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Lessons & Classroom Games for Teachers

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Pen, paper and board games - ESL lesson -- Simon Mumford
Low on resources? No photocopier? Time to fill? Here are some activities which need no other material than a pen and board and pen and paper. Manual mouse clicks Write the words you want students to ...

Puzzles To Teach Vocabulary - ESL lesson -- Sally Jennings
A Puzzle to Teach Vocabulary Class teams will compete by each making a “cross out puzzle.” This puzzle is a grid about six columns wide, by 10 lines long, solved by crossing out words ...

Categories using ten words - ESL lesson -- Pierre Gauvin
Writing everything that comes to mind is what this activity is all about. The learners must scramble to write as many words related to a particular subject during a specific time period. The subject ...

The Perfect Society: A WebQuest on The Giver - ESL lesson -- Nellie Deutsch
The Perfect Society! A WebQuest on The Giver by Lois Lowry Introduction Lois Lowry wrote a novel about a community that seems to function perfectly. The Giver appears to describe a perfect society. ...

ESL Teacher Robin Day Lessons: Countable and Non-countable Nouns - ESL lesson -- Robin Day B.Sc. M.Sc. B.Ed.
COUNTABLE and NON-COUNTABLE NOUNS This is a standard topic to teach in ESL/EFL classes. Beginner teachers do not do a good job of it and I have seen students get mixed up or confused in Korea and ...

Book Review and Reflection - ESL lesson -- Nellie Deutsch
Book Review and Reflection Read a book in English and fill in the following information: Your name: Your e-mail: Information about the book Title: Author: Number of pages: Please answer the following ...

An Old Favourite Revisited - ESL lesson -- Dave
Hi, For Conversational English exercise, the game "Twenty Questions" is simple, fast and can be made as easy or as difficult as you choose. "Twenty Questions" has been around for a very long time and ...

The Last Spin: A WebQuest on Teenage Gangs - ESL lesson -- Nellie Deutsch
Using a WebQuest for ESL/EFL literature lesson based on The Last Spin by By Ed McBain / Evan Hunter A Lesson Plan: Using A WebQuest for an ESL/EFL literature lesson based on The Last Spin By Ed ...

700 Idioms defined in context, and a sample short story - ESL lesson -- Sally Jennings
I am an ESL tutor with a BA in English (language) and extra courses in Lingusitics. I have developed a guide to 700 idioms, slang, and proverbs defined by using a short context statement for each ...

Reading Comprehension - ESL lesson -- Nellie Deutsch
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Online Distance Learning Online distance learning is an instructional system which connects learners with educational resources. ...

ESL speaking activity - ESL lesson -- Said-Ali
Trends, Internet… my life Type of activity: group work Level: pre intermediate up to advanced Aim: To talk about trends and discuss the importance of internet in our life in groups Preparation: ...

Card games for This/That/These/Those and Singular/Plural - ESL lesson -- Jason D. Renshaw
From English Raven's Cardgames collection for Young Learners of English http://www.englishraven.com/trgamessingplural.html http://www.englishraven.com/cardgame_main.html Teaching the different ...

ESL game: Running words - ESL lesson -- Said-Ali
Running words Type of activity: whole class Time: 10-15 minutes as a warmer You will divide class into four teams. Students will be given particular topic. They will choose one secretary to each ...

A Literature-Based Lesson - ESL lesson -- Khalid Al Seghayer, PhD
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Tools for Teachers: Dolch Sight Word Resources for Young Learner Reading - ESL lesson -- Jason D. Renshaw
Tools for Teachers - English Raven's Dolch Sight Word Resources http://www.englishraven.com Jason D. Renshaw THE DOLCH SIGHT WORDS - AN OVERVIEW The famous Dolch Sight Word lists are named after ...

Yoghurt and Vocabulary for Primary School - ESL lesson -- Dave
I enjoy eating flavoured yoghurt - lots of it - and I also enjoy teaching primary school classes. I teach in China and I devised the following game when a class of primary school kids were suffering ...

Body Language - ESL lesson -- Brenda Townsend Hall
Body Language Introduction This lesson gives practice in using the present simple tense. Text Read the text below and check the meanings of any words you do not understand in a dictionary. When we ...

Creative Movement for Children - ESL lesson -- Kids on the Move!
Lesson #35: Rocket Day Objectives: To understand personal and general space while practicing locomotor skills and patterns. Materials Needed: Aluminum foil Toy rockets (or paper towel tube; 1 per ...

