father) took out a simple white card and wrote down all of his ...

Motivational Self Improvement -- Shawn B
Regardless of if you need help at work, or within every day life, or you are looking to challenge yourself to attempt something new, we can all use a little bit of self-discipline, motivation, and a ...

Motivation - Keep on Keeping On! -- Shauna Arthurs
Do you ever have days where you feel like you are dragging yourself around, and you're not even sure why you're doing it all, and if you'll ever get where you want to go, and...complain ...

Sources of Motivation For Achieving Your Success -- Leon Lioe
We all know that in order to achieve success, we need to have a strong motivation. But what fuels motivation? Well, the answer is something that fascinates you or object of your fascination; this is ...

Let's Get Motivated! -- Kevin J Houston
What's your motivation? What's keeps you going when you sometimes do not feeling like continuing on? Do you have a goal you want to accomplish? Are you trying to impress a love one? Are you ...

Self Motivation Tips -- Shawn B
Drive and enthusiasm are keys in attaining success. It doesn't matter if it is progressing in your career, becoming the best father, mother, wife, or husband that you can be, or getting in shape, ...

8 Quick Motivation Tips For Your Road To Success -- Shawn Lim
Everyone wants to be successful, they want to achieve their goals and achieve the things they wanted the most in their life. However, only about 90 percent of people who actually dream about this ...

Teen Motivation 101 - Unlimit Yourself -- Asiah Wolfolk-Manning
People often say "the sky is the limit to what you can do." I disagree. Why limit yourself to the sky? Why limit yourself at all? It's not enough to think outside the box. You have to be willing ...
Re: Teen Motivation 101 - Unlimit Yourself -- Brittany
So let's say I want to become a criminal profiler... what should I take for classes in college and what colleges are the best and what should i prepare for?? Why didn't you find going into ...

Motivate yourself to lose weight - Weight management tips -- Rob Parker
Weight loss motivation can produce remarkable results. You can produce greater achievements if the level of motivation is higher. In other words, the strength of the motivation determines how much ...

Getting Past Self Doubt - Understanding the Function of Doubt -- Drawk Kwast
Why do we have doubt? If there was not some evolutionary advantage to having it 40,000 years ago, we would not have doubt today. Why can't we just walk around all of the time with our mojo ...

How to Have the Motivation to Keep Taking Action -- Gerard Goh
Have you always tried to complete a project with a burst of enthusiasm at the start, and slowly find yourself losing the motivation and willpower to continue with the project? This is a very common ...

Brain Fitness - Build Motivation With These 3 Stunningly Simple Steps -- Linda Schaumleffel
STEP ONE: Do you know when to stop? Do you know how much is enough? Especially with brain injury and age related brain fitness decline, overwhelm defeats motivation every time. Do you get ...

Words Of Encouragement - What's Your Favourite? -- Derek Forrent
According to several surveys held over the years, the words people consider to be their most favourites of all times seem to relate one way or another to individual experiences. Especially positive ...

The Number One Reason That Makes You Stay Motivated All the Time -- Shawn Lim
I believe that you know that motivation is very important in your life. If you want to achieve something, you need to have motivation to work on it. Have you ever came across someday where you feel ...

Keep Your Motivation in the Workplace - Some Useful Tips -- Al Falaq Arsendatama
It is the management's responsibility to achieve motivation in the workplace. Only a motivated workforce can be productive and produce quality results. For this, you need to have some knowledge ...

Importance of Motivation -- Imran Naseem
The importance of motivation is important for most people in everyday situations. Universities and organisations and schools always make sure that their students and employees are always motivated to ...

How to Change Your State: one ...two ... three! -- Rob Kanzer
Are you looking for more vitality, more staying power? Do you want to steer clear of the negative suck hole of illusory thoughts and downer people? Do you want to achieve more happiness and success? ...

Intrinsic Motivation -- Imran Naseem
There are different types of motivation but one of the most common types of motivation is Intrinsic motivation. This is when a person's motivation comes from inside the individual rather than ...

Motivation Through Exercise -- Imran Naseem
Motivation through exercise is an important step for many people who want to lose weight or want to get in good shape. One of the main obstacles that stop people from losing weight and going to the ...

The Fire Inside - Your Self Motivating Secret -- Daniel Munday
What gets you out of bed everyday? Do you spring up as soon as the alarm clock (or opportunity clock as Zig Ziglar calls it) goes off? Do you lie there for 10 minutes dreading the day ahead and ...

