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Angry People: Poem Analysis - ESL Teacher Robin Day Lesson
By:Robin Day B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed. <cowboy4444@hotmail.com>

Another poem for analysis.

Angry People

Confronted with direct antipathy?
This meeting was sad serindipity.
Maybe you should run?
This isn't much fun.
Sip deep from the cup of tranquili-tea.

Dec. 2005

Go through the poem analysis steps described earlier.
1. Students look up unknown words.
2. Do they recognize the poem form or format, a limerick?
3. Note the rhyme.
4. Look for the pun in the last line tea/tranquility. Explain pun.
5. Ask them, collectively, to re-write the poem in a simple form on the board. This shows if they understand.
Copyright 2005 Robin Tim Day

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