Advice on how to teach English to a student with a learning problem - ESL lesson -- From our discussion forum
Dear Kwako, I'm trying to teach privately a 11-year old with a learning problem - she's really struggling with English. She likes to play video games. I am the 5th teacher they hired for ...

Listening - ESL lesson -- franklin johnson erowe
Of the four language skills, listening has been sadly neglected. students develop a certain degree of proficiency in reading, writing and speaking but not in listening. Their listening comprehension ...

Lesson by a Chinese student learning English - ESL lesson -- Anne Wang
I'm not good at writing, really. But it takes a lot of practice as my foreign teachers told us. He told us not to only memorize vocabularies but to make use of them. He made us listened to songs ...

Common Errors in English (Words Mispronounced) - ESL lesson -- MA.LOURDES EUFROCINA M. PALCUTO Ph.D
WORDS MISPRONOUNCED English does not have a perfectly regular system of spelling. Many words are wrongly pronounced because the spelling suggests a certain pronunciation which is not correct. The ...

ESL game and questions only, please - ESL lesson -- Said-Ali
It's me Ali again to this site with my NEW game. I am really happy to share my ESL games with my enthusiastic friends who are far from their home lands teaching ESL in China. Type of activity: ...

Teaching Prepositions - ESL lesson -- Said-Ali
ESL Game Teaching Prepositions This game worked well in my classes especially when I applied it as a warmer up. I wanted to share it with my friends who are doing their best teaching ESL overseas. ...

Management Survey - A pre-intermediate lesson - ESL lesson -- English-to-go
Pre-Intermediate Instant Lesson™ Management Survey Pre-Reading Activities A: Vocabulary Part One: Match the following words with their meanings: Words company manager survey ...

French lesson with audio (116 audios) - ESL lesson -- ESL Teachers Board
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Brain-Based Learning and Feelings: A lesson plan - ESL lesson -- Nellie Deutsch
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Creative Approach to Authentic Materials in ESL - Introduction - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Warm Up Activities using Authentic Materials (Part 1 of 5) - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Teaching Reading with Authentic Materials (Part 2 of 5) - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar with Authentic Materials (Part 3 of 5) - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Teaching Writing with Authentic Materials (Part 4 of 5) - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Teaching Communication with Authentic Materials (Part 5 of 5) - ESL lesson -- Eva Homolova, ESL/EFL Teacher Trainer
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Sketch and Hint Game (whole language) - ESL Teacher Robin Day Lesson -- Robin Day B.Sc. M.Sc. B.Ed.
I start using this game with very young children, phonics level, but it works best with 10+ children. Kids learn a few nouns and short sentences with the appropriate body language. It may not be ...

ESL Game: Hand-Pizza, Handburger, Sandwich, Sushi roll, Gim-bab - ESL Teacher Robin Day Lesson -- Robin Day B.Sc. M.Sc. B.Ed
This game or lesson is intended for small children in phonics level, or just above. The drama of pretending stimulates imagination and the children build up their foods vocabulary. They like the ...

Korean Essential Classroom Commands/Words for ESL Teachers with Audio - ESL lesson -- ESL Teachers Board
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New hangman game (over 450 words), including 48 terms from the Lord of the Rings movies - ESL lesson -- ESL Teachers Board
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Food - ESL lesson -- Tim
Food Make a list of foods and fruits you use in your country in cooking. Vegetables Fruits What are some fruits and vegetables and meats that are only eaten in one country. For example quandongs are ...

Spanish lessons with audio (over 100 audios) - ESL lesson -- ESL Teachers Board
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German lesson with audio - ESL lesson -- ESL Teachers Board
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ACTIVITY 1 : GETTING ACQUAINTED OBJECTIVES : To share something about self in a non-threatening way and learn from others. TIME LIMIT : 30 - 45 MINUTES PROCEDURES : A. 1. Form a circle of chairs. ...

Word Surfing in organized vocabulary notebooks - ESL lesson -- Will McCulloch, Vocabulary Developer
"Word Surfing" in organized vocabulary notebooks (secondary and adult) Common sense tells us that as more words can be used in a meaningful manner, the easier it becomes to communicate effectively. ...

Japlish and ESL - ESL Teacher Robin Day Lesson -- Robin Tim Day and Bryony Keleher
An ESL lesson: Japlish and ESL plus International Japanese Words Japlish is like Konglish (Korean English). People are very interested in the distorted or hybrid English words for different reasons ...
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