Stay Motivated For Life! -- Janice Robertson
1) Choose Who You Want To Be. One of the most effective ways to keep yourself motivated towards achieving your goals in life is to decide what sort of person you want to be. First of all look at the ...

4 Ways to Achieve Whatever Your Want -- Syed Feroz Zainvi
Everyone has long list of dreams to be achieved. These dreams can be realized by just knowing and following 4 principles only. These principles are: Faith- Basically, believing in yourself that you ...

Using Joy to Stay Motivated -- Jonathan Wells
Have you ever noticed how a lack of motivation can leave you feeling completely uninspired? One great way to turn that situation around is by consciously getting into a joyful state of mind. What ...

What to Do When You've Lost Your Motivation -- Sandra Thebaud
Sometimes goals take so long to achieve that we start to lose the initial enthusiasm that sparked us to take our first baby steps toward that goal. You may find yourself questioning whether the goal ...

Success Means Taking Responsibility -- Donn Kirst
If you are not yet an adult you may not have to take responsibility yet for your living situation or the current conditions under which you live. You have to take responsibility for your grades, your ...

Motivate Yourself to Eat Healthy -- Ronnie Nijmeh
Eating healthy is something that we all know is important to our well-being yet, instead of preparing healthy meals, we stop at the drive-thru or we eat packaged foods or fried foods that are high in ...

Get Motivated at Work - 10 Top Tips -- Karen E Williams
Many people work in a job they dislike or just find it difficult to stay focused at work. The days seem long and they can't wait to get home and go out or see their family. How easy do you find ...

How to Find Inspiration When You Need to Get Motivated -- Peter Murphy
Everyone lacks motivation from time to time. Often this lack of motivation is directly related to the way in which you are looking at a task. If you view a task as an inconvenience or as something ...

How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise -- Ronnie Nijmeh
Do you need to lose weight and know that you need to exercise to make it happen? We all know that exercise is good for us and that it will change our body and allow us to live a healthier lifestyle, ...

Motivation Can Come From Anywhere at Anytime -- Charlie Wolter
Once again we have evidence of how motivation can come from anywhere at anytime. The other day I received a wonderful message from a prospect regarding her experience in network marketing. She stated ...

How Will Our Dream Happen? -- Suzanne Bandick
Our dream may be to open a business, change careers, move to another country, travel the world, become independently wealthy, or any number of other wonderful things. It is really easy to dream it, ...

How to Stay Motivated in the Face of Frustration -- Peter Murphy
People need motivation to carry them through a variety of activities. If you have ever dreamed of performing in a symphony orchestra, or playing the lead in a play; getting that book published, or ...

Life Will Grow to Be Better Through Personal Empowerment & Empowering -- Jhye Jhyiong
To use personal empowerment to enhance your life, you can begin your voyage by setting goals. Goal setting is necessary if you will like to empower yourself, as it is the first step towards a ...

How to Stay Motivated After Setbacks -- Peter Murphy
Life is full of problems. There is a saying that says something about for every two steps you move forward, you inevitably take one step back. It is a simple fact of life that not everything in your ...

Turn Failure Into Success -- CD Mohatta
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Cute phrase, but life throws at us more serious problems than lemons, doesn't it? What do we do when we lose a loved one, find ourselves in poverty or ...

How To Inspire Yourself -- Jennie Gandhi
Staying motivated is an integral part of life. Else it can roll you to the foot of the hill and you will not even realize it. Going with the flow is an equation people draw up in life. And stick to ...

Motivation - Effective Strategies For That You Can Start Using Today -- Scott Allen Barker
Motivation is a word used to refer to the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in psychology and neurophysiology. Intrinsic motivation is when ...

Persistence, Persistence and More Persistence -- Laura Interval
If you know you want something... and you're sure it's what you want more than anything... then you just keep going after it right? You do everything you can to make sure you have it in your ...

Excuses The Second Fact Of Fear -- Karen Herrold
Your probably saying to yourself right now, who does this person think they are. What gives this person the right to talk about this with me. Well let me tell ya! (EXPERIENCE)! If you think for one ...

How to Stay Motivated After Failure -- Peter Murphy
Achieving our goals is not always easy. Sometimes we hit obstacles along the way that, at first glance seem like failure. Or maybe we feel we are not achieving our goals fast enough. The reality is ...

