Few of us take the time to fully evaluate how we feel about ourselves and the impact those feelings can have on our lives. But doing this is the first step in getting self esteem help, which can then ...
3 Ways to Help You Get Rid of Your Shyness -- Taha A Mirza
Ah, shyness. The bane of our social existence. Shyness, or social anxiety as the more serious cases are called, is usually all that is separating the smarter, brooding type of person from mingling ...
Fear Of Criticism - 7 Steps To Beat It Once And For All -- Robert N Jones - Rhodri Jones
Fear of criticism is like kryptonite to any budding sports star, business person, leader, or entrepreneur. It has the capacity to drain a person's confidence and self-esteem easily, deterring ...
The Effects Of A Negative Attitude And How To Quickly Banish It From Your Life -- Robert N Jones - Rhodri Jones
The detrimental effects of a negative attitude hinder your life's progress and severely limit your life's satisfaction and happiness. Let me discuss some effects of having this debilitating ...
Enthusiasm: The Panacea and Magic Potion -- Nagen Bhusan Patnaik
The term 'enthusiasm' refers to a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become involved in it. Just start your day with a smile on your face and with lot of ...
Why Am I Shy Around People? -- Martin G King
If you are asking yourself this question and looking for an answer to it, look no further - this article will help you! I'll share with you three possible reasons of your shyness and three ...
How to Get More Confidence -- Martin G King
There are many ideas on how to get more confidence. In this article I'll show you five simple ways of improving your self-confidence and your life in general (because you have to be happy in ...
How to Improve Your Social Confidence? -- Martin G King
Looking for some tips on how to improve your social confidence? Look no further -this article will solve your problem! I'll share with you top three things that you can do to feel more ...
How to Regain Lost Motivation -- Errin Reaume
It's so easy to start a new project or exercise regimen. You have an initial burst of energy and optimism, but those feelings begin fade as the realities of the task presents itself, leaving you ...
How to Boost Motivation Levels -- Contributor
Having motivation means that you not only have the desire to achieve something but you also have the willingness to work hard to reach a goal. Follow these steps if you want to boost your motivation ...
How to Take Classes while Battling Depression -- Jacob Malewitz
It is hard to be in a rut, where every thought is of sorrow. Depression is a root cause of intense pressures. Sometimes school can intensify pressures socially, academically and fiscally. For a ...
How to Motivate ESL Students to Learn -- Miranda Morley
Learning to speak English as a second language is difficult. For students from kindergarten through grade 12, surrounded by English-speaking peers, it can be especially challenging. Frustrated and ...
How to Motivate Students to Learn English -- David Thyberg
Teaching English to non-native speakers presents a significant challenge. Language and cultural barriers make it especially difficult for beginning students grappling with English for the first time. ...
How Do Actors Lose Weight So Fast? -- Jae Ireland
Introduction In Hollywood, it seems like actors put on and drop weight for roles at an alarming rate. Once a young starlet has had a baby, her body bounces right back to its former glory. And actors ...
How To Feel More Successful In Life -- Kari Farmer
Every day you accomplish tasks, meet goals, check things off your to-do list, and become more successful in life. You continuously work towards having the life that you want, and everything you do is ...
You Can Be Successful In Anything That You Want To Do -- bit.ly
Do you want to turn your life around and start being successful at everything that you do? First you need to write down all the things that you dream of. Write down everything that you would like to ...
The Good News About Your Self-esteem … -- Kathleen A.
It’s so true that NO ONE wants to admit to having any type of diminished self-esteem. Admitting that seems to most of us to be as humiliating as walking around with LOSER tattooed on your forehead. ...
Overcome Stress And Anxiety With Effective Stress Relief Tips -- Nick P.
Are you encountering problems such as loss of sleep, getting regular headaches, and feel irritated most times? One of the reasons could be stress and anxiety, which has become a common problem among ...
When Is Complaining A Good Thing? -- Kari Farmer
Everywhere I go I hear complaining. It doesn't matter if I'm at the supermarket or at a family gathering. Complaining is almost always the tone of the conversation. Sound familiar? I used to ...
5 Common Blunders That Ruin Your Confidence and How to Cure Them -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
These habits of thinking are very frequent errors that people make talking to themselves. Thinking this way ruins your confidence, perhaps without your realizing it. It usually takes some practice to ...
6 Ways to Boost a Friend's Confidence -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
You see that your friend is suffering from a lack of self-confidence and you want to help. You care about them, but you don't necessarily know what is contributing to their lack of ...
Fix the 5 Health Problems That Can Cause Anxiety and Rob Your Confidence -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
Anxiety is a very physical condition. It doesn't just exist in your head. Your heart races. You are short of breath. Your hands shake and your underarms sweat. Many other more subtle changes ...
Change the 3 Bad Habits Guaranteed to Corrode Your Confidence -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
You want more confidence. It feels good to have confidence, because confidence is the polar opposite of anxiety, which is uncomfortable. You tend to avoid situations in which you feel uncomfortable, ...
