English schools in Latin America
The American School of Pachuca is a bilingual, multicultural educational community located in the San Javier residential community of Pachuca, Hidalgo. Founded in 1927 by the American Mining and Smelting Company, the school became a non-profit association in the 1950s, and now operates as the only school with a fully bilingual faculty in the state of Hidalgo. In fact, we currently employ more than 30 foreign teachers and 50 Mexican teachers, serving approximately 830 pre-kindergarten through 9th grade students.
Our school has a bilingual and bicultural program that offers a unique learning opportunity. The American School has an enrollment of nearly 900 students in three levels: preschool (3 to 6 years old) primary (grades 1-6) and middle school (grades 7 to 9).
The two languages of instruction are Spanish and English. The curriculum in English is based on standards of the United States and all the teachers in the program are native speakers and educated in a foreign country. The teachers are both Mexican and foreign and have a teaching assistant for each group from preschool to sixth grade. The program in Spanish meets the standards outlined by the curriculum of the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) here in Mexico.
The campus of the school is equipped with a professional size soccer field, a fast soccer court, courts for basketball, badminton and volleyball as well as an auditorium in which occur extracurricular programs and activities of physical education.
The American School, A. C. is a member of the Association of American Schools in Mexico (ASOMEX) as well as the Association of American Schools of Central America, the Carribean and Mexico (Tri-Association) and participates in various activities that occur throughout the year within these associations.
We are also in the process of becoming the only internationally accredited school in the state of Hidalgo. The school has recently received accreditation from the world’s largest educational community of AdvancED, which will provide the school with links not only to other schools throughout Latin America, but in 65 different countries worldwide, which share a vision of academic excellence and high educational standards.
Valle de Anahuac S/N Fracc, Valle de San Javier CP 42086 Pachuca Hgo., Mexico
Phone (771) 7139608, 713 1058
Fax (771) 71 85 077
The American School of Pachuca is a multi-cultural, bilingual academic community that ignites students’ imagination and a lifelong passion for learning, fosters intellectual inquiry and growth, encourages the ongoing pursuit of innovation and excellence, and forms global citizens who practice compassion and integrity in their personal and professional lives.
The American School of Pachuca is a multicultural, bilingual academic community serving students of diverse cultures, forming creative and analytical thinkers, and preparing them for success in a dynamic and increasingly interdependent global environment
To integrate ideas from different theories of child development and learning in order to best promote educational development, and significant and democratic experiences for the students, parents and teachers.
We believe that all children can learn that each one learns in a unique manner. We believe that the educational experience should be meaningful and take place in an appropriate environment. We believe students need to learn about the world as it truly is, a world that is multicultural and in which the solution of problems and cooperation between people are the keys to success. We believe that education involves the entire person: mind, body and spirit.
To such end, the teachers and all personnel play an important part in modeling abilities, attitudes and desire to learn and improve, as individuals and as members of the community. Our program and practices are designed to promote our philosophy.
Director’s Message
The American School community has always been noted for having excellence as a central objective in the education of its students. In a bicultural atmosphere that includes both Mexican and foreign staff who are highly trained and educated, we are at the vanguard of curricular advances in educational theory and practices that include the use of emerging technology.
This web page is designed to provide information about teachers, students, parents and administrators on all levels. It also serves as a place to publish admission policies, special programs, and projects as well as being a point of contact for all members of our school community.
Our students, especially those of the secondary level enter our page constantly to consult homework assignments, practice and to post work themes from their classes and preview of upcoming topics. Consistent with the knowledge that the use of technology is fundamental for today's world, the computer classes, cover not only the SEP curriculum , but also assignments and outside class projects including orientation and training of all of our personnel.
It is important to note that different from other schools, who claim to be bilingual, that in this institution, the students are immersed in an authentic bicultural environment, and it is precisely this environment that makes possible the instilling of values such as tolerance, respect, democracy and solidarity among other fundamental values and to cultivate self-discipline as the best discipline tool period, our students, learn in English, not only the content area of English, for this reason as part of their education from preschool to secondary our graduates have an excellent fluency in English as a second language.
As General Director I feel very honored in having the privilege of coordinating these efforts in conjunction with teachers, administrative personal, parents and most important of all: our students.
Thank you for the confidence you have placed in our school.
Nicéforo Ramírez
General Director