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Motivation Tips

Cornerstones Of Self-Confidence -- Kevin Sinclair
We all need self confidence in order to succeed in life. Without self confidence we will be unable to face life's challenges with equanimity. With it we will be able to face them with courage. ...

3 Ways to Overcome Low Self-Esteem -- Elle Matthews
Low self-esteem has many negative side effects, including weight gain, depression, and poor opinion of yourself. Signs that you have low self-esteem includes: * Making a conscious decision not to ...

How College Students Can Motivate Themselves For Self-Improvement -- Brian A Scott
In order to be happy and satisfied, one needs to be motivated. Motivation basically gives us the hope to look ahead and dream higher. It is the force that propels us to go ahead. But why do we need ...

Overcoming shyness - video -- web
By: Bob Parson - CEO and founder of The Go Daddy Group, Inc.

Why Do I Feel So Insecure? Be Secure Easily! -- John J Thompson
Why do I feel so insecure? If that's a question you are asking then you are looking for help. In this article im going to give you some tips on how to feel more secure about yourself and raise ...

The Three Keys To Success To Eliminate Failure Forever -- Jimmy Richardson
The three keys to success can be summed up in this article. The number one key to success is your belief. The number two key to success is what you know. The number three key to success is what you ...

Two Extremely Effective Ways to Increase Your Happiness -- Jimmy Richardson
Inside of every successful person is a person that practices positive thinking and has a deep level of satisfaction for life. Increasing your happiness is not only going to make you enjoy life but it ...

Getting Your Priorities Right -- Annette Colby
Every day we wake up and have a new day before us. Within this day we can create new experiences and take action on the desires and dreams most important to us. However so often, life gets busy, we ...

How to Get Through Your Day When You're Sad, Tired, Or Just Not Feeling Well -- Annette Colby
Bad days happen to the best of us. There are days when we wake up feeling sad, or tired, or in a really bad mood. There are days when something (or even nothing) has you feeling weepy, angry, sad, ...

8 Secrets to a Happy and Motivated Life -- Annette Colby
Whether you want to lose weight, end emotional eating, overcome stress, or move beyond sadness and depression, creating any major change in your life can create feelings of discomfort. You are here, ...

How To Raise Your Motivational Level Instantly -- Shawn Lim
If you are looking for ways to stay motivated, this will be the right article for you. What you are going to discover here are some of the most powerful strategies and techniques that you can use to ...

The 5 Keys To Your Ultimate Success In Life -- Shawn Lim
Do you want to be successful? If your answer is a yes, continue to read on and you will discover the 5 keys to your ultimate success in life. You will be able to make your dreams come true and ...

How To Handle Procrastination By Creating Momentum At Any Moment -- Shawn Lim
Do you want to learn how you can handle procrastination by creating momentum at any moment that you wish? This is exactly what you are going to learn in this article. What you need to do is to read ...

How To Get Motivated - My Personal Tricks -- Thomas P Hays
Let me start off by saying that I'm not a motivational guru or a New York Times best-selling author on how to get motivated. I'm just your average Joe who has problems at getting himself ...

Your Motivation Reserves: Now Is the Time to Take a Dip -- Ahlam Yassin
The western calendar year is winding down and nearing an end. For most, this is a time for reflection on what the past year has meant, and what the future holds. It's amazing what the scope of a ...

Use These 3 Techniques To Motivate Yourself -- Shawn Lim
Do you find that it is hard to come up with motivation to do the things that you supposed to do? One of the main reasons people fail to achieve great success in their lives is because they do not ...

The Top Secret To Unlimited Source Of Motivation -- Shawn Lim
Do you want to learn how you can tap into unlimited source of motivation? If your answer is a yes, this article will show you the secret. What you are going to discover here is the principle of how ...

3 Easy Steps How You Can Achieve What You Want In Your Life -- Shawn Lim
If you want to learn how you can achieve whatever you want in your life, this article can help you. What you are going to discover here are the 3 easy steps how you can achieve all that you want in ...

5 Tips to Beat Burnout, Be More Productive and Reduce Work Stress -- Erin Hoffman
It happens to the best of us. Burnout. Nothing can zap productivity more than feeling burnt out at your job. Here are 5 quick tips to help you beat burnout. 1. Reclaim your lunch hour. It may be ...

How to Manage Stress by Celebrating Success: 10 Easy Ideas for Celebrating Your Achievements -- Jo Foster
As a leader or manager of a small business who is always striving to excel, meet or exceed your own expectations and motivate yourself and/or your employees it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the ...

New Year's resolutions? Brain can sabotage success -- LAURAN NEERGAARD
WASHINGTON – Uh-oh, the new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food, get off the couch or kick smoking. There's a biological ...

Making New Year's Resolutions - Video -- ren
New Year's Resolutions

10 Unlikely New Year's Resolutions -Video -- ren
New Year's Resolutions

3 Ultimate Factors That Causing People To Fail In Their Lives -- Shawn Lim
If you are trying to achieve your dreams, your goals and are trying to live a successful life, this is the right article that you must read through. What you are going to discover here may help you ...

The 3 Characteristics That Every Successful Person Possesses -- Shawn Lim
Do you want to achieve all your goals and dreams? Do you want to live a successful life? If your answer is a yes to both of the questions, this will be the right article for you. What you are going ...

Being Social With Confidence -- Skye Haynes
So we are in the middle of the party season and I know that for some of you this is a time to look forward, some can't wait to get to a party and socialize with family, friends, and people that ...

Self Esteem Improvement In Your Work Force Is Possible Through These Easy Strategies -- James D. Jackson
In today's society, low self esteem is rampant and it is effecting the work place, as well. Imagine, then, the effect on your business if self esteem can be improved. A person with a healthy ...

7 Steps to Help You Get Out of the Rut and Move on With Your Life -- Gail Manishor
Do you feel stuck? Do you sometimes feel as if you're going backward instead of forward? When your life seems to have taken a turn for the worse and it appears that there is no way to go but ...

How to Stop Being a Perfectionist, and Start Enjoying Life -- Gail Manishor
Are you one of those people who try to do everything perfect all of the time? When it isn't perfect do you blame yourself and say I should have done it differently? Many of us have this mind-set ...

Stop Wanting Something for Nothing -- Jenn Williams
Why do people always want to take the easy way out? Are you one of those individuals who just wants, wants, wants but doesn't want to actually do any work? I hope not because, I'm here to ...

The Battle Against Procrastination -- Kathryn Lang
Procrastination has been a word used to describe me for most of my life - mainly by my parents and teachers. After years of putting it off, I finally decided to look up the exact definition. ...

Top 10 Things That Stop Success -- Kathryn Lang
There are days when I wake up ready to take on the world. My sink is clean and the coffee is already brewing. Then the distractions start - usually something small to begin with - and before I know ...

Quick Motivation Technique for Choosing the Most Important Skill or Trait to Improve -- Dr. John Ullmen
This Quick Motivation Technique is about what to do when you're trying to choose the most important skill or trait to improve to make you more successful. It could be you, or someone on your ...

How To Develop Powerful Inner Motivation -- Rex Tang
Developing powerful inner motivation is a key component to success in life. When you have a strong inner motivation, you can achieve pretty much anything you want. The trouble is though that many of ...

Make Your Decision Count -- Colin Burton
People make decisions daily. Some decisions are minor while others may be of vital importance to you, your family or friends. Your decisions may be automatically coming from the subconscious or going ...

How Do You Attain Success - Part 2 -- Colin Burton
To remind you of a few points mentioned in Part 1: Success means different things to different people, such as wealth, power, fame, or simply achieving a goal. Take time to schedule your work for the ...

How Do You Attain Success - Part 1 -- Colin Burton
Success means different things to different people, such as wealth, power, fame, or simply achieving a goal. Whatever the case, it involves a favourable outcome of your desires. It requires a ...

First Impressions Count - Improve Your Writing Skill -- Colin Burton
Improvement comes in many ways. Learning to communicate effectively is one way of improving yourself. Communication is important as this is the manner we relay our thoughts, ideas and desires to ...

Desist From Procrastinating -- Colin Burton
Cease and Desist from Procrastinating Putting off something that has to be done happens most every day. In fact, it is sometimes advised as part of management strategies. These occasions occur when ...

Success is Open to You -- Colin Burton
Everybody Wants To Be Successful. People constantly dream and aspire to become a success. Success is a target which varies for each person. It may be wealth, fame, a happy family, attained peace and ...

Plan to Achieve Your Goals -- Colin Burton
Take a long look at your objectives and establish if accomplishing your goals is attainable. It all depends on what goals you have in mind and how extensive and realistic your goals are. Goals are ...

Tips for Building Self Confidence -- Colin Burton
Self confidence is essential. Self confidence is necessary for a person to grow and progress in life. Without self confidence a person cannot build up their character and personality substantially. ...

Use Change to Stimulate Self-Improvement -- Colin Burton
To stimulate self-improvement you need change to bring out innovative creations and new inventions. Since the beginning of time, people have always looked to change for progress. Fire was discovered ...

Allowing Good Things to Flow Your Way -- Kevin Baker Jacinto
The three following steps will allow you to easily attract more good into your life, in a manner that is consistent with your highest possible good in your daily life. * Step 1 First, you have to be ...

3 Easy to Follow Steps on How to Be More Confident -- Kevin Baker Jacinto
First you need to know what you like and don't like. When you know this, you will be then asked to check out your value system. What is important to you and why are these things important to you. ...

How To Build Confidence Easily! -- John J Thompson
How to build confidence is all about learning how to value yourself. Most all people who have low confidence have one thing in common which is low self worth. Low self worth simply means that you do ...

Why Do I Have Low Self Esteem And Self Confidence? -- John J Thompson
Why do I have low self esteem and self confidence you ask? There are a ton of reasons why people tend to feel insecure about themselves. Usually though the reason stems from one major issue which is ...

Why Am I So Insecure About Myself? Raise Your Confidence Easily! -- John J Thompson
Why am I so insecure about myself? If you ask yourself that question then you need to seriously consider trying to raise your confidence levels. When you feel insecure it can be a helpless feeling! I ...

Self Confidence Is the Key to Success -- Avdhessh Arya
That young bright man was standing on the stage to give his first speech. He could feel his heart pounding with an unknown fear. The room was air-conditioned but he was sweating like anything. He ...

Do You Know What You Are Looking For? -- Roseanna Leaton
How many people do you know who are dissatisfied with their life and yet at the same time they do not really know why? They are looking around for something but don't have a clear idea of what ...

Your Emotions Are Your "Truth-O-Meter" -- Roseanna Leaton
There are many ways in which one may be deceitful and every single person will have succumbed to its shadowy presence to one degree or another. In a strange and mysterious way we are usually more ...

What You Give Out You Get Back -- Roseanna Leaton
My mum cuts articles out of the newspaper for my brother and I and gives us quite a stack of reading most weeks. She is, as my brother says "spot on"; she knows exactly what will be of interest to us ...

Happiness is Felt in the Moment, Not Something to Strive Towards -- Roseanna Leaton
How many people do you know who are clearly discontented? Their body language shouts out the fact that they just aren't happy with their lot; they talk about being happy when such and such ...

Confidence Is Everything -- Roseanna Leaton
I believe that almost all of the troubles in the world today are rooted in confidence issues. A lack of confidence has the ability to reach out in many different directions and impact the world ...

Inspire Motivate and Reinvent Yourself in 2011 -- Roseanna Leaton
It's that time of year once more when most of us sit back and reassess where we are in life and make a comparison between that and where we want to be. Few people, it seems, are truly content and ...

How To Improve Your Relationship With Improvisational Skills -- Jamie H Honey
Relationships are, of course, a significant area in your life. A great opportunity to improve your relationship or even save your relationship and your joy in life is through communication. Every ...

How to Improve Your Social Skills -- Jamie H Honey
None of us want to feel foolish or embarrassed. Being able to blend in to any environment is both a wonderful tool for both social and business success, while also protecting us from uncomfortable or ...

Stress Management -- Paul T Brown
Controlling and dropping the tension caused by traumatic and disheartening situations is what we called stress management. When you feel stressed, there is an imbalance on your emotions. Mostly, the ...

Are You on Anger Autopilot? -- Sharon Sayler
ANGER steering you off course? Have you ever noticed there is really little one can control except how we choose to react.... I wrote this while winging my way back from LA the other day. There had ...

Put a Stop to a Panic Attack, Start Today! -- Anne Lorena
In the event of a panic attack, it becomes irrelevant whether you are a celebrity or an ordinary person. Anyone can suffer this condition. More so if you suffer from having irrational fears. A ...

Take Away Panic Attacks Today - The 3 Best Secrets to End Panic Attacks -- Anne Lorena
There aren't a lot of things scarier than a panic attack. As most sufferers know, losing control is a possibility. This brings a feeling of extreme fear and anxiety to the point that you can only ...

Definition of Stress and How to Handle It -- Anne Lorena
Stress is any mental or emotional disruptive or upsetting condition that is capable of affecting our health. It occurs in response to adverse external influences, which could be anything under the ...

Maximize Your Productivity - How to Stop Wasting Time and Get More Done -- Annabel Sutton
This year one of my goals is to re-establish a healthy balance between work and 'down time'. In my efforts to do this I'm having to be hyper-aware of how I use my time. I want to make ...

Procrastination - Why We Do It and How to Overcome It -- Annabel Sutton
As a well-seasoned procrastinator I will find almost anything to do as a diversionary tactic from the task I know I should be doing. It is amazing how many trivial jobs just have to be done when I am ...

Spring Into Action - It's the Perfect Moment -- Annabel Sutton
QUESTION: Three frogs are sitting on a water-lily leaf. Two decide to jump. How many are left? ANSWER: Three. It's not enough simply to decide to jump; you've actually got to do it! This is ...

Christmas Stress Survival Kit -- Annabel Sutton
The holiday season is upon us - the cash tills are ringing - the car parks are chocka - the shops are heaving - and stress levels are rising. For all the perfectionists out there this time of year ...

Stress and Self-Esteem: The Link Between Difficult Situations and Confidence Problems -- Guy Brandon
Stress is a normal part of life, but at times it can become unmanageable. If stress is severe and prolonged - perhaps due to a difficult situation at work, problems in a relationship or through money ...

Stress and Depression: Why Difficult Circumstances Can Result In Long-Term Mental Health Problems -- Guy Brandon
Stress is an unavoidable part of life. In some circumstances it can be useful; stress can be motivating, and it can prepare us mentally and physically for difficult situations. But it can also be ...

Stress and Anxiety: A Simple Relaxation Technique -- Guy Brandon
The way you feel emotionally and the way you feel physically are more closely linked than many people realise. They are also linked in a different way than is often assumed. Together, these factors ...

Stress: What It Is and Why You Feel It -- Guy Brandon
Stress is widely observable in the animal kingdom. It is a physiological response to a threat - typically a physical threat such as a predator. Its job is to prepare the body for action in order to ...

Work Stress: How a High Workload Can Affect You Emotionally -- Guy Brandon
Work can be stressful for a number of reasons, including difficult colleagues or a demanding boss. However, often the problem is simply the amount of work you need to get finished. It might mean long ...

Ways of Dealing With Stress -- Paul T Brown
Becoming stressed out is already a part of our day to day living and there are a lot of people who are suffering from stress and are in constant search for ways on how they could deal with it. There ...

Accept Change and Improve Life -- MJ Schrader
While change happens quite often in life. You can change some things and not others. Dealing with things you can change can be hard to accept. Things you can not change are things that can really ...

Stretch to Reduce Stress and Tension -- MJ Schrader
Stress and tension can build up and make things difficult. It is not just a problem mentally but physically as well. Unfortunately as tension and stress build in your body it becomes a downward ...

Conquer Your Fears With An Action Plan -- MJ Schrader
You can not reach your goals if you do not take action. While it should be simple most people hesitate. You may be afraid. It seems weird to be afraid of your goals and dreams but many people are ...

Success Secret - Learning How to Relax -- MJ Schrader
Allowing stress and worry to occupy your mind prevents you from enjoying your success. If your mind is always racing or you are always working you can not enjoy your success. There is one thing that ...