Life Takes Place in a Decision! -- Mike Marino, Jr.
Before my parents decided to bring ten children into the world, they were thinking about it. Before Al Copeland decided to start his Popeye's fried chicken business, he was thinking about it. ...

Building Momentum To Build Your Life -- Ronnie Nijmeh
Momentum is something that we all need. It keeps us going and gives us the rush that we need to attain our biggest dreams. If you have a hard time building momentum it may mean that you are having a ...

Does Listening to Motivational Speakers Really Make a Difference? -- Kelly Carr
Their names are icons of American Optimism. They are synonyms of Success. They walk in notoriety. They are admired by hundreds of thousands and even millions not only in the United States, but around ...

How to Stay Enthusiastic While Going For Your Dreams -- Peter Murphy
Staying enthusiastic while going for your dreams can be difficult at times. The events of life, at times, have a way of interfering with our goals and can discourage us. However, if you are to ...

My Motivation - An Ode To Teaching -- Rick Osbourne
I never feel so strong and confident as when I'm helping kids to find their own strength and confidence. That's my motivation with Operation Pull Your Own Weight. In a very real sense ...

Motivation - Effective Strategies For That You Can Start Using Today -- Scott Barker
Motivation is a word used to refer to the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in psychology and neurophysiology. Intrinsic motivation is when ...

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life! -- Joan Marie Whelan
An individual I know recently decided that she was going to kick the cigarette habit after a lifetime of smoking. She had made several attempts to quit in the past, but no matter what she tried, she ...

Life Is What You Want It To Be -- Azmi Jahan
One of the things I learned throughout my college years is that you can decide who you want to be and no one can stop you. If you know how to apply the law of attraction to your life then life will ...

Fear Of Failure -- M. E. Edwards
I heard a guy ask once "Do you know where the greatest treasures in the world are buried?"They are not buried in the diamond mines of Africa.They are not buried in the oil fields of the middle ...

Controlling Your Mind Power - No Need To Worry About Failure -- Harold L Lowe
There is no failure gene in your DNA, so there is no need to worry about it. Just imagine, your mind is a goal-seeking, goal-achieving part of you, and it carries out those operations in a ...

Motivation - Your Future Starts Now, Not Tomorrow! -- Ayo Kadri
Dreams and vision are extremely important because they are good predictors of your life to come. A life without a vision is like a rudderless ship that sails anywhere the wind and waves take it. Once ...

Motivation Today - Achieve Success And Save Your Life By Getting Off Your Butt And Doing Something! -- John Watson
I love reading or listening to 'kick butt' or 'get off your butt' motivation. The effect of the motivation usually lasts for at least a day! Nothing wrong with that. One day with ...

How My Mother Taught Me Motivation -- Jan Malloch
I do not recall being motivated to do anything in particular as a young child. I do not think I was any different from most other children in that respect. There was, of course, always the motivation ...

Don't Stop! Stay Motivated! -- Ronnie Nijmeh
A lot of people suffer from the "can't follow through" problem. That's when you have no problem being able to start something, but for one reason or another, finishing it is a problem. The ...

Perception - Theirs, Not Yours -- Lazz Laszlo
One of the weapons in your business arsenal should be perception, more importantly; there should be the manual on how to use perception. This isn't about what you see, that's best explored ...

Don't Let Life Pass You By -- Marsha Maung
Life in the fast lane can really take a toll on you and if you're not careful, you'd be inviting many different types of uninvited guests into your lives; namely, stress, anxiety, depression, ...

Stop Wanting and Start Believing -- Jesse Sherer
Living in Los Angeles one often encounters individuals who want to be FAMOUS! Dreams of being a hero on the cinema populate their thoughts. Wanting to attend lavish parties, hobnobbing with the rich ...

Are You Smart Enough? -- Mike True
Are you smart enough to make a million dollars? It depends on what you know and how you use it. You might have enough knowledge packed away in your head to put what you know to work and come up with ...

When Opportunity Knocks Open The Door -- Donna Beserra
In this world we are each given many opportunities for achievement and enrichment of our lives. The problem is that many people don't even notice those opportunities, or they simply ignore them. ...

Give Yourself Motivation With Rewards -- Lisa Page
Laziness is the worst possible motivator for failure. By nature, anyone just getting starting with a home business is sure to have laziness in them. The best way to change laziness is motivation with ...