5 Daily Do-Ables to Build Confidence -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
Your confidence level needs to be replenished daily as Mia Hamm of the US Women's Soccer Team said: Confidence takes constant nurturing. Like a bed, it must be remade every day. So make it doable ...
5 Steps to Build Solid Confidence -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
Building or cultivating confidence is an ongoing process. People are not born with confidence, nor is it just given to some people and not others. The most solid confidence is based on performance ...
Smart Confidence or American Idol Effect? -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
There is smart confidence and there is the "American Idol Effect." These are the two poles on the continuum; the extremes that range from one end of the spectrum to the other. And then there all the ...
6 Tips on How to Feed Your Confidence and Starve Your Fear -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
Avoid your dream and you feed your fear. Feed your fear and it grows. Eventually you will be ruled by your fear, as your life becomes smaller and smaller. You will have less and less confidence. It ...
5 Dumb Mistakes That Wreck Your Confidence and How To Remedy Them -- Lynn Kennedy Baxter
These mental habits of thinking and talking to yourself are very common mistakes. And they do wreck your confidence, perhaps without your realizing it. The remedies usually take some practice, but ...
How to Improve Your Life in 5 Simple Ways -- Cliff Yvon
Changing your ways and habits could be among one of the hardest tasks you will ever do. This would mean giving up your old habits, fixations, unhealthy lifestyles, and other unnecessary beliefs, ...
Instant Fix to Calm Anxiety and Stress -- Cliff Yvon
Stress and anxiety is a part of our everyday life and it's something we are all bound to deal with. There's no way for us to escape them and we should face them in a positive manner. Both ...
Top 3 Reasons to Add Affirmations for Success in Your Set of Tricks -- Cliff Yvon
Wouldn't it be nice to wake up each day feeling good about yourself? Isn't it great to feel happy, energized and motivated at all times? Having these bursting emotions everyday can bring ...
Can The Power Of Positive Thinking Really Change Your Outlook On Life? -- Cliff Yvon
While everybody has probably heard of the term positive thinking, not everybody believes it is something that can be used successfully. Most of the people who are skeptic about positive thinking ...
Top Tips to Instantly Boost Your Confidence -- Cliff Yvon
Everybody wants to showcase their inner strengths, skills and potentials to the world. Some are very confident in sharing their skills and knowledge while others are too shy and timid. Having a high ...
Top 11 Tips for Effective Weight Loss -- Cliff Yvon
We live in a fast paced dynamic world today. During our hectic schedules, many of us live an unhealthy lifestyle - poor diet, lack of sleep, and inadequate exercise. Over time some of us tend to ...
Get Rid of Your Limiting Beliefs Once and for All! -- Cliff Yvon
Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts and ideas that are stored within your subconscious mind. These beliefs are mostly gained from your childhood and life-long experiences. They are said to be ...
How to Make and Do Positive Self Affirmations -- Cliff Yvon
Ever wonder how business owners, athletes and artists become successful? If you are amazed at their achievements and you think you're left behind on their secret, you need to introduce yourself ...
Tricks and Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem Instantly -- Cliff Yvon
Everybody experiences those bad hair days wherein you don't feel good about yourself. You may feel uneasy, uncomfortable and timid because your feel that your self-confidence has all drained out. ...
Trying To Make New Friends -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
How do you create a new friendship and find someone who fits you and connects with you? It can feel hard, for if your job doesn't provide that kind of openness or availability with others, then ...
Changing Patterns In A Relationship -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
It is easy to get locked into patterns with another person and to find yourself expecting things to always stay the same. Patterns evolve usually because we are not allowing change to take place. We ...
Becoming A Better Communicator -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
Communicating in a way that is easily understood can happen when you are truly present with the conversation and the person you are talking to. If we are lost in our thoughts, then what we say and ...
Forgiving Others And Your Past -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
Forgiving someone after they have hurt you is the best and only option you have to release what happened. Forgiving something that happened in your past is also another way to let it go and move on. ...
Healing Your Heart -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
During certain experiences, we may find ourselves trying to protect ourselves by closing off our heart. We close off our emotions and shield ourselves from others and their behaviors so that our ...
Existing In The Moment And Not In The Future -- Zoe Young
When we project ourselves forward in time, we alter our behavior now. We change how we feel based on what may be. We begin to think differently because of our thoughts about the future. By being only ...
Exist As Your True Self -- Zoe Young
In order to awaken who you really are, you have to set free everything that is not you. Any part of yourself that has been built up, transformed, or altered and doesn't feel real is not you. By ...
Love And Our Expectations -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
During life, we all seek to know someone well enough to feel love and be loved; we seek to connect and be a part of another person's life. When we look for love, sometimes we are looking for a ...
Reality And Our Perception Of It -- Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto
When we let go of our ideas of the world around us, we begin to see what is really there. When we open ourselves up to what is real, we begin to live the life we are really living. Just by setting ...