Handling Stress The Smart Way in 4 Ways - Before It's Too Much -- Vincent Reed
I know we have been pressured so much in our work and our source of living. In our life there is always something or someone who really puts pressure on us that our brain seems to be overloaded by ...

How To Stop Stress Right Now -- Vincent Reed
One of the most stressful moment I have was last Christmas and I was working in a retail shop, and it was the peak season that there are so many sale going on. And people are rushing and buying and ...

What Are The Advantages Of Having A Hobby? -- Andris Lee
Hobbies are thing that people have had for centuries. Kids do them as well as adults. If you don't have a hobby, you might not understand why people tend to do these types of things. Find out ...

3 Secrets to Confident Success: A Look Inside the Mentality of MMA Fighters -- Marc Hlavac
1. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance: This may seem obvious to many, yet surprisingly it is still a common belief that in order to be successful at any task, you have to be the most ...

5 Powerful Confidence Boasting Tips! -- John J Thompson
Confidence can make or break you in life. Of course you can have a low self esteem and do just fine in life. Some people go through life feeling insecure and do just fine. But the real problem is ...

Raise Your Confidence Today! -- John J Thompson
You can raise your confidence today! Im going to show you a simple unique little trick to raise your confidence levels today and feel better about yourself. Keep in mind this trick will not be for ...

5 Tips On How To Gain Self Confidence -- John J Thompson
Learning how to gain self confidence is usually a gradual process. Of course there are exceptions here but in general it takes time and a little work. With that being said it's not as hard as you ...

Know Your Strengths and Become More Confident -- Shaz Mkenzy
Confidence is a state of mind, which means that we can all become confident if we want to. One of the keys to achieve a healthy level of self-confidence is through having a high regard for yourself ...

Gain Confidence by Getting Rid of Unhealthy Assumptions -- Shaz Mkenzy
We all do it at one point or another. We make assumptions about ourselves which are unhealthy, causing us to become less confident or be unable to reach a higher level of self-esteem. Whether you ...

Confidence: Take Responsibility Instead of Blaming Others -- Shaz Mkenzy
Contrary to what some people think, confidence is something that can easily be achieved. It generally involves conditioning your mind to believe in yourself and in your abilities. It also involves ...

The Temptation of Tomorrow -- Shawn B
The language of ‘one of these days’ does not help in the efficient functioning of your life. The best decisions are made in the present rather than in the past or in the future. It is easy to be ...

Projecting Confidence -- Debra Kasowski
Confidence seals the deal so to speak when securing a first impression or even a sale. You have probably heard the old adage "People do business with people they know, like, and trust." They like to ...

Caught in a Trap -- Lizette Balsdon
"We're caught in a trap, I can't move out..." - the famous words from a song by the King of Rock, Elvis Presley many years ago. Recently, this line was playing over and over in my head during ...

Depression - Proven Tools to Blast the Blues & Create Happiness at Work -- Doris Helge, Ph.D.
Depression at work can be related to many factors, from clinical depression to the inability to resolve genuine problems posed by a toxic corporate culture. Depression can also be caused by ...

Happy Vocabulary -- Lizette Balsdon
We are told what to eat to lose weight, what to drink to lower our blood-pressure and what colour is good this season. How is it that we're still unhappy when we do everything right? Perhaps ...

How to cope with change -- Lizette Balsdon
While some people accept change in life, others fear it. However, by following the tips below someone can deal with change and you might just enjoy it. Before you know it, you may be looking for ways ...

Spreading High Self-Esteem at Your Work -- Liv Miyagawa
High self-esteem makes everything in life easier - including work. Considering that you will probably spend more hours at work than at home most days of your life, building a high self-esteem at your ...

People With High Self-Esteem Don't Let Themselves Be Walked Over -- Liv Miyagawa
Building self-esteem is not only about learning to accept and love yourself, it is also about respecting yourself. People with high self-esteem don't let themselves be walked over by others. They ...

How Do I Become More Confident? 3 Simple Confidence Boasting Tricks! -- John J Thompson
How do I become more confident and change my life? Thats the question you likely have running through your head if your reading this! The truth is you control everything in your life and this ...

Re: 3 Simple Keys to Getting Rid of Fear -- Me
Dear Michael, Thank you for that article. The straightforward, common sencse points are reassuring and helpful.

How To Be A 200 Years Old Experienced Person -- Aasim Gill
I am sharing this how to be like a 200 year old experienced person because I practice and behave in that fashion as a teacher and it is very effective. You are always honored and liked by others if ...

How to Achieve Anything in Life -- Aasim Gill
Anyone can achieve anything in life. Whatever he wants, whatever he wishes, aims, dreams and thinks. Anything can be achieved with a matter of moments. Then why can many achieve whatever they want. ...

How To Motivate -- Aasim Gill
There are people who are very less motivated and they can do wonders if they are motivated. But there is no one to motivate them may this is the fact that others don't know how to motivate due to ...

How to Seem Confident Even If You Don't Feel That Way -- Aasim Gill
It is sometimes very surprising to know that people learn how to be confident. Whereas confidence is never learning rather you have to be confident enough to face any dire kind of situation that ...

How to Forget the Past and Move on to a Better Life -- Elle Matthews
We all go through rough patches in our lives that hold us back from moving forward. Those rough patches can include an unwanted job change, a breakup or divorce, or a death / illness in the family. ...

Those who really need to raise their self-esteem are the least likely to do it -- Liv Miyagawa
Unfortunately, those people who really are in the need of raising their self-esteem, those with extremely low self-esteem, are generally less likely compared to those with high self-esteem to ...

Common Myths About Depression -- Emma Wanjiku
Many people do not recognize depression as a serious health disorder that needs a cure. Most cultures have formed certain opinions about the condition and many of these opinions are not fact but ...

Sure Ways to Overcome Depression -- Emma Wanjiku
I'm sure you have heard about economic depressions. They cause inactivity and devastation to economies to a point of collapse. Just like this kind of depression, when human beings are depressed, ...

Simple Ways to Prevent Stress -- Emma Wanjiku
When a lot of pressure from the surrounding hits a person, they will suffer mentally, physically and emotionally. This condition is commonly called stress. It is the source of grave health problems ...

Causes of Stress at Work -- Emma Wanjiku
As you might know, the workplace is a no laughing matter regarding stress. It is a potent hub and there are so many causes of stress at work. This article will highlight some of the major causes and ...

Overcome Effects of Stress -- Emma Wanjiku
Stress has earned a name as the modern day silent killer. It is definitely the cause of so many health problems. The long term and short term effects of stress can cause a lot of devastation and ...

Want Instant Relief From Stress? -- Emma Wanjiku
Stress will happen to you almost everyday of your life. However, when this stress seeks to take over your life, there is a problem. This generation continues to suffer what seem to be unending ...

How to Turn Past Failure Into Success -- Frances Garvin
Many people can look back on their lives and name numerous things they have failed in. The brain has no problem going back in time and dwelling on past events that were a total failure. For example, ...

Live Your Passion With Endless Possibilities -- Frances Garvin
Have you heard the saying "Do what you love and never work a day?" Ask a child what he wants to be when he grows up, you'd be amazed at what that child would say. It could range from being an ...

How to Heal Emotional Pain -- Ali Wylie
Many of us have issues we carry around like a heavy backpack, sometimes we are so used to them that we don't even realise how heavy they are. They may be expressed in our general mood, or in the ...

10 Ways to Raise Your Self-esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
1. Books. There are plenty of books that can help you to raise your self-esteem. Read a self-esteem self-help book or simply pick a book that makes you feel good about yourself. The book doesn't ...

Surround Yourself With High Self-Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-esteem is contagious. When you surround yourself with high self-esteem, your self-esteem grows. Listen to positive music If you are a person who listens to music a lot, your music becomes ...

Three Good Self-Esteem Habits -- Liv Miyagawa
Many habits help you to grow and keep a high self-esteem. Here are three important self-esteem habits. Think positively. When you become skilled at thinking positive thoughts in general you will ...

Forgive Yourself -- Liv Miyagawa
Are there some actions that cannot be forgiven? Ever? From a self-esteem perspective, I suggest that you should always forgive yourself no matter what you have done. The past is in the past and you ...

You Cannot Change Others - But It's Worth Trying! -- Liv Miyagawa
It is easier to have high self-esteem when other people treat you in a good way. Unfortunately, we have no control over other people and we cannot program them to behave in the way we want to. ...

Low Self-Esteem and Overtime Work -- Liv Miyagawa
Working too much can be a sign of low self-esteem. Of course there are exceptions as always. You may for example be working overtime during a limited time period to complete a project that you're ...

Self Esteem - How to Build Self Esteem -- Chava S
Building self esteem is vitally important for everyone. Being adult, child or teenager, self image is the foundation. No one wants to be the person who can't ask questions or is too shy to say ...

No More Fear in 2 Phases! Enhance Your Self Esteem -- Nancy Stremmel
Self esteem is believed to be a result of success and accomplishment, or of popularity. In reality, it's a simple matter of living your truth. You have seen this. You have seen the fat girl who ...

Are You Letting Negative People Bring You Down? -- Kristin C
Words are very powerful and they have the power to build someone up and they also have the power to tear someone down. Do you find that your self-esteem has been affected by what other people have ...

Motivation Is The Power -- Kenneth Friedberg
How well do you know yourself? Are you motivated? Do you understand what is this emotion called motivation is. Well, you are not alone. Motivation comes from within each one of us. Motivation is the ...

Learn To Motivate Yourself -- Kenneth Friedberg
What is this thing we call motivation. Children hear all the time. "You need to motivate yourself". As adults we hear the same inspirational thought. Why is it so important? Why do we need these ...

Re: Attitude - Is Winning Everything? -- Jim
OK, I need to call you out on your dogma right now before you hurt yourself or someone else. First of all, if you DON'T win despite your efforts, then what? Do you wallow in self-pity or exibit ...

Natural Treatment for Depression -- Kum Martin
Have you ever felt like never getting out from the bed, hating and cursing the world or sometimes even falling off from the cliff? If the answers to all these questions are positive then perhaps you ...

12 Affirmations For Success and Confidence at Work -- Mankani Senthil
Affirmations for success and confidence help you get results and make progress in your quest for success at work. Whatever we focus on expands so when we focus on success we will soon discover ways ...

Affirmations - How Can Affirmations Help You? -- Mankani Senthil
Affirmations - Why use Affirmations? Do you want to find a change in your health, wealth and success? Then using affirmations is the answer to your search. Affirmations motivate and inspire you to ...

Using Words of Gratitude and Thanks -- Mankani Senthil
Using Words of Gratitude and Thanks in your thank you notes, cards, letters, E-mails and speeches is a wonderful gesture to express your appreciation. Improve your personal rapport with family, ...

Fighting Negative Thoughts With a Positive Attitude -- Mankani Senthil
You can fight your negative thoughts effectively Our mind is filled with thoughts constantly and it is these thoughts that shape our actions. When negative thoughts take over our mind we can make it ...

How a Positive Attitude Can Release Stress -- Mankani Senthil
A Positive Attitude Can Release Stress! Remember this at the time of feeling stressed because it is something we tend to forget. You will acknowledge this truth only after you apply a positive ...

6 Myths About Sleep -- Harvard Nurses' Health Study
Do you drag yourself awake every day? Read this before you go to bed tonight...you'll thank us in the morning! Sleep Myths You need eight hours a night to function at your best "Everyone needs ...

Getting Along With Difficult People In 3 Easy Steps -- Lee, Michael
It’s tough getting along with difficult people, but it can be done. Come on, we’ve crossed paths with them since our first day at school. Remember the kids who we didn’t think we’d get along ...

Spice Up Your Love Life In 3 Simple Steps -- Lee, Michael
Want to spice up your love life? Then, you’ve come to the right place. I know exactly what you can do to make your relationship sizzle again! If you are prepared to spice up your love life, read ...

3 Personal Development Ideas To Greatly Enhance Your Life -- Lee, Michael
I got good personal development ideas to share with you. Some of them might seem a little unorthodox, and perhaps you might even wonder what they’ll do for you, but give it a chance and you might ...

The Crimes We Commit Against Our Happiness! -- Kari Farmer
Everyone's goal is to be happier in life, or at least it should be. You should want to experience joy and live your days doing things that make you feel good about yourself and your life. But we ...

Why Being Happy Instantly Makes You More Attractive -- Kari Farmer
Happier people are more attractive to everyone around them and they make a more positive impression wherever they go as well. It doesn't matter what your physical appearance looks like you will ...

Types Of Happiness -- Kari Farmer
There are different types of happiness that different people are experiencing. While there may not be an exact term for them I will call them kind of happy, pretty happy, and really happy people. ...

5 Ideas On How To Turn Your Frown Upside Down - Stop Your Negative Thoughts And Feelings -- Kari Farmer
You are in a funk of negativity. You feel miserable, unhappy, pissed off, depressed, or any other negative emotion that has taken over your body and wont let go.To see the glass as half full is not ...

Reach Your Goals More Effectively By Taking Out A Step Or Two -- Kari Farmer
Most of us tend to do the same things when we are trying to reach our goals. We start by making a plan that covers the ideas and steps on how to reach our goal and then we begin moving along the ...

How To Improve Your Life One Day At A Time -- Kari Farmer
Everyone can improve their life one day at a time no matter where you are in life and what you are doing, how you are feeling about life, and where you are heading towards. Our lives can become ...

How To Become More Positive To Attract A Better Life -- Kari Farmer
We all know that we have to be positive and, more importantly, feel positive to attract the things we want to manifest in life. But how do we change our negative beliefs and our outlook on life that ...

How To Get Over Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Your Desires -- Kari Farmer
We all have limiting beliefs in our lives. They are the beliefs that hold us back from making a move on someone we like or going for that job that we want. They are the beliefs that tell us we ...

Building Up Self Confidence -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence emanates from within. No one can take it from you nor can it be installed by anyone except you. Now, how can one have a boost in self confidence? First, you have to be certain of who ...

Confidence - Nurture Or Nature? -- Elizabeth Hayes
Confidence is a skill more than a talent. Or at least, that's what the majority of us would prefer to believe. Were confidence something innate, something simply inherent to some at the expense ...

Affirming Your Way To Self Confidence -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence is a foundation for how we view ourselves and how we interact with our world and allow the world to interact with us. A negative self concept can lead to disaster for an individual in ...

Conflicting Beliefs Make For Confused People Trying To Improve Their Lives -- Kari Farmer
There are normally two sides to every issue and the people on both sides firmly believe what they are saying. If you ask an alternative health practitioner to tell you the best way to get rid of a ...

Stop Complaining And Start Doing! -- Kari Farmer
The constant complaining about what is bothering us at every moment of the day has become an epidemic of misery and negativity! You talk to your co-worker and they complain. You talk to your friend ...

6 surprising signs of depression -- Liz Brody Shine Staff
Here's a "what-if" scenario: Your husband starts working late every night, you forget the last time you were physically intimate, and he seems to have lost interest in you. Shall we cut to the ...

What People Really Want -- Ingvar Grimsmo
Have you ever wondered what makes people do what they do, buy what they buy or simply go along with things? I have - and for the past many years I have been a student of people's actions. I use ...

10 Reasons to Appreciate Difficulties -- Stacy C
Life always finds ways to hand us challenges. Sometimes the challenges are self inflicted because of poor choices that we have made. Other times they are inflicted on us because of poor choices that ...

An Open Mind -- Tarryn Pedersen
What I am going to tell you you all already know. You will recognise it and say, oh yes of course, I KNEW that. But even in the knowing of it, it is generally not in the forefront of our minds. What ...

How Life Works -- Tarryn Pedersen
What should I be doing to make my life work right? This is up there with the other big questions, what happens when I die, why am I here, who am I really? It could be called - how to make your life ...

Thoughts on Improving Your Life -- Tarryn Pedersen
Your thoughts are real! Aren't they? Don't they seem real to you? That's because they are! They have their own energy, and once thought assume their own life. A thought reinforced becomes ...

How Positive Affirmations Can Affect Your Daily Life -- Mankani Senthil
Positive affirmations regarding your self esteem when repeated regularly during your day will help you improve the structure of your life. They are the success statements that help you set your ...