Change Yourself By Raising Your Own Standards -- Deepak M
Every individual aspires to change in life for better, as only thing constant in life is Change! A change will be of real value if it is everlasting and consistent. Many of us experience changes ...

Effective Ways To Stay Motivated -- Tony Jacowski
Some people don't give these situations a second thought and just wallow in misery. But what is important to think about is - was the situation so terrible that you just had to leave your job? ...

Motivating Yourself -- Deepak M
Yes,the first sentence you are reading applies only to you and no one else!Have you ever asked your self what is motivation and how can one keep oneself motivated inspite of all the negative forces ...

Making Positive Choices from Infinite Possibilities -- Lynn M. Scheurell
"You and I are essentially infinite choice makers. In every moment of our existence we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices." ~ Deepak Chopra I ...

Wear A Positive Attitude, Always -- Rohit Tomar
The breeze is constantly moving;to move with the vastness of life and not get stuck to your body is the only way to find fulfillment and happiness.The breeze does not move for happiness but out of ...

The Myths About Willpower -- Jan Malloch
How many times have you or others resolved to live more healthy lives only to fail due to lack of willpower? Whether it is losing weight, or stopping smoking, a re-occurring excuse of why people ...

Are You Wasting Your Time Looking For Motivation? -- Anth Quinn
Would you like to be more motivated? Every week I receive emails from people telling me they want more motivation. They talk about it like it's something you can go to the shop and buy: "2 kg of ...

Are All Motives Equal When It Comes To Motivation? -- Anth Quinn
Motivation requires motive, is a nice catchy little phrase, but are all motives equal? Did you know that motives for change come in two broad categories, moving towards something you want, or away ...

3 Important Steps Of Self Improvement And Motivation -- Amy Janicek
It's really not that hard to set some simple goals to increase self improvement and motivation, providing you follow three key essential steps that will launch you to a new level. These steps are ...

Learning Pain's Lessons -- Bette Dowdell
I talk to pretty much everybody. Starting conversations with strangers is my normal modus operandi. I mean, why stand in a line mute, an island unto myself, when I can have a perfectly lovely ...

Why is Fitness Motivation Important? -- Adrian Alexa
You go to the gym every day because of two common reasons in most cases: either you really want to lose weight or you want to keep your achieved weight the same. Either ways, it is a process of ...

Bring Positive Changes In Life Through Self Motivation -- Al Falaq Arsendatama
To face the various challenges that life throws on you daily, you need self-motivation. It helps you maintain a healthy look towards life and disciplines you to achieve greater heights. Everyone ...

Five Recommended Ingredients for Living -- Michael Mcshea
This is a work in progress. Tastes change. Memories change. Recipes are always being revised. I could not but help draw parallels between the flow of life and the use of metaphors to explain some ...

Motivation and Labels - What is in a Name? -- Michael Twomey
So you want more motivation to get things done. Have you ever wondered what is in a name? It is all about perspective. I will explain more about this later on in this article. So why do we give ...

Motivational Story - How To Have Mentality Of A Winner -- Suhardi Csd Hardi
One day, there was a child who sold cakes made by his mother. He sold the cakes on the street or sidewalk where many people passed by. He did his routine activity by selling the cakes to other people ...

Motivational Makeover -- Ronnie Nijmeh
So often, we see individuals on television receiving a free makeover from a talk show host or a panel of celebrity "fashion police" on a reality show. The participants are absolutely elated with ...

The Art of Change - Resistance Is Futile! -- Camille Strate
Why in the world do we resist change so hard? Why is it that the moment we're faced with change we get so pessimistic? Why do we think that change will always equal disaster? It's such an odd ...

10 Ways To Get Unstuck Today! -- Caroline Jalango
Here is how to get your life, work or personal goals out of that rut...right now! 1. Clarify matters that remain unclear. Are you stuck because you are in a mental fog? How can you possibly move ...

Everybody "Wants" - But How Many Really Have The Motivation To Get It? -- Keith A. Shaw
Every action you take, no matter how big or how small, defines everything that you achieve in life. And, with every action there is a motive - something that puts a person in motion. Is motivation an ...

Self Help For Motivation -- www.richardmackenziedirect.com/Motivation-Hypnosis.htm
Motivation is what keeps the world going. If there was no motivation we would still be in the Stone Age. In fact those people in the Stone Age had enough motivation to cut stones and make weapons out ...