Destiny And Living With Purpose -- Zoe Young
As we walk through life, sometimes we fumble and lose our way; we neglect to choose the right path or follow our destiny. How do we know when this happens? We know when we find ourselves living a ...
Finding Happiness Now -- Zoe Young
We all seek happiness in our life; we all want to find peace, contentment, to be at ease, and feel fulfilled. And yet how often does this really happen, and what is the key to finding this? How can ...
Stress And Your Response -- Zoe Young
When we are in a stressful situation, it is hard for us to respond or react clearly. We are overwhelmed by our emotions or thoughts, and therefore cannot see the situation for what it really is. We ...
Loss Of Energy Due To Emotional Issues -- Zoe Young
Our energy levels change constantly, and they can be a reminder of how we are doing internally. If we look at how we feel and how much energy we have, it often correlates because how we are feeling ...
The Moment You Are In Is The Only One That Exists -- Zoe Young
Being in the moment is a very important tool to finding happiness in your life, for if we are forever looking elsewhere, we will never be happy now. If we are always looking back at the life we had, ...
Letting Go Of Negativity -- Zoe Young
How we look at our life and the world around us has a lot to do with how we live our lives. If we see our lives from a point of view that is pessimistic, negative, or without hope, then this is what ...
Being Open To Your Future -- Zoe Young
Life is not about making plans or deciding how your future will be. The life we live is about right now, today, and no other time. When we let go of our ideas for our future, when we shed our ...
Obsessive Behaviors And Their Source -- Zoe Young
Obsessive behaviors occur when one is trying to make themselves feel better; it is a mechanism created by the need to sooth, compensate, or satiate an issue. The behavior is a way of trying to ...
What Does It Mean To Be In The Moment? -- Zoe Young
What is the meaning behind being in the moment; what does it really do for us? Existing solely in the moment you are in allows you to connect to what is real. Anytime we are withdrawn, distant, or ...
Succeeding In Your Life -- Zoe Young
Getting what you want in life is vital to your happiness and success. Fulfilling our desires gives us hope and helps us to strive for more in future endeavors. By accomplishing what we set out to do, ...
What Is Acceptance? -- Zoe Young
To accept something is to let it be as it is, to not fight it, not even the idea of it, internally. It is to be open to what is, however it may be, without resistance. It is the understanding that ...
How To Be Present In Your Life -- Zoe Young
Staying present in life seems harder than it is. It is not about controlling yourself or always reminding yourself to stay present. In fact, it is the release of all of that that makes it possible. ...
Waiting For Life -- Zoe Young
Do you feel confused about your life or lost? Does your life feel like it has no purpose or plan, that you are just using up time? Do you wonder when it will get better and when will you start really ...
What Peace Means -- Zoe Young
Being at peace is the state of being where one is, fully immersed in life, living connected and completely accepting of all things. It is living without struggle, resisting change, or withholding ...
Living Your Destiny -- Zoe Young
When we think of our destiny, we think of fulfilling our purpose and living our life as we are meant to. But what does this really mean? Are we not already living our life doing what we do every day? ...
Finding Your Self-Worth -- Zoe Young
When you look at the very core of who you are and ask yourself why you believe you are worth less, what do you hear? What put this in your thoughts originally, and why is it there? For the doubt ...
Self-Improvement - How Can You Enjoy an Adventure Without Leaving the Area Or Spending Money? -- Linda Hancock
We are living in a world that places time, energy and financial demands on us. At the same time, we have probably more opportunity than ever to add a little adventure into each day without spending ...
Self-Improvement - Speaking the Truth -- Linda Hancock
If you ask my grandchildren "What does your grandmother love more than you?" they will answer "The truth". You see, when people speak the truth life is easier. You don't have to try to analyze ...
Self-Improvement: Hoarding -- Linda Hancock
Television has recently opened the public's eyes with their weekly series entitled "Hoarding". Many had no idea that others live like those portrayed in the show. Mind you, the producers likely ...
Self-Improvement: Are You Lonesome Tonight? -- Linda Hancock
"I'm bored". I used to think that this meant that there wasn't enough to do. Now I know that the person who makes the statement actually wants to be entertained or have someone else pay ...
Self-Improvement Means Taking Things One Step At A Time -- Linda Hancock
So often I hear clients tell me that they can't start something because they might not like it. For example, they explain that they would not apply for a specific job because the employer might ...
I Want to Be Happy! -- Linda Hancock
So many times I have people say that they will be happy once a specific event occurs. They think that once they move into the new house, start their job, travel or retire they will be happy. But it ...
It's Time To Give Thanks! -- Linda Hancock
Many people complain and complain about things or people in their lives. Some even seem to have nothing positive at all to think about. No matter how difficult we believe our situation is, however, ...
When To Say No To Get To YES -- Karen Keller, Ph.D
Knowing when to say no is a major first step in getting to yes. How? Psychologically, when people hear no their immediate reaction is how they can turn that 'no' into a yes. For instance, ...