Motivation at the Workplace - How to Acquire It -- Mankani Senthil
Motivation at the workplace is most essential to be productive during your workday. Self motivation and team motivation at the Workplace are two important factors for success at your work. To prove ...

7 Smart Tips For Meeting Your Goals -- Mankani Senthil
Finding the motivation to meet your goals is the first step to take in your journey to success. Setting goals is that which separated the winners from losers. Learn to set smart goals and create ...

Using Words of Gratitude and Thanks -- Mankani Senthil
Using Words of Gratitude and Thanks in your thank you notes, cards, letters, E-mails and speeches is a wonderful gesture to express your appreciation. Improve your personal rapport with family, ...

Do Something Different -- Dave Tomlinson
Are you stuck in a rut or perhaps feeling bored with life? Is your daily motivation waning? Do you feel a desire for change but unsure how to get it? The time has come to do something different. As ...

The Art Of Patience -- hanofharmony
In this day and age most of us are used to instant results. Everything has to be done yesterday. Additionally, many of us lead such stressful lives that the slightest hindrance provokes annoyance and ...

Why You Shouldn't Take Failure Personally -- hanofharmony
One of the worst things that can happen when you fail is to personalize failure. This only makes an unpleasant situation worse. It becomes harder to avoid taking failure personally when you keep ...

The Myths Of Retreating -- hanofharmony
Advance and retreat are a natural part of life and success. Sometimes it is better to advance. Other times it is better to retreat. Although retreat has negative connotations, neither advance nor ...

How To Forgive So Your Life Gets Easier -- Kate Strong
One of the key components of all forgiveness is to forgive yourself first. Most people want to blame someone else for what happened to them but you will never end up letting go and being able to move ...

Stop Resisting Forgiveness And Truly Move On -- Kate Strong
Once you realise why you resist forgiving yourself or someone else it makes it way easier TO forgive. It's a bit like what Louise Hay says, being willing to change isn't actually doing what ...

Why Forgiveness Is Possibly The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do For Yourself! -- Kate Strong
Forgiveness is more than some noble thing you say to others. "I forgive you", words said intellectually but nothing about your life changes. Emotionally you feel the same but you perhaps wish you ...

Setting Personal Development Goals- An Important Step In Achieving Success And Fulfillment -- Donald Newton
Goal setting is one of the important steps toward personal development. Some people prefer to strive toward several larger goals in order to avoid feeling too constricted by more numerous, smaller ...

Preparation For Success – The Very First Step To Live The Life Of Your Dream -- Donald Newton
Success is what happens when opportunity meets preparation and this is what some people call luck. Outstanding people take far more time to prepare for success than most of their peers. Some either ...

Self Improvement Tips – Great Self Improvement Tips That Will Make You Achieve Your Dreams -- Donald Newton
Self improvement tips are a great way to lay the foundation for your personal growth and to push yourself to new levels of achievement and fulfillment. If you are someone who is interested in ...

Living Your Dreams – One Sure Way To Discover Yourself And Whom You Are -- Donald Newton
In the course of living your dreams, you must know that the universe never acts to hinder or place any limitation on you. All you need know is that the universe is only ever saying to you, “how ...

Achieve Your Dreams – A Practical Step In Achieving Your Dreams And Living The Life Of Your Dream -- Donald Newton
Achieve your dreams are a sheet of paper and something to write with. The secret to using these power tools is to write down your goals. Perhaps you think it is too simple. Well, wait a moment. Do ...

Achieve Your Dreams – Goal Setting Tips For Making Achievement Of Your Dreams A Reality -- Donald Newton
Setting your personal goals means you are planning for success. Those people who set personal goal for themselves are the ones who will achieve what they set out to do. Setting personal goals is not ...

Some Ways To Build Your Self Efficacy -- Brian Garvin & Jeff West
Self Efficacy is sort of like confidence but not exactly. It's the ability to believe in your ability to carry out specific tasks in a certain manner. Your Self Efficacy will increase for a ...

Be Positive! -- Shea L Korte
Positive, For some its hard, for others its easy, being positive throughout your life while doing various activities is and can be a full time job in it's self. Your attitude around your friends, ...

Self Growth Is About Believing That You Can -- Stephen
Did you know that the majority of humans do not live up to their potential thus fail to achieve self growth? The main reason is because they really do not consider what they can do, or they do not ...

11 Terrific Reasons Why Smiling Makes Us Extra Successful! -- Suhaila MD
First: Our smile shows others folks that we are friendly. If a stranger approached you and gained eye contact with you and therefore treated you to a broad smile you will have a positively good idea ...

3 Effective Ways To Deal With Anger -- Elizabeth D Johnson
As human beings, we are usually born with so many various emotions. There are positive emotions and there are also negative ones. When talking about negative emotions, one of those is "anger." As ...

Why You Should Always Tip Big -- Kari Farmer
I have always tipped rather hugely no matter where I am and who I am tipping. This includes anyone who is doing a service for me whether it be a fast food worker or the guy carrying my bags at the ...

Searching For A Sense Of Self -- Boyce Gomez
The human self is a temple of the Divine. Life goes on. You can choose to let life flow or get stuck and just keep spinning your wheels. Each day offers a chance to look at the brighterside of life ...

What You Need To Know About Inspiration -- Boyce Gomez
"Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" No matter how this topic is tackled, the question remains a mystery. "Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?" ...

The Right Perspective On Conflict -- Boyce Gomez
A friend told me about a conflict she was having with her next door neighbor. Due to a misunderstanding the neighbor was pretty upset, so much so that when they passed on the street and my friend ...

Thought For The Day: A Flash Of Inspiration -- Boyce Gomez
Are you ready for your inspirational thought for the day? When you first read it, it may seem too simple. However, if you think about it for even a moment, you'll see that the implications are ...

The Many Faces of a Bully -- Roseanna Leaton
Bullies do not always look the same nor do they always act in a similar manner. You have the bullies who pick on the red headed kid at school, the kid with glasses, the "book worm" or the smallest ...

Lose Weight Easily and Stop Feeling Fat -- Roseanna Leaton
Lose weight easily. Anyone who feels fat and flabby yearns for an easy weight loss solution. And actually the very acknowledgment that you are fat may indeed be the key which unlocks the door to ...

Ways To Make Yourself More Assertive -- Dustin Hines
Do you have trouble sticking up for yourself? Do you feel pushed around or walked over? Do you find it difficult to say no to others. Do you do things which you did not want to do? Here are a few ...

Self Control: A Major Key To Anger Management -- angermanagementbook
There are many self-help books about anger management. You can read about good ideas and effective methods on how to manage your anger. With so many ideas running through your mind you are sometimes ...

What Your Looks Say About You -- Sandra Prior
It's a fact: We often judge each other by the way we look. But that doesn't mean you need to obsess about your exterior to get the positive attention you deserve. By making just a small ...

Live In The Moment -- Sandra Prior
Instead of running yourself ragged worrying about tomorrow, this month, harness the power of the present. Let People Buoy you Up Having a blue day? Rather than brooding alone, seek out people. ...

Motivation - How to Stay Motivated At Work -- Suryaratna Chandrashekar
Staying motivated at work is not always easy. No job is perfect, and everyone has a bad day sometimes, but if you try some or all of these tips, you will start to see that you are having more good ...

Getting Motivated To Exercise! -- Christian Heckard
Keep yourself motivated towards going to the gym with a few easy tips. The vast majority of people who sign up for gym memberships waste their money by only going for a short while and don't see ...

Anxiety And Substance Abuse - Is There A Link? -- Elizabeth Hayes
Research continues to evaluate the causes of panic attacks, panic disorder and anxiety. Studies into smoking, alcohol and sedatives have shown a clear link between substance abuse and panic disorder, ...

Stress - How To Cope Effectively And Manage Stress -- Arunraj V.S.
Stress is triggered when a person is facing an external stimulus that can be considered through many factors. There are two ways of coping with this stress. The first way is to fight the stress by ...

How To Build That Self Confidence Skills -- howtoskills
Self Confidence is the difference between feeling empowered and feeling scared out of your wits. Your view of yourself has an enormous impact on how others see you. The more self confident you feel, ...

Five Golden Rules Of Self Confidence -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence is the faith one has in one’s own abilities and strengths. It strengthens inner self and allows one to move forward. Lack of self confidence can really mess up one’s life. To have ...

10 Reasons Why You Must Develop A Winning Attitude -- Fitzgerald Mujuru
Winning is first and foremost an attitude that one needs to have before they experience victory. A person cannot go into battle or a challenge with a defeated mind and expect to win. Whether you view ...

Are You Having Trouble Staying Motivated? -- Rotem Cohen
Many of us have an on-off relationship with motivation. We need to stay motivated all the time however we always find it difficult to move out of our comfort zones and start working. We enjoy being ...

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Embrace Change -- Julie Henderson
Change is not welcomed for most people, and many people find change difficult, while others fear it; yet, there are ways you can learn to embrace change. Whether we like it or not, change is ...

Depressed? Cheer Up, You Have a Reason to Be Happy! -- Ganeshan Ramachandran
Yes, I can understand that life, to use the cliche, is not a bed of roses. Every day you meet with life's quota of disappointments and frustration in small or big measure. These often sap your ...

Patience Pays -- Ganeshan Ramachandran
In the Kathopanisad, a Hindu scripture, the teacher cautions his student before he begins to instruct him. Says the teacher: Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached for the path of ...

Improving Your Personality -- Ganeshan Ramachandran
So you want to improve your personality. But, have you ever asked yourself what exactly a 'good' personality is? If you thought that good looks are what made for a good personality, most of ...

Just How Supplying To Others Raises Your Self Confidence -- Michael C. Miller
There are many ways to increase your self esteem but few offers the rewards one feels when they give of themselves. Today, with so many of us facing reduced or eliminated jobs, it is safe to say that ...

Self Confidence Building - Several Issues You Need To Perform -- Michael C. Miller
When someone tells you that you can't do anything, what do you do? If you just keep quiet and take in the insults, then you lack self-confidence. People these days tend to be too quiet when it ...

What To Do When Another Person Affects Your Thoughts -- Michael C. Miller
Who has not had someone say something that has hurt their feelings? It happens to everyone at one time or another. Sometimes it is obvious that the person who did it meant to do it and sometimes it ...

Stop Stress Immediately By Finding Where It Originates In Your Life. -- Michael C. Miller
Although it is common knowledge that stress is a major contributor to bad health, knowing what to do to change the stress in your life is hard. You may be looking at the next few weeks thinking you ...

The Power Of Your Ideas And Thoughts -- Michael C. Miller
Even though it may appear relatively innocuous, our thoughts and our words have lot of strength and determine what we actually are. Let see an often repeated phrase "Yes, but". Here you are trying to ...

Developing Friendship -- nickhoad-online
Developing friendship no matter what age you might be, then if you are serious about making the right decisions in your life, then starting to use The Law of Attraction to find friends can be a good ...

Traits Of Self Confident People -- Elizabeth Hayes
Hold your head up high, straighten your shoulders, align your spine straightly - these are the physical aspects presented by a person who possesses self confidence. But what about what’s inside? Do ...

How to Practice Patience -- Cindy Chung
Nowadays people are notoriously impatient. We don't want to wait for anything. Our country is home to fast food and drive-through banking. So, when it comes to our private lives and eating ...

Power of Politeness -- Azari Masili
Politeness is a powerful word nearly forgotten by everyone in their routine life. The word personally to me is very powerful where it doesn't differentiate between generation gaps and genders. ...

Experiences Teach Us If We Take The Time to Understand Them -- Rosemary Redfern
Good things happen. Bad things happen. They occur randomly and usually outside our control, yet how we deal with them affects everything in our lives. The usual reaction to something bad is 'why ...

Your Self-Esteem is Valuable -- Ralston Heath
Take a Stand for Yourself One of the things that has a significant bearing on a person's self-esteem is the respect you get from others. The less respect, the lower your self-esteem, the more ...

Improving Self Confidence in 5 Easy Ways -- Neelima P
So you're confident. This doesn't mean you'll always stay as confident as you are now. Time changes and whether you like it or not, people grow and they can grow better than you if you ...

The Keys to Improving Low Self-Esteem -- Abu Aremu
In the course of our life, we do sometimes encounter low self-esteem, fears and insecurities, and these may envelope us such that we wish that we are somebody else. Often, we tend to think that ...

Coping With Stress - Start by Emptying the Rocks in Our Stress Backpacks -- BH Yao
In the last ten years stress and coping methods have become the favorite subjects for the media and publishing industry. We get flooded with tweets and blogs, movies and reality shows, self-help ...

10 Tips to Boost Self-Confidence -- BH Yao
Self-confidence affects everyone to some degree or another. Some may have too much, some may have too little and others seem to have just the right amount. Self-confidence affects the way we perform ...

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Confidence -- James A Holmes
Confidence makes your problems shrink and brings your goals into the palm of your hand. Some people just seem to have it and others don't. So where do they get it from? What makes them different? ...

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem Without Losing the Real You -- Louisa Chan
To All Who Are Committed To Be Congruent And Authentic As I was going through my journal this week I came across this coaching tool which I researched on and designed for my paper; a tool I call ...

How To Boost Your Self Confidence -- Alex Barboza
I have been asked by many people how they could boost their self confidence. Being sometimes a difficult venture, self confidence building does not have to be a pain. Bear in mind that this is not ...

Cultivating A Positive Attitude -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence is the confidence and belief one has in their own abilities and capabilities. One has to remember that when you begin to question anything too often, you eventually begin to doubt it. ...

The Role Of Performing Actions To Grow Confidence -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence is a term connected to ability of an individual; it may differ from individual to individual as it is psychological in nature. It is a life skill to be attained and practiced by ...

Confidence Building For Introverts -- Elizabeth Hayes
Introverts are often plagued by lack of self confidence due to their shy nature and inability to bond socially. It is interesting to note that people associate self confidence with how the world ...

8 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem -- Carla Valencia
If you are struggling with low self esteem you can boost self esteem and improve your self confidence. I like to share with you how to apply my personal experiences to your daily life in order to ...

Lack of Self Confidence -- Carla Valencia
The lack of self-confidence can prevent you from achieving your dreams and living the life you really desire. In order to live your dreams, you need to have healthy self-confidence--that is, while ...

8 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem -- Carla Valencia
If you are struggling with low self esteem you can boost self esteem and improve your self confidence. I like to share with you how to apply my personal experiences to your daily life in order to ...

Low Self Esteem Symptoms -- Carla Valencia
I would like to share with you my personal experiences about some low self esteem symptoms and how to fix them. Low Self Esteem symptom # 1- Blaming others: Stop complaining This is usually known as ...

Sarcasm Or Veiled Hostility? -- Charles D. Bender
There's a significant portion of our population who seem to thrill on passing off sarcasm as humor when in fact it's just veiled hostility. Few people are really fooled by this tactic for any ...

Create Your Happiness -- Boya Fernando
Every people have their own reasons to be happy and have their own way to make it happen. No one can force their reasons to be happy to others to make them feel happy like they do. For some people ...

Recognizing Anxiety Disorders -- Elizabeth Hayes
As many as 18% of Americans have reported they suffer from an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is one of many different fears and excessive anxiety, and is an umbrella term for a number of ...

Twenty Symptoms Of A Panic Attack -- Elizabeth Hayes
A panic attack is a period of time where the sufferer feels an intense dread – an anxious feeling of fear that develops swiftly and usually hits a peak within eight minutes. It is extremely ...

Panic And Anxiety - Top Triggers -- Elizabeth Hayes
Many people suffer from panic attacks and anxiety disorders. Anxiety or panic is an emotional state where you feel uncontrollably worried or nervous. The body goes into a state of feeling nervous or ...

Simple Steps To Increase Self Confidence -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self-confidence is a feeling of immense confidence within one’s inner self. It is basically an emotion of feeling that no force on the face of the earth can stop one from succeeding in every realm ...

Self Confidence - No One Is Born With It -- Elizabeth Hayes
Self confidence is freedom from doubt; it is an individual's assurance in his capability and deliverance. It is an important quality that should be possessed by all individuals so that they can ...