Self Motivation - You Have To Have It To Succeed -- Stephen Meyer
Self motivation is a key factor in building any Internet based affiliate marketing opportunity. With many things in our lives to distract us and even more things we might like to do better than ...

Tagged - Words of Others Don't Define You -- Josh Perez
I remember growing up we use to play a game called "tag." I am sure you remember playing this game with the neighborhood kids. One or more kids would count to 10 and then chase other kids to tag them ...

5 Tips To Keep On Being Motivated -- success-kingdom.blogspot.com
--All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose ...

Character - What Is It? How Do You Define It For Yourself? -- Chris King
Definition: Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; as, he has a great deal of character. Moral quality; the principles and motives that control the life; as, a man of character; ...

The Paralysis of Looking Back -- Randy Laboy
There's an old saying that goes, "You can't drive a car looking in the rear view mirror." It's a saying a lot of us need to take to heart. Especially those of us who have goals we want to ...

Motivation - Dictating The Terms For Yourself -- Shanat Kuphur
The importance of the word named "motivation" conveys lot more than it seems to have. Anything and everything that have to be done won't be materialized unless and until it is supplemented by the ...

Confidence - 5 Barriers to Building Self Confidence -- Darrell Causey
Confidence is one of the most important traits that you must acquire for success. It is the development of confidence that will help you overcome your fear of public speaking or making presentations. ...

Attitude - Is Winning Everything? -- Darrell Causey
I was once told that winning isn't everything, the important thing is that you played. At that moment, I didn't have a reply. I was speechless! I never thought of doing anything in which I ...

Change Your Focus From The Problem To The Solution -- Ann Golden Egle
How do you prioritize your life to maintain your individuality when you face so many struggles? What do you do when you don't feel self confident or when you feel misunderstood? How do you deal ...

Motivation To Exceed Expectations -- Ann Golden Egle
Delegation frequently hits a sore spot inside us because we truly believe that we are the only ones who can do the task well. We believe this because others have fallen so short in our expectation ...

Motivation, The Heart Of Self-improvement -- Kerenza Faram
Pain can be the reason why people change – we certainly learn through painful mistakes and adjust our behaviour accordingly. For example receiving bad grades in School make us realize that we need ...

Money Does Not Always Motivate -- Matt Somers
In a house at the end of a cul-de-sac an old man lives a hermit-like existence. If he had his way would have nothing to do with the rest of the world, because more than anything else in life this old ...

No Pain, No Gain? -- Michael Neill
Have you ever watched people suffer at the gym? I remember one particular man who always reminded me of a medieval priest self-flagellating in punishment for his sins. Driving himself into his ...

Improving Motivation -- Duncan Brodie
A key part of every manager and leaders role is to get results through others. Achieving results through others requires is often a challenge. So how can you improve motivation? Provide challenging ...

Motivation Can Help You Reach New Heights -- Shanat Kuphur
Motivation is what prompts a person to behave in a particular manner. The reason for this may be basic necessities like food, demand by society, etc. If the behaviour of a person needs to be changed ...

Your Success Depends On Your Motivation -- Kevin Sinclair
No matter where life takes us, we all need to be positively motivated in order to succeed. This is particularly true when things are not quite going our way and when we have undertaken business ...

Techniques to Increase Drive and Enthusiasm -- Sandra Garth
It's easy to be motivated to do things you really want to do. When was the last time you didn't feel motivated to dive into your birthday cake, or go on vacation? In the case of weight loss, ...

Overcome The Phobia by Building Resistance -- Cassaundra Flores
Phobia relates to fear developed by a person towards a particular thing or issue. Though it sounds weird, it is very natural for people to suffer from one or the other kind of phobias. For general ...

Free Your Heart From Worries -- Claudia Juarez
We all want to be happy. That's our final goal. Now, what does it mean to be happy for each of us? Many times we say to ourselves that we'll be happy when we win the lottery, when we but ...

How To Get Your Motivation Seriously Kicked -- Terry Vermeylen
I've thought about kicking peoples motivation that use my website. I'd change it to give them the option for a good motivation kicking. I would see if they are tracking and paying attention ...

How to Pursue Your Purpose in Life -- Cassidy Williams
Everybody longs for a purpose in this life. Philosophers have brainstormed on the meaning of life and have arrived at different answers. Good people love to do good deeds and help others in need. ...