What Happened to Your New Year Resolutions? -- Alexandra Sleator
The first three months of 2011 are now behind us. Spring is in the air. And so, I have a question for you: what happened to your New Year Resolutions? And how about your objectives at work? More than ...
How to Confidently Deal With Conflict -- Alexandra Sleator
This article follows on from a previous one entitled "Three Easy Steps to Self-Confidence" which described a simple 3-step model to remain self-confident during delicate moments with difficult people ...
Three Easy Steps to Self-Confidence -- Alexandra Sleator
Challenging conversations, confrontations, difficult people - all these things keep us awake at night. That is because self-confidence during delicate moments with family and friends is sometimes ...
When Saying It Is Hard To Do, Put Those Emotions In A Bottle - Message In A Bottle - Bottle Those Emotions -- bottlemeamessage.com
Life is short, too short to not say what you have to say. But sometimes saying those important words to that special friend or special someone, the emotions overwhelm us and we can't say them the ...
Improve Your Life And Relationships With Online Self Help Guides -- Jeremy C.
There are many people who still, after many years of life, do not know who they really are. This can cause problems in life from relationships to work situations and even into parenthood. It used to ...
Self Development Tips For A Better Future -- Jeremy C.
Success should be a part of every individual's life. Everybody dreams of being successful but few actually make it. In order to achieve success you have to think about the journey and not about ...
The Principles Behind Personal Mastery -- Jeremy C.
It is important that you understand and develop the skill of identifying and knowing your strengths and weaknesses in order to be able to develop those that will make you stronger and let go of those ...
The Lifelong Process Of Personal Growth -- Jeremy C.
Personal growth is a lifelong activity, although when we are young it can be easy to think that the process should be complete when we are done growing physically. It is an ongoing process just like ...
You Can Channel Creative Energy By Finding Balance In Life -- Jeremy C.
People in the present age have forgotten the art of enjoying leisure. People keep running after material fulfillment but continue creating vacuums in their hearts. Soon, their lives become a sorry ...
An Easy Way To Overcome Fears -- Jeremy C.
It may sound a little strange, but just learning to breathe properly will help you to overcome fears. One particular fear a few people have is when they are about to drive over a bridge. This ...
Are You An Inspiration by Those Around You? -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
To inspire is a gift. No one has the power to influence others positively sans making them feel that you are one good person through and through. When we see a person exuding with confidence in life, ...
Respect Yourself By Not Allowing People Treat You Like a Doormat -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
Every one of us deserves respect. Sans it, we feel unworthy. And when this feeling reaches the very core of our being, dangers of multiple dimension sets in. Yes, as learned person, you need to ...
Stress - What It Is, Causes and How to De-Stress Yourself Through These Powerful Tips -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
Ask 20 persons about what stresses each one of them and chances are, you might get 20 different answers, lest one or two of them do not know what it is. In fact, according to The American Institute ...
Traits of Bullies You Should Know - Here Are 8 -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
It is vital to know a bully's traits before you fall victim to his/her trap. Yes, it is a sort of protecting yourself from a bully's claws when you know all this tips and be prepared to ...
Easy Targets of Bullies - Are You the One? -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
Around 54 million Americans have been subjected to bullying. This silent epidemic wrecks havoc to company's productivity and workers mental or emotional health. Good for you if you haven't ...
Anger Is a Sign of Helplessness and Desire to Control Others -- Larry Icabandi Nabiong
I had one time heard a story about a manager who was always getting angry. No matter what his subordinates were doing just to please him or what, they could not get it right. It is as if it was hard ...
15 Components of Trust -- Tristan Loo
The word trust comes from the German word “trost” which means comfort. Trust is having the confidence or faith in another person to do what they say they will do. It means believing in the ...
Rest Your Stress -- Kenn Griffiths
The difficulty with life’s problems is that they tend to occupy massive parts of your mind. When you are ‘troubled’ the more you try to put the problem out of your mind the more it seems to be ...
Dealing With Unresolved Issues -- Kenn Griffiths
All of us at some time or other have had times in our lives when we have not dealt with some difficulty that has arisen. By dealing with it I mean that we have not addressed it emotionally. It has ...
Anger Management Techniques: How -- Dr. Joe James
One anger management technique that is particularly important is to be aware of how you and your partner respond to each other in everyday conversation. Forget the big fights; its these little ...
Self-reliance Must Be Earned & Learned By Each Person -- Jim Cathcart
Self-Reliance must be learned anew by each generation Nobody grows up knowing how to make it on their own. If they did it would require them to make all the mistakes of the previous generations just ...
Motivation Is Needed More Than Ever…intelligent Motivation -- Jim Cathcart
I bought a new car recently and so did many other people, but not nearly as many as a couple of years ago. It’s real clear that the marketplace is taking more naps than buying trips these days. ...