Having A Healthy Enviornment For Your Self Esteem -- Albert Garcia
Healthy self esteem originates in the environment found in the: family, school, peer group, work place, and community. There are certain characteristics of your environment that need to be present in ...

Ask Questions And Do Not Argue -- Albert Garcia
As the saying goes "It takes two to tango." Well, it also takes two to argue. It is impossible to have an argument with someone if they don't participate. If your goal is to reach a solution and ...

Overcoming Homesickness When Living Abroad -- Albert Garcia
Once you have made the brave step to a new life in a foreign country, inevitably, at some stage you will start missing home and the things that you were used to. Missing friends, family, traditions ...

10 Ways to Combat Homesickness -- Victoria Martins
Consider for just one minute the enormity of leaving the country of your birth, or even going to university for the first time. Yes, okay, I know millions have done it. However, that does not change ...

Dream Big, Aim Higher…start By Listing Goals Now -- Sabrina
Life is just like a piece of coin, every coin represents every experience, all the knowledge and each idea that you acquire that fills hundreds of your life attainment. Sometimes, a coin is left ...

How To Succeed In Life: Think Of Success As A Journey -- Ivee Olivares
Let me ask, what is success to you? To understand the meaning of success, I like to think of success as a journey. If you would you like to know how to succeed in life, why not imagine going on a ...

Fear Of Failure: What Does Failure Mean To You? -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
What do you believe about failure? The ego wounded part of ourselves, the left-brain part of ourselves that has been programmed with many false beliefs, often believes that: "If I fail, I am a ...

7 Step Guide To Staying Completely Stuck In Your Life -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
Are you stuck in your life? Do you receive some satisfaction from staying stuck and from no one being able to help you get unstuck? If you are invested in staying stuck, why not do it consciously and ...

Healing Emotional Dependency -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
You are emotionally dependent when your happiness, sense of safety, and sense of worth are dependent upon others' love, attention, and approval. When you were growing up, perhaps you heard ...

The Power Of Positive Thinking - Does It Work To Manifest? -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
I was recently at home of a friend's daughter and she had affirmations taped on the walls everywhere. "Are these helpful to you?" I asked. "Not really," she answered. "I do them all the time but ...

Healing Social Phobia -- Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
WHAT IS SOCIAL PHOBIA? Social phobia - or social anxiety - is the fear of interacting with others in various situations: groups, work, school, parties, on the telephone, in a market or store, and so ...

You Deserve More Respect: Build That Self-confidence -- Deon Bates
By all rights, your life should be pretty much perfect. You have a wonderful family, good job, and almost everything you could want. The problem is that you lack confidence and respect in yourself. ...

Getting To The Root Of Social Anxiety -- Deon Bates
Social anxiety or social phobia has many varied causes, including biological, psychological and social. However, each one may be intertwined so it is hard to specify exacting ones. Though it is not ...

Establishing Your Goals In Advance -- Deon Bates
Goals must be set in advance! Determine your direction accordingly. When you consider setting goals in your life, you are much like the captain of a ship. You have the vast area of the sea of your ...

Mopping Up The Mess In Your Mind -- Deon Bates
Every person tries to clean clutter from their homes, at least twice a year. We call it spring cleaning, or fall cleaning, which is done before Christmas. Regardless of when you do it, you know how ...

Trauma & Anger: Some Ways To Deal With Them -- Deon Bates
I used to visit a support forum online for people recovering from various types of trauma. It felt like a wonderful place, and I know it does a lot of good for people. But after I was there for a ...

Simple Ideas To Help You Declutter Your Life -- Deon Bates
De-cluttering your physical space can have an amazingly uplifting effect on your mood. Feng Shui experts claim that buildings and furniture store the memories of events in the form of energy, and ...

Keep Confident And Powerful In Your Dealings With Others -- Deon Bates
Keep Confident And Powerful In Your Dealings With Others One of the many reasons why people lose confidence and power in dealing with people is because they are too overly concerned with what other ...

All About Feeling Good And Emotional Intelligence -- Deon Bates
Two emotions, or ways of feeling, are especially troublesome to most of us - anger and depression. Depression appears to be epidemic now, globally, and without going into the etiology (the causes), ...

Fight Difficult Times By Seeking Daily Inspiration -- Deon Bates
Daily inspiration helps us to stay focused on God's love, no matter what else is going on in our daily lives. In today's world there is such a high level of challenge and rapid change ...

Seeking Enlightenment And Inner Peace -- Deon Bates
It's becoming one of the biggest trends of the 21st century to seek out Enlightenment and inner peace. People are buying up books everywhere and running from teacher to teacher to try and find ...

All About Feeling Good And Emotional Intelligence -- Deon Bates
Two emotions, or ways of feeling, are especially troublesome to most of us - anger and depression. Depression appears to be epidemic now, globally, and without going into the etiology (the causes), ...

Fight Difficult Times By Seeking Daily Inspiration -- Deon Bates
Daily inspiration helps us to stay focused on God's love, no matter what else is going on in our daily lives. In today's world there is such a high level of challenge and rapid change ...

Seeking Enlightenment And Inner Peace -- Deon Bates
It's becoming one of the biggest trends of the 21st century to seek out Enlightenment and inner peace. People are buying up books everywhere and running from teacher to teacher to try and find ...

A Positive Mental Attitude Can Pave The Route To Success -- Deon Bates
The words "success" and "positive attitude" should really be considered as synonyms. When it comes right down to it, these two ideas are really just the same thing. If you have success, for example, ...

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining -- Deon Bates
When I find myself in the midst of a challenging experience, I ask myself "Why is this happening to me?" Not in a whiny, wailing kind of way (not anymore that is, believe me, there was a time when I ...

If You Save Time You'll Accomplish More Goals -- Deon Bates
A definition of time management might be a process of gaining flexibility and cutting back time. The advantage to having a time management plan is that we are loosing something that brings us reward ...

Top 5 Tips To Reduce Procrastination -- Deon Bates
One of the most destructive effects of procrastination is the fact that it makes you feel out of control. Procrastination is like an 'invisible force' that keeps you from doing the very ...

Regenerate Your Self-confidence With These 5 Top Tips -- Deon Bates
Nobody can hurt you without your consent. There are many instances in life where your confidence is hit hard. Sometimes you overcome life's hardness, sometimes you get overwhelmed. Sometimes your ...

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself In Preparation To Self-improvement -- Robert T K.
"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 questions you should ask to yourself: a preparation to self-improvement Be all you can be, but it's not always in the Army. I often see myself as somewhat ...

Stress Management For Self-improvement -- Robert T K.
Stress has always been a part of our everyday lives. We often find ways to deal with it but can become unbearable when you're closely under its grab. The important part here is to take control of ...

7 Killer Goal Setting Tips And Benefits! Achieve Just About Anything! -- Denis H. Marsili
If you feel somehow unhappy with the direction your life is taking...what can you do about it…? You need goals, concrete goals! Goals are dreams with deadlines, preparation, planning and consequent ...

Distraction And Overwhelm: Tips For Finding Balance -- Carolyn Ellis
We are bombarded by so many things that grab our attention and focus these days it’s hard to think straight at time – advertising, TV, the internet, email, cell phones, Blackberrys, text ...

Speaking The Truth: Debunking 3 Popular Myths -- Carolyn Ellis
Do you ever find yourself biting your tongue, and reluctant to speak your truth? Does the idea of giving others your honest feedback make you cringe inside? Imagine a situation where you are working ...

Transitions: 3 Strategies To Make Transitions Smoother And Easier -- Carolyn Ellis
Are you on the threshold of a transition in your life somewhere? As we move from where we are to where we want to go, we go through different kinds of transitions and changes along the way. Perhaps ...

3 Ways To Love Yourself -- Elizabeth D Johnson
Loving yourself is as important as loving someone. You also need to love yourself from time to time. Remember, you cannot give out love when you do not know how to love yourself first. Have you been ...

3 Effective Tips To Deal With Peer Pressure -- Elizabeth D Johnson
We all have the right to be ourselves. Peer pressure is just part of the challenges in life. You should know how to deal with it. If you need further guidance, this article might help you. It ...

How To Get Motivated Enough To Stay Fit -- Jimm Chris
If you're having trouble getting motivated to keep to your fitness program ... or if you haven't even got off the starting block yet, this article could transform your life! Not completely ...

The Power Of Positive Emotions -- Coach Amani
Assisting others to achieve their dreams has always been a core principle that has guided me in my life. It is my personal belief that when any of us have a touch point with someone that we can ...

How To Address And Overcome Anger -- Darnell Bryan
Anger can be caused by unrealised dreams that were once treasured. When our plans do not eventuate the way we had hoped we can feel angry at the disappointment. Anger can also be aroused when we feel ...

A Brief Guide To Self Improvement -- Roberto Bell
Would you like to get a promotion? Or maybe you want to transfer jobs or even change careers? Would you like to take up a new interest or hobby? Whatever it is you are planning to do on the personal ...

How To Develop A Winning Mindset -- cjsmalltrainingwinners
1. Give yourself permission I know it sounds simple but one way to begin winning on a consistent basis is to give yourself “permission” to win. We live in a society which says, “it’s ok to ...

Set Goals Smartly -- Sabrina
An individual who wants to achieve success in life smartly think of which goals to plan. If you'd like to attain the same thing, better set objectives which are attainable and realistic. By doing ...

5 Steps To Becoming A Champion -- Jaime Jones
What makes a champion? Inspiration, dedication, and activity are the major components you'll need. you will notice I didn’t list skill as one of the needed materials to your championship run. ...

Greed is Great -- Jeanna Gabellini
Once upon a time I thought the only way to work my way into heaven was to be kind at all times, always be giving and to sin as little as possible. I've changed my perspective drastically over the ...

The Battle For Weight Loss -- Tim Long
The battle to lose weight has been fought many times by many people in the span of one day, some with success and many others with frustration. The availability of food and easy access to foods that ...

How To Stop That Excessive Sweating -- Tim Long
Sweating is something which is a natural phenomenon. We sweat during extremely hot weather conditions or while performing some kind of strenuous physical exercise. However, excessive sweating can be ...

Taking Control Is Empowering -- Elvis Minogue
Why is it so important for us to feel in control of our own destinies? Because everything that ever happens to us always starts out inside our heads. All our dreams, ideas, fear, worries are made ...

Follow Your Passion -- Dennis Andrew
These beliefs successfully stop us from dreaming, or focusing on our passion, thus not even allowing the opportunity to consider their possibility.This is about your dream. Let's get to the ...

We Make Our Own Destiny -- Sabrina
The totality of human life is not just making living but spending every moment with utmost satisfaction. Many people think that destiny shape’s one future but a lot of people think it’s not. ...

Think Yourself To Good Health -- Elvis Minogue
Once you have sorted out your thought processes and replaced any self destructive behaviour with healthy behaviours that enhance your well being, a whole new world will open up to you. As your ...

Set And Track Your Goals -- setngoal
Feeling overwhelmed by the workload? There are many things in life one wishes to accomplish; there are projects to be completed, targets to be achieved, and dreams to be realized? Don’t be snowed ...

Energy Management: Tackle Your Clutter -- Carolyn Ellis
Clutter is an insidious form of self-sabotage. Viewed on spiritual level, how we organize and manage our space is an external indication of … how well we support and respect ourselves. Not being ...

Travel Planning For Life -- Carolyn Ellis
To thrive in life means to bring a sense of wonder and excitement to each day, and not just for those few weeks when we may travel to some new destination. We can adapt some of the strategies we use ...

Can You Take Your Own Advice? -- Carolyn Ellis
Let me give you an example. I was working with a new coaching client recently who was feeling overwhelmed. Work was unsatisfying, her children were acting up and the dynamics with her ex-spouse ...

Recovering From A Wipeout: A 4-step Formula For Success -- Carolyn Ellis
Allow me to share a recent and public “wipeout” with you. I hosted the Unleash Your Brilliance Summit, a teleseminar event where I interviewed a number of well-known and successful women ...

The Info Trap: Break Free By Taking Action -- Carolyn Ellis
In all seriousness, I love learning new ideas about all kinds of topics. When I went through my separation years ago, I probably owned at least half of the self-help section in my own personal ...

Procrastination-the Dream Stealer -- Carolyn Ellis
Procrastination is a dream stealer. It's insidious and has the potential to snuff out our vitality and diminish how we feel about ourselves. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to ...

Living Life As An Adventure -- Carolyn Ellis
Flying halfway around the world to someplace I'd never been before was quite an adventure. A different culture, a different alphabet, foreign cuisine, unknown sights and sounds awaited me. Having ...

Conversation With An Inner Critic -- Carolyn Ellis
Have you ever noticed that when you take on a new goal, that little voice in your head will immediately kick in and start telling you all the reasons why you can't have what you want? Whether ...

Asking For What You Need -- Carolyn Ellis
As I waited for my appointment at the fracture clinic, a number of worries consumed me. I can't drive for six weeks. How will I see the Great Wall of China with an air boot and a cane? I decided ...

Divorcing Your Inner Critic -- Carolyn Ellis
Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to divorce your inner critic? You know that questioning, nagging little voice inside you that is never at a loss to point out your flaws, highlight your ...

Life Balance: Tips From A Yoga Class -- Carolyn Ellis
It can be tricky to find that place of balance in life. Juggling work, family, community and personal needs isn’t easy, but I believe it is part of what makes life joyful and meaningful. I’ve ...

Finding The Courage To Be Brilliant -- Carolyn Ellis
The unexpected curve balls that life throws our way are challenging. Common occurrences like losing your job, having your relationship breakdown, or coping with caring for aging parents force change ...

Success: Clear Your Path To Success -- Carolyn Ellis
Recently I took advantage of the warming weather here in Toronto to clear the unbelievable ice and snow build-up that had plastered my walkways and driveway over the previous weeks. Here are some of ...

3 Ways To Break Free Of Resistance -- Carolyn Ellis
We’ve all had those great moments of inspiration, where an amazing idea is sparked within us and we’re totally energized to make it happen. Your focus is clear and your creative juices are ...

Manifesting Your Desires - Lessons Learned From A Labradoodle About Manifestation -- Carolyn Ellis
"The Secret" movie jump-started the discussion of the law of attraction and manifestation in mainstream culture. People are flocking to seminars, workshops and gurus to help learn the secrets of ...

Control Your Mindset: You Are What You Think -- Carolyn Ellis
After you separate or divorce, the most important tool you have at your disposal is your mindset. What are you thinking? What are you telling yourself? Is your goal to "survive" your divorce? Do you ...

Achieving Instant Relaxation For Body, Mind And Soul Is Perfectly Possible -- bodybuild.rr.nu
Our best beat-stress advice is pretty straightforward: eat healthy, balanced meals, get enough sleep, and make time for regular exercise. But yes, there will always be days when you need a calming ...

Caught In A Stress Storm? -- bodybuild.rr.nu
Imagine you're on your way to meet friends at a bar. You're late and stuck behind a slow-moving van when the entire street lurches into darkness. Suddenly that man crossing the street in ...

Are You Stress-prone? -- bodybuild.rr.nu
Is your lifestyle rushed or hurried? Are you always demanding more of yourself and of others? Is nothing you do, or anyone else does, ever good enough? Does your mind work overtime - always thinking, ...

What Your Looks Say About You -- bodybuild.rr.nu
It's a fact: We often judge each other by the way we look. But that doesn't mean you need to obsess about your exterior to get the positive attention you deserve. By making just a small ...

A Beautiful Mind -- bodybuild.rr.nu
Way back in 1983 I had my first encounter with a real human brain. After a year of dissecting a formalin-preserved body in second year anatomy, our class was treated to a morning of fresh brains to ...

Sad Heart, Happy Heart. Here’s How To Keep It Ticking Happily -- bodybuild.rr.nu
It may be an age old symbol of emotion, but everyone knows that the human heart is really nothing more than a pump. Or is it? New research suggests a direct link between your state of mind and the ...

Break Free From Past Behavior -- bodybuild.rr.nu
Being stuck in those past negatives can keep you rooted in your insecurities. But taking action in the present can change your life. Unhappiness is your brain's way of letting you know that ...