Online money making success stories -- RoubssliskRip
Hello, we are looking for your online money making success story. Please share it with us on http://www.gonemoneymaking.com/ Money Making

Failure As A Teacher -- Catherine Pulsifer
Many people want to change their fortunes yet don't know how to begin. Others have a desperate desire to make like altering changes but have a tremendous fear of failure. Starting a small ...

Staying Motivated - 5 Tips -- Pierre English
Motivation is a powerful tool to help you succeed in your business. How motivated you are and continue to make forward progress will determine whether you succeed or not. Benefits of being motivated ...

Give Yourself an Attitude Tune-Up -- Karen Van Cleve
January is unofficially the month of "hope." It's a month that begins with a focus on a new year, resolutions for new and wonderful things, as well as excitement and hopes for the future. Then ...

Motivationally Speaking -- Hector Cadena
What motivates you? This could be one of the most important questions you could ever ask yourself. It's funny, but you know, until recently, I don't think I ever considered this question ...

Motivational Morning Rituals -- Chrissie Webber
Have you ever noticed that when the day starts badly for you, everything just seems to 'go to pot' after that! Your mood is negative, you eat more food and of course the day feels like a ...

A Good Life Just As It Is -- CD Mohatta
We may not have the love we want. We may be worried about our health or someone else's health. We may not have enough money to do what we want to do. We may have irritations or stress at work or ...

How to Accomplish More in Less Time -- Hani Al-qasem
For you to accomplish more in your life, and for you to reach the high level you want to be at, it is vital that you take productive and effective action every day. Determination and perseverance ...

4 "No Fail" Motivation Strategies -- Charles Lutz
Money is great! It makes the world go around. It motivates some to perform better for a while (in it's pursuit) but that "superior" performance is usually short lived. In the same respect, ...

How to Accomplish More in Less Time -- Hani Al-qasem
For you to accomplish more in your life, and for you to reach the high level you want to be at, it is vital that you take productive and effective action every day. Determination and perseverance ...

Activate Your Motivation -- Chrissie Webber
When our motivation wanes it can often be a struggle to regain it. The key to sustaining motivation is often in how you initially take action to make changes in the first place. I have recently ...

Self Motivation Ideas -- Munyaradzi Chinongoza
Sure other people can try to motivate you as much as they like however if you do not motivate yourself then you will never get out of any bad situation that you are in or achieve any goal that you ...

How To Define Motivation -- Michael Johnson
If you are like me, you probably have wondered at some point in time what motivation really was? The textbook definition of motivation would state it as being an inner process that moves you ...

How To Become More Effective By Using Motivational Sayings -- Michael Johnson
If you know what you believe and have it in you to communicate your words of wisdom then you will be one of the few that are able to share this with the rest of the world. Your ideas may serve others ...

Get Moving to Get Motivated -- Douglas Fullington
Motivation Do you ever have problems getting motivated? You know you need to accomplish something, but you just don't seem to have the energy or gumption to get moving. I have been feeling this ...

Fire Up Your Motivation With This 4 Step MEAL -- Dr. Steve Tuggle
Fire up your motivation and get back on track to reach all your goals. This is a very important skill to develop because we all get stuck and become unmotivated at times. If we stay in this mode too ...

How to Break a Bad Habit -- Paul Sutherland
Do you have a bad habit that has been plaguing your life for far too long? Is your habit affecting your work, your relationships, or your health? Then, like the majority of human beings on the ...

If You See It You Will Achieve It -- Sharon Capehart
Everyone has a vision of how they would like their life to be. I find often that people get too caught up in the big picture to see the path that they are supposed to follow. They get caught up in ...

The Power of Words -- Douglas Fullington
The ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus wrote, "Words are the physicians of a diseased mind." I use spoken words every day to help my patients learn how to improve their health and their lives. Have ...

A Guide To Defining Motivation For Yourself -- Michael J
If you are like me, you probably have wondered at some point in time what motivation really was? The textbook definition of motivation would state it as being an inner process that moves you ...

Self Motivation Skills - 8 Skills For Staying Motivated -- Dr. Steve Tuggle
Self motivation skills are essential if we are to enjoy success, fulfillment, and fitness throughout our life. We may benefit tremendously from gifted motivational speakers, books, and seminars. But ...

Maximizing Motivation Steps To Get Unstuck In Life -- Dr. Steve Tuggle
Maximizing motivation is the secret to living a consistently happy, fulfilled, and energetic life. The word motivation implies that we are moving forward. Our goal then becomes to maximize this ...