Self-reliance Must Be Earned & Learned By Each Person -- Jim Cathcart
Self-Reliance must be learned anew by each generation Nobody grows up knowing how to make it on their own. If they did it would require them to make all the mistakes of the previous generations just ...
How To Defeat Your Critics – For Nerds, Dreamers, Geeks And The Crazy Ones -- Joe DePalma
Have you ever noticed that a critic gets much more attention when they criticize something negatively than they do if they were to celebrate that same thing positively? That is the fundamental factor ...
Conflicting Truths: When Motivational Words Of Wisdom Backfire On You! -- Joe DePalma
Conflicting Truths: When Motivational Words Of Wisdom Backfire On You! Have you ever noticed that sometimes those friendly bits of advice and Motivational Words of Wisdom from your friends, family ...
The Good News About Your Self-esteem -- Kathleen A.
It’s so true that NO ONE wants to admit to having any type of diminished self-esteem. Admitting that seems to most of us to be as humiliating as walking around with LOSER tattooed on your forehead. ...
Reduce Sports Stress In 5 Best Approaches -- Nelson Berry
Being an athlete can be very rewarding. You get to pursue one of the things you love to do, be paid handsomely, and even keep your body physically fit and healthy. But it also brings a lot of danger ...
Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -- Nelson Berry
You think it will never happen to you, but post traumatic stress disorder can affect anyone. What is post traumatic stress syndrome? Post traumatic stress, usually abbreviated as PTSD, is a real ...
Instant Calming Techniques For The Stressed Out -- Nelson Berry
There are times when we just can’t help but feel simply stressed out. Before you turn to antidepressant meds or before you drive yourself crazy with all the things you worry and stress out about, ...
Love or Die! -- Hifzur Rehman
If you cannot love, you can't live because love is the soul of life. Can you imagine of living without soul? Of course not! What love really is? Love is much more than the romantic feelings, ...
Talk and Solve Problems -- Hifzur Rehman
Are you facing problems in your life and don’t know how to solve them?Are you passing through a difficult time of your life and don’t know how to get out of it? Are you in the grip of unfavorable ...
Play a BIGGER role in life! -- Hifzur Rehman
Did you ever think that you are not playing the role which you should play in your life? Don’t you think that you are born to play a leading role, a much bigger role in the real drama of your life? ...
You Are Beautiful -- Hifzur Rehman
Yes, it is true, you are beautiful beyond any doubt. Did you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possesses? That beauty is something very ...
Your Bad Habits Are Your Worst Enemies -- Hifzur Rehman
It is a fact that we all have bad habits, whether we admit or not. And it is also a fact that we all have to pay a price for our bad habits, in one way or the other. I am giving below some of the bad ...
How to Become a Successful Person -- Hifzur Rehman
It’s a dream of everybody to become a successful person. Isn’t it? Then why most people remain losers and unsuccessful throughout their lives? A very simple answer! They do not possess the ...
Actions are the First Step to Get Success -- Danica Wang
Everyone has incredible power, which makes great vision into reality, we must stimulate inner potential. If you do not want behind others, please wake up giant in your mind. Maybe he is sleeping, so ...
Successful Persons Have Three Common Characteristics -- Danica Wang
First point is that successful man depends on wisdom to make money, not just efforts. Those people who really work hard, they just have enough food and clothing. Look at all the workers, they just ...
How To Get People To Respect You -- Peter Murphy
In everyday life there are two different kinds of respect that you can get from those you interact with. Whichever you should be due depends on the particular situation that you are in. However, the ...
How To Get People To Talk To You -- Peter Murphy
Knowing how to get people to talk to you can be a bit of an awkward experience, especially during times when you are first getting to know a person. With time and familiarity, it becomes easier, but ...
How to Get People to Talk About Themselves -- Peter Murphy
How do you get people to talk about themselves? Most people like to talk about themselves and what is going on in their lives with those around lives. By sharing things about oneself with others it ...
How To Get People To Take You Seriously -- Peter Murphy
Even world leaders are not taken seriously all the time. However, when people are not taking you seriously there are some things you can do to let them know that you are serious and that they should ...
How To Get People To Shut Up -- Peter Murphy
Some people talk just to hear themselves talk, while others have to explain every minute detail of their lives. Some people never seem to shut up, no matter whether they are monopolising the ...
How To Get People To Trust You -- Peter Murphy
The most valuable asset anyone can have, in interactions with others, is trust. Trust is the number one value between parties of any interaction. Even when first meeting someone we automatically ...
How To Get People To Understand You -- Peter Murphy
There will be times, with all the interactions you have on a daily basis, that someone is not going to understand you. At work you may try to explain a procedure to a co-worker; in a social ...
7 Tips For Setting Goals The Smart Way -- Anthony D Carter
Setting goals is the key to continued success in life. It is far easier to set solid goals if you have a solid formula for doing so. SMART goals give you that formula. Here are seven tips for setting ...