How Feeling Disrespected Affects Your Image -- Noel K Wu
Do you remember what it feels like being taunted or picked on because you are "different" or do you remember how awful you felt being picked last in gym class? When you are not accepted you feel ...

Ways to Motivate Teens With Low Self-Confidence -- Irene Roth
Do you feel unable to cope with your peers because of low self-confidence? Do you feel out of place a lot? Do you feel like others are much better than you? Do you feel like an outcast? If you ...

Why Bother With Forgiving? -- Sandra L. Lerner
I think one of the most difficult things most of us need to learn is how to forgive a wrong suffered. And even more than that, how to forgive one's own self for some wrong we've inflicted on ...

How Much Does Positive Energy Affect Your Life? -- Vanessa Ann Lea
How much does positive energy play in shaping a person's life? In history, a person's energy whether positive or negative was a huge consideration to the path someone ultimately took in their ...

A New Approach to Handling Stress -- Vanessa Ann Lea
Broken relationships, financial crisis, family problems, work obligations- you're stuck in the middle of these stressful situations and it seems too much to handle. We consider a situation as ...

Be a Master of Your Own Happiness -- Vanessa Ann Lea
Though many people feel that happiness is somewhat a vague concept to behold, you can easily find it just by taking control of your state of mind. Happiness can be found in just about anything as ...

3 Tips on How You Can Attain Fulfilment and Happiness -- Vanessa Ann Lea
If you're looking for a sense of fulfilment in your life, then it's time that you start taking the matter into your own hands. Happiness is a state of mind that you can control as long as you ...

Feed Your Mind With Positive Thinking -- Tomy Yosafat
Positivity is the most important thing in our life. When someone always thinks negatively, his life would be exactly the same as what he thought. It is important to make us think positively. With ...

Personal Apology Tips - The Top Four Steps to Apologize Effectively -- Tomy Yosafat
We all make mistakes, but when it comes into steps to apologize, only few of us really know how to do it effectively. After making mistakes, even the big ones, most people only try to make apology by ...

How to Attract Everything You Want in Your Life? -- PJ Bath
Our mind is the most powerful element on this planet. All the advancements in human existence have occurred with the power of mind. Our mind is a thought producing factory. These thoughts have ...

Habits! Can They Be Changed? -- PJ Bath
Like buildings and houses are made up of bricks in Asia, our lives are made up of habits. We are creatures of habits and they are bricks of our lives. We have a choice, we can either build a Taj ...

What People Think of Us - A Dangerous Disease in the World! -- PJ Bath
It is normal human behavior to adapt to certain situations. Most people try to be considerate about others and make an effort to fit in. However, sometimes we spend too much time playing the mind ...

Being Confident Is Not About Being Perfect -- Alexandra Burlacu
Self-confidence is a proactive approach helping individuals face up bravely all life's challenges and admit any eventual failure. It is understood that confidence improves our ability to solve ...

How Do I Cheer Up? -- Alexandra Burlacu
As the rainy season came and all gloomy... I'm sure your mood is easily trained in a direction not very good. What you do in one rainy Saturday? Or a cold Sunday in which the wind blows down and ...

How to Earn the Respect From Others -- Alexandra Burlacu
It is not easy to earn your respect to others. It is built hard and can be lost in an instant. Respect is a tricky thing. We all want it, but few get it. Respect is earned through a combination of ...

What is Stopping You Now? -- Jimm Yim
Firstly, I have a number of questions for you which I would like you to seriously think about it. What is stopping you from becoming successful in life? What is stopping you from moving on from a ...

Is Action the Cure to Fear? -- Jimm Yim
How much to do you know about Fear? In dictionary terms, it means a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, pain, concern or anxiety. In simple terms, it can stop us from doing the things we ...

There is a MIRACLE in Each One of Us -- Jimm Yim
Recently, I visited girlfriend's friend in the hospital. She got into a bike accident together with her boyfriend. The van had came across they way and they had to jam the brakes and both of them ...

Action, the Only Key to All Your Doors in Life -- Jimm Yim
Before we go into more details, there is a question I would like to ask you. Do you have anybody in your circle of friends whom you think is smart and is capable of achieving big things in life but ...

HELP! I'm Suffocating! -- Jimm Yim
Ever felt that you no longer can breathe. Surrounded by pressures given by others, wanting you to perform more than you can do? You seem to be lost in the cross roads with too many directions ...

Are You Motivated Enough by Passion? -- Jimm Yim
Time to time, we will find it hard to continue to do the things. It could be something we have been doing for years or it is something that you have passion for but lack of the motivation for. Why is ...

How to Stay Motivated in 3 Ways -- Jimm Yim
We often are aware that we have to accomplish a goal or target within a period of time or in our life time. However, it may be outside of your comfort zone which might not be that interesting to ...

Overcoming Obstacles: 4 Tips To Clear The “how Hurdle” -- Carolyn Ellis
As a coach, I’m privileged to be part of a process where my clients create a new and exciting vision for their lives and take action towards it. The excitement is palpable as they connect with ...

Social Anxiety Can Strike Without Warning -- Herbal Anxiety
If you get tensed or nervous while giving a speech in front of many people or attending an interview regarding a job, there are chances that you might be suffering from social anxiety disorder. The ...

Sudden Depression -- Herbal Anxiety
Depression is a mental chaos where the person would experience lack of interest and pleasure in doing regular things they used to do and frequently found in low mood. This can happen to anyone of us ...

Panic Attacks -- Herbal Anxiety
With the increasing level of work pressure and other social elements, panic attacks have become one of the most common disorders across the world. According to some researches held, one of 75 people ...

What Is Depression? -- Herbal Anxiety
Depression is defined as a persistent embellishment of everyday feelings that come with sadness. People who feel depressed suffer from stress anxiety, worthlessness, low mood, exhausted, and feel ...

Five Beneficial Stress Relievers At Work -- Ralph Wilhelm
Since work causes stress,here are 5 stress relievers at work. After all, you would not choose the corporate stress you are hurting from to flood over to your private life once you arrive at home ...

Feel Better With Stress Management -- Ralph Wilhelm
Stress may be largely thought of as a mental problem,but it does contain its own material manifestations. Indeed, the connection amid one's emotions or behavior has a straightforward link with ...

Stress Management And Your Life. Important Factors To Consider -- Ralph Wilhelm
Why would you spend so much time and energy on valuable stress management? If you haven't recognized the significance of fighting stress just yet, here are some arguments that would influence you ...

Effective Use Of Your Weekend To Manage Stress -- Ralph Wilhelm
For working people, the weekends furnish an eagerly awaited chance to recharge your body and mind and utilize correct stress management so your body and mind can be geared up to face a new week ...

Easy Stress Management -- Ralph Wilhelm
A multitude of folks pay out a great amount of cash going out on holiday, purchasing self-help books, and trying other types of indulgences in an attempt to create an effective stress management ...

The Importance Of Creating Good Relationships -- Roseanna J Leaton
Building good relationships should be a main priority in life. How important are your personal relationships to you? How highly do you value your relationships with colleagues, acquaintances, friends ...

How To Attract Happiness -- Roseanna J Leaton
I wonder whether you noticed an article by the columnist David Brooks in the New York Times entitled the "Sandra Bullock Trade". It certainly caught my eye as it focuses upon the interactions between ...

Do You Know What You Are Looking For? -- Roseanna J Leaton
How many people do you know who are dissatisfied with their life and yet at the same time they do not really know why? They are looking around for something but don't have a clear idea of what ...

Do You Want More? -- Roseanna J Leaton
How many people do you know who are really content with their life, happy with their lot, completely satisfied with what they have got? I frequently find myself looking around in amazement as I ...

Is The Grass Really Greener? -- Roseanna J Leaton
This is a question which is only asked when a person is in two minds about something. If you really thought that the grass was greener you would either have already leapt over the fence and made a ...

How To Say No Without Upsetting Everyone -- Roseanna J Leaton
A friend of mine suggested that this title could lead to the creation of an interesting article, and I think that she is absolutely right. How do you say "no" when you are aware that someone else is ...

Are You Consumed By Social Envy? -- Roseanna J Leaton
Envy can be likened to a tape worm gnawing away uncomfortably at your inner emotions; and like this parasite which takes up residence in whatever host it can wriggle itself into, envy can feel like ...

What Are You Missing Out On? -- Roseanna J Leaton
I don't know about you but I seem to come across a lot of people who feel as if they are missing out on something or other in their life. Perhaps they are dissatisfied because they have missed ...

Would You Like To Have More Driving Confidence? -- Roseanna J Leaton
My mom stopped driving for good immediately after she asked me which pedal was the accelerator and which was the brake; my brother and I swiftly removed both keys and car from her possession (with ...

Is Fear Stopping You From Spreading Your Wings? -- Roseanna J Leaton
Fear is a debilitating thing. It creates the same effect in a human as broken wings do to a bird. It means that your world remains smaller than it could; it holds you back in so very many ways. Fear ...

How To Cure Fears -- Roseanna J Leaton
If you are afraid, you're afraid, right? Fear is something which you feel. It's simply there, and logical thought just doesn't seem to be strong enough to banish the instinctive and ...

Stop Being Impatient -- Roseanna J Leaton
Patience as we all know is a virtue. Impatience is a frustrating feeling to have to contend with, and we have all experienced it at some time or another. If you cast your mind back as far as it will ...

Stop Hurrying Your Life -- yeastrolinformation.com
With life's constant demands, many people nowaday live their lives in a hurry. So many people are rushing to get somewhere or finish something. If someone is in a hurry, that is fine. We all get ...

Self Improvement-the Critical Starting Point For Self Improvement -- Bruce J Dillon
As the saying goes, to love and be loved is one of life’s greatest treasures. It feels so good to be able to cherish someone and do selfless acts for them. But how can a person love another when ...

3 Simple Solutions To Improving Your Social Skills -- Bruce J Dillon
Unfortunately, not everyone was born with the social skills needed to operate smoothly among people you are uncomfortable around. Not everyone was born that confident person waltzing into a room and ...

1 Simple Approach To Self Improvement For Life -- Bruce J Dillon
Many youth today value the ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want to, as their moods demand it. But as they grow into adults, they learn that having discipline actually gives them more ...

One Simple Method To Achieving Your Goals Consistently -- Bruce J Dillon
It is very easy for us to be overwhelmed with our workload. In fact, at the beginning of the week, just thinking about all that we are supposed to accomplish can leave us feeling disheartened. The ...

Developing A Positive Attitude: Top Tips To Improve Your Attitude -- Suzanne Glover
Developing a positive attitude improves the way you see the world. Every aspect of your life is affected by your emotions and your thoughts. Simply put, your attitude affects every part of your life. ...

Top 10 Benefits Of A Positive Attitude -- Suzanne Glover
What are the benefits of a positive attitude? When you develop a positive attitude, you have a certain power in your life - the power to find happiness. Although it can take some time to eliminate ...

Positive Self Talk Makes You Smarter And More Successful -- Suzanne Glover
Whether you have negative or positive self talk, it affects how you see and interact with the world around you. If your thoughts are not as positive as you would like, you can easily change them. ...

Some Tips On Reducing Anxiety -- aziz omar
* Drink a glass of water. One glass of water won’t be enough for a body that is more than mildly dehydrated. * Meditate. Reserve 15 minutes to sit in silence and focus on nothing. * Initiate a ...

Contentment - The Way To Happiness -- Kyle
There is perhaps no concrete definition of happiness because every time I ask people around me – family, friends, work colleagues – about the meaning and the way to happiness what I usually get ...

Importance Of Goal Setting And How To Accomplish Them -- scheduleyourgoals
Life is a continuous journey. We get better when we do and know better. Thus, it is very important that we set goals and plan ahead. When setting goals, it is best to try discovering how to achieve ...

Having No Self-confidence Sucks! -- MJ Busch
Having no self-confidence sucks! I know this because, as the saying goes, "been there, done that". Fortunately for me, I met a wonderful man who helped me so much with improving my self-confidence ...

3 Success Principles That You Must Follow To Be Successful -- Shawn Lim
If you want to be successful and achieve all your goals, here are the 3 success principles that can help you. Most people are living in mediocrity and fail to achieve what they want in their lives ...

Some Simple Ways To Reduce Stress -- Teddy
Keep all elements of your being healthy - spiritual, physical and emotional. If more stress comes along you'll have some breathing room. Set attainable goals and make practical choices about your ...

Finding The Motivation And Inspiration To Succeed -- Laney Lockhart
Motivation and inspiration requires cultivation on a daily basis. Individuals who are actively engaged in self-improvement activities can sometimes become overwhelmed by the vast amount of ...

A Positive Attitude Breeds Success -- Laney Lockhart
Setting goals and achieving success in your life is an ongoing process which requires commitment on a daily basis. Let’s take a look at some basic things that you can do to increase your ...

Low Self Esteem Help: Ways To Improve Confidence -- Neelima Reddy
Are you feeling down with low self esteem? Well, you should not, and you are not alone. There are a lot of people all over the world that are facing low self esteem. Because of this, there are a ...

3 Self-improvement Tips That Can Improve All Areas Of Your Life -- Adrian Hargray
When it comes to self-improvement, there are alot of things that you can do to improve that way that you feel about yourself. Self-improvements comes in a variety of forms, and all ways should be ...

Mind Power: Can Negative Thoughts Harm Your Subconscious Mind Power? -- Michelle Greene
So what exactly is a positive mental attitude? Are you born with it or do you develop it. A positive mental attitude is a way of looking at life. It’s your outlook on life. For example, instead of ...

Letting Go Of Clutter: A 3 Step Solution To Declutter Your Life -- Michelle Greene
If you’ve been running a con game with yourself – pretending things are ok, but you know deep down they’re not. If you’re worried all the balls in the air you’re juggling are going to come ...

Improving Self Confidence: 3 Surefire Strategies To Boost Your Confidence -- Michelle Greene
Have you ever wondered if there is an invisible force that affects the way you live your life? Are you aware that you can harness this power? I’m referring to self confidence and if improving self ...

How To Find Happiness That Comes From Within -- Michelle Greene
Life isn’t always a bed a roses. And regardless of your circumstances, there will be times when it appears that things just aren’t going the way you want them to. Despite the fact that you may be ...

How To Find Happiness In 7 Easy Steps -- Michelle Greene
There’s an old hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy chorus and a way of conveying the message of how to find happiness. Living a life ...

Success Tips - How To Turn A Bad Situation Into A Good One -- Viswas Mahale
Good and bad situations are part of everyone’s life. We tend to notice the bad ones more, because of their negative impact on our progress. They sometimes seem to flood our lives without letting ...

Stop Negative Thinking In 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Thinking negative thoughts never did anybody any good. Unfortunately, not everyone can stop negative thinking. Reasons for this vary. An event or a series of events could have contributed to a ...

I, Me, My, Myself, Mine and Ego -- Kari Farmer
Our thoughts have a way of making every little thing about us. Someone was rude to me so I was being mistreated or someone cut me off... How dare they cut ME off! The next time someone is rude to you ...

5 Ways To Stay Positive When Miserable People Are All Around You -- Kari Farmer
Trying to be positive and happy around miserable people can be a challenge that sometimes deserves an award just for being there. Like the day you walk into work actually excited about it and feeling ...

Coping With Panic Attacks -- Dan Sarle
Panic attacks often appear out of the blue and are usually quite frightening. It is for this reason that a person can find it difficult to cope when hit by an attack. This article endeavours to help ...

Tips For Finding Happiness -- Dan Sarle
We spend so much of our waking hours running our minds on full spin, we rarely allow our minds a seconds rest from all the hustle, bustle and stress. So many nights we find ourselves so grateful for ...

The Importance Of Easy -- Jubilo
Very often we are going after things because we feel we have to; because that's the way everyone else does it; because in the short-term, it looks good; or because we have wild hopes that are ...

How To Achieve Something Meaningful With Your Life By Setting Smart Goals -- Patricia Muldoon
If you want to achieve something meaningful in your life you are unlikely to achieve it if you do not set goals for yourself. However, just setting goals is not enough. If they are too vague or ...