Motivation - The Fires Burning Within -- Devon D. Harris
Even with close-up shots, it is impossible to see the boiling cauldron of intensity that exists at the bobsled start. The steely resolve etched on the athletes' faces and hidden behind their ...

Shoot Yourself In Both Feet! -- Suzi Elton
What on earth does this title mean? It's something my clients often hear from me when they are rampaging against themselves with negative self talk. The entire expression is, "Negative self talk ...

Do It First! -- Suzi Elton
Do you find yourself putting off to the end of the day, the thing that is most important for you to accomplish on that day? Do you have a subtle feeling of dread through the day a dragging feeling, ...

When Everybody Else Is Getting Crazy, Get Quiet! -- Suzi Elton
Watching general trends among my clients, it's often apparent that humans seem to have up and down cycles they are not aware of. It frequently happens that client after client is in the throes of ...

Why It Is Important To Keep Your Desire To Learn -- Deanna Mascle
Important reasons to keep your desire to learn. Have you ever thought upon how key learning is to your life in terms of your ability to not only survive but also to thrive both professionally and ...

Suggestions To Improve Your Self Esteem -- Kum Martin
Self esteem plays an important role in our life. People with low self esteem seldom make friends, and share a very bitter relationships with family members and peers at the work place. A positive ...

Self-Motivation Tips -- Hope Wilbanks
Are you feeling low on motivation these days? January often makes people feel tired and harried. Frustration begins to set in around the middle of the month, when people begin to realize that their ...

The Balanced Life - Self Motivation -- Cindy Winters
How many times have you lost heart and given up on your dreams and goals? You start out having this great idea of what you want to do and then somewhere along the line you loose steam. You begin to ...

Get Motivated, Get the Facts! -- Sandy Geroux
Have you ever been told to do something that's good for you, yet still been unable to motivate yourself to do it? Even if you've been told that it works, and is a proven, scientific fact? I ...

The Pursuit Of Health, Wealth And Happiness - Part 1 -- Miller Rhodes
Determined to grasp the concepts presented in the film, I watched it at least twice a week. After about a month, I reached the point where I could say the lines in the movie right along with the ...

Momentum In The New Year -- Mark I Myhre
How can we change? How can we make this new year better than the last? Let me offer one suggestion: Learn what responsibility really means. See, if you're like I used to be, you may believe ...

Motivation And The Need For It in Our Lives? -- Sharon Godfrey
Motivation is what makes a person want to achieve and take action towards whatever is desired, it is the singlemost important trait of the successful person, without motivation there is no desire to ...

Plan Of Motivation For Successful Changes -- Cathy Wilson
New Year's creates hope, new beginnings, and opens up all of the possibilities that are available to us. We think about our lives today and look forward to the changes we'd like to make. ...

Are You A Victim Of Low Self Esteem? -- Dan Farrell
Self-esteem is vitally important for the positive approaches towards facing problems. Self-esteem is a road for smooth approaches to seeing life's problems Self-esteem creates a self confidence ...

Making A Fresh Start -- Nan S. Russell
"How could that be?" I muttered silently as I reread the message. This was not a person I wanted to encounter as I returned from a holiday vacation filled with family, friends, and fun. And yet, ...

Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever -- Arvind Devalia
2008 is now almost here and it is time to start looking forward to the New Year. Just what do you want from the coming year? How sure are you to achieve your New Year resolutions? Getting a fresh ...

Motivation And Success -- Dale Odeyemi
How many things do we need to be successful at? How many ways can we motivate ourselves to accomplish this success? Every day we push ourselves. Looking for motivation and success? We connect with ...

Motivation Theories -- Munyaradzi Chinongoza
There have been several motivational theories created by people over time, however seeing how they are theories and not proven facts there are some that people believe and others that people do not ...

Learning How Motivation Works Benefits You -- Michael J
Learning motivates work, it helps you to accept responsibility for your behaviour, for your actions and positive attitude. In reality motivation comes from a person's belief, which helps him/her ...

How to Increase Student Motivation? -- Ray Andrew
As students grow up it becomes more difficult for them to concentrate on the subject and they get distracted more easily with their adolescent problems. So at high school it becomes a challenge for ...

What is Intrinsic Student Motivation? -- Ray Andrew
It has become very difficult for teachers to engage students in their classes and create interest in them for the subject. There are different motivation methods, some are called extrinsic and others ...
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