Achieve Your Goals - A Gameplan for Success -- Anthony D Carter
Goal achievement contributes to increased happiness and fulfillment. In order to consistently hit your goals you need a process that yields dependable results. Here is a 5 point game plan for ...
Goal Achievement - 3 Ways to Persevere Until You Hit Your Goals -- Anthony D Carter
Successful goal achievement requires steady effort. In order to hit your goals you will need to develop perseverance. Here are 3 ways to improve your perseverance. Readjust your plan-When faced with ...
Goal Achievement Secrets - How To Hit Goals That Matter To You -- Anthony D Carter
Goal achievement brings happiness and fulfillment. If you have failed to hit your goals in the past then you have experienced the frustration and disappointment associated with not accomplishing the ...
Goal Setting - 7 Tips for Setting and Hitting Your Goals -- Anthony D Carter
Goals can help you accomplish great feats. Here are the top keys to setting and hitting your goals. 1-Set Specific Goals- Do not set general goals. Identify a definite target. The more specific the ...
Goal Achievement - 3 Tips for Goal Setting Success -- Anthony D Carter
If you read a few books of goal setting, you can come up with the most useful ways to go forward. For sure, just thinking about something and hoping it will come about, will definitely not get the ...
Goal Achievement - 4 Tips For Moving Forward -- Anthony D Carter
Goal achievement requires forward momentum. Moving forward is critical to you reaching your goal. You cannot allow yourself to get stuck along the way. Even though we are all different, there are ...
Why You Must Have Courage If You Are to Be Successful -- Anthony D Carter
To succeed you need courage. When you decide to step out and live your life on a higher level you will separate yourself from the masses. In doing so you will stand out but you also begin living a ...
How to Achieve Success - There Are No Gains Without Pains -- Anthony D Carter
In order to succeed it is necessary to overcome obstacles. You may face difficult situations but it is worth it. As they say in weightlifting circles, "No Pain, No Gain." You have to go through the ...
If You Don't Feel Success, Consider Reinventing One's Self -- Anthony D Carter
If you feel as though you are not as successful as you would like to be you can change that. You can reinvent yourself. You can be the person that you really want to be. Here are three ways you can ...
The Importance of Self Motivating to Success -- Anthony D Carter
In order to succeed it is vital that you motivate yourself. It is not wise to depend on others to motivate you. Here are six reasons why it is important that you use self motivation for your success. ...
The Importance of Taking the Initiative and Creating Success for Yourself -- Anthony D Carter
Success doesn't happen automatically. You cannot wait on good fortune to come to you. You have got to go out to meet it. That will take some initiative on your part. Here are five reasons why it ...
Goal Achievement Keys - Is This One Thing Causing Your Failure? -- Anthony D Carter
The achievement of your goals depends heavily upon your habits. Your daily habits are either moving you forward or stopping you dead in your tracks. Here are three symptoms of a person with bad ...
Success Tips - Why A Sense Of Purpose Leads To Happiness -- Anthony D Carter
A sense of purpose can help you live a happier life. There are many benefits to having a sense of purpose. Here are three of them. Eliminates Confusion When you know where you are going in life you ...
Succeed by Raising Your Positive Expectancy -- Anthony D Carter
Your expectation contributes to your destiny. If you expect the worst then you set yourself up to receive it. This works the same way when you expect the best outcomes to happen. Use these strategies ...
Get Motivated With These 7 Tips -- Anthony D Carter
Getting motivated requires your focus in a few key areas. Here are 7 tips for increasing your motivation. Get A Dream- Get a big dream that motivates you to do whatever needs to be done. If your ...
The Top 5 Things to Do For Maintaining Motivation -- Anthony D Carter
1 - Set goals - Write out a set of goals that you can strive to hit. A set of goals will keep you motivated. When you have goals you wake up everyday with a mission. You have something clearly ...
Goal Achievement Tips - Setting Goals in the Short, Medium and Long-Term -- Anthony D Carter
Goal setting success is easier if you break your goals up into smaller parts. Setting short term, medium term and long-term goals help you to achieve your goals in a structured manner. Here is a ...
Motivation Advice - 7 Keys to Getting Motivated -- Anthony D Carter
Motivation is available to you when you need it. It does not matter if you have faced setbacks or disappointments. Even if you have loss your momentum you can get it back. Here are 7 keys to getting ...
Success Tips - 10 Ways to Improve Perseverance -- Anthony D Carter
Perseverance is a vital component of successful accomplishment. In order to achieve your goals you have to endure setbacks and disappointments. Perseverance is one part of the price that you will ...
Five ways to become happy without trying -- Jordana Divon
While self-help manuals offer countless complex strategies for boosting your mood, the most effective ways to become happy often require no effort at all. As simple as a walk on the beach, or two ...
Learn The Negative Side Effects Of Stress Today By Chase Crawford -- Chase Crawford
Do you spend too much time at work and when you finally get home you feel so tired that you go straight to bed? If you have your own family do you still have the energy to spend time with your kids ...