Sleep Well To Feel Well -- Justin Grant
Sleeping is important to all of us because if we lack sleep, it can change how we function in our daily lives. The lack of sleep can also cause a lot of problems in the long run. Examples of the ...

Burn Out Caused By Stress -- Judy Wellsworth
Managing stress and burn out go together. Try to think about things that cause stress in life like no sleep, deadlines at work, schedule changes, relationships with family and friends, being sick, ...

Self Awareness and Mindfulness -- John Doidge
If we think carefully there are subtle differences between self awareness and mindfulness. Self awareness gives us an understanding of what we are doing, of our strengths and weaknesses, of our likes ...

Change Strategy for Success -- John Doidge
The ability of Mankind to adapt to change has made us the most successful species on this planet. Without this ability we would not have the technology and industry that we have and are continually ...

Don't Regret Past Mistakes - Embrace Them -- Ken Harness
Perhaps one of the biggest stumbling blocks in becoming successful is past regrets. Too many times we become so obsessed with all of the times in the past when we were unable to achieve our goals ...

Positive Attitude: How To Have A Positive Attitude In 7 Simple Steps -- Ken Harness
A positive attitude is very important to being sussessful and happy. Have you ever looked at people who always seem happy and enjoy life with envy and wish you could be more like them? Have you ever ...

The Powers of a Positive Attitude -- Lou Bonaventura
I am going to ask you something very unusual right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative? ...

Positive Thinking Activities: 3 Easy Ways To Make Everyday An Awesome Day -- Michael Lee
There's no better way to start your day than by participating in a few positive thinking activities. Now, most of us follow a routine in the morning. We wake up, brush our teeth, eat breakfast, ...

Inspiration - How Do You Get it? -- Anthony D Carter
When you are inspired you find it easy to do the most demanding tasks. You can plow throw your work load and hit your goals, no matter how difficult that work happens to be. But then there are other ...

Motivation Keys - 7 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself -- Anthony D Carter
Motivation is a force that you can summon at will if you use a few important keys. Here are seven ways to motivate yourself to hit your goals. 1- Keep Your Focus- Focus on what you want and not on ...

Motivation Keys - 3 Ways to Eliminate Procrastination and Consistently Get Things Done -- Anthony D Carter
Motivation sometimes gets short-circuited by our desire to procrastinate. It is so easy to respond to difficult tasks with the pat answer, "I do it later..." But it is funny how later never comes at ...

Motivation Keys - Using Affirmations For Increased Motivation -- Anthony D Carter
Affirmations can help you increase your motivation. In order to raise you motivation levels you want to improve your self talk. You will need to use positive affirmations. Affirmations can be used to ...

Motivation Advice - 6 Keys to Increased Motivation -- Anthony D Carter
Affirmations can help you increase your motivation. In order to raise you motivation levels you want to improve your self talk. You will need to use positive affirmations. Affirmations can be used to ...

Motivation Keys - 5 Rules For Increasing Your Motivation -- Anthony D Carter
ETB - Expect The Best: Maintain a positive outlook on accomplishing your objectives. See the best in every situation. This attitude helps you to be alert for opportunities. It also empowers you to ...

Motivation Advice - The Importance of Focus -- Anthony D Carter
"Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin." ~ Robert Collier Your motivation level is determined by what you choose to focus on. If you ...

Motivation Advice - 6 Keys to Motivation -- Anthony D Carter
1. Focus: Keep your attention on what you want. The tendency is to focus on the dreadful aspects of the tasks that we have to do in order get what we want. Do the opposite. Instead keep your mind ...

Motivation Keys - 5 Ways to Gain the Necessary Initiative to Go After Your Objectives -- Anthony D Carter
Initiative is the vital ingredient of motivation that you have absolute control over. When you take the initiative you launch yourself into the process of working towards your goal. "Until one is ...

Motivation Tips - Is Your Focus in the Wrong Place? -- Anthony D Carter
Motivation helps people accomplish great things. However misplaced focus can destroy that motivation. Most people lose their motivation because they mistakenly focus on these three areas: Mistakes. ...

How to Feel Even More Self-Motivated -- Alan Fairweather
I have a confession to make; I, on occasion, have felt a little de-motivated. Yes, me, the ‘Motivation Doctor,’ feels a bit lacking in motivation from time to time, just like everybody else. ...

Self-motivation Encourages Us To Plan Our Goals And Helps -- Joe Coolman
Self-motivation adds excitement and enthusiasm into our lives and helps us face boldly all forms of challenges and adversities. It is a positive driving force to improve the quality of our own lives ...

Simple Methods To Improve Your Appearance -- Meera Puri
As looks are not almost everything, there are instances in life that you might need to improve your look. You might be looking to get a fresh job or get on the dating scene once again. You might also ...

10 Business Motivation Rules You Must Know -- Mark Bing
Business motivation is about motivating employees and customers alike. According to a recent research, those organizations which are successful look after the emotional well-being of their employees ...

Five Ways to Be Positive When You Know Your Life Sucks -- Karan Kapoor
Thinking negative all the time will make you feel worse, and brings you nothing but more problems into your life. Here are some Tips and strategies to help you stay positive. 1- Be Grateful - Being ...

A Brief Guide To Self Improvement -- Roberto Bell
Would you like to get a promotion? Or maybe you want to transfer jobs or even change careers? Would you like to take up a new interest or hobby? Whatever it is you are planning to do on the personal ...

Goal Setting Tips - How to Assign Priorities to Your Goals -- Roger Clark
Writing down a list with your goals is the first step to achieving them. If you don't know where to start, it will be easier for you to fit your goals into five categories, each category being ...

Goal Setting Tips - Do You Have the Resources to Achieve Your Goals? -- Roger Clark
Undoubtedly you will need resources to achieve you goals. Probably money is the first thing that comes into your mind when you hear the word 'resource'. You are right, there are very few ...

How To Become An Inspiration -- Kevin Ngo
One of the best ways to become an inspiration is by achieving your own goals. How many times have you watched a show or read about someone’s life, their struggles and triumph, and became inspired ...

3 Tips To Increase Your Motivation -- Kevin Ngo
If you want to achieve a goal or a make a dream a reality, then what you need to do is figure out what steps to take and take them. It sounds easy but the fact is that most people fail to accomplish ...

How to Develop Will Power in 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
It was Mahatma Ghandi who said, "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will." And for someone who has gotten the attention of the whole world for his sheer will, ...

Weapons of Influence - 3 Powerful Tools to Persuade and Influence Anyone -- Michael Lee
Weapons of influence are amazing tactics of persuasion. These are not just random strategies to a person's mind. The human psyche is a very interesting thing. If you study it well enough, ...

Persuasion Skills - How to Influence People Using the Power of Persuasion -- Michael Lee
Everyone needs persuasion skills - from the mom who wants her son to eat vegetables, to the son who wants a bike from his dad, to the dad who wants a raise from his boss and so on. You too must have ...

Don't Focus On The Small Stuff -- Kevin Ngo
What bugs you? Think about the small stuff that just irritates you for some reason. Are you someone who easily gets angered or someone who rarely gets angry? How do you react when someone cuts you ...

Motivation To Take Action -- Kevin Ngo
One of the things that can stop people from achieving their goals is the lack of motivation. This can be caused by many different things but what really matters isn't your reason as to why you ...

3 Tips To Increase Your Motivation -- Kevin Ngo
If you want to achieve a goal or a make a dream a reality, then what you need to do is figure out what steps to take and take them. It sounds easy but the fact is that most people fail to accomplish ...

Nothing Will Happen Until You Take Action -- Sharon Boggs
“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they ...

Success Is The Journey -- Richard Macalintal
Have you ever wondered why lots of mountaineers are dying to reach the peak of whatever mountains they climb? If you will notice, these mountaineers are those people who can afford in life, meaning ...

Life Is Unfair, Accept It And Move On -- Richard Macalintal
There are times in our life, that we may feel we are left alone and being pushed hard by whatever circumstances in life. For some, they use this moment to make them stronger, wiser and better person. ...

Self -Defeating Ways of Coping With Traumatic Events -- Michael Sanjaya
As supposedly mature adults, how do we cope with traumatic events? Our responses can be termed "coping mechanism", and the strategies or tactics we can use be either self-defeating or effective. So, ...

Stress Management - Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself -- Michael Sanjaya
Everybody needs to work in order to survive. We all need food, shelter and clothing. But some people are not contented enough of what they have. Such manner would give them the tendency to work even ...

Tips on How to Make Your Life Stress-Free -- Michael Sanjaya
Stress is one of the major problems that many people are going through nowadays. Despite the advancement of our technology we have these days; stress is still there to keep you from doing things that ...

Easy Ways to Fight Killer Stress -- Michael Sanjaya
Stress is a stimulator. It is actually good for us to keep us going. But when it is too much, then it is bad for your health. Keep in mind that being healthy is what keeps us going all throughout the ...

How to Motivate Yourself All the Way to Success -- Michael Sanjaya
Motivation is one strong word. And it is the one thing that most people lack when it comes to wanting success. Now if you ask yourself what motivates you the most, what could be your answer? Is it ...

Self Motivation Starts With Developing a Positive Attitude - Tips for Thinking More Positively -- Ben Frank Jr
Do you have goals, dreams, and aspirations? Sure, most of us do. Some individuals have much clearer goals than others, but essentially everyone wants to achieve more in their lives. But many people ...

5 Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem -- Tashirah Ali
Low self-esteem occurs when we have a poor self-image of ourselves. We look at ourselves in the mirror and have nothing positive to say. This is a vicious cycle because what feeds your low ...

Charm - The Lost Art -- Jovita Orais
Charm can't be confined in any rule or particular set of actions. Charm lies in being yourself- your best self. It lies in complete naturalness. Charm is the next best asset after looks and ...

Everyone Should Learn How To Deal With Anger -- Les Hutchinson
If we are really honest with ourselves there have been quite a few occasions in our lives when we have been angry. Just looking around at the world we can see anger is quite a common emotion. Walk ...

Letting Go Of Regret - Learning From Your Mistakes Positively -- Clayton Vincent
You need to stop living your life having regrets for things in your past. Constantly thinking about events from your past that you aren't proud of, mistakes you may have made in your ...

There Is Always Light At The End Of The Tunnel -- Jimm Yim
Are you trapped in a dimly lighted endless tunnel with no windows and no sight of an exit? There is nobody around but yourself. Sinking deep into depression and there seem to be no hope to get out of ...

Action, The Only Key to all your doors in life -- Jimm Yim
Before we go into more details, there is a question I would like to ask you. Do you have anybody in your circle of friends whom you think is smart and is capable of achieving big things in life but ...

How to Set Goals -- Ange
When it comes to achieving their goals most people struggle in two key areas: they don't know what they want (their dream) and they don't know how to take their dream and turn it into ...

Low Self-Esteem - Tips For Developing Performance Confidence -- Hank Daly
Having confidence in your performance is a big advantage for getting ahead in life. This article offers some tips on improving your confidence. Self confidence is a bit of a misnomer. If you were to ...

Beat Depression by Raising Your Self-Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
If you have low self-esteem you are more prone to becoming depressed. To beat depression you have to raise your self-esteem. People with low self-esteem more easily and more often become depressed ...

Overcome Anxiety by Building High Self-esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
People with low self-esteem spend more of their thoughts on worries compared to people with high self-esteem. Worrying too much is not only tiring and depressing, it also prevents you from taking ...

Improve Your Self Esteem - The One Most Important Tip to Get Started -- Paul Heaton
Self-esteem is based on actually liking yourself for who you are and what you can do. It is not about being conceited or thinking too well of yourself. Self-esteem has everything to do with how you ...

Self Esteem - Top 5 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem Quickly -- Paul Heaton
If you suffer from low self esteem, then hopefully this article will be helpful to you. The truth is that most people feel the effects of low self-esteem from time to time during their lives. Low ...

A Worry Cure to Gain Confidence by Understanding Reality -- John Doidge
There are a fair few courses around on self help. One I have become aware of covers confidence, self esteem and shyness with the angle of how to overcome worrying what people think of you. Does any ...

Changing Habits to Change Your Way of Life -- John Doidge
What is a habit? We all know it is automatic behaviour without the need for thought, and changing habits is not easy. But are there not varying degrees of habit? Some are small and really have little ...

How to Overcome Shyness -- John Doidge
Firstly, what is shyness? One definition is a feeling of the fear of embarrassment. Perhaps more fully it can be defined as a feeling of apprehension or awkwardness experienced when a person is in ...

Create, Don't Compete -- Kelli Cooper
One of the biggest roadblocks to achieving our dreams and doing what we truly want is the tendency to think competitively rather than creatively. We have the power to create the exact lives we desire ...

Maintaining Positive Energy - Refrain From Negative Speak -- Kelli Cooper
We all know what a difference a mood makes. When we are feeling good, problems do not seem so bad, we focus on the good and everything just seems to flow better. When we are feeling bad, we focus on ...

Bad Habits - Break Them from Your Daily Life -- Sharon Clara
We all have our own habits. These habits will have different impact to our life. Some habits are good habits, which may do well and help us to be a better person. Some are harmless but annoying-these ...

Simple Activities That Promote Self-esteem Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Success -- Les Hutchinson
With all the busyness of life that confronts you on a daily basis, it is important to also make time for including activities that promote self-esteem. How you feel about yourself is crucial to ...

Success Tips -- Aniekan Udodong
There are certain trains and personal values common to great people. No one can claim to have the monopoly of these trains, because they are values that can be learned and adapted by a willing mind. ...

Motivation Is The Key To Success In Each Of Our Lives -- Aniekan Udodong
Motivation is the key to success in each of our lives. While success is something that is relatively personal, and means something different to everyone, the ultimate goal of success is to achieve a ...

Strengths And Weaknesses Are To Make You Realize Your Full Potential -- Stephen shares
We all have our strengths and weaknesses but did you know that the average person has a little over 300 capabilities? Research has proved that most people never live to discover their full potential. ...

Help For Panic Attacks - 5 Ways To Quickly Help Someone Having A Panic Attack -- Deborah R.
If you are with someone who begins to experience a panic attack and you have never had nor witnessed one before, it can be almost as scary and disconcerting for you as for the person having the ...

Anxiety Attack Remedy - 10 Simple Tricks To Create A Diversion And Avoid A Full-blown Attack -- Deborah R.
An anxiety attack is generally experienced as a sudden episode of heightened fear, alarm, and discomfort. When these feelings are accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain, ...

How To Relief Stress When Faced With Challenges In Life -- Stephen shares
The myriad of issues facing us constantly mean we find a good avenue to relief stress. We live a life full of surprises, happy moments as well as challenges. The hope for better prospects keeps us ...

Using Visualization To Change Your Life -- Royane Real
Visualization is a very hot topic these days. Part of the reason that visualization is so popular is because there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that by use of visualization, we can improve in ...

Stop Failing In Your Goals And Projects -- alternative-healing.ws
How many times have you started a project and shortly after given up due to lost motivation? To stay on track and follow through to a set goal takes a huge amount of self motivation. Although ...

Dealing With Stress - Ways to Effective Stress Management -- Clay Vincent
Dealing with stress is something that everyone has to deal with, usually on a daily basis. It's important to realize that you have to have an outlet for symptoms that stress causes. You know what ...

A Few Tips On How To Improve Your Self Esteem -- Les Hutchinson
Most people have gone through it at one time or another: That drop in confidence, the feeling that you do not quite measure up, or just an overall feeling that you do not have much to offer or that ...

A Few Ways To Build Your Self Confidence -- Les Hutchinson
There are many exercises that you can do to build your self confidence. Some confidence building exercises you can do are fairly easy. Most people use confidence building exercises in a positive way, ...

10 Simple Ideas To Keep You Motivated -- bigbetterbox.com
Sometimes we all need a little push in life. Whether we're itching to pursue the dreams we've held in our heart since childhood or we simply need the willingness to tackle mundane chores, we ...

Positive Thinking Attitude - It's Like A Cash Magnet! -- Bob Veal
Two things will change your future - something you do for yourself, or a lottery win. If you're waiting around for the lottery win, chances are you're going to end up disappointed and broke! ...