Easy Ways On How To Find Happiness -- Chase Crawford
Are you happy with your life? For most of us, we will require at least a couple of minutes to assess ourselves before we can provide a confident answer to that question. But the truth is a lot of ...
9 Tips Mum Didn't Give You About Dating! -- Andre Palmer
1st - Your profile is important. Think carefully about how you present yourself, what pictures to show and what you call yourself. Be positive, do not let bitterness shine through. Avoid phrases such ...
What Mum Didn't Tell You About What Happens When You Fall In Love -- Andre Palmer
Your body may behave differently when you're in love compared to when you are not. That's because the brain interprets your feeling (love) like there is something important going on. Then it ...
What Mum Didn't Tell You About Love And Violence -- Andre Palmer
Violence is not a sign of love. Many yearn to be in love after meeting someone. When you get together with someone you often think that life is fun, that you feel safe, affirmed and loved. Most of ...
What Mum Didn't Tell You About Un-Returned Love! -- Andre Palmer
Being in love is not something you can control, it can, and will happen, whether you like it or not. And it can grow, or disappear without you controlling it. Being in love is not something you ...
What Mum Didn't Tell You About Daydreaming And Goals! -- Andre Palmer
What are you thinking about right now? Something you just read, or what to cook for dinner tonight? Did you know that most people spend nearly half their time daydreaming? Unlike animals, we can ...
What Mum Didn't Tell You About Being A Better Person, Starting Right Now! -- Andre Palmer
Do you want to be a better person but don't really know where, or how to start? It is easier than you think and there are a number of things you can do to get started. Do something nice today to ...
5 Most Common Relationship Problems! -- Andre Palmer
Crisis 1 - Just After Falling In Love, the new love feeling not as strong! The first intense love rush has died down and the two I must be a common we. You discover each others weaknesses and are ...
Learn From Criticism! -- Andre Palmer
Do not turn away, or ignore harsh criticism - It helps you to grow and develop. Taking criticism in all the wrong ways is very common. It is natural to get defensive, but it is dangerous to always ...
How to Live Consciously Every Day -- Devin Licastro
What does it mean to live consciously? To me living consciously means to live in a way where you are constantly working on the improvement of yourself and your life on a daily basis. It's about ...
Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason? -- Devin Licastro
"It happened for a reason" Quite often when something negative happens someone will try to comfort us with the phrase "It happened for a reason." This is quite a loaded phrase implying that whatever ...
How to Relieve Intense Emotions -- Devin Licastro
Stepping out of the comfort zone Travelling isn't all beautiful beaches, fun parties and awesome adventures. Anytime you travel you step out of your comfort zone, away from the securities of the ...
The Power of Decisions -- Devin Licastro
I think it was Tony Robbins that once said: "Our power to make decisions is what proves we are alive" It's what separates us from the plants and shows that we have a mind. When we're faced ...
How to Learn to Jump on Life's Opportunities -- Devin Licastro
Freezing water In Canada when the weather is nice we love to go swimming. Even in the summertime however, when the sun is hot, the water we swim in is often still pretty darn cold. Just dipping your ...
Don't Create Negativity -- Devin Licastro
In life I believe that you shouldn't live by other peoples rules, and you shouldn't care what others think of you, but also that you should hold yourself to your own standard of rules for how ...
Deciding Between Material or Experience -- Devin Licastro
In today's world there's an incredible amount of importance placed on material possessions. Success today is often measured by how nice your watch is, how fancy your car is, and how big your ...
Why You Shouldn't Rely on Others -- Devin Licastro
Travel has taught me becoming self reliant is an important virtue. When you rely on yourself you're in control of your life, you're future depends on you, and the path you take through life ...
What Will Truly Make You Happy? -- Devin Licastro
I'm a believer that no matter what country your from, no matter who you are, no matter your past or your current situation... there's one thing we all want from life... we all just want to be ...
How to Overcome Life's Disappointments -- Devin Licastro
Here in China I have been struggling with something... and to be honest I've been struggling with it off and on pretty much my whole life. Recently however something has clicked. A shift in my ...
10 Ways to Change Your Life Forever -- Devin Licastro
Hold yourself to the advice in this article and you will completely change your life forever. In the world of personal development there's always a new method to try or a new idea to pursue or a ...
How Do You View Reality? -- Devin Licastro
I think it's important at life to find your own belief about what reality is. About why the universe is here... why we exist... why was there a big bang... what happens before and after we die if ...
101 Ways to Overcome Shyness -- Devin Licastro
Shyness can hold us back in many areas of our life. Overcoming our fears, and our anxieties while building courage frees us to live the kind of social life we want. The following list contains 101 ...
Good Decisions, Bad Decisions -- Hubert Crowell
This is about decisions that we all make every day throughout our lives. We all make decisions, some are good and some are bad. Many are quick and some are well though out. Some of us even make ...
How To Be Calm, Cool and Collected In 3 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Why do we need to know how to be calm, cool and collected? That's because all of us get stressed. The things we have to do and the problems we have to solve - they never seem to end. With too ...
Motivating Students To Learn: 5 Tips To Enhance Their Passion For Learning -- Michael Lee
Why is motivating students to learn so important? Well, young children always seem to be very curious, always eager to learn and experience new things. But as they grow older and start school, this ...
Predicting Human Behaviour: 3 Things To Watch Out For -- Michael Lee
Predicting human behaviour can give you an advantage in any situation. By being able to anticipate how a person might respond or react, you can steer it to more or less the direction you want it to ...
What To Do When You Feel Hopeless: 5 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
It's important to know what to do when you feel hopeless. Why? In at least one point in our lives, we have all felt alone and helpless. Sometimes we feel like we've reached a point of rock ...
Interrupting A Conversation Politely: How To Interrupt Without Being Rude -- Michael Lee
It is never easy finding yourself in a situation where you need to interrupt the conversation. Sometimes, your friends are talking among themselves and there is something you can't wait to tell ...
From Introvert To Extrovert In 4 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Why would you want to change from introvert to extrovert? Obviously, it's tough being an introvert. You'll feel shy and awkward. You'll find it hard to approach strangers and introduce ...
Staying Focused On Goals In 5 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Most people lead busy lives and have countless work to do. With endless tasks, responsibilities and distractions, staying focused on goals can really be a challenge. Not everyone is born a ...
Finding Direction In Life With 3 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Why is finding direction in life so difficult for many people? The most probable reason is that they are busy and occupied with so many things. But despite all these tasks, routines and ...
Random Acts of Kindness List: 20 Ways To Show Your Good Side -- Michael Lee
It always feels good to do random acts of kindness, because it exemplifies the saying, "Be the change you want to see in the world." But doesn't it feel like the world is such a big ...
How To Be More Outgoing and Confident In 5 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Want to know how to be more outgoing and confident? Then this article is for you. We all know that shyness is a crutch. It's frustrating and debilitating. It makes you pass up or miss out on ...
How Not To Be Shy Around People: 5 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Want to know how not to be shy around people? If you often feel self-conscious and awkward, find yourself saying all the wrong words (or shutting up entirely), and not being able to do or say what ...
How To Stop Worrying About Everything: 4 Awesome Tips -- Michael Lee
Sometimes, we just don't know how to stop worrying about everything. We can't stop thinking about the worst-case scenarios, the what-ifs, the negative thoughts, the never-ending ...
How To Stop Obsessive Thoughts In 5 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Want to learn how to stop obsessive thoughts that keep you stressed, troubled and unproductive all day? Then this article is for you. You don't have to suffer from fears, worries or doubts stuck ...
Interesting Questions To Get To Know Someone Better And Build Rapport -- Michael Lee
Do you know some interesting questions to get to know someone better? Do you often find yourself asking the same boring, run of the mill questions and getting the same predictable answers? You ...
How To Tell What Someone Is Thinking Using 3 Mind Reading Tricks -- Michael Lee
Believe it or not, learning how to tell what someone is thinking is quite possible. Lucky are those who have the actual ability to read exactly what a person is thinking; but to be honest, you ...
How To Win A Girl Over Using 5 Simple Tips -- Michael Lee
If you can learn how to win a girl over, then you can do anything! This is not to say that wooing a lady is difficult; it's just that mastering this skill gives you mastery over a lot of other ...
How To Win A Guy Over: 3 Easy Tips To Make Him Yours -- Michael Lee
Knowing how to win a guy over doesn't require good looks or a head-turning body. It's true! If you look around, you will see many less-attractive girls who have cute dates or hot boyfriends. ...
Changing Core Beliefs In 3 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Changing core beliefs doesn't happen overnight. Though change is inevitable, there are some things that you just can't change right away, especially those you've grown up with. If all ...
5 Positive Attitude Activities For An Awesome Life -- Michael Lee
Positive attitude activities help us deal with the pressure of everyday responsibilities. Now more than ever, we are faced with different challenges and become vulnerable to stress, making it hard to ...
How To Be Optimistic And Happy In 5 Easy Steps -- Michael Lee
Learning how to be optimistic and happy can be the key to living a content, enlightened and peaceful way of life. Since we are often faced with trials and stresses, it is very important to have a ...
How To Impress With Words In 3 Simple Steps -- Michael Lee
Knowing how to impress with words can help you in so many ways. It can help you communicate your message better, create more impact and get ahead. Using the right words is, of course, important in ...
Attitude Is Everything, So Lose Yours -- Brett Thrailkill
"Attention XYZ passengers, flight #123 will be delayed," came over the airport speakers. Knowing my fellow travelers, I knew that theatrical complaints would be forthcoming. I sat back and ...
Are you Hanging in There? -- Michael A. Verdicchio
Probably, many a time that you have asked someone, "How are you doing?" and they responded back by saying, "Oh, I'm hanging in there." There's a friend of mine that when I ...