Positive Thinking Tips - Don't Worry, Nothing Can Stop You -- Bob Veal
Are you a believer in positive thinking? Or maybe you're a bit of a skeptic, but you are open-minded and prepared to try new ideas in the search for a better life? Maybe you're just good and ...

Do not Judge -- Nancy Wangome
No one is perfect. Am going to say that again for it to sink into your heart and mine as well because even though we say it quite often we do not believe it: no one is perfect. We say no one is ...

Do You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- Dick Aronson
Chronic fatigue syndrome, sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a complicated disorder characterized by debilitating fatigue that does not improve with bed rest and may worsen with physical ...

How To Get Things Done Fast In 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Want to learn how to get things done fast? Let's face it. Sometimes, we just end up stalling when it comes to chores or deadlines. A little bit of procrastination isn't a big deal but we ...

Automatic Negative Thoughts: How To Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts In 3 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Automatic negative thoughts can cause serious damage to your confidence and your decision making skills. They can keep you from doing the things you've always wanted to do and from saying the ...

Why Improving Yourself? -- Shaun Samuel
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that someone ...

Think Positive When You Reach Your Lowest Point -- Shaun Samuel
We all face problems or hurdles as we travel along the road of life, this article gives my viewpoint on how to deal with these issues. I have personally taken inspiration from my favourite football ...

Positive Affirmations For Self-Esteem: 3 Powerful Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence -- Michael Lee
Using positive affirmations for self-esteem is a great exercise for self-development. Words always have a powerful effect on people. They can help you achieve your goals and can bring you massive ...

How To Stay Motivated In Life: 5 Motivational Tips That Work Like A Charm -- Michael Lee
Learning how to stay motivated in life is very important. After all, without motivation, you'll find yourself missing a certain something. You'll be unable to make the most of your potential ...

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Today -- Charlie Bentson King
We've all had those days when it's a struggle to get motivated. Getting out of bed is hard and when we finally get to work our mind wanders and everything seems daunting. Try some of these ...

Six great motivation tips for women -- Jessica
By nature women are more caring and thoughtful then men, but the downside is that it comes with lot of mental stress. There are times when we women feel so low and demotivated. Here are five great ...

Motivation – Magical Key To Success -- Viswas Mahale
Success, the ultimate goal of your life, is within reach if you do what’s necessary to attain it. Staying on the right track and having self-confidence helps people move steadily toward success. ...

Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself -- Jay De Ocampo
Many people lose motivation and this is a major problem for them because being motivated is really important in achieving our goals and without motivation we will be dull and unproductive which is ...

5 Tips For How to Motivate Myself -- Steve A Turner
Does this sound like you? Every morning I used to wake up not knowing how to start the day. I would get up forcing myself to start doing something but for some reason I just couldn't. If I really ...

The Movement of Motivation -- Steve A Turner
How to motivate yourself is often described as something we either have or do not have. In reality we are motivated in different degrees and different ways for each and every aspect of our lives. We ...

Self Esteem - How to Earn it Back in Difficult Situations -- Darius Raeisi
Self esteem they say is like a fragile blossom - no one can give it back to you once it is gone. It is the most important thing that you have an ownership on. The more you have a respect for ...

How to Help Your Friend With Her Lack of Confidence and Low Self Esteem Issues -- Adalia John
It's girls night out and you and your best friend are ready for a night of magic and fun. A night of laughter, of great conversations and all the usual stuff that girls do when they enjoy each ...

5 Tips For Overcoming Shyness -- Trevor Johnson
Shyness can be really awkward. It can stop you from doing things in life that you'd really enjoy if it wasn't for the fact that you're clammed up in your self protective shell. So what ...

10 Habits of Low Self-Esteem People -- Liv Miyagawa
People with low self-esteem have certain bad habits in common. By avoiding to fall into the same habits, you can optimize your chances for keeping your self-esteem high. 1. People with low ...

10 Self-Esteem Boosts -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-esteem boosts can be anything that makes you feel good about yourself. What makes you feel good about yourself varies from person to person. Here is a list of ten suggestions that you can do to ...

Feeling Down? - Maybe You Have Low Self Esteem! -- Liv Miyagawa
Have you been feeling down a lot lately? Do you know why? If there is no obvious reason, such as having had to depart from somebody that you love, you may simply be feeling down because you have low ...

How to Dare to Be Yourself -- Liv Miyagawa
People with low self-esteem often find it very difficult to be themselves. They change the way they act depending on what other people are around at the moment, and they adopt their opinions to match ...

Several Tips to Help Prevent Procrastination and Improve Motivation -- Jeremy Framer
It is common to suffer from procrastination and not doing any work when you are in fact supposed to get some sort of work done. Even though you know deep down that you have to get the work done, you ...

Motivation is the Key Ingredient to Your Life Success -- Michael C Miller
Motivation is key to success and there are no two thoughts about it. When we start out to do something, there is a motivation but as we move, our thoughts propel several excuses to counter it. In ...

How to Overcome Disappointment in 5 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Everyone needs to know how to overcome disappointment. No one is perfect and we're all bound to make mistakes at some point in our lives. However, that doesn't mean the end of everything. To ...

Solving Money Problems in 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Solving money problems can be pretty tricky if you don't have a lot of experience with financial management, or if you've never done it yourself before. However, once you understand the ...

The Law of Allowing - The Art of Allowing Yourself and Others to Succeed -- Michael Lee
The law of allowing is one crucial aspect to the path of success. It's one of the anchors of the universal laws and is basically what its namesake suggests - giving permission and accepting ...

Tips on Being Assertive - 5 Awesome Ways to Develop an Assertive Personality -- Michael Lee
There is no age limit to assertiveness. If you want to know some effective tips on being assertive, then this article is for you. Being assertive comes with a lot of perks. You become the center of ...

Personal Growth Exercises - 3 Fun Exercises to Boost Your Self-Image and Peace of Mind -- Michael Lee
Personal growth exercises are a great way to usher ourselves into a healthy and happy life. They help us see where we are right now, how far we've come along and where else we can improve ...

How to Keep Yourself Highly Motivated -- Lindelle Jones
The level of motivation is high as you first decide to incorporate changes to your life, but then as the days pass, the level of motivation begins to fall and once again you are on the brink of ...

How to Motivate Yourself and Others -- Jay G. De Ocampo
Are you the kind of person who gets motivated easily? Or you are the other types who have a hard time motivating yourself? If you're the second one better read this article because it might help ...

Re-inventing Yourself Through Self-esteem -- Roberto Sedycias
Building self-esteem can be a challenge that may seem like an uphill climb. But with the right tools strengthening self-esteem is possible. Self-esteem issues can arise from many sources, not very ...

Change Your Life - Don't Let the Negativity of Others Drag You Down -- Donna Graham
When you are working hard to achieve your goals and change your life, it is often hard to control your emotions during difficult times. Life is full of emotional distractions, especially when there ...

Confidence - 8 Things About It -- Mayodrei Esguerra
Self-confidence is a quality that is most admired by people. Who would not agree? A confident person stands out in a crowd and able to set everyone on fire. 1.) Well, being self-confident is not ...

How to Influence People Without Them Knowing -- William Torneau
Have you ever gotten into a confrontation with someone and instantly gone into battle with them, only to both walk away still feelings the same about the topic as when you walked in? Well, I'm ...

7 Positive Steps to Motivate Yourself -- Steve Goodall
Everyone needs motivation to achieve something in life and at times we look around for people who can motivate us. However, rather than expecting motivation from others, it is always better to be ...

Confidence and Respect Equals Self-Esteem -- Steve Goodall
Do you want others to see you as a confident person or a natural born leader? The simplest way of improving your reputation, or the way people think of you, requires improving your self-esteem. ...

10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Life - Now! -- Adrian Freeman
Studies show that 75% of New Year's resolutions are broken within 3 months; the majority of which have become a distant memory in a few months. If you are reading this article, chances are, you ...

Motivation - 5 Simple Ways to Keep Ourselves Motivated -- Marcus C. S. Tan
There will always be times in our lives when we feel unmotivated, and this leads to our tasks not being done, as we do not have the "push" to complete it. As humans, we tend to procrastinate, leaving ...

Temptations are Everywhere - How to Resist Them? -- JL Kah
Temptations are everywhere. The wonder drug advert. The latest gadget. The junk food in your office drawer. The buy 1 get 1 free offer. The massive 50% discount off an item. The get rich quick ...

Self-Awareness - The First Step Towards Higher Self-Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-awareness is the first step towards self-esteem because without knowing who you are you cannot love yourself. It is impossible to love something that you don't know about. The better you ...

Self-Esteem at Different Ages -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-esteem is built up throughout life. To learn to love ourselves we need to feel loved by others and shown that it is OK (and good) to express love and respect towards ourselves. We need ...

Continued Higher Self-Esteem For Those Who Already Have High Self-Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-esteem is like vitamins. Even though you have a high level of vitamins in your body today, it doesn't mean that you will always continue to have it if you stop taking in new vitamins. You ...

Self-Esteem is Not Just a Personal Matter -- Liv Miyagawa
Self-esteem is the relationship that you have with yourself, your sense of personal worth. Self-esteem might therefore seem like a totally private issue. However, your self-esteem affects not only ...

Manage Stress, Don't Let it Mess Up Your Life -- JL Kah
Life is full of challenges, deadlines and demands. It is no wonder then that stress has become commonplace. When you are stressed, you may feel anything from moody, irritable, lousy, edgy, restless, ...

9 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Day -- JL Kah
Often we start a new day not knowing how the day will turn out to be. It doesn't have to be like that. You can decide how you would like the day to be. Take over the steering wheel. Drive towards ...

9 Good Reasons Why You Should Quit Feeling Hurt -- JL Kah
Have you been hurt? Over the behavior of someone closed to you? Over not being invited to a party? Over insensitive remarks made on you? Over your efforts not being recognized? Over your gesture of ...

Aristotle's One-Word Secret on the Meaning of Life -- Clare Josa
Philosophers have spent thousands of years, musing on the meaning of life. Psychologists have theorised and written many a book about it. Management consultants have tried to quantify it. Even as ...

10 Universal Laws About Life's Toughest Times -- Clare Josa
When life gets tough, it can be tempting to turn and run. But that's not really a choice we have. So here are 10 Universal Laws about the tough times in life, to inspire you to keep going and ...

Truth Hurts - Or is Honesty the Best Policy? Which Choice Will Make You Happier? -- Clare Josa
With such contradicting messages coming at us since childhood, how are we supposed to know whether the truth really hurts - or is honest really the best policy? It's a tough choice and the ...

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Someone's Day -- Clare Josa
When we think about making someone's day, the first thing that comes to mind is buying a massive present. Yet that is only one way to help them feel happier. Here are five sure-fire ways to make ...

How to Turn Difficult People Into Your Greatest Gifts -- Clare Josa
All of us know at least one person we would class as 'difficult'. And dealing with them can lead to miscommunication, irritation and even stress, resentment and anger. Yet there are some ...

Fed Up of Being Too Scared to Make Changes? -- Clare Josa
Have you ever wondered why so many of us go along putting up with things we don't like about our life, but doing nothing about it? You see it all the time. "I hate my job," says a friend, "but ...

9 Good Reasons Why You Must Never Give Up on the Things That Matter -- JL Kah
Whether you are pursuing a course of study, wooing somebody, hunting for a job or starting something new and no matter who you are, how long you have lived and where you are at your life station, if ...

Attitude Plus Aptitude Equals Altitude -- Joel Williams
The surge of unemployment affects a huge majority of people today. Who knows where the blame lies, except to say we are on the verge of a major change. And people in general do not adapt to change ...

The Best Learning Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone -- Delores Mason
Who doesn’t like comfort? It’s…well…comfortable. And comfort certainly has its good points: safety, security, familiarity, no surprises. That’s the best place to be when you need time to ...

Build Self-confidence Through Self-awareness -- Delores Mason
Intuitively you know that self-confidence is a desired trait to possess. You may have heard the words, “you just need to develop some self-confidence” directed at you when you were younger, so ...

Changing Bad Habits - 3 Simple Tips to Break Bad Habits For Good -- Michael Lee
Changing bad habits is the first step to self-improvement. However, it can also be one of the most challenging things to do. Habits, especially bad ones, are hard to break. We've become too used ...

Setting Clear Goals in 1 Hour Or Less -- Anthony D Carter
Goals determine your level of success. People who have goals lead more successful lives and achieve more than people who have none. However, for some of us the process of setting goals seem to be too ...

Setting Goals - Is it Really All That Important? -- Anthony D Carter
Setting goals is sometimes hard to do. We might struggle with them. It might mean giving up some things that we might feel we aren't just yet ready to give up. It might mean that we have to step ...

Overcoming a Lack of Motivation -- Mankani Senthil
Overcoming a Lack of Motivation is the first step to success. When we understand our emotions well we can easily overcome the feeling of lack. When we learn to spot where and when we lose confidence ...

How to Improve Upon Your Positive Attitude -- Mankani Senthil
A positive attitude influences your life dramatically. It helps you face your life situations with optimism and confidence. Following the simple tips given below will help you master your attitude. ...

Frequently Asked Questions of Motivation -- Mateo Martins
There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty when it comes to the best way to motivate yourself. This is mainly due to all the gurus and self help organizations constantly claiming to have found the ...

How to Motivate Yourself and Others to Achieve Success -- Colette Morris
It's not about others; it's about you winning, and winning over yourself. By doing so, you will provide inspiration and encouragement to all around you. To be an inspiration to others you ...

Let Go - Move Into Change -- Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
The well known expression, 'let go,' is commonly used to remind oneself or others to 'let go,' or release, as from one's grip, 'no longer hold onto' something. Have you ...

Power of Positive Attitude - Why Having a Positive Attitude is Vital to Successful Living -- Michael Lee
Never underestimate the power of positive attitude. A person with a more amiable disposition is more likely to succeed than a person with a sour face on 24 hours a day. And while we can't be ...

Self-Development Skills: 3 Helpful Tips To Enhance Your Self-Development Skills -- Michael Lee
We are all equipped with self-development skills. The only difference is that not all of us choose to make the most of them, which is actually very unfortunate. The moment you start thinking that ...

6 Confidence Building Exercises -- Kelvin Kuang
Confidence building exercises are not only helps in academics and jobs but also in strengthening human bonds, relationships and to live a good and healthy social life. We know that confidence is a ...

Improving Self Confidence - 6 Tips to Help You Improve Self Confidence -- Kelvin Kuang
Why improving self confidence is so important to you? I believe it is because of low self confidence make you feel like you are weak in every aspect, from physically, mentally to emotionally. You ...

Six Great Ways to Fight Work Stress -- Dion Daly
If you've discovered your perfect career, you may still come across stress at work from time to time, all because of the simple reason that everything in life doesn't always go according to ...

Six Great Tips For Creating Balance in Your Life -- Dion Daly
You all have experienced a period in your life where you have felt out of control and imbalanced. It is perfectly natural! But how can you attain a balance in these chaotic periods? If you can ...

Seven Great Ways to Cope With Your Anger -- Dion Daly
Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced way of thinking is important to a stress free lifestyle. But frequently, as with most people, anger gets the better of you and forces you to make rushed decisions ...

Make Your Life Better With Positive Self-Talk -- Dion Daly
The way you feel about yourself makes a really big difference in how you think about yourself. The thing is you can keep away from feeling down, or troubled if you know what to say to yourself and ...

Overcoming a Lack of Motivation -- Mankani Senthil
Overcoming a Lack of Motivation is the first step to success. When we understand our emotions well we can easily overcome the feeling of lack. When we learn to spot where and when we lose confidence ...

Overcoming Social Anxiety in 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Overcoming social anxiety is a big step in every person's life. It's not something that happens overnight, but it's not something that will take forever to happen either. The time it ...

Wealth Mindset - 3 Helpful Tips to Attract More Wealth Into Your Life -- Michael Lee
Having a wealth mindset can bring you lots of good fortune. After all, what the mind thinks, reality creates. Before you go on dismissing this concept, why don't you give it a try? What do you ...

How to Develop Communication Skills - 3 Great Tips to Communicate Effectively With Anyone -- Michael Lee
Learning how to develop communication skills is very important. It isn't only handy for your professional life, it's also very useful for your personal life. How many times have couples ...

How to Make People Happy - 5 Happiness Tips That Make People Feel Awesome -- Michael Lee
It's about time we learn how to make people happy. Who says the world has to live under gray skies all the time? Besides, we need a bit of cheering up. And the world will definitely become a ...

How to Inspire People - 3 Useful Tips to Ignite the Inspiration in Anyone -- Michael Lee
If you want to know how to inspire people, perhaps you should take a look at those who inspire you the most. Thankfully, there's no shortage of that here. There are a lot of amazing individuals ...

Overcoming Fear of Success - 3 Amazing Tips to Conquer Fear of Success and Enjoy It -- Michael Lee
Everyone has heard of the fear of failure, but what is this article overcoming fear of success all about? Why would anyone fear success in the first place? Surprising as it sounds, there are quite a ...

If You Find It Difficult To Raise Your Self-Esteem, There Is Only One Reason! -- Liv Miyagawa
If you are finding it difficult to raise your self-esteem, there is only one possible reason. The reason is that you don't want to get a higher self-esteem enough. This may sound strange to you ...

Celebrate To Raise Your Self-Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
As a self-esteem coach I always recommend my clients to celebrate! Celebration is an important and fun way to raise your self-esteem. Why is celebrating good for my self-esteem? When you celebrate ...

Are You Afraid Of Self-Esteem? -- Liv Miyagawa
As crazy as it might sound, some people are afraid of raising their self-esteem. These are the people who consciously know that they want to get a higher self-esteem and they try to raise their ...

Achieve Your Dreams With These 5 Steps -- Anthony D Carter
Achievement of your dream can be a daunting task. It seems difficult to determine where you should start. Once you are started it is difficult to recognize when you have gotten off track. There are ...

Purpose Of Life & Happiness - 10 Tips On How To Achieve Them -- HyunSoung Kim
The humans were clean and living how they should have lived only on the first days when the universe was created. Right after the mistake by Adam and Eve, people started to live through the easier ...

Positive Questions - Positive Questions That Lead To A Successful Life -- HyunSoung Kim
At the present time in this world, the majority of people are being negative. Even if it is not in their will and they don't want to be like that, in the end their negative side unfortunately ...

10 Important Motivational Questions, Wisely Answered ? -- Don
Walk Tall and Bounce like a Ball, for then you will not Fall. I often see myself as somewhat satisfied, with my life the way it is, however it's difficult to think of anything else, when there ...

Know Your Personal Needs -- Liv Miyagawa
Do you know what your unique personal needs are? By personal needs I don't mean needs such as food, water and oxygen. I mean the needs that are specific to you but not necessarily to other ...

What Is Self-Esteem Was A Verb? -- Liv Miyagawa
Steven Covey, author of "7 habits of highly effective people" and many other best-sellers, rightly points out that "love" is a verb, not only a noun. He writes that people often complain that "there ...

Why the Law of Attraction Will Not Help You Achieve Your Goals Unless You Obey the 4 Laws of Action -- Karim Ismail
Do you think you can you really just think and grow rich? Well, you're in for a rude awakening. I am sure that even Napoleon Hill would agree with me that you cannot merely think and grow rich. ...

It Doesn't Have to Be Difficult to Raise Your Self Esteem -- Liv Miyagawa
Raising your self-esteem doesn't have to be difficult.Sometimes I hear people blame all their misfortunes on their low self-esteem as if self-esteem is a fatal disease that you cannot escape from ...

5 Undeniable Benefits Of A Positive Mental Attitude -- T. J. Philpott
A positive mental attitude is one of the most critical links we have between our success and happiness. In fact it would be fair to say that without a positive attitude it would be difficult to ...

5 Steps To Change Life By Making A 100% Commitment -- Beth Tabak
"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it." Mack R. Dougla Imagine a wedding planner 75% committed to planning your wedding, an author 65% committed to writing a ...

Building Confidence~ Be A Rebel During Questionable Times -- Beth Tabak
"In uncertain times go against the norm. Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open to the opportunities and choices surrounding you. Get creative. Take new actions. Be courageous. Adjust. Trust. Know that ...

Procrastination- 4 Essentials To Break Through -- Beth Tabak
“I have learned that most regrets come from the things I DIDN’T do. I have learned that regret lasts forever.” Simply Brilliant Procrastination- putting off what you can do today until ...

Be Worry-free: Stop Worrying Achieve More -- Beth Tabak
A worry-free person rises to a state of trust in being able to handle whatever shows up. Relaxed people may be cautious or concerned but choose to focus on problem-prevention or problem-solving ...

Motivation- Get The Daily Dose That Keeps You On Fire -- Beth Tabak
"One of the strongest characteristics of genius is the power of lighting its own fire." John W. Foster If that's the case we each have the ability to manifest the genius within. Motivation seems ...

Build Your Self Esteem, A Begginer Guide to Self Improvement -- TheSuccess-Principles.com
So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement. Imagine yourself as a Dart Board. ...

5 Ways Goal Setting Can Improve Your Life -- Kate Irwin
Setting goals is one of those things we fully intend to do, but never quite get round to. However if you realise just how much your life could be improved by this one simple task, you would make the ...

Becoming More Assertive -- Kate Irwin
Becoming more assertive can improve your self confidence, self esteem and life balance. Assertiveness is being able to express your opinions, needs and desires clearly and openly, respecting your ...

Self Acceptance -- Kate Irwin
It isn’t always easy to accept who or what we are. We all like to imagine ourselves through the lens of an ideal type rather than picturing our flaws and weaknesses. Of course, the truth is, ...

Top Ten Tips To Help You Develop And Maintain A Positive Mental Attitude -- Rodolfo Costa
Here are ten tips to help you maintain and develop a positive mental attitude. 1. Stay away from negative and pessimistic people. 2. Stop whining, complaining and blaming others for your mistakes, ...

Directed Self-Confidence -- Peter Fisher
Did you know you can have high self-confidence? Many of us don't believe that we can have self-confidence and go through life feeling that we are just 'not good enough', or worse still ...

Fears and Phobias Defined -- Peter Fisher
Phobias are the most common psychiatric illness among women of all ages, and the second most common illness among men older than 25. Phobias are thought to be caused by a combination of biological ...

3 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Your Talent -- Roxana Nunez
Do you have a dream or a wish you are afraid to try? Do you have a hidden talent that you have abandoned feeling you are not good enough? What is it going to take for you to start? Many people have ...

Persistence..the Number One Secret Of Being Successful -- Frederick Brooker
If you strongly wish to succeed with anything in life, being persistent is almost always vital to that success. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in business, sporting activity or social life, ...

Re: Do You Use Sarcasm? Don't! It's Deadly... and the User? He's an Adult Bully! -- Brad McSarcastic
Dear Mary... What you wrote here in the blog is very inspiring and very very true. I always knew my constant use of sarcasm was some sort of defense mechanism and I knew that I am a very sensitive ...

How to Treat Panic Attacks That Attack Without Permission -- Eyal Mizrachi
Fear and anxiety are the underlying feelings that bring on stressful panic attacks. Sure there is the medication route on how to treat panic attacks but such medication in itself does not ultimately ...

Bored and Lonely? What to Do -- Peter Murphy
Yesterday I met a friend of a friend. Jane is an intelligent, interesting woman with her own business and an adventurous nature. She travels a lot, has a positive outlook on life and enjoys learning ...

How To Get Self Confidence Help -- howtogetmoreconfidence.com
Self confidence is a major issue with people today. Having confidence in yourself is a huge factor in what kind of relationships you have, what kind of job you can get, or anything else in life. It ...

How To Increase Your Motivation - A List Of Easy Techniques -- Stuart D
Look back on your life. Can you remember two or three times when you felt amazing? At a couple of points during your life there will have been times when it has felt incredible to be alive. Think ...

5 Fundamental Tools to Increase Your Motivation -- Stuart D
How do I increase my motivation? Look back on your life. Can you remember two or three times when you felt amazing? At a couple of points during your life there will have been times when it has felt ...

Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence -- Ricardo Peixe
The connection between self-esteem and self-confidence is well documented and it is studied for a long time. Some experts believe that the two concepts are basically the same, while others include ...

Steps to Building Your Self Confidence -- Neil Howards
Having self-confidence is a vital part of every facet of our lives. When an individual loses self-confidence in one area of their life it will spill over to other areas in their life. This will cause ...

Self Esteem Lesson Plans -- Ian K Lewis
Having a good self esteem is essential to the overall development of a person. The way someone values himself directly affects his daily tasks and performance, whether it is in the academic or ...

Goal Setting - 5 Tips For Successfully Hitting Your Goals -- Anthony D Carter
In successful goal setting and goal achievement you should keep certain pointers in mind. Here are 5 tips to help you hit your goals. Pick the right one. Be certain that you choose the right goal. ...

Motivation Through Challenge -- Neena Dayal
Motivation is the driving force to do anything in life. Different people feel motivated by different things. Therefore, the factors resulting in sufficient motivation are as diverse as there are ...

Motivation, The Heart And Soul Of Self Improvement -- TheSuccess-Principles.com
Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated ...

7 Creative Ways to Get and Stay Motivated -- Stephanie Treasure
1) Get rid of clutter! The Feng Shui practitioners and enthusiasts have always warned about the dangers of clutter in your life. Feelings of confusion, sluggishness and overwhelm all tend to creep ...

The Five Worst Things For Self Motivation - Avoid These Mistakes! -- Kim Brevard
There's an art to self motivation. Motivational speakers give us many techniques for self improvement, and they all work while we're at the seminar, reading the book, or watching the DVD. But ...

Top 10 Tips For Beating Shyness -- Edward Smith
Being shy might make dating seem impossibly daunting. If you're shy, you may find it difficult to imagine how you'll be noticed when you feel that you cannot communicate with anyone, let ...

How to Experience Self-Esteem Success Today! -- Dr. Angela Massey
Imagine a water pitcher filled to almost overflowing. Now, see yourself pouring a glass of water from that pitcher. Make sure the glass, like the pitcher, is full. The water pitcher represents what I ...

How Accepting a Compliment Graciously Can Improve Your Confidence -- Kate Irwin
Being able to give and accept compliments is a key part of building your confidence. So really think about it again, think about a time when somebody complimented you, whether it be on your ...

7 Positive Steps For Building Your Self Esteem -- Steve Goodall Steve Goodall
Are you dying to establish a reputation of yourself in everybody else's mind? Well the simplest way of improving your reputation involves improving your self-esteem. Remember others will think ...

Managing anxiety and stage fear -- Piyush Bhatia
Anxiety and stage fear are the most common phenomenon that you should learn to control. Most of the fear comes before you proceed towards the stage. Once you are up there, the fear generally ...

Get More When You Live With Less -- JL Kah
Many of us are probably guilty of these. We keep the clothes that we no longer wear, bags that we no longer carry, shoes that we have long forgotten, toys that our children have outgrown, books and ...

How to Cure Procrastination - 3 Powerful Ways to Stop Procrastination and Take Action -- Michael Lee
Knowing how to cure procrastination might not seem like such a big priority, but procrastinating does have the potential to make life more difficult for you. You may not see it that way now as you ...

Obstacles Are Opportunities In Disguise -- Albert Mensah
If you wanted to you could find hundreds of obstacles for every successful path. Obstacles are easy to spot. When we feel afraid or are on the defensive we look for obstacles and challenges that will ...

Learning The Formula To Your Success -- Albert Mensah
Are you going to be successful in life? That always seems to be the popular question when talking to students in middle school and high school. What is success, anyway? What does it mean? Is a person ...

How To Turn obstacles Into Opportunities -- Albert Mensah
“If only…if only…” How many times have you felt that you could have been something great? How many times have you felt you could have accomplished something extraordinary “if only…” If ...

You Are Never Too Old To Dream A New Dream -- Albert Mensah
You are never too old to dream a new dream. Isn’t that a beautiful statement? Indeed, the thought of growing older is never appealing. Not only do we feel bad over the physical changes that take ...

When Good Is Not Good Enough -- Albert Mensah
When is good not good enough? We usually think of such an expression in a negative light. We might think of a parent pushing his or her child to achieve greatness. We might also think of a company ...

If You Don't Like What You Are Seeing, It's Time To Change Your Lenses -- JL KAH
Try this. Look at an object. Briefly register the image. Now, grab a pair of glasses and look at the same object. Do you see the same image? Most probably, the object will appear sharper or less ...

The 3 Keys to Self Improvement and Motivation -- Kristin Hutchings
Most people want to improve themselves in some way, whether it is to lose weight or give up smoking or increase their confidence. Self-improvement is something that we carry out over a life time, but ...

Building Self Confidence - Simple Ways to Build Your Self Confidence -- Tom Ofori
Self confidence is that positive feeling that one can achieve what he or she wants. It is always subjective upon a persons, perception. To others, the more confidence one has, the more likely he will ...

Motivation - Simple Steps to Keep Yourself Motivated at Work -- A. J. Sanders
Knowing how to encourage yourself to keep motivated at your job or maintaining your employees motivated by seeing you motivated to do their job is not an easy task. This is an ongoing challenge that ...

Staying Calm During Times That Are Stressful -- Jeff Douglas
How can we achieve well being and stay balanced during times of stress? Is there a way of remaining calm and not falling victim to the world around us? Can we escape depression, fear and other ...

How to Have a New Year Free of Stress -- Elsabe Smit
At the time of writing this article, the year 2010 is just over 6 weeks away. That will be the beginning of a new decade. It feels like yesterday when we were celebrating the new millennium and the ...

You Cannot See the Picture When You Are in the Frame -- Elsabe Smit
Have you ever had one of those experiences where you ask yourself "Why have things gone so wrong for me? What have I done to deserve this?" I have had many of them over the years. When I was still a ...

Positive Thinking Techniques - Unleash the Power of Positive Thinking in 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Using positive thinking techniques will greatly improve the way you handle situations, the way you interact with other people and the way you live every single day of your existence. You might wonder ...

How To Gain Confidence - Confidence Can Be Learned -- Doctor K
Confidence is one of the most powerful assets you have. You could be incredibly skilled and talented, but without confidence in your abilities, you will never use your full potential. But the sad ...

How To Develop Confidence In Yourself -- Abhishek Agarwal
If we always trusted in what people would have us believe, then we are right on course to eternal damnation. Now a days, it is hardly ever noticed that people with whom we are communicating have ...

Success - Getting Less Help From Others Or Getting Less Help From Yourself -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
No need to be like superman. Yes, with your simple desire to lead a good life you can do things within your reach. No need to ambition things beyond your ability. Be always practical, realistic or ...

Start the Year Right by Doing Things Right -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
A lowly caterpillar now a magnificent butterfly! Well, it has transformed. You, too, can do the same. Yes, if in the previous years you were lazy or coward or plain dumb, why not change your world ...

Never Allow Obstacles To Threaten Your Big Dream! -- Amy Twain
Oftentimes, they can feel utterly overwhelming—those obstacles that come between you and and your big dream. By taking a better view and trying to understand precisely what they are, you could now ...

How to Raise Self-Esteem in Others -- Liv Miyagawa
How to Raise Self-Esteem in Others Is there somebody in your life that you would like to help by raising their self-esteem? A teenager? Your husband or wife? A friend? Helping them to raise their ...

How to Feel Motivated -- Lee Joe
Ever had the feeling of waking up feeling lousy? A voice in your head is telling you not to do any work that day. It's telling you that it is alright to rest that day. Then you don't feel ...

Types of Motivation For a Better You -- Paul D Johnson
The 2 Types of Motivation Do you feel like everything is in a mix with you? Do you feel disturbed and troubled? Are you finding it difficult to focus on your work? If you're getting side tracked ...

How To Be Genuinely Happy -- Chelsea Simpsons
Life isn’t the sweetest candy. Sometimes, when I feel like the world is just too heavy, I look around and find people who continued to live fascinating and wonderful lives. And then thoughts come ...

Positive Attitude Can Change The World Around You -- Chelsea Simpsons
I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative? ...
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